If your curiosity reaches a breaking point (compelled actually means that you only have the remaining choice to act on it, having tried all the other options before), and becomes fascination with mystery or truth, you find what you need. Maybe it’s a person, maybe it’s a tragedy, maybe it’s an explosive recognition that, “My God, I’m still alive.
About The Quote
- Alchemy
- Asian Philosophy
- Buddhism
- Cobalt Saffron Retreat
- Cobaltsaffron
- Cobaltsaffron Retreat
- Comparative Religion
- Conscience
- Creativity
- Curiosity
- Darrell Calkins
- Darrell Calkins Cobalt Saffron
- Darrell Calkins Cobaltsaffron
- Darrell Calkins Retreat
- Darrell Calkins Seminar
- Evolution
- Happiness
- Humor
- Imagination
- Inspiration
- Intuition
- Mysticism
- Personal Skills Development
- Purpose
- Taoism
- Transformation
- Well Being
- Zen