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Never run from the enemy, tackle them
Victoria Addino
Men are born to succeed, not to fail.
Henry David Thoreau
If you’re in the luckiest one per cent of humanity, you owe it to the rest of humanity to think about the other 99 per cent.
Warren Buffett
...at some point you need to stop looking out at others and start looking inward, at yourself, at your own accomplishments, at your own foibles, at your own successes and your own failures. It's only when you begin to look inward that you can begin to have an effect on those out there, the ones with the greedy eyes and outstretched hands.
Scott F. Falkner
Want something else more than success. Success is a lovely thing, but your desire to say something, your worth, and your identity shouldn’t rely on it, because it’s not guaranteed and it’s not permanent and it’s not sufficient. So work hard, fall in love with the writing—the characters, the story, the words, the themes—and make sure that you are who you are regardless of your life circumstances. That way, when the good things come, they don’t warp you, and when the bad things hit you, you don’t fall apart.
Veronica Roth
Nothing makes a person desire improvement like failure
Christopher Stocking
Imagine in vibrant, wonderful detail your heart’s desire—a reality only you can envision, an adventure only you can direct.Then cradle your creation. Caress it. Mold it. Coddle it until it comes to life.And when your precious treasure grows so grand as to steal your breath away, set it free for all the world to experience. For that is how you live your dreams.
Richelle E. Goodrich
Rich will be my life if I can keep my memories full and brimming, and record them on clear-eyed mornings while I set joyously to work setting pen to holy craft.
Roman Payne
Play around. Dive into absurdity and write. Take chances. You will succeed if you are fearless of failure.
Natalie Goldberg
To become successful, one must put themselves in the paths of giants!
Lillian Cauldwell
Writing is really just a matter of writing a lot, writing consistently and having faith that you'll continue to get better and better. Sometimes, people think that if they don't display great talent and have some success right away, they won't succeed. But writing is about struggling through and learning and finding out what it is about writing itself that you really love.
Laura Kasischke
Faith is to believe in something when common sense tells you not to and situation surrounding you says otherwise.
Sesan Kareem
Success is not what I've done compared with what others have done. Success is what I've done compared with what God has called me to do.
Lecrae Moore
Generous leaders have faith in others to succeed. In turn, they receive tenfold loyalty, commitment, and a positive outcome.
Farshad Asl
don't focus on the small pieces, focus on the whole picture
Manuel Corazzari
Clouds are on top for a reason. They float so high because they refuse to carry any burden!
Jasleen Kaur Gumber
Money gives you options,Hard work gives you success, Healthy relationships give you a long life, But faith gives you everything!
Farshad Asl
Just hold on to your faith and always be willing to put in the hard work on your own.
Cliff Hannold
This world isn't a battlefield. Someday you will realise how your success depends on a bunch of other people and that day you will be wiser. You will know how connected we all are. Either we all make it or none of us does.
Jasleen Kaur Gumber
Failure should be archived in head, not heart.
Jasleen Kaur Gumber
Hit the reset button. Whatever happened yesterday, forget about it. Get a new perspective. Today is a new day. Fresh start, begins now.
Germany Kent
Sometimes, getting comfortable with the circumstance is the only preparation you need to deal with it.
Jasleen Kaur Gumber
With God, the fear of failure is slain cold by success that is already hot on the way.
Craig D. Lounsbrough
When God holds the Crayons you can expect a masterpiece.
Toni Sorenson
Just as faith without works is dead, so also works without faith.
Stephen R. Covey
A true businessperson should also be a true humanist who understands that he stands to gain the most in a world that is stable for those he deals with, even if they do not fare as well as he does.
Janvier Chouteu-Chando
Son, it is bad for a man to be condemned by his children, more so by the sons he cherishes.
Janvier Chouteu-Chando
Isn’t materialism the cause of much that is evil in the land of mortal souls?
Janvier Chouteu-Chando
Your success in worldly life (sansar) is in proportion to your faith and truthfulness!
Dada Bhagwan
It takes heart to battle great challenges, great faith to be victorious over them.
Wayne Chirisa
We all know that there is a reward for every labour as well as there is a reward for every game played and won. How committed you are in life determines your reward.
Godspower Oparaugo
If you can survive and won the battle over other millions of semen deposited alongside with you in your mothers womb, tell me why you cannot win the battle over challenges, difficulties and poverty? Friend, I know you will succeed because; you'd once done it in the womb.
Godspower Oparaugo
The will to succeed should be powerful: The willingness to prepare for success is paramount (KR, 1990)
Kieran Revell
Fame and fortune await the few with the faith to fall forward despite frustrating failures.
Orrin Woodward
No man succeeds without faith. Whether you call it religious faith or label it something else. I don't feel anything worthwhile is accomplished without it. When you believe there is a Supreme Being guiding the destiny of this universe and that within each of us there is a little part of that Being, then you will have faith in yourself, in your country, in that Supreme Being, and in humanity itself.
Walter Knott
Satisfaction in life doesn't jump on you, you work for it, you earn it. You will not sit in a place, fold your hands and expect to be satisfied with life.
Jaachynma N.E. Agu
It's better to dare to dream big and achieve half of your dreams than to dream small dreams and achieve all
Bernard Kelvin Clive
practice only envisioning yourself at the finish line and be unrelenting and fervent in racing towards that finish line. Undue preoccupation and fixation with the how's, whens, and what ifs will not only derail and further distance you from your destination, but will also feed your mind with those fatal seeds of doubt that make failure inevitable" ~ Awaken and Unleash your Victor
Ogor Winnie Okoye
Whatever your passion is, keep doing it. Don't waste time chasing after success or comparing yourself to others. Every flower blooms at a different pace. Excel at doing what your passion is and only focus on perfecting it. Eventually people will see what you are great at doing, and if you are truly great, success will come chasing after you.
Suzy Kassem
If you're waiting until you feel talented enough to make it, you'll never make it.
Criss Jami
Rejection is an opportunity for your selection.
Bernard Branson
Persistence. Perfection. Patience. Power. Prioritize your passion. It keeps you sane.
Criss Jami
As Henry Moore carvedor modelled his sculpture every day,he strove to surpass Donatello4. and failed, but woke the next morningelated for another try.
Donald Hall
Success is counted sweetest by those ne'er succeed.
Emily Dickinson
Like poetry, fashion does not state anything. It merely suggests
Karl Lagerfeld
You will not be a success in every business, but if you don’t start a business you will never be a success.
Debasish Mridha
Success in business is important. Success as a human being with values, character, kindness, and love is much more important.
Debasish Mridha
Every failure is an experience builder and a stepping stone towards success.
Debasish Mridha
You cannot reach the pinnacle of success without overcoming the fear of failure just like you can’t reach space without overcoming the attraction of gravity.
Debasish Mridha
Triumphs are usually the outcomes of countless learned-from 'failures
Rasheed Ogunlaru
Success is working with enthusiasm and ambition, living with joy and kindness, and going toward a life of ultimate service and happiness.
Debasish Mridha
Making hard decisions in life to accomplish the dreams, It requires a gut from within.
Mohith Agadi
If people call your work perceptible, be it in positive or negative terms, do ask them about what made them draw that conclusion.
Mohith Agadi
The breathtaking view at the mountaintop is compensation for all of the breath lost whilst sweating towards it.
Matshona Dhliwayo
I came here to show you the way to happiness is not through success but through love, compassion, and kindness.
Debasish Mridha
One who doesn't recognise an opportunity is bigger loser than one who tries his hand at an opportunity.
Amit Kalantri
The greatest obstacle to success is the fear of failure.
Debasish Mridha
I believe you can only be lucky if you start out beingvery good
Talal Abu-Ghazaleh
But there was no time to rest on my laurels.
Talal Abu-Ghazaleh
The best secret of success is to always be ready to find and open the door of opportunity.
Debasish Mridha
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