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Something about him feels like forever…
Jennifer Elisabeth
She had feared the worst, and even though at that very moment she would have liked to wring her neck, she was happy to learn that suicide was not one of the stupid things that Eve had in her repertoire. Suicide made no sense: situations change, people change, and the problems of today may find a solution tomorrow. So long as you’re in the game you can change the final score, but if you take yourself out of it, you’ll never know how it might have ended, and you let the world win.
Mirella Muffarotto
There will always be thosewho say you are too young and delicateto make anything happen for yourself.They don't see the part of you that smolders.Don't let their doubting drown outthe sound of your own heartbeat.You are the first drop of rain in a hurricane.Your bravery builds beyond you.You are needed by all the little girlsstill living in secret, writing oceansmade of monsters, andthrowing like lightning.You don't need to grow upto find greatness.You are so much stronger than the worldhas ever believed you could be.The world is waiting for youto set it on fire. Trust in yourselfand burn.
Clementine von Radics
Emotions don’t interfere in my acting, nor in my life.
Simona Panova
Even I don’t know myself... In fact, I don’t know if I really have a self at all, as I’m constantly playing different roles and pretending – not so much on stage as in real life...
Simona Panova
Have a look around, my pretty, we are surrounded by Death in all forms – just the two of us are still alive –
Simona Panova
I always am in a role, lovely – for you, for them – even for myself. Yeah... Even when I’m alone, I am still in a role – and I myself am the most exacting audience I have ever had.
Simona Panova
One can learn from what is not said.
C. Kennedy
As young adults, we were wearing the shoes of the new future. Our generation would soon be the ones to determine the political climate of our country, the constitution of a family, and the morality of man. What an awesome burden we carried.
Lynda I Fisher
To her, not packing our lunches every day or joining the PTA is a feminist rallying cry.
Christina Lauren
My sister burns, and she does not burn for you.
E.K. Johnston
Jack gave her a fierce look. “Your mother gave up the best thing she had in her life. I know you miss her, I know you’re confused and have all sorts of questions for her. But you’re better than her, Lola, you’re better than all of this. “She wronged you, not the other way around. You didn’t do anything wrong. You didn’t deserve what happened to you. She’s the one that needs to feel bad, not you. “Sometimes there are no answers. You have to accept that. Maybe you’ll never know what you think you need to know, but do you really need to know all the details, really? You know she wasn’t there when you needed her, she still isn’t here when you need her, but look around, Lola.” Jack opened his arms wide. “You got me. You got your aunt. Jared. Sebastian. Rachel. Even Isabelle. “You need to realize that and move on, as best you can. I had to realize that myself. When you let go of the pain and hurt and unanswered questions, Lola, then you’ll be okay. You’re safe now.” Jack pressed a kiss to her forehead. “You’re safe now. Remember that. Believe that.
Lindy Zart
Milcas raced out his door, anxious to find the answer to this riddle and discover the source of hope for a Roegan in Fargranther; the propellant of an unheard of, forgotten, impossible, and by all accounts, damned idea.
Evan Meekins
The dominoes of fate are falling down as we are speaking, and Ferriar knows what will happen when the last one crashes down.
Evan Meekins
Some justice, though did not deal with kindheartedness or good feeling toward others. No, justice had a darker side, a gray area where it mingled alongside vengeance, and only the wise and pure of heart were able to tell the two apart. That kind of justice was swift. It was only called upon afer mercy and morals fail. It was the darkest form of goodness known to anyone, even the gods, and required only the strongest, most daring men to bring about.
Evan Meekins
Do not forget about the butterflies.
Evan Meekins
They were rebellious through their artistic expression and their uplifting spirits
Evan Meekins
He is a free man, not because is in a poition of political power and influence that you will never be able to achieve, and not because he has more character and heart in his fingertip than you have in your entire being, but because he is a man, and is thus entitled to be free.
Evan Meekins
The festive music died down and the granite pillars were replaced with rotted wooden beams as he continued down the alleyways. The scent of fresh flowers turned to mold, and the colorful mosiacs of honor and nobility were nonexistent. Run-down tenements were shadowed by its surrounding buildings, as if the capital itself wanted to conceal its existence.
Evan Meekins
the illusion that power lies within the hands of the common man is more important than legitimate efficiency within the government.
Evan Meekins
Hate did not give way to heroism.
Evan Meekins
Respect the dead, learn from them, do not follow or avenge them.
Evan Meekins
War was easy. The hard part was cleaning up afterward.
Evan Meekins
We must kill the guard before we can enter the palace.
Evan Meekins
a true leader must be able to command with an iron fist, not just a humble heart.
Evan Meekins
Animals do not respect their master's brother, but they do respect their brothers as masters.
Evan Meekins
A true leader is not meant to be greeted with unanimous praise by his people. A leader is meant to be questioned, to be suspect, to be hated. If he is not, then one can easily assume that either he has not challenged his abilities as a leader by making a decision that creates a split between the people, or he is forcing his subjects to bow before him.
Evan Meekins
Even though we don't admit it, every single one of us aspires to be like somebody, whether they live in the world today, within the bard's lyrics, or on the pages in the Library
Evan Meekins
If we truly detach from our childhood and abandon our inherent romanticism, then we shred any bit of humanity left in us.
Evan Meekins
We can't change the world by shouting, but our words can have meaning if we give them enough respect.
Evan Meekins
Let your dissent fuel you, your anger inspire you, your rage convey you, and your fury strike a chilling fear onto the spines of your enemies.
Evan Meekins
it's through the simple things in life, through its games, when our minds mature the most and we grow knowledgeable. It's also when the cloth masks of our outer, false personalities are torn asunder, and we are able to see every last blemish of a man's genuine character that they hide beneath... no matter how dark or obscene it may be.
Evan Meekins
there are some some times in life where you have to let your feelings go and do what must be done
Evan Meekins
Before I fix the world, I have to fix myself.
Evan Meekins
While parchment may burn and gold may be stained or melted down, the things that are truly important to us will never lose their value.
Evan Meekins
Love is not measured by acts or years, but by truth between two people.
Evan Meekins
the bleakest situations bring out the hospitality in all of us, but it's during the harshest we find out how strong we really are.
Evan Meekins
With the threat of them being potential spies or saboteurs, nobody will argue against our actions, and history itself will vindicate us.
Evan Meekins
Heralds don't sing about men who lived in orthodoxy or played it safe, they sing about men who lived an uncertain future and took enough risks to make your head spin.
Evan Meekins
Woe is the mind of the common man, so easily controlled by the prospect of an ambition never to be truly attained. This is what tyrants live on and by what commoners are blissfully burdened and subdued.
Evan Meekins
There is no right or wrong, only what we believe is more right or more wrong
Evan Meekins
We need to talk," he insisted, opening the door to his jeep that was parked next to my car. I was still holding out hope this would end and I would see his smile soon. "What's wrong?" I retaliated before I go in. "There's something you need to know, something I haven't told you," he said, taking my backpack from me.
S.G. Holster
Gina was beautiful like a sunset. You see it and you think of how beautiful it is, and then it’s over and you move on. But Trista was beautiful like a song. The kind of song you play over and over and never get sick of hearing. The kind of song he wanted to write for her, but he knew he would never be able to string together the right combination of notes to show her how he really felt.
Christopher Stocking
The only wand you'll ever need is a better-feeling thought.
C.G. Rousing
You're not safe with me."He cut me off, seeming to growl. "I don't want to be safe. I want to be with you. You can't do this alone.
S.G. Holster
I knew nothing of death, and, for some unexplainable reason, I was beginning to feel guilty for that. -Jessica
Shannon A. Thompson
I wasn’t sure what was worse: being oblivious or living within reality. (Eric)
Shannon A. Thompson
Don’t trust anybody else—no matter how close you are to them.” (Eric)
Shannon A. Thompson
I wanted to protect her, and, if I couldn’t do that, I’d at least be there for her. (Eric)
Shannon A. Thompson
My insanity begged for a distraction. (Eric)
Shannon A. Thompson
I wasn’t in the mood for a fight, but fights weren’t always conveniently scheduled. (Jessica)
Shannon A. Thompson
Everything seemed so unreal—so supernatural—and I had to remind myself that is was. We weren’t human. We never were. (Jessica)
Shannon A. Thompson
I’d prefer you accuse my son, so he can defend his innocence rather than prolong unnecessary guilt." (Spoken by Bracke, told by Eric)
Shannon A. Thompson
Identity was everything, but it seemed I never had one. (Jessica)
Shannon A. Thompson
Just because I wasn’t human, didn’t mean I could discount human life. (Eric)
Shannon A. Thompson
Shadows could be anywhere in blackness. (Eric)
Shannon A. Thompson
Her kiss could kill us, and my consent signed our death certificates, selfishly and without control. (Eric)
Shannon A. Thompson
I wanted to survive—not for my kind, but for trust, for friendship, for another being. (Eric)
Shannon A. Thompson
I didn’t even have a name for her, shade or human, but I didn’t need one to know her. (Eric)
Shannon A. Thompson
...it’s my job to lead you to success, and, if you fail, it’s because I failed, not you.’” (Spoken by Bracke, told by Eric)
Shannon A. Thompson
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