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After all is said and done, it is the commitment of love that transcends time and space. So often, we seek answers in places where there is little light. It is when we choose to go within that we find all that we need.
Susan Barbara Apollon
At some point, when we have been blessed with profoundly moving, touching and special moments, it is important to stop questioning and to begin accepting the gift of the experience. Such moments add only richness and great joy to this journey called life.
Susan Barbara Apollon
There is no rule that is true under all circumstances, for this is the real and not a statistical world. Because the statistical method shows only the average aspects, it creates an artificial and predominantly conceptual picture of reality.
C.G. Jung
Love, prayer and miracles go hand in hand. Every great master who has come forth to teach humanity has spoken of love.
Susan Barbara Apollon
Time is weird. That much is obvious. Sometimes I think everything happens at once, which is anything but obvious and even weirder. I feel sorry for people who brag about 'living in the moment'; they're like people who come into the cinema after the film has started or people who drink Diet Coke—they're missing out on the best part. I think time is like the dial on a radio. Most people like to settle on a station with a clear signal and no interference. But that doesn't mean you can't listen to two or even three stations at the same time; it doesn't mean synchrony is impossible. Until quite recently, people believed it was impossible for a universe to fit inside two atoms, but it fits. Why dismiss the idea that on time's radio you can listen to the entire history of humanity simultaneously?
Marcelo Figueras
Modern physics, having advanced into another world beyond conceivability, cannot dispense with the concept of a space-time continuum. Insofar as psychology penetrates into the unconscious, it probably has no alternative but to acknowledge the “indistinctness” or the impossibility of distinguishing between time and space, as well as their psychic relativity. The world of classical physics has not ceased to exist, and by the same token, the world of consciousness has not lost its validity against the unconscious… “Causality” is a psychologem (and originally a magic virtus) that formulates the connection between events and illustrates them as cause and effect. Another (incommensurable) approach that does the same thing in a different way is synchronicity. Both are identical in the higher sense of the term “connection” or “attachment.” But on the empirical and practical level (i.e., in the real world), they are incommensurable and antithetical, like space and time.[…]I would now like to propose that instead of “causality” we have “(relatively) constant connection through effect,” and instead of synchronicity we have (relatively) constant connection through contingency, equivalence, or “meaning.
C.G. Jung
Synchronicity could be understood as an ordering system by means of which “similar” things coincide, without there being any apparent cause.
C.G. Jung
We are eternal beings who are connected to God, Source, or whatever you feel comfortable labeling the Divine. What this means is that we are here for joy and for love.
Susan Barbara Apollon
Extraordinary moments often involve a sense of connection, as well as communication, with something that we intuitively know goes well beyond this plane of reality.
Susan Barbara Apollon
We are all spiritual beings, having a spiritual experience, while in physical bodies. What this means is that we continue to be through eternity, always changing and expanding. When we accept this, we realize that there are no limitations, other than those that we impose upon ourselves. Mastery is within our power—if we wish it to be.
Susan Barbara Apollon
Synchronicities then can be said are the product of focused thought which appear as patterns repeating in time. These wheels of time or gears of life then, can only record synchronicites as they occur by consciously manifesting and observing the patterns of behaviour from which they were created.
L.J Vanier
We need to be open to ways in which we are being spoken to and in which we are receiving some form of communication. Some people call them signs. Open your heart and allow yourself to be touched by them. They are often stunning expressions of your place in the universe.
Susan Barbara Apollon
The more love we bring into our lives, the more satisfied and at peace we are and the more joy we experience.
Susan Barbara Apollon
Synchronicity happens when we align with the flow of the universe rather than insisting the universe flow our way.
Akemi G
What the hell does it all mean? Does 11:11 really mean anything at all? Well, that simply depends on whether you believe life has meaning in the first place.
Harry Whitewolf
The moment you meet your SoulMate is the ultimate synchronicity. Lucky is the person who recognizes in that very moment the intersection of the perfect time, perfect place and perfect person.
Annette Vaillancourt
Aside from actually manifesting your SoulMate, synchronicities, equanimity and gratitude are the three main signs that your inner work is working and you are on the right path to manifesting your SoulMate.
Annette Vaillancourt
I tend to view synchronicities as proof that I am on the right path. It’s like a pat on the back from God.
Annette Vaillancourt
We often dream about people from whom we receive a letter by the next post. I have ascertained on several occasions that at the moment when the dream occurred the letter was already lying in the post-office of the addressee.
C.G. Jung
As soon as we notice that certain types of event "like" to cluster together at certain times, we begin to understand the attitude of the Chinese, whose theories of medicine, philosophy, and even building are based on a "science" of meaningful coincidences. The classical Chinese texts did not ask what causes what, but rather what "likes" to occur with what.
M.L. von Franz
Intention is everything. If your intention is to find meaning in your life, then your life shall be filled with an enriched sense of purpose and satisfaction.
Susan Barbara Apollon
There are no coincidences. The universe works in its own way to join those of us who need to be connected.
Susan Barbara Apollon
Given the fact that intuition is about receiving information and knowledge, something that every human being frequently experiences, the choice becomes ours as to whether or not we honor the incoming information we receive.
Susan Barbara Apollon
When the orbits of these two satellites of ours happened to cross paths, we could be together. Maybe even open our hearts to each other. But that was only for the briefest moment. In the next instant we'd be in absolute solitude. Until we burned up and became nothing.
Haruki Murakami
All of us, whether or not we are warriors, have a cubic centimeter of chance that pops out in front of our eyes from time to time. The difference between an average man and a warrior is that the warrior is aware of this, and one of his tasks is to be alert, deliberately waiting, so that when his cubic centimeter pops out he has the necessary speed, the prowess, to pick it up.
Carlos Castañeda
Pregnancies and births happen in their own time, regardless of our conscious wishes, hopes, efforts, and fantasies. We may decide we want a child and make every effort to have one, and yet, whether it happens or not is beyond the control of even the most desirous and diligent of couples. And even when a pregnancy does occur, when the surprise moment of conception is confirmed, doctors give us a due date which can only be an approximation, for when and how the baby arrives is also a matter beyond determination. For this reason, in my opinion, almost nothing more than a pregnancy and birth deserve to be called synchronistic: the random coincidence of one of millions of sperm meeting a particular egg, yet from this coincidence, which we do not ultimately control, grows all of life. Is there any more significant coincidence that we experience?
Robert Hopcke
To experience more synchronicity and 'coincidences' we need to listen and be aware of the world around us and also our intuition.That's how the universe speaks to itself, it's an ongoing flow of information that comes from both the outside and from within.Pay attention to how the universe speaks to you today and participate in the flow by being attentive and by listening to your inner voice.
Maria Erving
The slow dance of synchronicity begins the moment you are born.
Andrea Goeglein
There are no coincidences, only synchronicities: mini miracles placed before us by the Angels with love to inspire the mind and expand the heart.
Molly Friedenfeld
Angels love to create synchronicities because each synchronicity produces an illumination point for a soul to connect the dots on life experiences. This insight, in turn, creates an opportunity to expand the heart and grow the soul, which always results in positive change for humanity.
Molly Friedenfeld
At various points in our lives, or on a quest, and for reasons that often remain obscure, we are driven to make decisions which prove with hindsight to be loaded with meaning. (225)
Swami Satchidananda
The Sun, each second, transforms four million tons of itself into light, giving itself over to become energy that we, with every meal, partake of. For four million years, humans have been feasting on the Sun’s energy stored in the form of wheat or reindeer. Brian Swimme
Rob Brezsny
If only you knew who you really were you would be fearless and love yourself with a grand passion! You are a unique shard of God, the Universe, the whole or whatever label you would like to call it. No one can take your place and without you endless synchronicity and evolution would not happen. You are so powerful that just by walking down the street you can change someone's life forever.
Michele Knight
i asked God to give me a love via synchronicity so when it was my time to allow someone into my heart ~ he entered my world, as if by magic.
Nikki Rowe
He was the one I wasn't looking for.
Nikki Rowe
The awareness begins with a feeling of restlessness—an inner urging to find more meaning in life. As we respond to this inner prompting we begin to notice the “chance coincidences”—strange synchronistic events in our life. We begin to realize that some underlying process is operating our life.
James Redfield
Until now, I've never been able to see while I fly, and I feel a dizzying lightness as I look out at the land bel
Ally Condie
Things began happening with odd synchronicity, as if the universe itself was conspiring on behalf of their love story.
John Mark Green
To take control of your life ... just let go!
Stephen Richards
When you use your mind to grow yourself, education doesn't come into it.
Stephen Richards
You think the thing, draw the picture and then it happens.
Stephen Richards
If you like who you are then losing yourself isn’t a choice! But if you don’t like yourself, get lost.
Stephen Richards
Stop acting so small, you are as big as the universe!!!!!!!!
Stephen Richards
Never be paralyzed by fear, just by falling off a cliff
Josh Stern
There’s nothing mysterious about Cosmic Ordering, it’s simply a method used to transmute thought into reality.
Stephen Richards
If you want a new life, first give praise for having the old one!
Stephen Richards
Run and hide or rise and shine ...
Stephen Richards
Become your own success story, not someone else's.
Stephen Richards
If you are in a prison of fear ... break out!
Stephen Richards
Positive thinking without any thought is wasted ...
Stephen Richards
Some people pray for miracles ... with Cosmic Ordering YOU manifest them!
Stephen Richards
When life is tough, use Cosmic Ordering. When life is great, use Cosmic Ordering.
Stephen Richards
When you unfold your spirit, you unfold your dream.
Stephen Richards
It has taken me a lot of years, but I find silence is sometimes the best answer.
Stephen Richards
Face it and it will be less …
Stephen Richards
You must match your energy, your vibration, with that of the universe, bringing it to a higher frequency where it synchronizes with the object, person, or situation you require.
Stephen Richards
Synchronicity occurs at the intersection of your awareness, response, perspective, and action.
Andrea Goeglein
There is always another layer of awareness, understanding, and delight to be discovered through synchronistic and serendipitous events.
Hannelie Venucia
Your frequency is what you frequently see. Pay attention to synchronicity as there are valuable lessons to be learned in the repetition of your reality.
Jennifer Sodini
Synchronicity, it is like a collaboration with fate. All of that becomes the norm when the EGO (edge God out) is no longer the driving force in your life.
Wayne W. Dyer
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