14 Awesome Conversation Starters1.tWhat do you do for fun? Hobbies, recreation . . . 2.tWhat are your super powers? Gifts, talents, strengths.3.tGood morning! It’s great to see you! 4.tWhat is your story? Tell me about yourself.5.tWhat brought you to __________?6.tDo you have anything special happening in your life (or your business)?7.tWhat’s the best thing that’s happened this week?8.tAre you living your life purpose or still searching for it?9.tWhat gives you passion and makes you happy to be alive?10.tDo you have any pets?11.tHow do you know the host?12.tWhen you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up? 13.tIf you could go anywhere in the world, where would it be?14.tWhat’s next on your bucket list?