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A voice cannot carry the tongue and the lips that gave it wings.
Kahlil Gibran
Behind my eyelids, I saw him dancing in spirals of coloured light, emerald, blue, and brilliant purple, enfolding him like the wings of an electric angel.
Alexis Hall
ALATE POSTULATEWhen angels were invented, flight required wings
Kamil Ali
Feathers layered like dragons’ scales,their symmetry perfectly fledged,framing slender shoulders; sublime.A tumble of red tresses shimmer.Soft wings arch toward the sky.Once a cherub, she has grown.A young woman now, strong and lithe.Powerful with stormy eyes alight,windswept in her glory.An angel in body and spirit.- Winged Justice
Mara Amberly
They [Erasers] were bad fliers," Angel chimed in, "And in their minds, they weren't all kill the mutants, like they usually are. They were like, remember to flap!
James Patterson
I feel as though I have leapt off this massive cliff and I am still building my wings… Everyone just assumes I know how to fly, but I am pretty sure I am only falling gracefully and hoping to miss the ground.
Thomm Quackenbush
When I am brave enough to say goodbyeI'll use the wings you gave meand away I'll fly
Celia McMahon
Carry your wings of hope so high in the sky that there is no room left for disappointments.
Heenashree Khandelwal
When deciding whether or not to go for your dream, remember that you don't need a bigger net, you just need bigger wings.
Sheri Fink
Breath (from the book Blue Bridge)Whispering to myselftWith every step I take,Trying out names, for I knowtThere is something yet to be called …..I know it, something up aheadtJust around the bendOr over the rise –tA bird taking to the skyFrom the edge of a jagged cliff – A bird floating outwardsIn silence ……. A silencetWaiting for a footstepTo crunch on stones,tFor a voice to fling upwardThrough sharp sunlighttWith a name…… callingBefore the bird could calltBefore the bird called.Oh the bird was there alrighttAnd sure it took flightWhen it heard me approachtBut it broke my heartWith a mighty croak!So I’m sitting here playingtWith a purple flowerSlender stem, no leavestPurple fizz –And it’s quiet again.tI am stillI am nothingtAnd the hillIs a long, long slopetDown, down, down to the seaFar below.I could rolltI could runI could screamtBut I am nothing.A cool wind blowstAnd the light is naked and namelessAnd the rocks are faces of angelstAnd the bird in the sky wheelsAnd cries to forget the earthtAnd its ancient bones –Oh, sensual pain –tWings…. Wings…. Wings,Singing wings.If only I could begin To describe the emptinessWhich fills me to the brimtWith new breathI might almost lose my nametAnd take instead a feather for my soul.
Jay Woodman
You never needed wings to fly,You only needed love.
Jenim Dibie
If you never dream of flying, then you'll never wake up with wings.
Natalie Kendall
Extreme right-wingers are known for giving God a bad name; extreme left-wingers are known for giving God a weak name. He's not as simple as conservative versus liberal, old versus new. His wings are balanced. God is both and neither.
Criss Jami
I may not have wings, but my hands do a better job in wiping away the tears anyway.
Hillary Wen
Psalm 57:1--Have mercy on me, my God, have mercy on me, for in you I take refuge. I will take refuge in the shadow of your wings until the disaster has passed.
Ronie Kendig
I always wondered why god has not given us wings ... it has given us Will instead .. fly or not not to fly.. its up to us
Sagar Gosavi
Take these broken wings and learn to fly.
Paul McCartney
They lit her wings with the flames, but she raised to the sky soaring over the clouds until the whole sky caught fire. She flew staring at the destruction with her cold eyes, while the clouds came down as the balls of fire and burnt everyone, who tried to take her wings away into ashes.
Akshay Vasu
I want more of this feeling - fire and wings.
Jean Rhys
She flew across the turbulent gust.Her eyes fixed, her wings strongShe flies and flies and flies along.To reach high, to open her wings to the breathing sun rise.
Debatrayee Banerjee
If only our eyes were silver feathered wings, undoubtedly, we would lash-lift our shimmered lids to the highest of life's limitless heights...then innately, instinctively, intentionally we would fly.
Tracey Bond
Angels walk among us, Sometimes the only thing we may not see are the wings upon their backs.
Molly Friedenfeld
The winged beasts and angels know, that mortals cannot fly. But how I flew to see the sun; a broken bird am I.
Craig Froman
I pray that I'll have wings one day, in which Your light adorns; but for now please let me be Your servant, Lord, like an angel not yet born.
Lisa Mischelle Wood
Oh No! My wings are effed up!
Tammara Webber
Zachariah, Zachariah,' whispers Rachel, casting a practised eye over the back of his head and down the length of him, from the shoulder blades where his wings once grew, epochs ago, in some other guise: angel—guardian, avenging—or great vagrant bird—Daurian Jackdaw, Chimney Swift, Pacific Loon!
Emma Richler
My mama steps out of her dressand drops it, an inheritance falling to my feet.She stands alone: bathed, blooming,burdened with nothing of this world.Her body is naked and beautiful,her wings gray and scorched,her brown eyes piercing the brown of mine.I watch her departure, her flapping wings:She doesn’t look back, not even once,not even to whisper my name
Brenda Sutton Rose
...only more keenly aware of how her soul starved within her, its wings wasting with the despair of disuse.
Alison Croggon
Writing lets you be, say, and do anything. It's sugar for your ego and wings for your ideas.
A.M. McKnight
Ancients pulled metals more precious than gold from the center of the earth - They spun into giant lacy wings that flew them to the stars and back "Is that what you'd do with wings?"She shook her head "No, I'd fly to the stars, but I'd never come back
Mary E. Pearson
You have always given me more than I gave to you. You were the wings on which I soared.Lotte Lehmann
Lotte Lehmann
I pretend to reach for them, but before he can guess my intentions, I catch one of his wings instead. He flutters, trying to break loose, his one free wing batting my hand.I draw out the decanter and stuff him into it, careful to fold his wings. I don’t want to hurt him. I just want to better him.Once he’s settled inside, I shove a paper towel into the bottle’s neck. No need to worry that he’ll smother. After all, he spent that night in a bug trap last year and sur
A.G. Howard
Angels do walk among us. Sometimes the only thing we may not see are the wings resting upon their backs.
Molly Friedenfeld
Can I ask you something very personal while you try things on?”“Yes, of course, what do you want to know?”“…well, it’s just that… I don’t want to offend you,” she said uncertainly. “Oh come on, Akane, out with it!” Mitsuko prompted her, “I want to know the answer too!”“Very well,” agreed the little auburn pixie and cut to the chase: “Where are your wings?”The question was so unexpected that I burst out laughing. “I had to part with them when I came down to Earth. “It’s something every angel has to deal with if they’re planning to spend any length of time down here.”“And what’s your life like, up there?” Akane asked. “In the Kingdom of Heaven, we live as beings of pure light.” “Up there, there’s no such thing as fear, pain, hot or cold. We don’t know hunger, suffering, ageing or death. We have no need of food and we don’t sleep. We are the messengers of God and we watch over the lives of mortals. We come to Earth often, but only as spirits, and once we’ve completed our task down here, we always go back to the White Woods.
A.O. Esther
I wouldn't mindif life left me...winglessburnt to cindersripped by stormsscattered...like weedscelestially woundedwithout cherry blossomsto perish withbut I would crywith head held in my handsif it left me...unfulfilled.
Sanober Khan
If only I had wings, I would not hesitate to fly away from my mistakes.
Delano Johnson
A woman without her sister is like a bird without her wings.
Moosa Rahat
On the wings of love I soared high in the sky, free as a bird feeling blessed that I could love once again. That tight knot in my stomach which always drained my emotions had suddenly disappeared. “I’m free at last ” I shouted with unbridled glee.
Latika Teotia
Or was that fatalism another good move in design space? Did the universe evolve eyes and wings and sense organs and bitter amusement at the prospect of death all the same way?
James S.A. Corey
I am tired of having handsshe saidI want wings —But what will you do without your handsto be human?I am tired of humanshe saidI want to live on the sun —
Louise Glück
He rolled his eyes and took my hand. His hand was hard and calloused, tough with muscle and old scars.The night settled around us like a blanket. I could hear the water lapping against the dock. We were totally alone.“You’re . . . ,” he began, and I waited, heart throbbing in my throat. “Such a pain,” he concluded.“What?” I asked, just as his head swooped in and his mouth touched mine. I tried to speak, but one ofFang’s hands held the back of my head, and he kept his lips pressed against me, kissing me softly but with a Fanglike determination.Oh, jeez, I thought distractedly. Jeez, this is Fang, and me, and . . . Fang tilted his head to kiss me more deeply, and I felt totally lightheaded. Then I remembered to breathe through my nose, and the fog cleared a tiny bit. Somehow we were pressed together, Fang’s arms around me now, sliding under mywings, his hands flat against my back.It was incredible. I loved it. I loved him.It was a total disaster.Gasping, I pulled back. “I, uh—,” I began oh so coherently, and then I jumped up, almost knocking himover, and raced down the dock. I took off, flying fast, like a rocket.
James Patterson
Sitting makes us think of standingOur current stance keeps on demanding We wish to fly without the wings Puppets move before pulling the strings
Munia Khan
Fang swerved closer to me, big and supremely graceful, like a black panther with wings. Oh, God. I'm so stupid. Forget I just said that. "He needs a Band-Aid," I said. A look passed between me and Fang, full of suppressed humor, relief, understanding,love — Forget I said that too. I don't know what's wrong with me.
James Patterson
He screamed in agony as large black wings erupted from his back - each had four large talons on it.
Alan Kinross
If it wasn’t for all those silver wings spread out to help you on your journey, you would’a been dead or someplace screamin’ in a nut house a long time ago.
The whole purpose of the construction of The Bridge of Silver Wings was to provide a path leading to The River of Winged Dreams, or to serve as a resting place until the river’s deeper and truer nature revealed itself.
They celebrated the sins, while the kindness continued to weep in the corner. The swords of the demons shined brighter, while the wings of the angels were crumpled and bled.
Akshay Vasu
Not every winged Creature is considered a bird or a bat. Some wings are made of magic.- Raani York – 2013 -
Raani York
I’ve been lucky enough to cross paths with these angels who seem to brush the dust off my wings so effortlessly. These wonderful people I don’t and will never know. I want to be one of them. I want to be many of them. Radiating, resonating, finding lost souls and then exhaling magic.
Hillary Wen
Leave the comfort of your dark cocoon... Allow your imagination to take flight. Embrace those marvelous magical wings and soar!
Melody Lee
When the weaver bird flies, nobody talks; when the busy bee flies, no one will make comments... But when a human being begins to fly, you begin to hear talks in the town such as "abomination!... where did he get the wings from?". Never mind! Your dreams are your wings, so decide to fly!
Israelmore Ayivor
Acceptance made her realize that she had it in her to boldly and gracefully handle her own life. She found that she could lead a much better life if she let go of her past and started living in the “Present” .For the first time, in a long time, she found everything was so inspiring.She fell in love with life by growing Wings !!!
Latika Teotia
Death wins nothing here,gnawing wings that amputate––then spread, lift up, fly.
But when she finally got the wings to fly she realized she had nowhere else to go to...
Sanhita Baruah
Unjustified ambition kills value,Kills someone else's desire to fly, Cuts their wings, sucks their air.If there is nothing else, it eats its own life.
Dejan Stojanovic
We watch the sky, we watch it alive and we watch it die, looking for signs. We live like wind, with hope in wings that we will get there, never sooner or never later, but at a right time.
Anthony Liccione
Develop the wings of loyalty and you will fly above the dooms of disappointments. Disloyalty has one whistle; when it’s blown, opportunities take to their heels!
Israelmore Ayivor
There is coming a day, when freedom will just be a essence of the mind, an inner dwelling that was once physically attainable. They will tell you where you can live, and what you can wear and drive, what and how much you can eat and drink, and how to purchase those. They will strip you of your religion, race, gender, national origin, age, color, creed, views and power, and have control of the population. They will set in a new world order, and put you in the back of the line, marked and branded. Everything before will be erased, and the new will be manipulated. And what you believe most, can only be kept secret, for all must fall in line of their govern. Anything outside will be abolished. Even death, will be sought, but restrained. They will execute complete and total control over everything, and be sole owners of your soul. The light, that once guided will go dim, and liberty will be like an unwilled bird, suppressed in the cage of your ribs; wings cut off.
Anthony Liccione
I think our job as parents is to give our kids roots to grow and wings to fly.Deborah Norville
Deborah Norville
It's been said that parents should give their children roots and wings. That was a perfect description of my parents. Even in a wheelchair, my father was a dreamer with his head in the clouds and my mother was the roots with both feet planted firmly on terra quaking firma.
Richard Paul Evans
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