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Your life today and tomorrow is patterned alongside your thoughts. You are therefore advised to create good and wonderful thoughts today so they will deliver a beautiful tomorrow for you.
Jaachynma N.E. Agu
You cannot be different from your thought!
Jaachynma N.E. Agu
Thought is the mental imagery of what you want to do, have or achieve.
Jaachynma N.E. Agu
You can use songs, scriptures and godly pictures to chart your thought-course in the right direction.
Jaachynma N.E. Agu
How far you go in life and in your career is dependent on how far you can think good thoughts!
Jaachynma N.E. Agu
Always think at least two steps ahead [in everything, with everyone].
A.J. Darkholme
What if deep down inside you...you knew you were more amazing and magnificent than you thought you were?
Roger James McDonald
Ignorance annihilates self.
Jason Barnett
And because we have been given thought, will, and imagination, albeit on a human scale, we too have this power to create.
Dean Koontz
Thought is my strength and love is my power.
Debasish Mridha
As always when he worked with this much concentration he began to feel a sense of introverting pressure. There was no way out once he was in, no genuine rest, no one to talk to who was capable of understanding the complexity (simplicity) of the problem or the approaches to a tentative solution. There came a time in every prolonged effort when he had a moment of near panic, or "terror in a lonely place," the original semantic content of the word. The lonely place was his own mind. As a mathematician he was free from subjection to reality, free to impose his ideas and designs on his own test environment. The only valid standard for his work, its critical point (zero or infinity), was the beauty it possessed, the deft strength of his mathematical reasoning. THe work's ultimate value was simply what it revealed about the nature of his intellect. What was at stake, in effect, was his own principle of intelligence or individual consciousness; his identity, in short. This was the infalling trap, the source of art's private involvement with obsession and despair, neither more nor less than the artist's self-containment, a mental state that led to storms of overwork and extended stretches of depression, that brought on indifference to life and at times the need to regurgitate it, to seek the level of expelled matter. Of course, the sense at the end of a serious effort, if the end is reached successfully, is one of lyrical exhilaration. There is air to breathe and a place to stand. The work gradually reveals its attachment to the charged particles of other minds, men now historical, the rediscovered dead; to the main structure of mathematical thought; perhaps even to reality itself, the so-called sum of things. It is possible to stand in time's pinewood dust and admire one's own veronicas and pavanes.
Don DeLillo
If we deny the need for thought, Moneo, as some do, we lose the powers of reflection; we cannot define what our senses report. If we deny the flesh, we unwheel the vehicle which bears us. But if we deny emotion, we lose all touch with our internal universe. It was emotions which I missed the most.
Frank Herbert
Tis the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.
Life is more fragile and precious than I can comprehend, but believe me, I'm trying.
John O'Callaghan
Good to know we're all twelve years old mentally. Keeps things in perspective.
Alexander William Gaskarth
Thought assists memory in enabling it to order the material it has assembled. So that in a systematically ordered memory every idea is individually followed by all conclusions it entails.
Jan Potocki
The devil can get you through your flesh. He knows the button to press on your flesh and have a way into your mind. The flesh becomes a transport medium for evil things if not killed for God. If Christ makes a home in your mind, satan can't get there.
Israelmore Ayivor
If you think it is possible, it will be possible. If you think it is impossible, the imposible will be possible. Whatever you think; whether posible or impossible will forever be possible to happen.
Israelmore Ayivor
My head is a prison I’ve been locked in from the start,So if I'm treated like a criminal I might as well play the part.(attrib: E. Tancarville)
Dan Garfat-Pratt
When you can't think clearly, climb to the top of your thoughts
Benny Bellamacina
You know what, your imagination works faster than your mind.
Simona Panova
When you think that you are beautiful, you are liable to think that you are more beautiful than others, and such a thought is not a beautiful thought. To recognize or criticize ugliness and inferiority in others is to create the inferior and the ugly in yourself, and what you create in yourself will sooner or later be expressed through your mind and personality.
Christian D. Larson
You may think that you are well, but you will not secure health until you think thoughts that produce health. You may persistently affirm that you are well, but so long as you live in discord, confusion, worry, fear and other wrong states of mind, you will be sick; that is, you will be as you think and not what you think you are. You may state health in your thought, but if you give worry, fear and discord to that thought, your thinking will produce discord. It is not what we state in our thoughts, but what we give to our thoughts that determine results.
Christian D. Larson
Think only of what you desire, and expect only what you desire, even when the very contrary seems to be coming into your life. Make it a point to have definite results in mind at all times. Permit no thinking to be aimless. Every aimless thought is time and energy wasted, while every thought that is inspired with a definite aim will help to realize that aim, and if all your thoughts are inspired with a definite aim, the whole power of your mind will be for you and will work with you in realizing what you have in view. That you should succeed is therefore assured, because there is enough power in your mind to realize your ambitions, provided all of that power is used in working for your ambitions.
Christian D. Larson
Spirit does not belong to any particular religion because It has nothing to do with any religion and humanity cannot claim any exclusivity to It because we and our planet is nothing but a drop in the ocean of this endless Universe.
Thomas Vazhakunnathu
The average mind requires a change of environment before he can change his thought. He has to go somewhere or bring into his presence something that will suggest a new line of thinking and feeling. The master mind, however, can change his thought whenever he so desires. A change of scene is not necessary, because such a mind is not controlled from without. A change of scene will not produce a change of thought in the master mind unless he so elects.
Christian D. Larson
Our Universe is a multidimensional one; every individual life unit consciously functions in a particular vibratory level (dimension or density) but unconsciously/ subconsciously functions in and through all the other levels, and as the awareness increases it moves to the conscious existence of the next immediate level.
Thomas Vazhakunnathu
We breathe too fast to be able to grasp things in themselves or to expose their fragility. Our panting postulates and distorts them, creates and disfigures them, and binds us to them. I bestir myself, therefore I emit a world as suspect as my speculation which justifies it; I espouse movement, which changes me into a generator of being, into an artisan of fictions, while my cosmogonic verve makes me forget that, led on by the whirlwind of acts, I am nothing but an acolyte of time, an agent of decrepit universes. (...)If we would regain our freedom, we must shake off the burden of sensation, no longer react to the world by our senses, break our bonds. For all sensation is a bond, pleasure as much as pain, joy as much as misery. The only free mind is the one that, pure of all intimacy with beings or objects, plies its own vacuity.
Emil M. Cioran
Work on what is real rather than worry about what is unreal.
Elizabeth George
The Greeks made Space the subject-matter of a science of supreme simplicity and certainty. Out of it grew, in the mind of classical antiquity, the idea of pure science. Geometry became one of the most powerful expressions of that sovereignty of the intellect that inspired the thought of those times. At a later epoch, when the intellectual despotism of the Church, which had been maintained through the Middle Ages, had crumbled, and a wave of scepticism threatened to sweep away all that had seemed most fixed, those who believed in Truth clung to Geometry as to a rock, and it was the highest ideal of every scientist to carry on his science 'more geometrico.
Hermann Weyl
Your self-image tells about what you think about yourself and how you appear to yourself in your own consciousness. Self-image is the picture of yourself carried in your own mind. That picture can scare you or inspire you!
Israelmore Ayivor
The most thought to keep in mind is that "players" gain money at the end of each game while "spectators" lose it for a ticket in order to see the gainful players display their skills. Don't you want to keep watching your dreams or you want to get on the run with them?
Israelmore Ayivor
Everyone lets the present moment slip by, and then looks for it as though he thought it were somewhere else. No one seems to have noticed this. But while grasping this firmly, one must pile experience upon experience. Once a man has come to this understanding he will be a different person from that point on, though he may not always bear his truth in mind.
Rati Tsiteladze
You can never clear a thought from someone's mind, which is incepted by a external cause. thy you know the truth, let it pass patience and self realization is the key to clearance.
Pushkar Saraf
Don't just create a change for yourself, be a centre of change to others.
Richmond Akhigbe
Change your thought, change your mind.Change your belief, change your action.
Lailah Gifty Akita
Develop an affirmation today, and start getting instant confirmation in all works of like.
Richmond Akhigbe
respond rather than react to situations, people or environment. Let go of limiting emotions such as fear, frustration and anger and start to express your emotions to others, this is essential to a healthy wellbeing.
Avis J. Williams
Remember you are the perfect reflector of your mind.
Richmond Akhigbe
you know things, without knowing how you know, but you know it is true
Avis J. Williams
Without thoughts the mind cannot exist only consciousness
Avis J. Williams
An introvert talks more than an extrovert because when the mouth is closed, the mind is opened.
Michael Bassey Johnson
If it's possible in the mind, then it's possible anywhere.
Ifeanyi Enoch Onuoha
You think you're losing your mind, but do keep in mind, as long as you may, that the ability to go on thinking such a thing means it's not all gone.
Criss Jami
The more a mind thinks upon something, the deeper it will take root and affect all subsequent and related thought.
A.J. Darkholme
You are deluded if you think that the world around you is a physical construct separate from your own mind.
Kevin Michel
More than ninety-five percent of your brain activity, as you consciously read this sentence, is being used by your subconscious mind.
Kevin Michel
Self-reflection or autognosis reveals that what is given in consciousness is, first and foremost, integral connectedness and organic unity of all thinking, feeling, and desiring. At the same time, self-reflection reveals that this connected unity is the ultimate reality that can be reached. "Consciousness cannot go behind itself." Whatever we propose to think forms part of this organic unity of our mind and is a result or consequence of it. There is no means of jumping beyond consciousness, and any attempt to explain with the help of any other imaginary system the radical connectedness in which we live and that is our mind would be absurd. Our mind is the very presupposition of all explanation. For to explain a phenomenon means, in the last instance, to point out its place and its part within the living economy of consciousness, and to determine the "meaning" it has in the original source of all meaning: life.
José Ortega y Gasset
Man’s mind is a coast of great monuments, the source of wild and complex dreams and accomplishments that physical eyes have not seen.
Israelmore Ayivor
I wonder about people who say they haven't time to think. For myself, I can double think. I find that weighing vegetables, passing the time of day with customers, fighting or loving Mary, coping with the children-- none of these prevents a second and continuing layer of thinking, wondering, conjecturing. Surely this must be true of everyone. Maybe not having time to think is not having the wish to think.
John Steinbeck
The degree of your mindset will confine you - just as the breadth of your open-heartedness will set you free
Rasheed Ogunlaru
Opportunities can become obstacles, same way obstacles can become opportunities; it all depends on how they are being interpreted by the mind of a person.
Israelmore Ayivor
The mind is the laboratory where products, both fake and genuine are manufactured. People grow wild weeds, others grow flourishing flowers!
Israelmore Ayivor
The brain is the coast of many great monuments. Your ability to exploit the power of your brain is what makes you a leader. Leadership emerges from a positive mindset!
Israelmore Ayivor
Great battles that prevail in actions had been won or lost earlier in thoughts. When the mind resists change, it’s in vain the legs chase it!
Israelmore Ayivor
Your reality is a reflection of yourself
Avis J. Williams
How do text messages make you feel existential?I start thinking about exactly that: how people can edit a thought before sending it out to the world. They can make themselves seem more well spoken than they are, or funnier, smarter. I start thinking that no one in the world is who they say the are, then my mind goes to how I also edit myself, not just online but in real life, except for those rare instances like right now where I'm ranting- even though that's a lie because I've had this train of thought before and damned if I didn't tweak it in my head a few times to make it sound better- and then my mind starts racing so furiously I can't control my thoughts, and I start thinking about robots and wondering if I'm even a real person.
Adi Alsaid
Love brings you closer to yourself
Avis J. Williams
The earth is a mosaic, and most fail to notice the gossamer tesserae floating down from the realm of the mind that form its images of beauty and horror.
Lawren Leo
Demonstrative proof is lacking, but if we thought only about those things about which such proof were available, our minds would be empty most of the time.
Theodore Dalrymple
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