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At the end of the day, the argument between spirituality and about spirituality, is all against the nature of spirituality. In arguing spirituality, we go against its very nature. The important question: “Am I being kind in what I am saying/doing”? And that is all. In all truth, to eat an ice cream cone and to smile with the joy of a child, is about a billion times more spiritual of an activity, than to discuss views about spirituality. The experience of innocence; the experience of joy—this edifies ourselves and others. And that is spirituality. An ice cream cone can be the most spiritual object in the universe, at any given time.
C. JoyBell C.
You are not supposed to go out and find love. Love will find you when you are ready.
Suzy Kassem
You do not find love. It finds you.
Suzy Kassem
I don't need to write light, to see light. You are only disabled, if you disable yourself. I may have an illness, but I am not the illness Truth is, despite what they may say, I'll get out of this world alive. I am the Gospel of Myself.
Alexej Savreux
Things can be added, but that doesn't mean that anything is missing.
Chris Matakas
Life never seems to prepare us sufficiently for epiphanies. ... they are not magical intrusions from another world, but reality, naked, and without shame.
Monks of New Skete
I would make it a rule to eradicate from my patient any strong personal taste which is not actually a sin, even if it is something quite trivial such as a fondness for county cricket or collecting stamps or drinking cocoa. Such things, I grant you, have nothing of virtue in them; but there is a sort of innocence and humility and self-forgetfulness about them which I distrust. The man who truly and disinterestedly enjoys any one thing in the world, for its own sake, and without caring twopence what other people say about it, is by that very fact fore-armed against some of our subtlest modes of attack. You should always try to make the patient abandon the people or food or books he really likes in favour of the “best” people, the “right” food, the “important” books.
C.S. Lewis
What I think is true is that at a certain stage in his life, he deliberately ceased to take any interest in himself except for a kind of spiritual alumnus taking his moral finals...Self-knowledge for him had come to mean recognition of his own weakness and shortcomings and nothing more. Anything beyond that he sharply suspected, both in himself and in others, as a symptom of spiritual megalomania. At best, there was so much else, in letters and in life, that he found much more interesting than himself.
Jocelyn Gibb
I Believe in a Life Lived with a Fairy Princess Heart because fairy princesses live dream-filled lives.
Princess Mazzaloulou
Ask Your Higher Self
Pamela Stadnyk
Compassion Is The Key
Pamela Stadnyk
There is the inner life, which is the world of final reality, the world of memory, emotion, imagination, intelligence, and natural common sense, and which goes on all the time like the heartbeat. There is also the thinking process by which we break into that inner life and capture answers and evidence to support the answers out of it. That process of raid, or persuasion, or ambush, or dogged hunting, or surrender, is the kind of thinking we have to learn and if we do not somehow learn it, then our minds lie in us like the fish in the pond of a man who cannot fish.
Ted Hughes
It is not possible to be seduced by the lure of ego-gratification or intimidated by the tyranny of imposters when we know that we are as the angels. We are loved beyond comprehension. So, we must claim our rightful inheritance and live with the confidence of protection.
Donna Goddard
A woman's body is a sacred temple. A work of art, and a life-giving vessel. And once she becomes a mother, her body serves as a medicine cabinet for her infant. From her milk she can nourish and heal her own child from a variety of ailments. And though women come in a wide assortment as vast as the many different types of flowers and birds, she is to reflect divinity in her essence, care and wisdom. God created a woman's heart to be a river of love, not to become a killing machine.
Suzy Kassem
Every challenge provides light. The light of understanding about life and truth.
Amit Ray
In the last 10 years, we have seen a rise in selfishness: selfies, self-absorbed people, superficiality, self-degradation, apathy, and self-destruction. So I challenge all of you to take initiative to change this programming. Instead of celebrating the ego, let's flip the script and celebrate the heart. Let's put the ego and celebrity culture to sleep, and awaken the conscience. This is the battle we must all fight together to win back our humanity. To save our future and our children.
Suzy Kassem
Prayer is like coffee for my soul in the morning
Munia Khan
I can see God in a daisy. I can see God at night in the wind and rain. I see Creation just about everywhere. The highest form of song is prayer. King David's, Solomon's, the wailing of a coyote, the rumble of the Earth.
Bob Dylan
It's a force that appears to be negative, but actually shows you how to realize your destiny. It prepares your spirit and your will, because there is one great truth on this planet: whoever you are, or whatever it is that you do, when you really want something, it's because that desire originated in the soul of the universe. It's your mission on earth.
Paulo Coelho
there isn't shame in having shadows - we all have them to varying degrees. it's simply a part of being human
Timothy Roderick
1.tWe admitted we were powerless over our emotions, that our lives had become unmanageable.2.tCame to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity.3.tMade a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understood Him.4.tMade a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves.5.tAdmitted to God, to ourselves and to another human being the exact nature of our wrongs.6.tWere entirely ready to have God remove all these defects of character.7.tHumbly asked Him to remove our shortcomings.8.tMade a list of all persons we had harmed, and became willing to make amends to them all.9.tMade direct amends to such people wherever possible, except when to do so would injure them or others.10.tContinued to take personal inventory and when we were wrong promptly admitted it.11.tSought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with God as we understood Him, praying only for knowledge of His will for us and the power to carry that out.12.tHaving had a spiritual awakening as the result of these steps, we tried to carry this message to emotionally and mentally ill persons and to practice these principles in all our affairs.
Jerry Hirschfield
My religion starts from where your arguments end.
Kunal Narayan Uniyal
Love is not an Emotion, It is your very Existence.
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
You deserve a better life. You deserve a prosperous life. You deserve a positive life. You deserve to be liberated from all negativity. You deserve the best!
Karen A. Baquiran
We can allow our ego to react and sabotage or we can let our spirit run free in love. We are always in control of our actions.
Karen A. Baquiran
Spirituality will only be recognizedby spiritual people.Religious Leader Petra Cecilia Maria HermansReligion of Blue CircleBabaji
Petra Hermans
to judge darkness as bad or wrong is akin to judging whether up is better than down, or whether blue is better than red
Timothy Roderick
If you always point others back to biblical truth and scripture, you allow God to become the reflection for others, not you.
Matt Kellum
To live without awareness is to live as the deaf, blind, and dumb in a world of vibrant light and sound.
If we become aware that someone is sending thoughts of ill will in our direction, we do not argue with the apparent reality of malice. To do so would give it more substance. We remove the personal sense of ourself and the other person.
Donna Goddard
How easily such a thing can become a mania, how the most normal and sensible of women once this passion to be thin is upon them, can lose completely their sense of balance and proportion and spend years dealing with this madness.
Kathryn Hurn
Everything happens at the open window, the portal into another world. Our experience of life depends upon whether we stay the safe side of the window or have the courage to go through." The Beautiful Dance of Life.
Princess Mazzaloulou
One afternoon as I just gazed at the topmost branches of those immensely tall trees I began to notice that the uppermost twigs and leaves were lyrical happy dancers glad that they had been apportioned the top, with all that rumbling experience of the whole tree swaying beneath them making their dance, their every jiggle, a huge and communal and mysterious necessity dance, and so just floating up there in the void dancing the meaning of the tree.
Jack Kerouac
To understand ourselves needs no authority either of yesterday or of a thousand years because we are living things, always moving, flowing, never resting.
Jiddu Krishnamurti
We may talk lightly but never carelessly. We keep at bay the flow of common, ignorant thought which runs its damaging course through the pathways of ordinary human conversation.
Donna Goddard
We do not engage in idle or intentional gossip which undermines someone else's integrity or which spreads the seeds of fear by talking unthinkingly about illness, disasters, and all the other fears which run rampant in the world.
Donna Goddard
The path is paved with consistent, conscious mental and spiritual alertness and the gradual growth of goodness in our heart and clarity in our mind. We are awake. If we keep trying to understand, we will understand. If we keep telling ourselves that we are loved by Life and if we keep looking for evidence of that love, we will find it.
Donna Goddard
It could be said that we become so much a stranger that we disappear and find ourselves reborn in the midst of humanity which is quite a paradox.
Donna Goddard
Wherever you decide to go, proceed with your mind.
Amitav Chowdhury
Spiritual preparedness is achieved with evolved consciousness.
Amitav Chowdhury
Not allowing the mind its freedom to think and find the purpose of life takes away the vision to focus.
Amitav Chowdhury
We need a tremendous amount of energy and we dissipate it through fear but when there is this energy which comes from throwing off every form of fear, that energy itself produces the radical inward revolution.
Jiddu Krishnamurti
A weight lands on me, and a strong doubt that I will not be able to fully commit to the ideas of this strange religion out here in the cold north. I look at the girl’s pale skin flushed slightly across her high cheekbones and wonder if she, perhaps, is Katherine Redford and the article we read was wrong. Maybe her ruse is an old woman but she is, in fact, a young girl. There is something more comforting in that idea, to be healed by a child uninterested in fame or money. A girl as young as her would not seek to inveigle or exploit hopeless people such as us, but an adult might.
Annie Fisher
Religion doesn’t mean obeying some textual rules from books that were written hundreds or thousands of years ago. Religion means realization of the self.
Abhijit Naskar
A person’s affinity towards his or her own religious beliefs, has the same neurological qualities as of his or her emotional affinity towards the romantic partner. In fact the symptoms that follow the early euphoric phase of romantic love are often seen in religious people when their beloved religious faith is challenged.
Abhijit Naskar
Alchemy: In times of recession it's not wise to argue about the price of gold.
Robin Sacredfire
Till the time, you are enjoying the outside process, everything seems alright, but when the query arises, about why life, you search for the deeper meaning with life.
Roshan Sharma
The bird flying free has no interest in the truth, searching, or looking for a deeper meaning. The bird flying free just "is" and that is why it is free.
Princess Mazzaloulou
All your thoughts, imagination, feelings, emotions and sensation are part of the mechanical process that can be understood, at the state of self-realization.
Roshan Sharma
No matter what you desire to be or see, contemplate / meditate upon the idea of there being an unlimited abundance of it. Your belief is scarcity and limitation regarding your desire is keeping it from you. How you define something is how it must appear. Faith in abundance draws things to you, your faith in lack / limitation takes away what you already have. ( Instagram: #aMessageOfLove )
What you have within you in your life is what you are after death. If you have explored it to some extent, you would see how life continues after death, and know that after death the consequences of the way that you have lived follow.
Consciousness cannot be glimpsed as though it were something outside yourself, because it is you.
Oneness is God.
Abhijit Naskar
Religion helps humanity to pass through its darkest times.
Abhijit Naskar
If a religion cannot help a human wherever he or she stands, it is not of much use.
Abhijit Naskar
Someone burns your beloved scripture in front of you, yet you are not bothered even the slightest bit. That's when you know, you have achieved divinity.
Abhijit Naskar
…even if I discover that I don't particularly like or agree with them, I still can see that they are human beings, just like me. They are not an idea. They are not a concept. They are a real, living and breathing human being who is just trying to figure everything out, just like I am.
Brandan Roberston
The more you condemn yourself for thinking or feeling a certain way, the more you feel stuck within your own body and mind.. What if you went the other way and embraced it so totally that it was as if there was never any alternative experience to be reached for? What happens when the conflict ends?
Adam Oakley
So eventually, our mutual ignorance of each other's faith cancelled each other out and we found ourselves at a stalemate, a common ground beyond our misunderstandings, where we could begin a healthy and open dialogue about the similarities and differences between Christianity and Islam… but our face to face dialogues helped us begin to comprehend with some degree of clarity what the other group actually believed.
Brandan Roberston
If God exists, he exists for all of us
Sandesh Hukpachongbang
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