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The fact is no one has understood me in entirety till now!
Ramana Pemmaraju
It's very strange that WE always wish to listen good for ourselves from others, but at the same time becomes tough for us to speak good for OTHERS.
Neeraj Bhanot
Then he asked me which one I thought was most likely to happen. I wish I knew. I really do. But I don’t. You’d think that after living with these people for fifteen years I’d know a little something about them. But right now I feel like I don’t know my parents at all. I guesswhen you get down to it, I’ve never really thought about them as people. They’ve always been my parents. Now I have to think about them as people with feelings. What a pain.The funny thing is, I bet they feel the same way.
Michael Thomas Ford
He used to annoy me with sophistry that we all chose our destiny. Then one day I told him that that’s great when fate offers you a nice set of destinies to choose from, but when you find yourself choosing between risking being raped, tortured and killed, or moving to another country to live like an alien without tongue, money or understanding, you are buggered either way. And that’s not even to mention how easily he could navigate through the mine filed of his mistakes...
Dunya Look
The conflicts we have with the outside world are often conflicts we have within ourselves.
Bryant McGill
We must resist in-group thinking and practice seeing every soul as a brother or sister in a larger grouping of humans on earth.
Bryant McGill
There's an old saying that great writing is simple but not easy, and so it is. The search for that one plain but inobvious [SIC] word that will do the work of five, the agony of untangling a complex idea that has become a mess of phrases in the writer's mind, the willingness to keep doing it over and over again until it is right--all of that plus some luck yields prose so clear that it seems a child could have written it.
William Souder
Go! Yes, You! Go! I will not force you to like me; I will not force you to love me. Unconditional love has a condition inside it but there is no you in me. If I know my real me, then I know your real you. I know your value in me and I also know my value in you. If your value is not in me and my value is not in you, then I will not force you to like me; I will not force you to love me, so go!
Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
In life we all should learn to forgive but never forget. Best way to learn from our mistakes.
Jonathan Anthony Burkett
First one must understand conditioning - only then can we speak of choice
Rasheed Ogunlaru
940Home is not where you live but where they understand you.
Christian Morgenstern
The moment when you realize no one understands, no one ever did, no one ever will.You were alone, you always will be.But may be, just may be, someone will look up to you someday. And when they do, remember to hide those tearful eyes, to smile and to say - "look, life's so good.
Sanhita Baruah
Reasons were invented, and stories were reasons that allowed us to connect ourselves to the world, to compose ourselves in ways that others could read. Fragments were true but we needed stories greater than fragments. We needed stories in order to imagine the mad world we lived in.
Bilal Tanweer
Once you tell somebody a story, you are all in the same world and you can all speak to each other about the same things and understand the same things.
Bilal Tanweer
One very beautiful virtue one can master is to learn to ignore; to ignore perceived and intended slights no matter how infuriating they might feel. Not to ignore in anger, rather, to ignore with understanding. However, to keep account for future purposes, to ignore with adept skill and less hurt. Life just becomes easier and more beautiful.
Ufuoma Apoki
When we want to talk, we can instead listen, and let our attentiveness to another's need to speak be our silent statement.
Bryant McGill
But there was a time when each of us stood naked before the world, confronting life as a serious problem with which we were intimately and passionately concerned. There was a time when it was of vital interest to us to find out whether there was a God or not. Obviously the existence or otherwise of a future life must be of the very first importance to somebody who is going to live her present one, because her manner of living it must hinge on the problem. There was a time when Free Love versus Catholic Morality was a question of as much importance to our hot bodies as if a pistol had been clapped to our heads.Further back, there were times when we wondered with all our souls what the world was, what love was, what we were ourselves.
T.H. White
I understood. I suffered. But whose sake was I suffering for? I kept thinking of Señor Saguaro's question: Whose affection do you value more, hers or the others'?
Jerry Spinelli
I would like to show that we can become so much more through awareness. That is why I speak of conscious evolution. If we understand ourselves, how we think and react, why we do things... Then we can work out how to think more constructively, act more usefully, do things more easily, become more of the person we really want to be deep down inside.
Julia Woodman
the underlying struggle - between worlds of plenty and worlds of want; between the modern and the ancient; between those who embrace our teeming, colliding, irksome diversity, while still insisting on a set of values that binds us together, and those who would seek, under whatever flag or slogan or sacred text, a certainty and simplification that justifies cruelty toward those not like us...
Barack Obama
You were...are...what I heard. Every note.
Gina Marinello-Sweeney
Acting on our interests refines our understanding of what we are good at and what we value. The experiences we have along the way sometimes introduce us to new values that enhance and enlarge our vision. The lessons we learn through habits of action test our understanding and teach us to identify what matters in our life.
Marian Deegan
The major dilemma is that we tend to listen to reply, while all we should do is: listen to understand and feel.
Akilnathan Logeswaran
What is in your mind position or disposition your mind, body and spirit in the best or worst way. What you are yet to accept into your mind exposes your mind to and keep your mind on what you are yet to accept and what has not yet come into your mind least controls your mind, body and spirit. Mind your mind!
Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
So many people have understanding, but in reality, they don’t really understand understanding! When you really understand understanding, you get a real understanding!
Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
Just because I understand does not mean I agree.
Carlos Wallace
Imagine how many suicide victims would still be with us, if only the right person said the right thing at the right time.
Wayne Gerard Trotman
When the world kicks your ass, don't step in line.book: stuff i think about
Sondra Faye
We're merely one tree with various types, shapes and sizes of leaves that all wave differently in the breeze
Rasheed Ogunlaru
You know you do not understand yourself if everyone seems to understand you.
Moffat Machingura
To understand and to know someone better, you need is to love them first
To be honest about it, I didn’t even always like Sharley. Maybe that’s the way it is with friends. Maybe the liking isn’t the most essential part of being friends. Maybe it’s the sticking by. Maybe it’s the impression of yourself you get through your friend’s eyes. Or maybe it’s all the little lessons you learn.
RK Vetter
Stay calm and exercise restrain during your most desperate moment or you shall desperately say what when your desperation is over, you shall come to a later realization of what you shouldn’t have say and notice how silence could have been the best option to mere words!
Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
Belief is just the place of understanding you are at the moment. Without an open mind, you will be standing in that one spot forever.
Dannye Williamsen
Your own guilt is your own fault.
Katerina Stoykova-Klemer
No psychologist should pretend to understand what he does not understand... Only fools and charlatans know everything and understand nothing.
Anton Chekhov
If others are judgmental and do not appreciate your life's work, don't be dejected. Try to see the incapability of others who are unable to understand the things you understand, and appreciate the capability of seeing something which is not visible to others.
Ashish Mandlik
the greatest clue to changing people is to know and understand what trigger change in people and effectively apply such things in wisdom.
Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
Life is a chain of interrelated puzzles.Pain and Sorrow are some necessities to greater heights and people may be the architects of our woes. We may develop some hatred for such people through whom the woes of life came our way but when we get to the point where we fully understand why sorrow and pain came our way, we ought to be grateful to those through whom the woes that propelled us to our greatness came.
Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
How can you follow your heart, unless you know why you have allowed it to be empty for so long and didn't have the courage to fix it?
Shannon L. Alder
And then I notice the music flooding out of every part of the apartment at once — the couch, the walls, even the floor — and I know Bennies alone in Lou’s studio, pouring music down around us. A minute ago it was “Don’t Let Me Down”. Then it was Blondie’s “Heart of Glass”. Now it’s Iggy Pop’s “The Passenger”. Listening, I think, You will never know how much I understand you.
Jennifer Egan
When we understand people; when we understand situations;when we understand what matters;when we understand the why’s, the what’s and the how’s;when we understand the trigger of actions, we least inflict pain on ourselves and unto others.
Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
We are one at the root - we just part at the branch
Rasheed Ogunlaru
I realized, when I saw the forest burning, how fascinating the firelight is. It's beautiful, and people stare at it, don't they? It destroys and kills people, but humans love it. Is it because they crave their own destruction, Sam? I want to understand your kind. I am going out into the wider world, and I must learn.
Michael Grant
But first things first. First, to escape this shell, this egg in which I have gestated, all eyes will be on the fire, all eyes blinded by the smoke, and when I walk out of here, out into your large world with its billions, no one will even see. It's the beauty of light, don't you see, Sam? It reveals, but it also distracts and blinds. It's even better than darkness.
Michael Grant
You didn't make me responsible. You don't have that power. This"—he held up his hands, and light glowed from his palms—"this made me responsible. Having power made me responsible. I had the power and you had the brains. So we were chosen. That's the way it works, isn't it? People who can have to help those who can't. The strong defend the weak from the strong. I don't think you invented that, Astrid; all you did was make me see it. Well, I see it. There it is. The FAYZ gave me this light, and the FAYZ made it necessary. And now the light isn't helping, is it? Now that monster is going to walk into town and kill people I care about and people I love. (Chapter Twenty-Six | 2 Hours, 56 Minutes)
Michael Grant
I was a king for a while. I wasn't a very good one. I wanted all kinds of things. I wanted, well, you know. Power. Glory. To be feared. All that good stuff. But you know what? When the gaiaphage did it to me, when she made me cry and grovel and beg for mercy, I realized: There's no end to this for me. There's no end to the FAYZ. If we get out alive, there's still no end. And what happens to me out there in the world?" "No, you're wrong they can't blame you for everything that happened." He laughed. "Yeah, well, actually, they can. A king, warrior, whatever I was, I want to go out in a blaze of glory. I've risen as high as I'm ever going to. And if I survive, I'm just going to end up as prisoner number three-one-two-whatever. You coming to see me on visiting days." "But I will come see you. And I will wait for you." "No," he said firmly. "I get my big finish. And you get your life. Move on, Diana.
Michael Grant
The actual, expanded consciousness, reality of our planet is that all of life is LOVE; our very existence is LOVE. Everything that exists is just varying degrees of this LOVE; polar absolutes do not exist. Good versus evil is pure illusion. Even the most seemingly “negative” person with ill intent is still in the spectrum of love.
Alaric Hutchinson
Your judgments about another person say more about your own character than the character of the person you’re pointing a finger at.
Alaric Hutchinson
A mark of true Christianity will be its intellectual vigour and its search for meaning in every aspect of life. True Christianity will always be critical, questioning and continually developing in its understanding of God and of human life. The subject matter for religion is every human experience. In Christian understanding, God is immanent, that is, God is present in all things, and creation itself is a sign, and an effective sign, of God’s presence - a sacrament. That is why there has been such an emphasis on scholarship and learning in the Christian tradition. Faith, as St Anselm wrote, ‘seeks understanding’, for it is the nature of true faith to trust that God is at work in everything and that there is no question which falls outside the scope of religious inquiry. When faith in God weakens, the critical element will also weaken, and there will be more warning against false doctrines than encouragement to develop our understanding. If the critical element is not fostered, Christians will remain infantile in their religious belief and practice, which will have little or no relation to everyday life and behaviour.
Gerard Hughes
Beauty is seen in repetition; keep repeating your beauty even if your beauty is not all that beautiful, you shall still leave a mark and there shall come a moment when the beauty will be seen
Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
A common understanding is the pivot and a common way to bond the disintegrated
Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
SENSES, APPEARANCE, ESSENCE and EXISTENCEThe world we see with our senses are very different than the world we see through our essence. Our senses perceive the world of appearance. Our essence perceive the deeper layers of existence. The first step of perceiving the world of essence is not to have any goal other than to understand. "Understanding" has to be the ultimate goal. Then, we can solve the problems.
Petek Kabakci
SENSES, APPEARANCE, ESSENCE and EXISTENCEThe world we see with our senses is very different than the world we see through our essence. Our senses perceive the world of appearance. Our essence perceives the deeper layers of existence. The first step of perceiving the world of essence is to have no goal other than to understand. "Understanding" has to be the ultimate goal. Only then, can we solve the problems.
Petek Kabakci
Love is when you can understand each other's silences.
Avijeet Das
Maturity is when you can understand someone's silences and the pauses between those silences...
Avijeet Das
I understand we all have our differences. But while learning about history I've read about white people coming together, Jews coming together, Spanish coming together, different cultures and religions understanding and coming together despite their differences. Slavery was never something that shocked me. What shocks me is how black people have not yet overcome the odds and we're such strong smart people. Why we can't just stand together?
Jonathan Anthony Burkett
You will never get the best out of anyone professionally unless you understand what motivates and makes them tick personally - as a human being
Rasheed Ogunlaru
Learn the truth...never assume.Understand the plight...never judge.Put yourself in someone's shoes...never hurt.Think before you act, reason before you react.
Kemi Sogunle
In times of division and strife, build bridges to the hearts of those clouded by anger, hurt, hatred, and ignorance, so you can help open and understand their minds and hearts, and they can understand yours.
Imania Margria
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