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We can actually live out the trials and temptations of the day before they come. We can in prayer deal with all our unrighteous aspirations, selfishness, perverse inclinations, impatience, anger, procrastination. This is a form of spiritual creation.
Stephen Covey
Our problems don’t stem from our ignorance so much as our disobedience of that which we know to be right.
Stephen Covey
I must change in order to change the world. The only revolution with any permanent value takes part in the breast of the individual person.
Stephen Covey
There’s no such thing as negative energy on the spiritual plane. It is an illusion. All negative energy comes from the ego. What we call negative experiences are only contradictions of the human ego’s belief…how we think we want things to be. When we can’t control, or when things don’t work as we expect, we think it is negative. It is not, it just is.
Ana Rangel & Gerry O'malley
Emotional pain is also self-inflicted. It will remain with you until you reclaim the infinite power within. You need to be constantly mindful, expanding your awareness to go beyond your negative emotions. Be aware of your emotions and consciously raise them when they are low. People need to know that there’s something else beside the ego, the control, the power and the rules. You believe there’s something more, a reality that is aligned with your heart, you don’t fear. You are working your way out of the restricted perspective presented to you.
Ana Rangel & Gerry O'malley
In order to observe the movement of your own mind and heart, of your whole being, you must have a free mind, not a mind that agrees and disagrees, taking sides in an argument, disputing over mere words, but rather following with an intention to understand - a very difficult thing to do because most of us don't know how to look at, or listen to, our own being any more than we know how to look at the beauty of a river or listen to the breeze among the trees
Jiddu Krishnamurti
God is not a follower.
Alin Sav
Does God get what God wants?That’s a good question. An interesting question. And it’s an important question that has given us much to discuss. But there’s a better question. One that we actually can answer. One that takes all of the speculation about the future, which no one has been to and returned with hard empirical evidence, and brings it back to one absolute we can depend on in the midst of all of this which turns out to be another question. It’s not, “Does God get what God wants?” but “Do we get what we want?” and the answer to that is a resounding, affirming, sure and certain yes. Yes, we get what we want, God is that loving. If we want isolation, despair, and the right to be our own god, God graciously grants us that option. If we insist on using our God-given power and strength to make the world in our own image, God allows us that freedom and we have that kind of license to do that. If we want nothing to do with light, love, hope, grace, and peace God respects that desire on our part and we are given a life free from any of those realities. The more we want nothing to do with what God is, the more distance and space is created. If we want nothing to do with love, we are given a reality free from love. If, however, we crave light, we’re drawn to truth, we’re desperate for grace, we’ve come to the end of our plots and schemes and we want someone else’s path, God gives us what we want. If we have this sense that we have wandered far from home and we want to return, God is there standing in the driveway arms open, ready to invite us in. If we thirst for Shalom and we long for the peace that transcends all understanding, God doesn’t just give, they are poured out on us lavishly, heaped until we are overwhelmed. It’s like a feast where the food and wine do not run out.These desires can start with the planting of an infinitesimally small seed in our heart, or a yearning for life to be better, or a gnawing sense that we are missing out, or an awareness that beyond the routine and grind of life there is something more, or the quiet hunch that this isn’t all there is. It often has it’s birth in the most unexpected ways, arising out of our need for something we know we do not have, for someone we know we are not. And to that, that impulse, craving, yearning, longing, desire God says, “Yes!”.Yes there is water for that thirst, food for that hunger, light for that darkness, relief for that burden. If we want hell, if we want heaven then they are ours. that’s how love works, it can’t be forced, manipulated, or coerced. It always leaves room for the other to decide. God says, “yes”, we can have what we want because love wins.
Rob Bell
Self-confidence doesn't worth much, God-confidence is it!
Agu Jaachynma N.E.
Original sin is a self-initiating act because it evidences human free will. If humanity were devoid of free will, it would relegate humankind to living by instinct. A person who lives by instinct might survive for an enviable period, but they will never live a heroic existence. Every hero’s story commences with an unsatisfied and optimistic person venturing out from the comfortable confines of their common day world, facing forces of fabulous power, and fighting a magnificent personal battle. The greatest traditional heroes were warriors whom survived on the battlefield and learned valuable lessons of honor, love, loyalty, and courage. Heroic warriors and spiritual seekers undertook a rigorous quest, an enduring ordeal that enabled them to transcend their own personhood’s shallow desire merely to survive. By enduring hardships, experiencing breathtaking encounters with the physical world, and undergoing a spiritual renaissance, the hero gains a hard-won sense self-discovery, comprehends his or her place in society, and accepts their role as a teacher. A hero is a bearer of light, wisdom, and charity. The hero reenters society and shares their culmination of knowledge by devoting their life to teaching other people.
Kilroy J. Oldster
I hope that I’m a good man ... it would be enough.
James Qualls
A miserable scrooge whom lacks charity for the entire world is a menace to society. Spiritual sullenness destroys men quicker than gunfire.
Kilroy J. Oldster
It takes high level of intentionality to maintain spirituality
Christian Michael
Society has become well versed in the methods necessary to weaken the radicalism of the Gospel by reducing Christianity to what is viewed as reasonable by the logic of the market and by a culture committed to a largely post-Christian, consumerist vision of human life. Thus the disruptive character of Christianity is silenced and Christian spirituality is repackaged as a soothing therapeutic exercise that serves the needs of a culture committed above all else to the enjoyment of consumer activities.
Matthew T Eggemeier
Sometimes, insatiable curiosity and compassion are all that life requires of us.
James Qualls
Try to imagine this formless, liquid abyss of many waters and surfaces. With and within this awesome, abysmal substance, God Mother creates universes. We are made from this stuff, literally! And we literally live, move, and have our being in this fathomless, multi-dimensional matrix.
Stefan Emunds
Starting to believe Life is just a sigh of Death.
Efrat Cybulkiewicz
In the beginnings, God Mother separates the earth from the heavens.
Stefan Emunds
And our Divine Parents have been molding God Child’s soul from stardust. And They have been breathing life-breath into its nose, and God Child’s soul has been existing as a Soul of Life.
Stefan Emunds
Since time immemorial, the serpent has symbolized organic vitality. Serpents move in curves and so does energy. The serpent developed from the Light created on the first cosmic day. In the firmament it manifests as the life-breath that animates souls. In the physical universe it manifests electro-magnetism, the light in substance so to speak.
Stefan Emunds
We are not here to give you the answer. We are here to give you an opportunity to have an insight and realize that you had the answers within the whole time. You couldn't recognize the answer without having it inside of you to begin with.
Jessie & Jason
Spiritual force is stronger than material force thoughts rule the world.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Life is not a competition. No one has to lose for someone else to win. A true blessing blesses everyone. A fragmented love which makes others lose will eventually turn upon itself and destroy the very thing which was being so carefully guarded. An open-hearted love will follow a course which can only lead somewhere good.
Donna Goddard
God Child is a free and inspirational translation of Adam. Adam means 'human', not 'man'. The Hebrew for 'man' is 'aish'. In English man can mean both man and human, which may have caused the confusion in the first place. If Adam isn’t the first male Homo sapiens, who or what is he?
Stefan Emunds
Steadily, we are listening more to the intelligence of our hearts—and acting on that wisdom. And that's what spirituality is—an expression of Love.
Danielle LaPorte
Realise that the love within is the infinite love and it is all that is.
Ana Rangel
Over the years I have built up this tough outer skin around myself, almost like a bubble or a barrier. This has been keeping me safe, but it has not allowed me to feel deeply, to embrace life fully. You were the only one who truly supported me Mary…there was no barrier between you and I. But it is not the same with the rest of the world.’‘Have you now removed that barrier?’‘I am trying.’‘What’s under it?’‘Light, pure light
Ana Rangel & Gerry O'malley
As I stumbled into confusion about what was real and what was not, the strangest thing happened: The world disintegrated. Reality collapsed, or my perception of it. It ripped apart like a dry skin under pressure, giving way to something I can only describe as ineffable dimensions, depths upon depths.
Stefan Emunds
You benefit when you do not further entangle (confuse) an already entangled person or you benefit when you remove his entanglement. But what happens when you entangle the one who is already entangled? God is sitting within him, isn’t he?
Dada Bhagwan
Merely by doing darshan of just one kashay free person, one’s paap (sins; demerit karmas) get washed away! There can be no kashay-free person other than a Gnani.
Dada Bhagwan
If you say, ‘Now I look like an old man’, you will start to look like an old man. If you say, ‘No, I look like a young man now’, you will start to look like a young man. What you project is what you will see. Soul is the form of projection and if false projections are done, the worldly life is created! If you come to a state free of false belief (wrong projection), You will be in the state of the ‘Real form of the Self’ (mood swaroop).
Dada Bhagwan
A true encounter with the living God will break the spirit of religiosity, empty man of his pride and conform even the most vile and wicked into a living vessel for His glory.
Robin Bertram
Forgiveness.... is moving one step closer to a united you.
Donna Guillemette
Learning how to make The Path to My Heart an everyday journey...the road MORE travelled
Donna Guillemette
I commit my life to listening to my own heart and soul.
Donna Guillemette
In the game of life, gratitude triumphs over fear anyway. Your move...
Donna Guillemette
True contemplation can only thrive when defended from two opposite exaggerations: quietism on the one hand, and spiritual fuss upon the other. Neither from passivity nor from anxiety has it anything to gain.
Evelyn Underhill
I swear the earth shall surely be complete to him or her who shall be complete,The earth remains jagged and broken only to him or her who remains jagged and broken.
Walt Whitman
The separation of the individual from a corporeal relationship with the Soul is mirrored in the separation of the individual from nature. This is perhaps one of the most important spiritual and psychological poisons of modernity: the alienation of the individual from the wilderness of nature. The modern obsession with progress and technology has worked to effectively separate man from the unpredictable and uncontrollable milieu of the wilderness and the concomitant alienation of the Soul from the flesh. The modern mind worships the Techno-God and uses many methods to enforce the separation of the flesh from the Soul. Reconnecting to nature requires only concentrated periods spent in a natural environment instead of living a life entirely immersed in artificial environments Efforts should be made to spend significant time in nature to allow the Sacramental Vision to thrive and organically develop. Without a constant connection to nature, the primordial voice of the Soul will eventually fade into silence. Nature must become a constant companion.
Craig Williams
Self-pity is spiritual suicide. It is an indefensible self-mutilation of the soul.
Anthon St. Maarten
A spiritual reinterpretation of events gives us miraculous authority to command the winds, to part the waters, and to break all chains that bind us.
Marianne Williamson
There is only one God and all atheists will learn that after their deaths
Munia Khan
There's a thin boundary between the light and dark side. Both are fervent to reign in the space of the other.
Gloria D. Gonsalves
Take, this day, my handand promise to absolvewhat my forefathers and I didto you and your kin.
Gloria D. Gonsalves
Give yourself a break from any holy book andstart looking at others as you want to be looked at.
Gloria D. Gonsalves
Nothing that the Creator gave is of unworthiness.
Gloria D. Gonsalves
We are all angelic.Offspring of godly relic,accept and be prophetic.
Gloria D. Gonsalves
Easter blessingsAll life’s sacrifices like autumn leavesawaken our sensesand power to love and be wholeOur Mother Earth, Our Father Skyembraces our happiness and laughterPraise be to freedom and life’s seasonsPraise be to Christ’s freedom song
Ramon Ravenswood
Woe to that seven months abortion who thinks to take advantage of the accidents of birth, and, mocking the call of duty, sneaks off to stare at a wall in China!
Aleister Crowley
The soul theoretically is the purview of religion. But in today’s society, relatively few people look to religion to truly heal their despair – and for understandable reason. In most ways organized religion has abdicated its role of spiritual comforter, if not through its own malfeasance, the at least through dissociation from the soulfulness at the core of its mission.Modern psychotherapy has taken up some the slack, and yet it too fails deliver when it doesn the soult necessary to heal our emotional pain. The psychotherapeutic profession has now turned to the pharmaceutical industry to compensate for its frequent lack of effectiveness, yet the pharmaceutical industry lacks the ability to do more about our sadness than to numb it.
Marianne Williamson
Spirituality reflects the most sophisticated mindset and the most power force available for the transformation of human suffering – whether some is taking medication or not. That is why learning the basics of a spiritual worldview – and the mental, emotional, and behavioral principals that this entails – is key to reclaiming our inner peace.
Marianne Williamson
It is always worth asking, "Who speaks through us?
Wayne Gerard Trotman
Good fiction writers have an instinctive understanding of human nature. That's what makes stories and characters captivating. Good spiritual writers share what they sincerely practice themselves.
Donna Goddard
Spirituality has a language of it's own and some people haven't learned to speak it.
Shannon L. Alder
When studying the world’s religions, there appear to be two primary paths available to those who want to practice their faith. One path is internal and contemplative in nature. The other is emotional, external, and actionable in nature. I have identified these as the paths of oneness and goodness.
Gudjon Bergmann
If you are able to show goodness to yourself, your family, friends, and maybe to some in your community, you are doing better than most. In fact, it can be harder to show goodness to those who stand close to you than to those who are in faraway places. If more people tended to their own gardens, all of society would flourish as a result.
Gudjon Bergmann
The upside of approaching spiritual practices like an experiment is that there can be no failure, only different outcomes. Whatever happens, you will learn about yourself and your relationship with the divine along the way.
Gudjon Bergmann
So you know that all living things share the same energy source and that every action that humans do to nature will affect everything on this planet.
Alison Cooklin
In this world we do not have to become the doer, we have to become nimit [an instrument, one of the many scientific circumstantial evidence, not the whole and sole doer].
Dada Bhagwan
Everyone has excess awareness in one or two things. In everything else, he does have awareness indeed. If one has equal awareness in everything, he will indeed become a Gnani [the enlightened one].
Dada Bhagwan
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