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The answer to our prayer may be coming, although we may not discern its approach. A seed that is underground during winter, although hidden and seemingly dead and lost, is nevertheless taking root for a later spring and harvest.
Mrs. Charles E. Cowman
What does a lighthouse do? I ask myself. It never moves. It cannot hike up its rocky skirt and dash into the ocean to rescue the foundering ship. It cannot calm the waters or clear the shoals. It can only cast light into the darkness. It can only point the way. Yet, through one lighthouse, you guide many ships. Show this old lighthouse the way.
Lisa Wingate
If we want to live perfectly happy lives...we must drive out selfish character tendencies such as pride, ego, vanity, jealousy, lusts, envy and worry. When we learn to live selflessly, putting others before ourselves, committing to what is noble, right and good; treating others with love and compassion...that's when true happiness is experienced. A genuine focus on selflessness cures all and creates an environment for true growth. It's the secret to every great relationship. We gain...when we give up self. Sacrificing one's selfish characteristics through diligent thought, meditation, prayer and action gives life to true love and abounding joy.~Jason Versey
Jason Versey
True saints of God have endured lengthy times of patient waiting with no reply, not because their prayers were prayed without intensity, nor because God did not accept their pleas. They were required to wait because it pleased Him who is sovereign and who gives "according to his good purpose" (Philippians 2:13)
Mrs. Charles E. Cowman
Grandpa had made the Lord seem so real, I wouldn't of been surprised if he'd said good night to Him. But after a long pause he just said a-men.
Olive Ann Burns
The little estimate we put on prayer is evidence from the little time we give to it.
Wealth earned may disappear, beauty will fade, honor may recede and fame diminish; all that shall remain, is a soul that is humane within that would leave a trail in the thoughts of your loved ones;And even if that fails,your God in heaven above will never fail you or fail to rejoice in a life you've managed to live worthy of His praise.
Henrietta Newton Martin
That," she said, "is a little closer to how I imagine it works. Whether or not you pray has absolutely nothing to do with the person to your left. It's like saying you shouldn't get the moon in your window, or else the other cars wouldn't get the moon in their windows. But everyone gets the moon. It's not an option, to not have the moon in your window. You just see it. It's there."She bit her lip. The window in the office grew golden with late afternoon."Half the world can't see the moon," said the doctor."It's not the greatest example," said the rabbi.
Aimee Bender
The act of prayer present an opportunity to communicate and connect to the Supreme being,God.
Lailah Gifty Akita
Each moment spent in prayer is like a coin put into a bank account.
Doreen Virtue
Good soldiers know that if they don’t recognize who their enemy is, they are destined to lose the war. That is also true for those of us who battle in God’s army. Even though Jesus put the enemy under His feet and won the victory for us, we still must move into that victory. There are still battles to be fought in prayer.
Stormie Omartian
The Women in Black are Israeli Jews who meet wall in Jerusalem. They meet every Friday, the Sabbath evening, and pray. They begin by singing Kaddish for all the Israelis killed in the fighting in Israel that week. When they are finished, they pause and read all the names. Then, they turn again to face the wall and sing Kaddish again, this time for all of Palestinians killed in the fighting that week, and they turn when they are finished and once again recite the litany of the names of those killed.
Megan McKenna
I determined to learn to pray so that my experience conforms to the words of Jesus rather than try to make his words conform to my impoverished experience.
Richard Foster
It is in descending in the humble silence of prayer that we are able to ascend to the greatest heights of true human fulfillment in union with God.
Mac MacKenzie
The simple act of praying and petitioning for prayers is in itself a blessing of God's grace and yet another step toward peace, forgiveness, healing, and salvation, regardless of the initial outcome of the prayer.
Joe Campos
When young, the humans are all Imagination because Memory is so much smaller a part of their experience, so little of them is grounded in it. As they grow older, however, Memory overtakes their Imagination, outweighs it. But when they pray with ever increasing confidence, they see with an ever-increasing and youthful Imagination and such burgeoning of possibility causes even their Memory to be lightened and redeemed. The scales fall from their eyes and they wait on their Father with the same childlike wonder that watches a sunrise to see what might happen this time.
Geoffrey Wood
All I daresay at this point is pray on it and pray hard. Then wait and listen for God's answer. I've learned in my years of living not to be impatient for answers when I pray. They don't come lickity-split.
Marlene Banks
All this has been happening around them all the days of their lives though they couldn’t see it, then one day, Prayer removes the veil and everything changes. Think of it this way: Picture a man whistling a tune, when out of nowhere, first a harmony joins, then another, and then suddenly he is taken up into a whirlwind of music, countless instruments playing soaring complexities that the man’s whistling is, indeed, a part of, but now he begins to see how small a part; the longer he listens, he realizes that his is not the melody and where he had thought he was whistling alone, the truth had always been the music playing, though never before that moment heard, and now what had been noise becomes symphony.
Geoffrey Wood
I have ascended to the highest in me, and look, the Word is towering above that. I have descended to explore my lowest depths, and I found Him deeper still.
Bernard of Clairvaux
It's never too late to get down on your knees and pray.
Delano Johnson
Each moment spent in prayer is like a coin put into a bank account
Doreen Virtue
God always keeps His promises.
Jim George
With respect also to spiritual sloth, beginners are apt to be irked by the things that are most spiritual, from which they flee because these things are incompatible with sensible pleasure. For, as they are so much accustomed to sweetness in spiritual things, they are wearied by things in which they find no sweetness. If once they failed to find in prayer the satisfaction which their taste required (and after all it is well that God should take it from them to prove them), they would prefer not to return to it: sometimes they leave it; at other times they continue it unwillingly. And thus because of this sloth they abandon the way of perfection (which is the way of the negation of their will and pleasure for God's sake) for the pleasure and sweetness of their own will, which they aim at satisfying in this way rather than the will of God.And many of these would have God will that which they themselves will, and are fretful at having to will that which He wills, and find it repugnant to accommodate their will to that of God. Hence it happens to them that oftentimes they think that that wherein they find not their own will and pleasure is not the will of God; and that, on the other hand, when they themselves find satisfaction, God is satisfied. Thus they measure God by themselves and not themselves by God, acting quite contrarily to that which He Himself taught in the Gospel, saying: That he who should lose his will for His sake, the same should gain it; and he who should desire to gain it, the same should lose it.
San Juan de la Cruz
The second cause whence these rebellions sometimes proceed is the devil, who, in order to disquiet and disturb the soul, at times when it is at prayer or is striving to pray, contrives to stir up these motions of impurity in its nature; and if the soul gives heed to any of these, they cause it great harm. For through fear of these not only do persons become lax in prayer—which is the aim of the devil when he begins to strive with them—but some give up prayer altogether, because they think that these things attack them more during that exercise than apart from it, which is true, since the devil attacks them then more than at other times, so that they may give up spiritual exercises.
San Juan de la Cruz
Prayer is better than pills.
Carla H. Krueger
Self talk and self prayer: When you audible the first and correctly interpret, the white coats correct you in a nuthouse. When you audible the second and misinterpret, the dinner coats swear you to an oath in the White House. Does this make you nuts too? Then outfit your sanity seeking political asylum at my house.
Brian Spellman
Stay in church, stay in prayer, stay in the Word, and stay in fellowship with other believers.
Nancy Alcorn
Prayer wasn't a familiar practice in my life. --Titus Ray, Chapter 2
Luana Ehrlich
Centering our thoughts on God begins with what I like to call discovery. That is, when we discover a great truth about God, we begin to meditate on that truth until it captivates our whole thinking process. That in turn will lead to worship.If worship is based on meditation, and meditation is based on discovery, what is discovery based on? On time spent with God in prayer and the Word. It is sad that many view prayer primarily as a way to get things. We have lost sight of the companion aspect of prayer - of being still and aware of God's wonderful presence and just communing with Him there.
John F. MacArthur Jr.
Prayerful life, blessed life.
Lailah Gifty Akita
The best time to seek God is when it's really hard to find the time because that's when we probably need Him the most.
Alisa Hope Wagner
The person who prays and who wants to gain a deeper understanding of the word he desires to worship (in order to be more single-mindedly at the word’s disposal) will select with great care basic works for his studies which will observe the so-called exactitude of scholarship without losing sight of the most important exactitude, namely, the ordering of all thought toward prayer.
Hans Urs von Balthasar
In prayer, God doesn't guarantee the answer you want, but He does guarantee the answer you need.
Todd Stocker
True Prayer is the work of relationship, where He moves them from mere information about Him to a one-on-one experience with Him, so that now when they talk about “knowing God,” they mean more than, “I understand what you’re saying about God,” but also, “It fits my experience of Him.
Geoffrey Wood
Yes, I run with the hare and hunt with the hounds, I pray and I meditate as well. I just believe in the old saying “Nothing ventured, nothing gained”. Why I do this? Well, there is a deep-rooted imperfection in me which nested in my DNA and causes a linear interference that affects my consciousness. As a result I don’t feel at home at any religion and still I believe in God, the infinite energy of our creation.
Nynke Visser
It is Jesus that The Proverbs 31 Lady seeks when she dreams of happiness; He is waiting for her when nothing else she finds satisfies her; He is the beauty to which she is so attracted to; it is He who provoked her with that thirst for fullness that will not let her settle for compromise; it is He who urges her to shed the masks of a false life; it is He who reads in her heart her most genuine choices, the choices that others try to suppress.Do you desire to be that Lady of God? God desires a relationship with you. He's made this relationship possible by sending His Son. That inner void is filled through a relationship with the Lord. The place to start to fulfill the longing in your heart is to trust in the Lord for His salvation and allow the Holy Spirit to work within you to satisfy your thirst. As we go together to the well that never runs dry, I know the savior of our soul will meet us there. We will drink from the water of life He gives, the water that quenches our thirsty souls.
Mary Maina
God blesses you when you stand up for what you believe in despite opposition.
Jim George
The gift of prayer is priceless gift.
Lailah Gifty Akita
Worrying never solve the issue.Pray your worries away.
Lailah Gifty Akita
Properly understood, Imagination and Prayer are directly proportional —the more they pray beyond their bounds, they expand their vision beyond their resources, their experiences, their expectations.
Geoffrey Wood
We cannot judge our prayer...by how we feel when we pray, but rather by how we are loving when we live.
Katherine Marie Dyckman
There is power in a Lady who trusts in God-a lady who has put all her eggs in God’s basket. Women possess some gift that touches the heart of God. This gift is so powerful that Jeremiah, the weeping prophet who was known for his great compassion found himself needing the intercession of women to tap into this power. The Lord asked Him to send for the women to let them take up wailing as God knew His ears are open to the cry of distressed women
Mary Maina
When some one mortal yet eternal human merely being relying on precisely nothing but the audacious love of his Maker, calls on Him to part the Heavens, well, we are undone.
Geoffrey Wood
That’s where thinking started, where thinking stopped, where all her prayers so long ago had dried up. She no longer prayed, nor even dreamed of changing her father. Her dreams now played variations on the theme of escape. And they were nothing more than that —just dreams, just play. She’d been alone at the end of her dreams so many times before and never had God helped her escape her father, because God couldn’t, because she would never escape her need to love him.
Geoffrey Wood
If you think you are unworthy to pray, that thought is not coming from Jesus Christ. More than anything, He wants us to approach Heavenly Father, to have our prayers heard and answered.
Toni Sorenson
God reveals possibilities through impossibilities"! EL
Evinda Lepins
We do not want to be beginners (at prayer), but let us be convinced of the fact that we will never be anything but beginners all of our lives. --Thomas Merton
Sandra Chambers
When your prayers aren’t answered immediately, sometimes God has a different—or better—plan.
Jim George
If fretting was an Olympic sport, I’d own the gold medal
Lori Hatcher
Prayer is the key that unlocks all doors.
Lailah Gifty Akita
God, change the burden of my heart to be like a gentle rain which falls equally on all
AbdulAziz Mohammed
If you feel completely satisfied, you have hit the right answer, coz if not? you may have missed something, It could be the answer itself or it could be both your prayer and the answer!
Bradley B. Dalina
Lord, I thank you for answering my prayers at the right time.
Lailah Gifty Akita
My prayers, my tears, my wishes, fears, and lamentations, were witnessed by myself and heaven alone. When we are harassed by sorrows or anxieties, or long oppressed by any powerful feelings which we must keep to ourselves, for which we can obtain and seek no sympathy from any living creature, and which yet we cannot, or will not wholly crush, we often naturally seek relief in poetry—and often find it, too—whether in the effusions of others, which seem to harmonize with our existing case, or in our own attempts to give utterance to those thoughts and feelings in strains less musical, perchance, but more appropriate, and therefore more penetrating and sympathetic, and, for the time, more soothing, or more powerful to rouse and to unburden the oppressed and swollen heart.
Anne Brontë
Exchange the bad habit of worrying with the excellent habit of trusting God.
Elizabeth George
The transcendental face of art is always a form of prayer.
John Berger
The grace of prayer is an act of seeking to communicate with divine power.
Lailah Gifty Akita
in prayer, God does want your words, he wants your heart. He doesn’t track your eloquence, he treasures your soul.
Todd Stocker
... I am not the author of my prayers; when they come, they come from God.
Lauren F. Winner
Pray more, worry less.
Surgeo Bell
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