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I have had a most unusual life so far. I know not why.
Donnie Harold Harris
Nothing is mightier than our why, nothing stands above it, because in the end there is a why to which no answer is possible. In fact, from why to why, from one step to the next, you get to the end of things. And it is only by travelling from one why to the next, as far as the why that is unanswerable, that man attains the level of the creative principle, facing the infinite, equal to the infinite maybe. So long as he can answer the why he gets lost, he loses his way among things. 'Why this?' I answer, 'because that," and from one explanation to the next I reach the point where no explanation is satisfying, from one explanation to the next I reach zero, the absolute, where truth and falsehood are equivalent, become equal to one another, are identified with one another, cancel each other out in face of the absolute nothing. And so we can understand how all action, all choice, all history is justified, at the end of time, by a final cancelling-out. The why goes beyond everything. Nothing goes beyond the why, not even the nothing, because the nothing is not the explanation; when silence confronts us, the question to which there is no answer rings out in the silence. That ultimate why, that great why is like a light that blots out everything, but a blinding light; nothing more can be made out, there is nothing more to make out.
Eugène Ionesco
To stupid or what???I really don't get it... why do you agree always!?Don't you have an opinion... so far I have onion with prefix "Op" and what somehow from nowhere a prefix and suffix I build a word called itself an a "opinion"...
Deyth Banger
To be closed as a person, it's not bad if you know that when this two rules, playing by your rules doesn't mean that you won't end up in jail, security why?We both know that everyone dies... it really doesn't matter who is first... in the end all die!
Deyth Banger
No oppressive order could permit the oppressed to begin to question: Why?
Paulo Freire
God Himself even "forgets" the wickedness committed by those whom He has forgiven. That's why it is never too late to clean up your life.
James C. Dobson
Why do we cry when somebody die, we can't bring him, back we just lose time crying and feeling miserable and after few days we just find that we can't bring him! (Note: I have Written a story about my dog which died, in the series of The Life Of One KId)
Deyth Banger
The biggest problem which is ever than is from the parents by saying "Don't give your money to the kids" or something like this. People must learn to risk, to make risks, not to be people which to play safety. If it is safety where is adrenaline? Where is the mess?? Where is the curiosity?? Where is the reward after all done??Where are the challanges which change your way of thinking?? Where are the lessons???Parents should teach their child or children about safety and about the risk. "They must say to them that to make risk is the part of the proccess!
Deyth Banger
You like my quotes..., because of what???You know me??You think that you understand me... or why??
Deyth Banger
That's why we seize the moment try to freeze it and own it, squeeze it and hold it.
You want to kill me??- So I guess that truth hurts, but why it hurts?Lie doesn't but truth does??How does it happen??So you go... you say "Well, well pretty nice made knife..." and you are looking it by moving it like rotate and such type of stuff and one moment you want to kill me. But why??Is it because I just "I lived" or it was because of "Listen" or it was because of "The Walk"??or what's the answer?
Deyth Banger
YThat perfect letter. The wishbone, fork in the road, empty wineglass. The question we ask over and over. Why? Me with my arms outstretched, feet in first position. The chromosome half of us don't have. Second to last in the alphabet: almost there. Coupled with an L, let's make an adverb. A modest X, legs closed. Y or N? Yes, of course. Upside-down peace sign. Little bird tracks in the sand.Y, a Greet letter, joined the Latin alphabet after the Romans conquered Greece in the first century -- a double agent: consonant and vowel. No one used adverbs before then, and no one was happy.
Marjorie Celona
I explored because I was feeling really crappy, and I wanted to know why
Steven Magee
Sometimes I just want to gone from the internet to become invisible, but still I don't do anything. Sometimes I do something on the facebook or other social networks and I don't want to go and see the consequences, but why???
Deyth Banger
My father never was a famous guy, he was just a person which made a lot of mistakes. But the suicide wasn't the best path, the best choice it was a way which could be skipped by using something else, by doing something else.But the question is why did he do it?To make mad and crazy the daughter of his ladylove??
Deyth Banger
I can't get it why did I name my book series, I'm talking about "The Life Of One kid". I'm talking about the last word "Kid"?? Aren't your curious I'm with British Accent and putting "Kid" the American word for child the last? I'm also curious I still don't know, I really don't know why. Child sounds like a baby maybe that's all, kid sounds like a child in aobut 7-8 years old!
Deyth Banger
Who am I??I'm a person who was scammed by somebody and who scammed people - First! (Don't worry that's my past! Everyone have such past do they??)I'm the guy who was punched and kicked in School when we are talking about this (This reminds me for some films like Monk - check out he in school (his past!))I'm the guy who follow the crowd, what I found was horrible that I went in a place where most people play the games which other play like "League of Legends" - outside and home all they talking about this game which one round takes 60 minutes. I'm now 2016 year in school and still listening about the football what has happen, who has played, who has won, who has won privious round, which is the best team and I'm sure that I'm genius because of listening this discussion. I can say it from here....I'm just ironic, I don't like football, logicaly I don't like to listen => so I don't like to watch why?? You must find out!
Deyth Banger
You’re angry at me,” she says.I stop crying at once. My whole body goes cold and still. She squats down beside me, and even though I’m careful not to look up, not to look at her at all, I can feel her, can smell the sweat from her skin and hear the ragged pattern of her breathing.“You’re angry at me,” she repeats, and her voice hitches a little. “You think I don’t care.”Her voice is the same. For years I used to imagine that voice lilting over those forbidden words: I love you. Remember. They cannot take it. Her last words to me before she went away.She shuffles forward and squats next to me. She hesitates, then reaches out and places her palm against my cheek, and turns my head toward hers so I’m forced to look at her. I can feel the calluses on her fingers.In her eyes, I see myself reflected in miniature, and I tunnel back to a time before she left, before I believed she was gone forever, when her eyes welcomed me into every day and shepherded me, every night, into sleep.“You turned out even more beautiful than I’d imagined,” she whispers. She, too, is crying.The hard casement inside me breaks.“Why?” is the only word that comes. Without intending to or even thinking about it, I allow her to draw me against her chest, let her wrap her arms around me. I cry into the space between her collarbones, inhaling the still-familiar smell of her skin.There are so many things I need to ask her: What happened to you in the Crypts? How could you let them take you away? Where did you go? But all I can say is: “Why didn’t you come for me? After all those years—all that time—why didn’t you come?” Then I can’t speak at all; my sobs become shudders.“Shhh.” She presses her lips to my forehead, strokes my hair, just like she used to when I was a child. I am a baby once again in her arms—helpless and needy. “I’m here now.”She rubs my back while I cry. Slowly, I feel the darkness drain out of me, as though pulled away by the motion of her hand. Finally I can breathe again. My eyes are burning, and my throat feels raw and sore. I draw away from her, wiping my eyes with the heel of my hand, not even caring that my nose is running. I’m suddenly exhausted—too tired to be hurt, too tired to be angry. I want to sleep, and sleep.“I never stopped thinking about you,” my mother says. “I thought of you every day—you and Rachel.
Lauren Oliver
A Mark that spoke of loss was still a Mark, a remembrance. You could not lose something you never had.
Cassandra Clare
Why people like to be kicked and punched in the face. The game is famous as box??What's the inspiring thing?? Do you know that every punch in the head you lose a cell or cells so it's possible in the near future all boxer to be stupid. Why??Because of the punches!...But still I don't see where is the Adrenaline in this sport?? There are random punches or kickes without thinking just dicide it to do it for fun. But in games like chess there is strategy + logic!
Deyth Banger
Sometimes, you must know "Why", that happen, or this will happen...!?
Deyth Banger
Why are you here, Wesley?”“I told you,” he said. “I got worried. You’ve been avoiding me for the past week at school, and when I called you today, you didn’t answer. I thought something might have happened with your dad. So I came to make sure you were okay.”I bit my lower lip, a wave of guilt washing over me. “That’s sweet,” I murmured. “But I’m fine. Dad apologized for the other night, and he’s going to AA meetings now, so…”“So you weren’t going to tell me?”“Why would I?”“Because I care!” Wesley yelled. His words crashed into me, stunning me for a second. “I’ve been worried about you since you left my house a week ago! You didn’t even say why you left, Bianca. What was I supposed to do? Just assume you would be all right?”“God,” I whispered. “I’m sorry. I didn’t-”“I’m worrying about you, and you’re fucking that pretentious little-!”“Hey!” I shouted. “Don’t bring Toby into this.
Kody Keplinger
Once again discovered: Do what you do because you enjoy. If expect others to give credit or honor your work, you are due for disappointment
Phillip Gary Smith
I never wake up in the morning and wonder why I am here. I wake up and wonder why I am not making here better.
Jeffrey Fry
I can't get why people are afraid of books or films which are horror. What's the scary of the film "Cube 1,2,3" - Yeah it was brutal I get scary, but after an hour I'm fine. I just continue to live my life. I check out "Saw", the most brutal film ever watched, yeah I could have some kind a bad thoughts and other stuff about the film. Like to think that this guy "Saw", is there with the bike, but after few days everything it went on the right path. I had chance to see what is the real face of the killers - "Saw" and what does goverment do "Cube"!GreenMile was a sad story, I still can't believe that Stephen King has written it!
Deyth Banger
So why do I write, torturing myself to put it down? Because in spite of myself I've learned some things. Without the possibility of action, all knowledge comes to one labeled "file and forget," and I can neither file nor forget. Nor will certain ideas forget me; they keep filing away at my lethargy, my complacency. Why should I be the one to dream this nightmare?
Ralph Ellison
(Meanwhile, other people seem to be getting along with God just fine, very well indeed. Why not me?)
Lauren F. Winner
If you can do it, why you won't do it???If you have chance why you won't use it?
Deyth Banger
I little miss that part, why you want to kill me??Because I'm not afraid of choosing and you are??I'm clever and this is like a gift and you are stupid and you can't say it. Because your self confidence goes lower and lower.
Deyth Banger
Why?Why?Do you follow me and then unfollow me?Do you add me as a friend and then delete me?
Deyth Banger
Oh, oh human stupidity, probably that's why I don't succeed with mankind, somebody says "Can I stop by?" you answer "Okay..." or "Sure""... but why and saying what you are doing in case he hasn't asked you?
Deyth Banger
You are alone... you put it like that "Come and Fuck me"... or "I am free.."... but why???
Deyth Banger
If you saw the size of the BLESSING YOU ARE BECOMING, you would understand the magnitude of the battle you are fighting!
Michele Jennae
I cannot do anything fake; that is why even when I sleep with a prostitute, she falls in love with me.
M.F. Moonzajer
This process of breaking the old habits and making new ones requires strategic planning. Your vision is your why, while your strategic plan is your how. Even though the details are essential and knowing your numbers are important, it is the burning desire in your heart that will get you to the outcome you expect.
Farshad Asl
Are you planning to kiss me?' Aedan asked.'No.' Emroy wrinkled a pimply nose.'Then why are you standing so close?' Aedan's tone was perfect innocence.
Jonathan Renshaw
It doesn’t matter why I want to leave. You’re the reason I want to stay.
Emily Hainsworth
Yeah. I know why she cuts. I just don’t know the seed-reason. It’s deep inside her, and it’ll take time and patience to get it out of her.
Jasinda Wilder
I may not know why, but I do know why not and this is where I stand.
J.R. Rim
Don’t keep running the race of life with the same heavy load of mistakes and indecisiveness! You may grow weary and weary! Mistakes lead to discovery, but not all the time! Mind your mind, and for a moment, realize where you have reach, and drop your loads!
Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
When life brings you mountains, you don’t waste your time asking why; you spend your time climbing over them.
A.J. Darkholme
Why are you suggesting something… then deny to tell the whole thing?
Deyth Banger
What is it you really want? Are you really going to be happy when you get the object? What will it bring you? Is what you’re telling yourself really true? You have the choice, you can keep on getting hit by the wave or you can get the courage to run towards it and dive right through it - everything starts with you.
Evan Sutter
It’s only a cut, a reminder of this day. A reminder to ask every day, Why am I doing this?
Victor Robert Lee
I try to maintain a positive attitude at all times, because clients notice little things like that, and if you're frowning and crying all the time and saying "why? why?", they get worried.
John Swartzwelder
If I know the end of a book or a film I want to know why it happen...
Deyth Banger
(A point of view of a stupidy of mankind)...Hey... did you check out the book by Stephen King in 7 June published??... (I was talking to one friend if I can put him as a friend...)The teacher says "Stop with this books.."... pff I said once not twice, why to stop?
Deyth Banger
The AI told her not long ago that her "Why?" period might have been the shortest on record - because Mum and Dad answered every "Why?" in detail AND made sure she understood, so she wouldn't ask that particular "Why?" again. After a month "Why?" wasn't fun anymore, and she went on to other things.
Anne McCaffrey
I made a lot of mistakes, one of them was to promise. I must stop promise, the promise is like something which you in everytime in any case you must do what you said you will do! - That's why I hate it!
Deyth Banger
Here's how man thinks: "If no one's done it, why should I try? It's a waste of my time; but if he's done it, I can do it better.
Nabil N. Jamal
Why is it deemed justifiable and appropriate for cops/policeofficers to kill other cops (friendly–fire) and citizens?Why do cops kill?Are they not taught to maim or slow down someone runningor reaching for a weapon?If not, why not?Why do cops kill first and ask questions last?Why are police officers being military trained?What can we as citizens, taxpayers, and voters do to stop thesekillings and beatings of unarmed people?Why do we let this continue?How many more must die or get beat up before we realizesomething is wrong and needs to be changed?Will you, a friend, or a family member have to be killed or beatenby a cop before we realize that things have to change?Who's here to protect us from the cops when they decide to useexcessive force, shoot multiple shells, and/or murder us?
Obiora Embry
Here’s the thing, people: We have some serious problems. The lights are off. And it seems like that’s affecting the water flow in part of town. So, no baths or showers, okay? But the situation is that we think Caine is short of food, which means he’s not going to be able to hold out very long at the power plant.”“How long?” someone yelled.Sam shook his head. “I don’t know.”“Why can’t you get him to leave?”“Because I can’t, that’s why,” Sam snapped, letting some of his anger show. “Because I’m not Superman, all right? Look, he’s inside the plant. The walls are thick. He has guns, he has Jack, he has Drake, and he has his own powers. I can’t get him out of there without getting some of our people killed. Anybody want to volunteer for that?"Silence.“Yeah, I thought so. I can’t get you people to show up and pick melons, let alone throw down with Drake.”“That’s your job,” Zil said.“Oh, I see,” Sam said. The resentment he’d held in now came boiling to the surface. “It’s my job to pick the fruit, and collect the trash, and ration the food, and catch Hunter, and stop Caine, and settle every stupid little fight, and make sure kids get a visit from the Tooth Fairy. What’s your job, Zil? Oh, right: you spray hateful graffiti. Thanks for taking care of that, I don’t know how we’d ever manage without you.”“Sam…,” Astrid said, just loud enough for him to hear. A warning.Too late. He was going to say what needed saying.“And the rest of you. How many of you have done a single, lousy thing in the last two weeks aside from sitting around playing Xbox or watching movies?“Let me explain something to you people. I’m not your parents. I’m a fifteen-year-old kid. I’m a kid, just like all of you. I don’t happen to have any magic ability to make food suddenly appear. I can’t just snap my fingers and make all your problems go away. I’m just a kid.”As soon as the words were out of his mouth, Sam knew he had crossed the line. He had said the fateful words so many had used as an excuse before him. How many hundreds of times had he heard, “I’m just a kid.”But now he seemed unable to stop the words from tumbling out. “Look, I have an eighth-grade education. Just because I have powers doesn’t mean I’m Dumbledore or George Washington or Martin Luther King. Until all this happened I was just a B student. All I wanted to do was surf. I wanted to grow up to be Dru Adler or Kelly Slater, just, you know, a really good surfer.”The crowd was dead quiet now. Of course they were quiet, some still-functioning part of his mind thought bitterly, it’s entertaining watching someone melt down in public.“I’m doing the best I can,” Sam said.“I lost people today…I…I screwed up. I should have figured out Caine might go after the power plant.”Silence.“I’m doing the best I can.”No one said a word.Sam refused to meet Astrid’s eyes. If he saw pity there, he would fall apart completely.“I’m sorry,” he said.“I’m sorry.
Michael Grant
I don't know why but they you said it I started believing it.
Salman Naveed
And for a second, just for a second I forget. I forget that this isn't real.
Jenny Han
GreenHollyWood blocked me on skype..., and why???I can't make black jokes???So you can make, but I can't so sad!
Deyth Banger
Well... "why" is a hard question to answer in any language.
Elizabeth Gilbert
Not everyone can experience what other people can... That's why movies come out... films and books... and short stories and novels...
Deyth Banger
When a person denies his conscience for too long, it can become seared. That person becomes susceptible to receiving and accepting all sorts of harmful and evil things. This is true for both believers and unbelievers. A seared conscience will open a person up to demonic spirits and activities.
Henry Hon
Life is made of connections. Who knows why fate throws things in our direction, but one thing's for sure, new things are there to offer value to our lives and teach us something new about ourselves. It's what makes life exciting.
Serina Hartwell
He did it because he could not help himself, which explains everything and nothing
Johnny Rich
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