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A man becomes trustworthy when you trust him.
Graham Greene
Of course you don’t trust Braith. You don’t trust anybody,” Ghleanna reminded their brother. “You don’t trust the air.”“Because it tends to become unseasonably chilly when I’d prefer it to be warm. It’s as if it does it on purpose.
G.A. Aiken
Humbly let go. Let go of trying to do, let go of trying to control, let go of my own way, let go of my own fears. Let God blow His wind, His trials, oxygen for joy's fire. Leave the hand open and be. Be at peace. Bend the knee and be small and let God give what God chooses to give because He only gives love and whisper a surprised thanks. This is the fuel for joy's flame. Fullness of joy is discovered only in the emptying of will. And I can empty. I can empty because counting His graces has awakened me to how He cherishes me, holds me, passionately values me. I can empty because I am full of His love. I can trust.
Ann Voskamp
Course Dumbledore trusts you,” growled Moody. “He’s a trusting man, isn’t he? Believes in second chances. But me — I say there are spots that don’t come off, Snape. Spots that never come off, d’you know what I mean?
J.K. Rowling
The very people you trusted most could become like strangers in their longing...
Lynne Reid Banks
Trust that man in nothing who has not a conscience in everything.
Laurence Sterne
Curiosity can bring guts out of hiding at times, maybe even get them going. But curiosity usually evaporates. Gust have to go for the long haul. Curiosity's like a fun friend you can't really trust. It turns you on and then it leaves you to make it on your own - with whatever guts you can muster
Haruki Murakami
He felt safe with her. He'd never been safe with another human being, not since he'd been taken as a child from his home. He'd never been able to trust. He could never give that last small piece - all that was left of his humanity - into someone else's keeping. And now there was Rikki. She let him be whatever he had to be to survive. She didn't ask anything of him. There was no hidden motive. No agenda. Just acceptance. She was different - imperfect, or so she thought - and she knew what it was like to fight to carve out a space for herself. She was willing for him to do thar.
Christine Feehan
In what life can I trust anything out of your mouth ever again?
Victoria Aveyard
I hadn't been able to trust since the age of four. I was torn between wanting to be cradled and telling the world to go fuck itself, and those were opposite sides of the same coin.
Betsy Lerner
Walk straight aheadListen to no oneTrust not in the walls or doorwaysFor they will misleadAnd close behind youAs you walk through The forest, not knowingWhere you’ve come fromOr where you’re going …If anywhere at all.
Renée Paule
The only way to make a man trustworthy is to trust him.
Henry L. Stimson
Can you trust me, he said. Not will you. Can you.Can I trust him?What do I have to lose?
Robin McKinley
There is a huge trust. I see it all the time when people come up to me and say, 'I don't want you to let me down again.' - Boston, Mass., Oct. 3, 2000
George W. Bush
Where there is not community, trust, respect, ethical behavior are difficult for the young to learn and for the old to maintain.
Robert K. Greenleaf
What kind of woman is still able to trust people after everything she's been through? If she'd been Vin, she would have stabbed him in the back at the first opportunity, and that would have probably been the right thing to do. Yet, this girl just continued to trust. It was like finding a beautiful plant growing alone in a field of burnt ash.
Brandon Sanderson
You have to trust or you're only living half a life.
For trust not him that hath once broken faith
William Shakespeare
Sidonie, I know you don't remember it, but you once promised to trust me beyond all reason. And I swear to you that all that I am, all that I possess, including this gem-stone, is yours. I need you. I can't do this alone. Forget your memories. Look into your heart. And if you can find somewhere there, some lingering spark of trust that owes naught to reason, I beg you to speak the word written here.
Jacqueline Carey
It isn't fair how I doubt him, and I wonder if he'll ever gather that my loss of faith extends further than I'd ever known it would, severing lines of trust and leveling my confidence like a city-flattening tornado.
Tammara Webber
Trust, you give it and you take it away. You believe it with everything you have in you, you allow your heart to trust somebody else. I trusted very few in life, but sometimes you just needed to give in and fight the urge to flee.
Holly Hood
Humanity is not without answers or solutions regarding how to liberate itself from scenarios that invariably end with mass exterminations. Tools such as compassion, trust, empathy, love, and ethical discernment are already in our possession. The next sensible step would be to use them.
I can trust in my parents' love. And it strikes me that is a big thing to trust, a big thing to have had, no matter what else happens.
Ally Condie
We can depend on nobody in this world, and sometimes we even betray ourselves
Dean Cavanagh
It was one thing to sacrifice your own life for someone else's. It was another thing entirely to bring into the mix a third party - a third party who knew you, who trusted you implicitly.
Jodi Picoult
A learned man came to me once.He said, "I know the way, -- come."And I was overjoyed at this.Together we hastened.Soon, too soon, were weWhere my eyes were useless,And I knew not the ways of my feet.I clung to the hand of my friend;But at last he cried, "I am lost.
Stephen Crane
Jordan leaned on the counter. He felt a little like a bartender in a TV show, dispensing sage advice. "What do you owe her?""Life," Isabelle said.Jordan blinked. This was a little beyond his bartending and advice-offering skills. "She saved your life?""She saved Jace's life. She could have had anything from the Angel Raziel, and she saved my brother. I've only ever trusted a few people in my life. Really trusted. My mother, Alec, Jace, and Max. I lost one of them already. Clary's the only reason I didn't lose another.
Cassandra Clare
I don't trust easily, so when I tell you I trust you, don't make me regret it.
L.J. Smith
Learning to trust is one of life's most difficult tasks.
Isaac Watts
Never trust a mirror,' his mother had told him. 'They never tell the truth unless you make them.
Isobelle Carmody
.. questions that had begun to creep into her thoughts whenever they we're together. When would he be ready? Would he ever be ready? And of course, why he wasn't ready?..
Nicholas Sparks
Trust is knowing that when a team member does push you, they're doing it because they care about the team.
Patrick Lencioni
If we truly trust no one, we cannot survive.
Megan Whalen Turner
Hard to trust honesty of inconsistent person.
Toba Beta
Are we not perhaps all afraid in some way? If we let Christ enter fully into our lives, if we open ourselves totally to him, are we not afraid that He might take something away from us? Are we not perhaps afraid to give up something significant, something unique, something that makes life so beautiful? Do we not then risk ending up diminished and deprived of our freedom? . . . No! If we let Christ into our lives, we lose nothing, nothing, absolutely nothing of what makes life free, beautiful and great. No! Only in this friendship are the doors of life opened wide. Only in this friendship is the great potential of human existence truly revealed. Only in this friendship do we experience beauty and liberation. And so, today, with great strength and great conviction, on the basis of long personal experience of life, I say to you, dear young people: Do not be afraid of Christ! He takes nothing away, and he gives you everything. When we give ourselves to him, we receive a hundredfold in return. Yes, open, open wide the doors to Christ – and you will find true life. Amen.
Pope Benedict XVI
A body of men holding themselves accountable to nobody ought not to be trusted by anybody.
Thomas Paine
And I was -- this is just how I was afraid you'd take it. I knew it, that you'd think this means you were right to be afraid all the time and never feel secure or trust me. I knew it'd be 'See, you're leaving after all when you promised you wouldn't.' I knew it but I'm trying to explain anyway, okay? And I know you probably won't understand this either, but --wait-- just try to listen and maybe absorb this, okay? Ready? Me leaving is not the confirmation of all your fears about me. It is not. It's because of them. Okay? Can you see that? It's your fear I can't take. It's your distrust and fear I've been trying to fight. And I can't anymore. I'm out of gas on it. If I loved you even a little less maybe I could take it. But this is killing me, this constant feeling that I am always scaring you and never making you feel secure. Can you see that?
David Foster Wallace
Reality CheckHis lying is not contigent on who you are or what you do. His lying is not your fault. Lying is his choice and his problem, and if he makes that choice with you, he will make it with any other woman he’s with. That doesn’t mean you’re an angel and he’s the devil. It does mean that if he doesn’t like certain things about you, he has many ways to address them besides lying. If there are sexual problems between you, there are many resources available to help you. Nothing can change until you hold him responsible and accountable for lying and stop blaming yourself. The lies we tell ourselves to keep from seeing the truth about our lovers don’t feel like lies. They feel comfortable, familiar, and true. We repeat them like a mantra and cling to them like security blankets, hoping to calm ourselves and regain our sense that the world works the way we believe it ought to.tSelf-lies are false friends we look to for comfort and protection—and for a short time they may make us feel better. But we can only keep the truth at bay for so long. Our self-lies can’t erase his lies, and as we’ll see, the longer we try to pretend they can, the more we deepen the hurt.
Susan Forward
His mom always said that trust was something you earned. And it wasn't something you gave easy. Too often, it was a tool your enemies used to hurt you with. 'Give them nothing, baby. Not until you have no choice. The world is harsh and it is cold. People can be good and decent, but most of them are only out for themselves and they'll hurt anyone they can'.
Sherrilyn Kenyon
To trust someone is to take the greatest risk of all. (180)
Jonathan Kellerman
Trust = telling someone about the things that make you sleepless.
Hillary Frank
DESTINY (Determined Effort So Tanacious It Negates Yuck)
Frank Chase Jr
She raised one leg and gave me all her weight as I dipped her. She either trusted me or wanted to fall.
John Green
I trusted her about as far as I could throw her. I was strong and she was small, but it still wasn't very far.
Ilona Andrews
Maggie squeezes my hand. It’s a silent message that everything will be okay. Somehow I believe her. In the end everything will be okay. But hurdles have to be jumped through first.
Simone Elkeles
Then come to realize that you're making mountains out of molehills. Realize how petty you've become. Sure, it may feel like you can't get a grip on this town. It may seem that every time someone offers you a hand up, they just let go and you slip further down. But you must stop being so pessimistic, Hannah, and learn to trust those around you. So I do. One more time.
Jay Asher
If you are untrustworthy, people will not trust you.
Lao Tzu
I feel the same way about all my friends. To me, the exact relationship between me and someone else doesn't matter much.But people want to label everything...so I guess I seem indifferent in that way.---Yasu
Ai Yazawa
Open up and wake up with blazing beauty just remember no one is perfect and you are the most beautiful creature on this planet.
Santosh Kalwar
I have something for you.”“Yeah? What? Is it shiny?”They both waited until Indigo had jogged away before resuming their conversation. “So,” Riley asked, “what have you got for me?” Taking his hand, she placed it palm-down over her heart. It would hurt like a bitch, she thought, but he was hers to protect as much as she was his. “Me.” And she opened up her soul, laid herself bare.
Nalini Singh
The church says the earth is flat; but I have seen its shadow on the moon, and I have more confidence even in a shadow than in the church.
Ferdinand Magellan
The best way to guard your heart was to trust a good man to take care of it for you.
Kristen Ashley
Responsibility and Trust -- these two are like Yin and Yang, together perfectly complete, and each one requiring the presence of the other.The next time you mistrust someone, consider this -- does that person feel responsible for you in any way? If the answer is yes, then go ahead and trust them. Very likely, they are looking out for your best interest.
Vera Nazarian
A king who trusts no man is weak.
Patricia Briggs
We're never so vulnerable than when we trust someone - but paradoxically, if we cannot trust, neither can we find love or joy.
Frank Crane
I took a deep breath. 'For you I've got something better than love.'What's that?'I...trust you.'Why?'You'll never hurt me.'Thank you.'But...'But, what?'I said, 'That means I'll hurt you.'Why?' 'Cause, like I said, you'll never hurt me back.
For somehow this is tyranny's disease, to trust no friends.
If you cannot trust yourself, you cannot even trust your mistrust of yourself - so that without this underlying trust in the whole system of nature you are simply paralyzed
Alan W. Watts
Our love has been the thread through thelabyrinth, the net under the high-wire walker, the only real thing in this strange life of mine that I could ever trust.
Audrey Niffenegger
When you get lost in a really strange place, nothing is more comforting than found your friend whom you trust and can show the way.
Toba Beta
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