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You are that angel of paradise.You are that flower of heaven.This universe was longing for you,with endless love for infinite time.
Debasish Mridha
You can invoke neither time nor space nor matter not energy nor the laws of nature to explain the origin of the universe. General relativity points to the need for a cause that transcends those domains. ~Stephen C. Meyer, PHD~
Lee Strobel
When the universe presented unexpected gifts to the undeserving, how else were they to react, except with sheer paranoia?
Matthew S. Williams
It is perhaps, plausible that a man in this situation, impressed with the unconcern of the universe, should see the innumerable flaws of his life and have them taste wickedly in his mind and wish for another chance.
Stephen Crane
Trapped on a school bus for an hour each morning and each evening, she devoured book after book. She explored a hundred worlds, indifferent to her peers and the passing of the universe.
Danika Stone
The universe doesn't command that we love. That would be forcing it. But the Universe does have a heart and when it looks from within it wants it's components to the do the same with unconditional love. Through it's own inner guidance and thus ours.
Matthew Donnelly
Many of the stars in the universe are thousands of times bigger than the earth. God focuses on the earth, a little speck of dust in the galaxy, and even loves each of us intensely as if each of us are the only person who exists.
Paul Silway
I am glad we have not yet been able to reach the stars or inhabitable planets that dance about them. For they would in all probability be owned and divided by corporations and framed by industrial interests. Better they rest in distant tranquility, apart from our manufactured chaos.Let generations to come that learn to embrace one another, with their scientists, artists and poets, be the ones that immerse in that abundance and future. For now it is best it remains out of humanity's childlike hands in that big jar, light years away, marked "cookies." There for that coming time when the only thing we need feed off of, is the endless discovery and beauty.
Tom Althouse
The moment you begin your journey, the whole universe begins to enjoy your song.
Debasish Mridha
Scientists say that somewhere in the universe, every event under the sun repeats itself an infinite number of times in every possible variation.
Romina Russell
We are a way for the cosmos to know itself
Carl Sagan
To maintain any degree of sanity, we must believe that everything is interconnected on some level and to experience that level fully once in a while.
Vironika Tugaleva
You must know, the day your star exploded into my universe, you altered it all. You exposed my light and my dark, settled into my existence and there you will be and glow in the matter of my heart, long after light is only a memory. You have changed things for always.
Jennifer DeLucy
We are all recipients of God's full and perfect creation...everyone and everything in the universe are connected according to the Master's divine creative plan and purpose. Therefore, everything one does as an individual affects the whole creation. All thoughts, words, emotions, prayers, blessings, good deeds, evil deeds and actions are heard and experienced by the entire human creation...all mankind.
Pazaria Smith
I don't know the beginnings and the end of all things? But apparently most people do.
Bangambiki Habyarimana
I am diagonally parked among the vertically parallel people of this horizontal universe.
We're conduits for the universe's desire to think about itself.
Dominic Smith
Borges's extreme architecture attempts to visualize the universe by assigning to every object real and unreal, now and yet to come, a code or sign, a corresponding figure within the Library. It seeks to render totality visible, to effect a total visibility and visuality. The Library of Babel is a view of the universe inside and out, an X-ray of the universe and universal X-ray, seen from within and without. It is a representation of everywhere: a perfect duplication of the universe. And of you: universal. An endless and eternal cinema, an imaginary archive that extends into the universe until it is indistinguishable from it, until you are indistinguishable from the universe.
Akira Mizuta Lippit
Know, O man you are a particle of the supreme feminine being sucked to an obscure vacuum - of a bliss but that we can only name - universe!
Preeth Nambiar
Everything turns, rotates, spins, circles, loops, pulsates, resonates, and repeats.
Suzy Kassem
How the human system is happening, in the same way the universe has happened. In the same way that the micro is happening, that is how the macro has happened. If you look at the micro and perceive it, you will also know existence.
There is no good or evil. We classify things into good and evil because we are currently unable to solve the two problems of the world: death and dearth. If there ever comes a time when we can solve these problems, we won't be required to do this anymore.
Andreas Laurencius
I believe in life. I believe it to be something that is eternal, powerful and spread throughout the universe -- something like gravity. There are many such energies. Once we are able to detect life it will boggle our minds for centuries to come. The shear magnitude will rapture many, and destroy others, but we're not there yet. We can say something is alive, or dead, but not if life is there or not. Perhaps because it is too quiet, maybe because it is so loud we can hear nothing else, but mainly -- I believe -- because we haven't bothered to listen yet. -- from the Black Dog
Glenn Hefley
There was darkness, and monsters vast as worlds swam in it.
Laini Taylor
We are the universe seeking truth.
Jay Woodman
I believe in a world where all these things can happen, even if I have to do them myself.
Adrián Lamo
In the long run, you see, none of that matters.I've seen Heaven, Dowling. And it's not a place where you exercise any power.In the long run, we are all three-dimensional side-effects of a two-dimensional universe existing in a multidimensional stack.
Warren Ellis
A man stroking a dog’s head means the universe is stroking the universe; a child playing with a little dog means the universe is playing with the universe! If the universe is a theatre play, then we can be sure that there is only one player: The universe itself! Everything we see is the same player!
Mehmet Murat ildan
The Universe is made of our thoughts.Our thoughts are infinite.
Lorin Morgan-Richards
With an attitude of gratitude, you can't go wrong. You are already putting it out there into the universe that you are ready to receive more. This is the universal truth. Be thankful for what you have. Your life is already abundant.
Karen A. Baquiran
I thought I had nothing to be grateful for today, but then the universe became quiet a moment so I could hear my heart beat to the rhythm of my life.
Karen A. Baquiran
A moment in time is the strangest and most powerful object in the known universe.
Khalid Masood
A random act of violence," his mother called it. "A totally senseless thing." Unnecessary qualifiers, he sometimes wants to tell her, as the universe is random and senseless place.
Thomas Pierce
The universe wants you to succeed. So listen to her deep driving desires and be a great success.
Debasish Mridha
When water is being filled in a pot, the sound we hear is a function of the pot, not of the water. Same water makes different sounds in different pots. Each of us, described in Sanskrit as Ghata, meaning pot, responds in a unique way to the stimuli from the surrounding environment. Do not be surprised when the response of another appears entirely different from yours. The pot has created the illusion of a wall, of mine and other. Once you become aware of that illusion, otherness melts and the universe becomes a unified verse again, with apparently diverse responses becoming part of the same symphony.
R.N. Prasher
Things began happening with odd synchronicity, as if the universe itself was conspiring on behalf of their love story.
John Mark Green
Her kiss dissolves the universe. In that moment, I am unmade and then reborn.
John Mark Green
Many nights I watch the sun set. Many nights I watch the moon. They fascinate me. They’re the only things I get to share with everyone: the stars, the moon, the universe.
Danielle Esplin
The universe was full of wonders. Some of them would drive you insane if you thought about them too long.
Ilona Andrews
We saw the same sunset.
S.E. Hinton
…our world did not fall because we did not believe in fairness… our world fell because it could no longer support the enormous weight we had put upon it, in the name of fairness.
Leot Felton
Stop worrying about approval and appreciation. Enjoy the beauty and effect of contributing to the universe.
Debasish Mridha
Humanity is destined to explore, settle, and expand outward into the universe.
Buzz Aldrin
The glow lasted through the night, beyond the bar's closing, when there were no cabs on the street. And so Mathilde and Lotto decided to walk home, her arm in his, chatting about nothing, about everything, the unpleasant, hot breath of the subway belching up from the grates. 'Chthonic', he said, booze letting loose the pretension at his core, which she still found sweet, an allowance from the glory. It was so late, there were few other people out, and it felt, just for this moment, that they had the city to themselves.She thought of all the life just underfoot, the teem of it that they were passing over, unknowing. She said, 'Did you know that the total weight of all the ants on Earth is the same as the total weight of all the humans on Earth.' She, who drank to excess, was a little bit drunk, it was true, there was so much relief in the evening.When the curtains closed against the backdrop, an enormous bolder blocking their future had rolled away.'They'll still be here when we're gone,' he said. He was drinking from a flask. By the time they were home, he'd be sozzeled. 'The ants and the jellyfish and the cockroaches, they will be the kings of the Earth.'...'They deserve this place more than we do,' she said. 'We've been reckless with our gifts.' He smiled and looked up. There were no stars, there was too much smog for them.'Did you know,' he said, 'they just found out just a while ago that there are billions of worlds that can support life in our galaxy alone.'...She felt a sting behind here eyes, but couldn't say why this thought touched her.He saw clear through and understood. He knew her. The things he didn't know about her would sink an ocean liner. He knew her.'We're lonely down here,' he said, 'it's true, but we're not alone.'In the hazy space after he died, when she lived in a sort of timeless underground grief, she saw on the internet a video about what would happen to our galaxy in billions of years. We are in an immensely slow tango with the Andromeda galaxy, both galaxies shaped like spirals with outstretched arms, and we are moving toward each other like spinning bodies. The galaxies will gain speed as they draw near, casting off blue sparks, new stars until they spin past each other, and then the long arms of both galaxies will reach longingly out and grasp hands at the last moment and they will come spinning back in the opposite direction, their legs entwined, never hitting, until the second swirl becomes a clutch, a dip, a kiss, and then at the very center of things, when they are at their closest, there will open a supermassive black hole.
Lauren Groff
That a universe exists within every human being. That to the blood cells and organs in your body, you are god. That this universe is only one individual among infinite others.
Peter Tieryas
In our ever-changing universe, lives collide, and, like runaway planets, we just keep going.
Michael R. French
He would insult the Universe. That is, he would insult everybody in it. Individually, personally, one by one, and (this was the thing he really decided to grit his teeth over) in alphabetical order.
Douglas Adams
I like the sky. It’s rational to me in a way that life isn’t. Looking at it doesn’t suck the way you might think it would, given all the dying-girl-stares-at-heaven possibilities. I don’t think of the sky as any kind of heaven item. I think of it as a bunch of gases and faraway echoes of things that used to be on fire
Maria Dahvana Headley
Any death prior to the heat death of the universe is premature if your life is good.
Nick Bostrom
Do you ever look up at the stars and try to contemplate the ends of the universe?
Ruth Ahmed
There can never be a clock at the center of the Universe to which everyone can set their watches. Your entire life can be the blink of an eye to an alien who leaves Earth traveling close to the speed of light, then returns an hour later to find that you have been dead for centuries.
Clifford A. Pickover
Each petal in the universe whispers in our ears that an unknown power is at work. If we align ourselves with this divine energy, offer our work to Him and move on in life, we will never have any worries and anxieties in our life.
Sanchita Pandey
Your entire sense of self-worth is predicated upon your belief that you matter, that you matter to the universe. But you don't. Because we are the ants.
Shaun David Hutchinson
Be mindful of your self-talk. It is a conversation with the universe. You are a being, full of infinite possibilities! Focus your mind with positivity and you will have dictated the direction of your journey, your soul and your being, cascading in infinite abundance.
Angie karan
There are those who live and die giving love, without receiving any. And those who live life just taking, never giving. So the universe gives a boon to a few lucky souls: Who they love will love them back—all their lives.
Psyche Roxas-Mendoza
The universe is more than thirteen billion years old. What is the value of a single kiss compared to that?
Shaun David Hutchinson
Ian: I don't believe in luck. I do believe we've known each other since forever, though.Sofi: Really?Ian: Yeah. You know how? When the big bang happened, all the atoms in the universe, they were all smashed together into one little dot that exploded outward. So my atoms and your atoms were certainly together then, and, who knows, probably smashed together several times in the last 13.7 billion years. So my atoms have known your atoms and they've always known your atoms. My atoms have always loved your atoms.
I Origin
The universe had no choice but to create intelligent life so that there would be someone else that could simply laugh at how unbelievably, ridiculously and senselessly huge the universe is and how utterly insignificant the rest of us are.
Ian Strang
People don’t die so the universe can gauge your reaction. They die because life is finite.
Dan Groat
It’s all just ones and zeroes no matter where you go in the universe.
Jennifer Foehner Wells
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