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You are discovering the conversation that the customer wants to have, instead of the dreadfully limiting presentation you would have given him. And in doing so, you can help him to make a truly wonderful buying decision.
Chris Murray
Obvious? Possibly. Sometimes, common sense is only obvious once you have been shown it to be so. Only after a shortcut has been revealed is it an obvious time saver. Before that, it had remained completely unknown to everyone but the enlightened. You can’t know what you don’t know and, therefore, never seek anyone’s tutorage of the subject
Chris Murray
Now you learn about the greatest tool available to any salesman. I’m going to give you an introduction into something that will help customers recognise the value of your offer all by themselves.
Chris Murray
But without a need, even the finest piece of beef is merely a piece of dead bull is it not?
Chris Murray
Why do so many salespeople talk to customers about the product and not the result?
Chris Murray
Customers do not want a lecture from you and they certainly don’t want some juvenile in a bad suit forcing his wares upon them
Chris Murray
I shall not waste any of our brief time together flattering your ego, as others have done before, with all this nonsense about skills and talents that do not help, or worse, that you do not actually possess
Chris Murray
True will is wishing backed by power
It has been my experience that around half of those offering a product or service, in every line of business, are quite utterly useless. Some of them actually bordering on criminal. The remainder are split between two camps, the acceptable and the exceptional. Unfortunately for the average man on the street, it is incredibly difficult to recognise which is which
Chris Murray
So you can speak, can you? Well, that’s going to stand you out from the rest of the crowd, isn’t it? No. Sorry, my boy. The ability to speak does not a salesman make
Chris Murray
No, I’m afraid your overconfidence, as with most young men who dream of becoming successful, can quite quickly become the Achilles’ heel of your continued mediocrity
Chris Murray
Well, at the risk of sounding a bit harsh…I think we can safely say that your recent successes could have just as easily been achieved by a mute monkey in a tiny business suit, holding up a written explanation of whatever it was the monkey was attempting to sell
Chris Murray
Did you sell to them or did you simply facilitate their buying from you, hmm? Very different scenarios, my boy, very different indeed.
Chris Murray
You can’t know what you don’t know
Chris Murray
Remember this. We are always looking for problems to solve, and to solve problems we need to be ready for clues. And you will never be in the receiving frame of mind if you – never – shut - up!
Chris Murray
Success does not judge one man for being worthy above another. Success doesn’t choose you because of your family name or existing wealth.Success is taken by the man, who has made himself ready for its arrival. And although I am not there yet, I have come to this place to become such a man.
Chris Murray
Time is the sole resource you gain if spent and waste if not
I now know that success can not choose me. It is waiting on a path that I must walk. In truth, it waits there for everyone.Many do not know where the path begins. Some search for a shortcut to the end. But the majority of the world does not even realise there is a path there at all.I have been shown the start of that path and I am ready.
Chris Murray
One of the biggest problems with your average sales call is that the salesman doesn’t know what he is trying to achieve. He hasn’t worked out the end of the journey. So he sets off and just hopes he walks out with…something.
Chris Murray
I have set my mind to make sure I am prepared to accept success, whatever the trials ahead, whatever the work required.
Chris Murray
So open questions to understand. Closed questions to confirm and gain commitment.
Chris Murray
Greeders who plunder and steal from their people - not only steal their supporters and their childrens' future, but they also smash their mindsets and create learned helplessness that ensures people stay small.
Tony Dovale
If you wish to sell to anyone you must earn the right to do so.
Chris Murray
You have All it takes to be Great, See the unseen, Give the Good in your hand now to Activate that Great Grace for Greatness.
Jaachynma N.E. Agu
If you put in the effort and focus towards a goal, you will get there quicker than most.
Chris Murray
You cannot become something new without putting in the appropriate effort, can you? Just as a seed cannot grow into an ear of corn without the appropriate time, sunlight, water, and care.
Chris Murray
Men constantly miscalculate what they can do in a day, and grossly underestimate what can be achieved in a year.
Chris Murray
No one ever reached the top of a mountain by digging underneath it.
Chris Murray
You have your whole life to become what you wish to become. As long as we know where we are going, we can prepare ourselves for the journey. That which is currently beyond your capabilities now, does not have to be so forever.
Chris Murray
Can a farmer plants his seeds and then demand the crops to grow before harvest?
Chris Murray
It’s your own personal statement of who you want to become, based on how you wish to be remembered.
Chris Murray
You know, I have never met a young man who recognises the true value in this exercise, and yet I have met hundreds of old men who wished someone had shared it with them in their youth.
Chris Murray
I must turn myself around so that I am viewing life as my prospects see it. Only then can I start addressing their issues, help to prevent their pain, and advise on solutions to their problems.
Chris Murray
How do I go about cataloguing my dreams?
Chris Murray
Moving continuously forward doesn’t necessarily get us to where we want to be, just somewhere other than where we started.
Chris Murray
If you have designed your last day on earth, if you have decided how you wish to be thought of on your deathbed, only then can you start to plot a course to that point, to your ideal final destination.
Chris Murray
Simeon had to agree that his future plans, although quite grand, were like pictures painted in fog. Nothing he could put his finger on. No dream ever remained unchanged long enough to take on any weight or substance, just a notion of something better waiting for him somewhere in the future.
Chris Murray
Most people haven’t set themselves any course with regards to their life. They have no idea whether or not they are being blown in any useful direction whatsoever. They are just at the whim of wherever the winds of life take them.
Chris Murray
I’ll record what I’ve learnt on the subject of what I sell. What it actually is means little to anyone other than me, but what it does and how it helps, means everything to those who require it.
Chris Murray
I will ask questions that are so wide and open they will feel the need to speak for a week. Then from the information that they give to me, I will mould solutions designed specifically for them.
Chris Murray
The vast majority of the populace would never think of setting themselves any deadlines for the achievement of their dreams. They may have a vague notion they will get older and that one day they will probably die, but it all seems a long way away, and tomorrow will bring its own share of problems and pressing issues to fill their time.
Chris Murray
Could trying your hardest, but never being quite good enough ever be acceptable to anyone? Is that what your dreams are made of?
Chris Murray
Falling has become far more terrifying to me than rising.
Chris Murray
You can only see your current horizon. Every time you move nearer to your desired destination, new horizons will become clear. New, previously hidden, opportunities will come into view.
Chris Murray
Dreaming and becoming are completely separate parts of the process. However, they are both as important as each other. Never discount how powerful your dreams are. If you cannot visualise what it is you wish to become, then the brain doesn’t have the first clue how to get you there.
Chris Murray
Until you take the first step forward, failure remains reassuringly impossible.
Chris Murray
No one can mock your meagre achievements or inability to accomplish the simplest of tasks, if they remain figments of your imagination. You can revel, again and again, in the glory of a fairy tale doomed never to appear in reality.
Chris Murray
As soon as I can find the courage to put my plans to action, I will turn from being a “maybe man” into someone whose future success lies completely in his own hands.
Chris Murray
Don't allow your imagination to colour events as lesser men would, and see movement in motionless things.
Chris Murray
All these ships are currently safe at anchor but that is not what they were designed for is it? Your job is not to remain anchored and safe. Your job is to move closer to your destination at every attempt.
Chris Murray
When things get tough, remember this mariner’s star. Bring to mind that everything external is designed as a challenge. A test sent to ensure you are actually worthy of acquiring your goal and reward. Recognise them as such and you will always find a way to go through, go round, or ignore them as required.
Chris Murray
If I listened to all the noise in the worldI would have many standards to conform to But the zeal to succeedCuts through the racket
Priscilla Koranteng
Sometime in the future, when business slumps and there appears to be no solution in sight, you will hear others moaning about and blaming the things that are completely out of their control, wasting hour after hour on elements, which cannot be changed. Meanwhile, you, my boy, you will be focusing your efforts on the only thing that matters. The response which ensures you reach your destination.
Chris Murray
You see continuous movement is the important thing here. Those who remain in one position and then lie to themselves about their progress are the ones in real trouble.
Chris Murray
You may have an overall target to achieve with each prospect, but if you are going to have an ideal outcome for each call, should you not also have a tolerable outcome to fall back on? Something you are willing to put up with if things don't go completely to plan, but something that still moves things forward ever so slightly?
Chris Murray
Currently, you are approaching each opportunity with a single possible outcome and when that doesn't happen you fool yourself that there was nothing more that you could have done.
Chris Murray
The future is a fabulous place to bury your success.
Chris Murray
Never be afraid to offer a smile; sure the risk is that a few foolish people may misinterpret your kindness as weakness, but the sweet reward is that as you make new friends and encourage others, the foolish will learn the error of their ways because you did at least show them your teeth.
Johnnie Dent Jr.
Ready? No one is ever ready, my boy. But some do what they plan to do and some never will. The difference between the two is that the first group understand that they need to start somewhere, so they do so. Straight away
Chris Murray
And by making that plan you have differentiated yourself from more than ninety percent of the population. You are one of the few, who has a clear direction, a decisive plan of action.
Chris Murray
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