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As the community stays with the uncomfortable tension of contradiction, individuals begin to perceive the truth of “the other” as their own experience, and the polarities of conflicting positions often dissolve into an unexpected emergence of a deeper underlying unity: a profound recognition that, ultimately, there is no “other”. We are all one.
William Keepin
When we convene a group for gender healing and reconciliation, we are collectively taking similar action. We stretch ourselves to a larger consciousness and grace that is beyond our capacity, but within our reach.
William Keepin
In gender reconciliation groups, we collectively reach for an unknown power or grace that has a healing potential far beyond our own capabilities or understanding. We invite this power and presence, knowing from experience that something transcendent and universal can and does work through us and it dwarfs our own mechanisms for healing, thinking, fixing, and/or reconstructing what needs to be healed.
William Keepin
accept that you deserve more than painful love life is moving the healthiest thing for your heart is to move with it
Rupi Kaur
You have survived so muchthat no one remembers.And you still spread warmrain on all your overgrownlots. And you still get dressedin the morning. You stillopen wide for the sun.
Jacqui Germain
There is dignity after the storm.
Catherine Jane Fisher
The good news is you survived. The bad news is you're hurt and no one can heal you but yourself.
Clementine von Radics
Gnag bends things for breaking, and the Maker makes a flourish! Evil digs a pit, and the Maker makes a well! That is his way.
Andrew Peterson
We all have scars, my beautiful one. They make us who we are, and if we let them, they bring us together.
Jocelyn Green
I am Mother Nature. All of creation bows before me. When people leave their cities and learn of me—walk in my woods, bathe in my rivers, eat of my harvest—they will find healing to their souls. But stray from me and return to the supposed wisdom of men, and they will find themselves in chains once more.
Seth Adam Smith
As you heal, you see yourself more realistically. You accept that you are a person with strengths and weaknesses. You make the changes you can in your life and let go of the things that aren’t in your power to change. You learn that every part of you is valuable. And you realize that all of your thoughts and feelings are important, even when they’re painful or difficult.
Ellen Bass
Scar tissue — it’s a new layer of tender skin, lightly covering the wound. Still a vulnerable spot, the slightest little knock might tear the skin so it bleeds and the remembered ache from the old wound intensifies the pain from the latest blow.
Jinat Rehana Begum
I had wanted you and then I got you, and it’s hard to say who really chased who. Want like ours was two cats and no mice. Want like ours manifested paradise. You ran for me and I ran away… until I ran toward you and you did the same. And it happened so fast. We collided so fast. You became mine so fast.
B.A. Perry
When we encounter sorrow and betrayal stay present and learn. There is a lesson waiting to unfold, allow yourself to soften into the experience.
Gillian Elizabeth
The greatest mischief of medicine has occurred because life was not honored. Women have been robbed of the glory of their own bodies with, in recent times, removal and mutilation of reproductive organs and breasts, and the treatment of natural passages of life -- birthing, menstruation, menopause -- as disease.
Jeanne Achterberg
In a balanced viewpoint that includes both masculine and feminine perspective, healing is seen not as a technique, but as a process.
Jeanne Achterberg
I prayed for someone to love me as much as I loved you. Eventually I came to see that that Someone was me.
Kate McGahan
I am the only one who can save me from myself.
Joseph Julius Bonkowski Jr.
Everything you need to heal is inside yourself. You only need support and encouragement to listen to yourself—to your thoughts, feelings, imagery, and inner spiritual urgings. A book, like a therapist or group, can only guide you, helping you to say out loud what you dared not say even to yourself.
Renee Fredrickson
Learning to be present with an open heart for others is the best way to help them heal.
Kathleen Prasad
Because people heal a whole lot faster when they're with someone who loves them
Robin Roe
Acknowledging our heartache and our hardship is the first step in coping and dealing with it.
Luschka van Onselen
Some people think it’s an insult to the glory of their sickness to get well.
John Steinbeck
Reading well is one of the great pleasuresthat solitude can afford you, because it isat least in my experience, the most healing of pleasures.
Harold Bloom
Once you've fixed the small things that consume your emotional and mental energy, you may be surprised to find you suddenly have time for the things you enjoy
Luschka van Onselen
When pursued it becomes clear that this separation between one's self and the Church usually stems from deep unresolved pain or dissatisfaction rooted in early religious upbringing. Sometimes it arises from a contemporary image of the Church as authoritarian, chauvinistic, hypocritical, or unforgiving in nature. Though thirsting spiritually for a relationship, some find it too threatening or the prospects too unsatisfying to have to return to a painful image or experience associated with God and the religious realm. This group ay actually scorn the Church because it is not intellectually acceptable to live with a reality that can only be accepted on faith. "To believe in something non-verifiable,' they say, 'is to be weak in one's thin
Janet O. Hagberg
A crisis can knock us off balance, making us afraid, vulnerable, and ripe for change. This also happens in our spiritual journey. We have a crisis in our faith that causes us to reconsider. It might frighten us, at least make us vulnerable. If we become bitter or too resistant, we can get very stuck. But if we let the change or crisis touch us, if we live with it and embrace it as difficult as that is, we are more likely to grow and to move eventually to another stage or spiral in our journey [of faith]. When we are most vulnerable, we have the best chance to learn and move along the way. In the midst of pain there is promise.
Janet O. Hagberg
In the latter months of his own long sickness the Master Herbal had taught him much of the healer's lore, and the first lesson and the last of all that lore was this: Heal the wound and cure the illness, but let the dying spirit go.
Ursula K Le Guin
Many will notice the change in your attitude, and make judgements, call you names – arrogant, Ill tempered. But only a select few will see beyond and notice the hurt, pain, rejection that triggered the anger, and activated your defence in the form of changed attitude. And of these few who notice, barely exceptional ones, will care enough to act and see their contribution to your pain – apologise or take corrective actions, to help your heart heal.To find someone who understands your emotions so well and does not define you by your outbursts or your temper, but instead sees the factors that trigger those reactions in you, even when they are at the receiving end, is nothing less than a miracle.
Drishti Bablani
But, darling, I need you to know, you loving me will not heal me. Please realize, I already know that. And I do not expect it to.
R. Y.S. Perez
Linda Alfiori
You tend to write because your heart holds million unspoken words, writing is your only way to heal your own soul!
Raouf Ayoub
Everyone heals in their own time and in their own way. The path isn't always a straight line, and you don't need to go it alone.
Zeke Thomas
By acknowledging my impermanence, I can consider if there is anything I can do now to help my loved ones who will be left behind cope with losing me and to facilitate healing.
Lisa J. Shultz
Healing is a revolutionary act and we are here to awaken to the true nature of our own souls and the gifts we have to give to the world.
Michael Meade
What remains in diseases after the crisis is apt to produce relapses.
You can tuck your head under your wing for a while...and wait out this storm. But you will fly again.
Connilyn Cossette
Something ancient in us bends us toward the origins of the whole thing. We either drown in the splits and confusions of our lives, or we surrender to something greater than ourselves. The water of our deepest troubles is also the water of our own solution. In surrender, we descend down to the bottom of it and back to the beginning of it; down into what is divided in order to get back to the wholeness before the split. Healing, health, wealth, wholeness: all hail from the same roots. To heal is to make whole again; wholeness is what all healing seeks and what alone can truly unify our spirit.
Michael Meade
God illuminated something powerful in that moment. One e-mail represented my family of origin - a family bent toward hiding. And my new family, the one I'd forged from the ashes of my past, desperate for Jesus to help me, represents who I am today. I am loved. I am surrounded by children and a husband who cheer for me.
Mary DeMuth
The damage and invisible scars of emotional abuse are very difficult to heal, because memories are imprinted on our minds and hearts and it takes time to be restored. Imprints of past traumas do not mean a person cannot change their future beliefs and behaviors. as people, we do not easily forget. However, as we heal, grieve, and let go, we become clear-minded and focused to live restore and emotionally healthy.
Dee Brown
Only absolute simplicity can resolve a horrible complication; only a state free from psychology can heal psychological connections, and only a lucid brain can let go of a compulsive thought.
Shai Tubali
You don't ever heal your heart, you learn that your heart is the one that heals you, once you know to let it.
Christian Donald Joseph Poulin
When we believe a wounding story, our whole world is diminished.
Sharon Salzberg
As long as you keep secrets and suppress information, you are fundamentally at war with yourself.
Bessel A. van der Kolk
While trauma keeps us dumbfounded, the path out of it is paved with words, carefully assembled, piece by piece, until the whole story can be revealed.
Bessel A. van der Kolk
Healing was a terrifying and painful experience and my life was as full of struggle and heartache as it had always been. Several years after I started therapy, I began to feel happy. I was stunned. I hadn't realized that the point of all this work on myself was to feel good. I thought it was just one more struggle in a long line of struggles. It took a while before I got used to the idea that my life had changed, that I felt happy, that I was actually content. Learning to tolerate feeling good is one of the nicest parts of healing.
Ellen Bass
These remedies that I provide in this book do not come any better than this. If they were any better, I would marry them!
Matthew J. Murphy
As you recover, you will feel more conscious of your surroundings. Freed from the ‘fog’ of your pain, fear, and confusion, you will awaken and see the world revealed as never before. You will begin to observe things, especially yourself. You will be aware of what you do and why you do it. You will begin to observe your own behavior and attitudes.
Beverly Engel
And as she fell apart, her shattered pieces began to bloom — blossoming until she became herself exactly as she was meant to be...
Becca Lee
Only Christ Jesus can heal the brokenness of the heart.
Lailah Gifty Akita
However, we have to acknowledge that living with DID presents huge challenges; it is complex and complicated. But our diagnosis was the key to us accessing services and funding, which has enabled us to return to life within the community and to have a positive future. We can see constructive, productive elements in our life, and our faith plays a strong part in this.
Carol Broad
Our future can be brighter. We know that with the right help, continued treatment, and support we can potentially aim for partial or full integration. Yet even if this is not possible, whatever happens we can move forwards. We can live with the multiplicity of being an us and not a me, a we and not an I. We know that, as we are already living that life.
Carol Broad
healingbeginsthe momentyouwant it to
Nayyirah Waheed
The more power they have over your emotions, the less likely you’ll trust your own reality and the truth about the abuse you’re enduring. Knowing the manipulative tactics and how they work to erode your sense of self can arm you with the knowledge of what you’re facing and at the very least, develop a plan to retain control over your own life and away from toxic people. . . . Taking back our control and power . . . means seeking validating professional help for the abuse we’ve suffered, detaching from these people in our lives, learning more about the techniques of abusers, finding support networks, sharing our story to raise awareness, and finding appropriate healing modalities that can enable us to transcend and thrive after their abuse.
Shahida Arabi
Deciding to actively heal is terrifying because it means opening up to hope. For many survivors, hope has brought only disappointment.Although it is terrifying to say yes to yourself, it is also a tremendous relief when you finally stop and face your own demons. There is something about looking terror in the face, and seeing your own reflection, that is strangely relieving. There is comfort in knowing that you don't have to pretend anymore, that you are going to do everything within your power to heal. As one survivor put it, "I know now that every time I acceptmy past and respect where I am in the present, I am giving myself a future."- The Courage to Heal
Ellen Bass
Away I turned, from the ghosts that brought me to this place. From an insatiable desperation to be wanted and my urge to fill the emptiness inside.
Jennifer Irwin
Are you prepared to follow the Lamb whithersoever? The Lord does as He chooses. He dispenses miracles as He chooses for His own glorious purposes. He doesn't always give us what we asked for. He doesn't always give that healing and even when He does we still become sick and die eventually. Do we trust in His sovereign choices or trust only in getting what we want? Will we fix our eyes on the storm in this fading world or on the Christ of heaven?
David Holdsworth
The consciousness of the body is more powerful than the consciousness of the mind.
Joey Lawsin
...when I decided to be fully honest about whatever my heart undergoes, I found immense peace among the chaos of uncertainties. In my honesty and by acknowledging our big, big God, I found peace.
Natalie Brenner
Don't fill your breath with bitterness.
Lailah Gifty Akita
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