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Our Imperfections Are What Make Us Perfect.
Lace Vintage
When I was a young philosopher, I asked a senior colleague, Pat Suppes (then and now a famous philosopher of science and an astute student of human nature), what the secret of happiness was. Instead of giving me advice, he made a rather droll observation about what a lot of people who were happy with themselves seem to have done, namely:1. Take a careful inventory of their shortcomings and flaws2. Adopt a code of values that treats these things as virtues3. Admire themselves for living up to itBrutal people admire themselves for being manly; compulsive pedants admire themselves for their attention to detail; naturally selfish and mean people admire themselves for their dedication to helping the market reward talent and punish failure, and so on.
John R. Perry
No body is worth more than your body
Melody Carstairs
To hate the hate was just more hate; to reject the rejection was just more rejection; to judge the judging, just more judging.
T. Scott McLeod
Whatever they say about it, but being altruistic is not so simple for everyone. Not to look and sound like despotism, altruism must be learnt, and it’s a long way, which in fact begins from our egoism, for really, a human can’t love others if he doesn’t love himself first.
Lara Biyuts
When all humans have self-love, wouldn’t it be heaven on earth?
Tom Lusk
When you discover your own self, you will see that same infinite potential in your lover’s eyes.
Vironika Tugaleva
It is only because we seek love as if it lives outside of us that we miss it, again and again.
Vironika Tugaleva
The next time you get scared, get sacred!
Abiola Abrams
You should never apologize for existing, Lev. Not even to all those people out there who wish you didn't.
Neal Shusterman
I only accept your mistakes and flaws to the degree that I accept my own.
Vironika Tugaleva
Discovering the truth of who you are is the only way to love and care for yourself.
Vironika Tugaleva
And here's the surprising truth: As you gaze at yourself in the mirror held by another, you will see far more than your flaws. You also will see the beauty that is uniquely you; beauty that others see clearly and you may hardly know exists. That is also part of the truth about you.
Steve Goodier
My job, my only job here in this moment, is to love myself and, by extension, to love others. My job is just to live and to realize that to live is to love.
Vironika Tugaleva
The search for the soul mate, the perfect partner to complete you, is a bit like searching for the perfect food when you’ve got a giant ulcer in your stomach. No matter what you find, it will never be good enough.
Vironika Tugaleva
Healing doesn't just take a little time, it also takes commitment to get started and to complete the process.
Sereda Aleta Dailey
It is only when we can look inside and learn to love deeply that which resembles uncut gravel within ourselves that we will be blessed to find it filled with diamonds
Alice Nicholls
We have a love-shaped hole within us.
Vironika Tugaleva
Understanding and unconditionally loving yourself is the key to achieving everything you desire. Understanding is the part that I believe so many slide by, therefore finding self love a challenge. When we understand what our inner thought process is about ourselves, we can address the areas that most desire a tender loving hug.
Lee Pryke
A ray of sunshine, I bring to the world my passion of guiding others to their point of power by first loving themselves from the inside out. I Am on a never ending journey of self discovery and that has earned me a PHd in life experience I share with you. If your ready to walk the path of happy, I am your partner and together we Can transform your world into something extraordinarily awesome.
Lee Pryke
Don't forget to pause and nourish yourself a bit along the way. When you're born to help others sometimes you forget to help yourself.
Paula Heller Garland
There is a thin line between self-love and self-hate. When you are at the self-hate side, make sure to cross the line and stay away from it forever.
Merriam Rammila
You cannot ask someone to like you or love you more than you like or love yourself. YOU have to set the standard.
Mandy Hale
Make life easier for those around you, not harder.Every person you know is fighting their own great battle. Few of us ever know what those battles entail, and so often we say and do things that push others deeper and harder into the front lines of those battles. I know such has been the relentless lifelong reality for me.Love a person for the person that they are.Or dislike them for the person that they are.But don’t love or dislike them for the sole reason that they see people differently than you do. Don’t love or dislike them because they experience the world differently than you do.And please don’t eternally and wholly define them with sexual labels just because they were among those who finally found the courage to acknowledge their truth.
Dan Pearce
Vulnerability scares most of us because we've been taught that FEELING our feelings is a sign of "over-sensitivity and weakness". We've taught ourselves to "numb" our feelings because they are too painful.We arrive at vulnerability when we allow ourselves to FEEL rather than think our feelings. It's an inside job of excavating away all the "stuff" that is in the way of reaching our heart, where love and vulnerability live.
Marlene Milner
Look deep into my soul than what stretches the fabric of my clohes
Morgan Chabane
Gratitude is where self-love begins!
Bryant McGill
If you examine your motive for doing anything, you'll soon discover that your reason is that you believe it will make you happy.
Chris Prentiss
You set the standard for how people will treat and regard you, by how you treat and regard yourself.
Bryant McGill
Act as if you don't know me, and i will make it seem as though you don't exist.
Michael Bassey Johnson
While we tend to think of love as some faraway place, it is actually a place nearby that we have forgotten.
Vironika Tugaleva
The rhythm of the heart...beats twice. Thump, thump. Once, first for itself and then once again for the rest of the body. It's a true metaphor for us. Like the heart we must pump life giving love and care for ourselves first, before extending that gift out to others. The heartbeat of every worthwhile relationship begins with a healthy, humble understanding and appreciation of our own personal self worth. When we do this the power to truly love and appreciate others pulsates fluidly and freely into all those we warmly choose to share our lives with.
Jason Versey
There is a self-love solution for every challenge.
Abiola Abrams
Self-love is the best love, and you're the only one who gives it.
Jasmine Sandozz
When someone loves you, they always think you're beautiful. Those who don't see your beauty can't really see you at all.
Andrea Hurst
You want to be popular? It’s easy to do. Just be a total weirdo and love yourself for it.
Dan Pearce
To love oneself is to struggle to rediscover and maintain your uniqueness
Leo Buscaglia
Love should be love. Want should be want. You can love someone with all your heart. They can be your heart, but you have to be able to stand on your own and I couldn't.
Nyrae Dawn
Those who correct others should watch for the Holy Spirit to go ahead of them and touch a person's heart. Learn to imitate Him who reproves gently. . . .When you become outraged over a person's fault, it is generally not "righteous indignation" but your own impatient personality expressing itself. Here is the imperfect pointing a finger at the imperfect. The more you selfishly love yourself, the more critical you will be. Self-love cannot forgive the self- love it discovers in others. Nothing is so offensive to a haughty, conceited heart as the sight of another one.God's love, however, is full of consideration, patience, and tenderness. It leads people out of their weakness and sin one step at a time.
François Fénelon
We all have flaws, curves, and tempers, but together, it creates us, a vintage kind of beautiful.
Heather Blynn
True success is accepting yourself for what you have to offer rather than for what you cannot do.
Dave Shepp
Self-love is meant to be your foundation. It is your birthright. Once you get it – once you really feel what it is like to love yourself… to fall in love with yourself – you might never want to leave this stage.
Annette Vaillancourt
By giving to yourself you are fulfilled, abundant and generous. You have spare love to share.
Annette Vaillancourt
Self-love diminishes no one. It blesses others.
Annette Vaillancourt
You are nature. You are already perfect, peaceful, and powerful. You don’t need to become anything. You simply need to remember yourself.
Vironika Tugaleva
Taking care of yourself isn’t about trying to become perfect. It’s about realizing and honouring,in every moment, thatyou already are.
Vironika Tugaleva
Who will you love if not yourself? Other people? How can you love someone for anything but their raw, naked humanity? How can you say you love someone if it is not for their flaws and quirks, snorts and hurts, triggers and tears? Anything else is not love. It is idealization. And, as long as you do it to yourself, you will do it to everyone. You will not love anyone or anything until those eyes in the mirror soften up and embrace the beauty that is already within.
Vironika Tugaleva
Sometimes the most important conversation we can have is with the waves of the ocean or the dewdrops on a blade of grass. Sometimes the easiest way to love yourself is to realize that you are all these things. You are everything you’ve ever loved.
Vironika Tugaleva
Insecurity is lack of self love. When your fountain of self love is alive, you will be one with people.
Vishwas Chavan
Life is a conversation with yourself. And who are you if not the eternal presence behind everything that is, was, and will be? Like this, the blow of each breeze and the beauty of each sunset can teach you about yourself, if you listen. If you hear.
Vironika Tugaleva
Beautiful isn't something you become. It's something you realize you are.
Vironika Tugaleva
your brown eyes are beautiful.don’t believe the hype.
Alexandra Elle
these "sometimey" feelings are welcomed to stay... reminiscent of ying and yang: they need eachother to help me get through the good & bad days
Alexandra Elle
One should love oneself enough not to love oneself too much.
Marty Rubin
He threw all his affection at them and hoped that some of it would stick, maybe even come back to him, though if it didn't he gave it anyway; he gave it more, even, because everyone had something that needed to come out.
Matthew Thomas
Self-love, my liege, is not so vile a sin as self-neglecting.
William Shakespeare
Bliss is inherent in the Self as fragrance is inherent in a flower. As the flower of the Self-love blossoms, bliss comes spontaneously as the fragrance.
Banani Ray
Those who make hostility a daily manner are often left in the lurch at difficult times.
Michael Bassey Johnson
Don't allow people into your energy field on a regular basis that you wouldn't want to be like yourself.
Dawn Gluskin
Nothing is more attractive than being your authentic self!
Dawn Gluskin
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