The ruthless, in the end, are the ones that will succeed.Those not held down by moral, by law, by emotion will triumph.Ruthlessness is the father of victory.Ruthlessness brings victory, but it also brings pain. The loss on one’s own hands and at the hands of others will burden one forever. But pain, too, is an advantage. Pain is a driving force. Pain can incinerate worlds.Pain creates drive, but it will take its toll.The victory that it brings lasts for a while, but the loss lasts forever.Loss without victory brings bitterness.Bitterness has advantages as well.Bitterness always remembers.Bitterness is the father of vengeance.But while it can lead to vengeance, it can also lead to self-destruction.Ruthlessness, pain, and bitterness are dangerous.If you are not careful, they will betray you. If you are not careful, they can very well destroy you.But to the shrewd, even this can be made an opportunity.Even ruin has its benefits.When ruination is at hand, there is nowhere to go but higher.Ruination is a chance for rebirth.Rebirth is a chance to correct old mistakes.Rebirth is a chance to destroy your enemy forever.

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