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If anthropological data suggests something short of the ideal, that is not because nothing is universal, but because two universals are in conflict: universal moral knowledge and universal desire to evade it. The first one we owe to our creation. The second we owe to our fall.
J. Budziszewski
There are strangers, people we don't know, who care about is.
A.M. Homes
Man is a little world--a microcosm inside the great universe. Like a fetus, he is suspended, by all his three spirits, in the matrix of the macrocosmos; and while his terrestrial body is in constant sympathy with its parent earth, his astral soul lives in unison with the sidereal anima mundi. He is in it, as it is in him, for the world-pervading element fills all space, and is space itself, only shoreless and infinite. As to his third spirit, the divine, what is it but an infinitesimal ray, one of the countless radiations proceeding directly from the Highest Cause--the Spiritual Light of the World? This is the trinity of organic and inorganic nature--the spiritual and the physical, which are three in one, and of which Proclus says that 'The first monad is the Eternal God; the second, eternity; the third, the paradigm, or pattern of the universe;' the three constituting the Intelligible Triad.
Helena Petrovna Blavatsky
It's important to appreciate the impact ofknowledge in our lives, and that of our parentsin getting us educated. However in today'sworld, if someone have not been to school, thatmeans he must have been educated.
victor adeagbo
Peace does not mean an absence of conflict, because opposition, polarity and conflict are natural and universal laws.
Bryant McGill
Each man is an island unto himself. But though a sea of difference may divide us, an entire world of commonality lies beneath.
James Rozoff
People seem to be doing different things, but in reality they do the same thing: They just rush about without having any outstanding universal goal!
Mehmet Murat ildan
Ideas are universal, the names and titles we give them are not.
Paul Pavlo Shiller
Every artist is a man who has freed himself from his family, his nation, his race. Every man who has shown the world the way to beauty, to true culture, has been a rebel, a ‘universal’ without patriotism, without home, who has found his people everywhere.
Chaim Potok
Until all processes are progressed, the world will not process meaningful, measurable progress.Progress the process, in order to process, progress. This shall be the responsibility of those who are for the light of universal innovation, as opposed to the benefactors of sectarian division.
Justin Kyle McFarlane Beau
Universal peace-time conscription was adopted by almost all countries as the basis of their military system. This ensured that wars would grow bigger in scale, longer in duration, and worse in effects. While conscription appeared democratic, it provided autocrats, hereditary or revolutionary, with more effective and comprehensive means of imposing their will, both in peace and war. Once the rule of compulsory service in arms was established for the young men of a nation, it was an obvious and easy transition to the servitude of the whole population. Totalitarian tyranny is the twin of total warfare —which might aptly be termed a reversion to tribal warfare on a larger scale.
B.H. Liddell Hart
The uniform is that which we do not choose, that which is assigned to us; it is the certitude of the universal against the precariousness of the individual. When the values that were once so solid come under challenge and withdraw, heads bowed, he who cannot live without them (without fidelity, family, country, discipline, without love) buttons himself up in the universality of his uniform as if that uniform were the last shred of transcendence that could protect him against the cold of a future in which there will be nothing left to respect.
Milan Kundera
Say what you will of religion, but draw applicable conclusions and comparisons to reach a consensus.Religion = Reli = Prefix to Relic, or an ancient item. In days of old, items were novel, and they inspired devotion to the divine, and in the divine. Now, items are hypnotizing the masses into submission.Take Christ for example. When he broke bread in the Bible, people actually ate, it was useful to their bodies.Compare that to the politics, governments and corrupt, bumbling bureacrats and lobbyists in the economic recession of today. When they "broke bread", the economy nearly collapsed, and the benefactors thereof were only a select, decadent few. There was no bread to be had, so they asked the people for more!Breaking bread went from meaning sharing food and knowledge and wealth of mind and character, to meaning break the system, being libelous, being unaccountable, and robbing the earth.So they married people's paychecks to the land for high ransoms, rents and mortgages, effectively making any renter or landowner either a slave or a slave master once more. We have higher class toys to play with, and believe we are free. The difference is, the love of profit has the potential, and has nearly already enslaved all, it isn't restriced by culture anymore.Truth is not religion. Governments are religions. Truth does not encourage you to worship things. Governments are for profit. Truth is for progress. Governments are about process.When profit goes before progress, the latter suffers.The truest measurement of the quality of progress, will be its immediate and effective results without the aid of material profit.Quality is meticulous, it leaves no stone unturned, it is thorough and detail oriented. It takes its time, but the results are always worth the investment.Profit is quick, it is ruthless, it is unforgiving, it seeks to be first, but confuses being first with being the best, it is long scale suicidal, it is illusory, it is temporary, it is vastly unfulfilling. It breaks families, and it turns friends. It is single track minded, and small minded as well.Quality, would never do that, my friends.Ironic how dealing and concerning with money, some of those who make the most money, and break other's monies are the most unaccountable. People open bank accounts, over spend, and then expect to be held "unaccountable" for their actions. They even act innocent and unaccountable. But I tell you, everything can and will be counted, and accounted for.Peace can be had, but people must first annhilate the love of items, over their own kind.
Justin Kyle McFarlane Beau
These demands of life are so universal that either we like it or not, we are going to come across them one way or another. The response we give determines what our lives become.
Sunday Adelaja
Plant the trees just for beauty,If flowers bloom or fruits ripen, Enjoy it as a gift and appreciate nature as a universal giver.
Debasish Mridha
The difficulty is that, so long as unreason prevails, a solution of our troubles can only be reached by chance; for while reason, being impersonal, makes universal co-operation possible, unreason, since it represents private passions, makes strife inevitable. It is for this reason that rationality, in the sense of an appeal to a universal and impersonal standard of truth, is of supreme importance to the well-being of the human species.
Bertrand Russell
Human beings have never agreed whether or not there is only one universal or sacred divine entity in a supposedly glorious and transcendent place.
Duop Chak Wuol
With all respect to your religion or world-view — thank God, thank the universe, thank evolutionary processes — the keyword is "thank" — just have some gratitude and be thankful.
Bryant McGill
He(Prophet Muhammad) laid the foundation of a universal government. His law was one for all. Equal justice and love for everyone.
B. Margoliouth
I attained a triumph so complete that it is now rare to meet an American with marks of small pox on his face... Benefits are valuable according to their duration and extent... but the benign remedy Vaccination saves millions of lives every century, like the [gift] of the sun, universal and everla
Benjamin Waterhouse
We are the universe seeking truth.
Jay Woodman
A clock that is moving through space at a very fast speed does not tick at the same rate as a slow-moving watch gently attached to your wrist as you stroll on a tropical beach. The idea of a universal time - a godlike clock that could somehow sit outside our universe and measure, in one go, the movement of everything in it, how its evolution unfolds, how old it is and all that - does not exist.
Christophe Galfard
Look at the universe! What do you see? An order? Tranquillity? A divine peace? You fool! You ignorant! Over there, galaxies are colliding, suns are exploding, black holes swallowing stars! Now look at the universe again! What do you see? A disorder? Chaos? Anything savage? You see a hell? Now, you see the truth!
Mehmet Murat ildan
I still believe that many Americans have a deep longing for that glorious moment when a sermon is more Biblical than American.
Criss Jami
Unfortunately we find systems of education today that have departed so far from the plain truth that they now teach us to be proud of what we know and ashamed of ignorance. This is doubly corrupt. It is corrupt not only because pride is in itself a mortal sin, but also because to teach pride in knowledge is to put an effective barrier against any advance upon what is already known, since it makes one ashamed to look beyond the bounds imposed by one’s ignorance.To any person prepared to enter with respect into the realm of this great and universal ignorance, the secrets of being will eventually unfold, and they will do so in a measure according to his freedom from natural and indoctrinated shame in his respect of their revelation.
George Spencer-Brown
I Think All Depends On Your Mind That Create This Word
Sushil Singh
... if we adopt the principle of universality: if an action is right (or wrong) for others, it is right (or wrong) for us. Those who do not rise to the minimal moral level of applying to themselves the standards they apply to others -- more stringent ones, in fact -- plainly cannot be taken seriously when they speak of appropriateness of response; or of right and wrong, good and evil
Noam Chomsky
Any moral ethic worth examining must be universal. That is if something is right or wrong for me, it must also be right or wrong for you. This is a system of ethics that applies universally to all individuals regardless of culture, nationality, race, sex, religion, sexual orientation, wealth, or any other distinguishing feature. Otherwise, we would have difficulty judging human action.
Daniel Alexander Brackins
I can't help seeing a cage for what it is. Sure, it protects the bulb, but maybe if people weren't so careless, then nothing would need to be caged.
A.S. King
Music is the Universal Language that allows all people to communicate with each other.
Ellen J. Barrier
It's not about the language, it's about the message
Goitsemang Sandra Mvula
In future, brainwave is a media of universal language.
Toba Beta
Humor is a universal lanuage.
Joel Goodman
I am nurtured within the womb of universal consciousness. It supports my developing awareness as I witness, engage, learn, create, exchange.
Jay Woodman
My rage is derived from eyes so sharp they see through the idiocy being passed off as sophistication. Under the cloak of universal themes and terms such as freedom, change, and acceptance, madness ensues, being readily welcomed by those whose mind's eye questions nothing.
Justin K. McFarlane Beau
I see people teaching how to make an impact, but i don't want to make dents, i want to walk lightly on the earth, grateful for universal grace.
Jay Woodman
Suffering is universal. It's the one thing Buddhists, Christians, and Muslims are all worried about.
John Green
Islam is the only religion that gives dignity to the poor.
Ramsey Clark
There is something divine, mystical, magical and unexplainable in the universe that is listening and responding to each of us.
Bryant McGill
Red was ruby, green was fluorescent, yellow was simply incandescent. Color was life. Color was everything.Color, you see, was the universal sign of magic.
Tahereh Mafi
No matter how bad you feel, God never sees you as a reckless person. He may see you as a sinner who needs to be re-washed to get back to his old vision for His purpose, but He will never see you as a hopeless being who was created for nothing. Now if God will not see you as hopeless, why then should you see yourself that way? Be bold to say am qualified to dominate the world!
Israelmore Ayivor
Feeling sorry for yourself is a universal solvent of salvation.
Paul Hoffman
Self-pity, while it should be accorded due respect, is the greatest of all acids to the human soul.
Paul Hoffman
The one great universal in the study of violence is that most of it is committed by fifteen-to-thirty-year-old men.
Steven Pinker
When success is uniform, the celebration becomes universal. Of which use is it to you to rejoice at the time your friend cries?
Israelmore Ayivor
Growing up I often wondered how the world would be today if, since the beginning of human life, every person acted as I did.
Criss Jami
Everything is reflected in both - outside (out there) and inside (in here) - marvel at it, experience, learn. The personal is also the universal, and the universal is also the personal.
Jay Woodman
Despite all the sadness, violence and misery, I still believe in universal peace, goodness, and beauty of humanity.
Debasish Mridha
Literature endures like the universal spirit,And its breath becomes a part of the vitals of all men.
Li Shang-yin
We all need something to believe in. Without those beliefs we're just floating particles moving through the space time continuum.
Solange nicole
Spirituality is a universal currency. It is part of every religion, every faith, and every person. Everybody has a belief system.
Emma Mildon
At that darkest moment, while drowning in the Abyss of Emotional Bankruptcy, reflect on this universal truth: the difference between success and failure is one more time.
Ken Poirot
He laid the foundation of a universal government. His law was one for all. Equal justice and love for everyone.
George Rivorie
Among leaders who have made the greatest impact through ages, I would consider Muhammad before Jesus Christ.
James Gavin
All decisions we’ve come to accept as right or wrong are ingrained in us from the society in which we abide. Rights and wrongs are not universally known or transferable.
John-Talmage Mathis
Man has rights because they are natural rights. They are grounded in the nature of man: the individual's capacity for conscious choice, the necessity for him to use his mind and energy to adopt goals and values, to find out about the world, to pursue his ends in order to survive and prosper, his capacity and need to communicate and interact with other human beings and to participate in the division of labor.
Murray N. Rothbard
To live in a state of liberty is not to live apart from law. It is, on the contrary, to live under the highest law, the only law that can really profit a man, the law which is consciously and deliberately imposed by himself on himself.
Auberon Herbert
Individual cultures and ideologies have their appropriate uses but none of them erase or replace the universal experiences, like love and weeping and laughter, common to all human beings.
Universal emptiness is mere concept.The fact is, there was never emptiness.
Toba Beta
Oftentimes in reality, the genius is in the position of the antihero. Neither the good guys nor the bad guys really trust him because his truth is universal.
Criss Jami
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