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As long as one is the doer of the actions, there is agnan [all other knowledge other than one’s own true self, wordly knowledge]. Agnan is the cause for the worldly life.
Dada Bhagwan
This ‘Knowledge’ manifested in 1958! That day I became a ‘Gnani’ (the enlightened one)! The day before that, ‘I’ too was agnani (ignorant of the Self), wasn’t I?
Dada Bhagwan
The ‘information’ one receives from within, shows credit [punya] and debit [paap] karmas. All the Knowledge-Vision is present within. Everything can be Known from within but only as long as you do not create obstructions. If you were to cross-over [violate] it, then the ‘information’ will stop coming through.
Dada Bhagwan
You have to recognize the Knowledge of the Gnanis’ [the enlightened ones]. You have to recognize the world from the perspective of love (prem swaroop).
Dada Bhagwan
Worship without ‘Gnan’ [True Knowledge] will give material pleasures in the world and worship accompanied by ‘Gnan’ [True Knowledge] is known as ‘Gnan’ [True Knowledge] which gives the result of moksha [ultimate liberation].
Dada Bhagwan
We can never have Knowledge (Gnan) without worship (bhakti). Such knowledge would be considered shushka-gnan [unproductive knowledge]. It cannot be considered True Knowledge.
Dada Bhagwan
People take worship (bhakti) into the relative plane. They consider singing religious songs as worship. Worship [bhakti] can never be without knowledge (gnan). Worship will make one become the one who he worships.
Dada Bhagwan
Intent of complete surrender (devotion) is worship itself. Complete surrender with (full understanding and real) knowledge is a very high level of worship. Even the surrender done with relative knowledge (ignorance of one’s own real self) can be called worship.
Dada Bhagwan
The essence of the world is Sachchidanand [sat-chit-anand, eternal knowledge and vision leads to bliss].
Dada Bhagwan
Where there is no Sachchidanand [sat-chit-anand, eternal knowledge and vision leading to bliss], there is night (darkness).
Dada Bhagwan
In saying the word ‘Sachchidanand’ [sat-chit-anand, eternal knowledge and vision leading to bliss], it has great ‘effect’. There is an ‘effect’ even when it is said without the understanding [of it’s meaning]. When it is said with the understanding, there is tremendous benefit. Saying these words produces vibrations and everything churns. Everything is ‘Scientific’.
Dada Bhagwan
It is Vitaraag vignan [the Spiritual Science of the Enlightened Ones] to look at gain, and to see losses is the knowledge of worldly wanderings.
Dada Bhagwan
Where there is lack of ‘Gnan’ (Knowledge and experience of the Self; real Knowledge) there is worldly existence and where there is ‘Gnan’ (Real Knowledge), there is no worldly existence.
Dada Bhagwan
To see from all the “view points” is called ‘Gnan’ [True Knowledge].
Dada Bhagwan
Gnan’ [True Knowledge, Knowledge of one’s own self], is freedom itself. It keeps one in Moksha [liberated state] and prevents [karmic] bondage.
Dada Bhagwan
Circumstances will change but (True) Knowledge [Gnan] will not change.
Dada Bhagwan
Worldly knowledge (laukik gnan) is called illusion (bhranti).
Dada Bhagwan
That which comes forth, is present and cautions at all times is called ‘Gnan’ (Eternal knowledge). That indeed is the Soul [Our True Self]. The Soul is not separate from the Knowledge.
Dada Bhagwan
Only Gnan (Knowledge of the Self) will give liberation. All other instruments (& practices) create bondage.
Dada Bhagwan
When someone picks the Gnani Purush’s [the enlightened one’s] ‘pocket’, how does the Gnani Purush’’ look at it? “Very well! This amount is now credited to my account”! Money spent for the home is money down the drain. How can anyone ‘see’ this [fact] with the narrow inner intent of ‘mine and yours’? With an all encompassing [broader] intent, one will see ‘as it is’, that is called ‘Gnan’ [Knowledge].
Dada Bhagwan
Unity does not exist in the world. Only when the Gnani Purush [the enlightened one] grants moksha [liberation], does unity arise. Unity cannot prevail without Gnan [knowledge of the self].
Dada Bhagwan
Even the slightest criticism of others is an impediment (hindrance) to Absolute Knowledge (Kevalgnan, Absolute Enlightenment). It also hinders Atmagnan (Knowledge of the Self), also hinders Samkit (Self-realization).
Dada Bhagwan
Vitarag’s [the enlightened one’s] 'water' (knowledge) will remove any kind of (karmic) 'stains'.
Dada Bhagwan
There are two aspects to this world; even though it is fickle, it is within principle. Through the medium of the five senses and intellectual knowledge, it appears fickle and through ‘Gnan’ (Real Knowledge) it appears to be within principle.
Dada Bhagwan
The knowledge, which makes you ‘emotional’, is worldly awareness. True awareness does not make you ‘emotional’.
Dada Bhagwan
The whole world reacts negatively to loss. What wrong has loss done? If you ask God if he has any profit or loss, then God would tell you, 'You are looking at it from an illusory viewpoint, you are seeing ‘relative’ and that is why you see everything as a profit or loss. I see through Real knowledge’.
Dada Bhagwan
The entire world is surviving only due to ‘beliefs’, not because of ‘Knowledge’ (Gnan). Every human being is (living) only because of beliefs.
Dada Bhagwan
People in the world ask for forgiveness, but [true] ‘pratikraman’ does not happen by doing that. That is like when people casually say ‘sorry’ or ‘thank you’. There is no significance in that; the significance is of ‘alochana-pratikraman-pratyakhyan’ (acknowledgement of the mistake, repentance and asking for forgiveness for the mistake, remorse and avowal not to repeat the mistake, respectively).
Dada Bhagwan
The one whose ‘alochana (confession of mistakes), pratikraman (asking for forgiveness) and pratyakhyan (avowal to never repeat the mistake)’ are true (done correctly), he is bound to attain the knowledge of the Self (attain self realization).
Dada Bhagwan
Gnan [True Knowledge] means the Guru's experiential talks.
Dada Bhagwan
When one gathers all the books of all worldly religions, when one beholds (dharan) them, then the phenomenon of religious upholding (dharma dharan) occurs. When that religious upholding becomes 100% strong, then the essence [marma] begins to manifest. When the essence becomes 100% strong, then the extract of the Knowledge [gnanark] begins to manifest. Here, we make you ‘drink’ (absorb) directly, the ‘Extract of the Knowledge’.
Dada Bhagwan
Worldly things (laukik) are perceived through the senses (indriya-gamya). That, which is beyond the world (alaukik), is perceived [through the knowledge which is] beyond the senses (atindriya-gamya).
Dada Bhagwan
Worldly knowledge (laukik gnan) is understood through the intellect (buddhi). Knowledge of that which is beyond the world (alaukik gnan) cannot be understood through the intellect. That is understood through ‘Gnan’ [Knowledge of the Real Self].
Dada Bhagwan
There is no quarrel between science and spirituality. I often hear people of science trying to use it to prove the nonexistence of the spiritual, but I simply can't see a chasm in between the two. What is spiritual produces what is scientific and when science is used to disprove the spiritual, it's always done with the intent to do so; a personal contempt. As a result, scientists today only prove their inferiority to the great founding fathers of the sciences who were practitioners of alchemy. Today's science is washed-out and scrubbed-down and robbed of everything mystical and spiritual, a knowledge born of contempt and discontent. Or perhaps, there are a few who wish to keep those secrets to themselves and serve everyone else up with a tasteless version of science and the idiots of today blindly follow their equally blind leaders.
C. JoyBell C.
Only two kinds of people can attain self-knowledge: those who are not encumbered at all with learning, that is to say, whose minds are not over-crowded with thoughts borrowed from others; and those who, after studying all the scriptures and sciences, have come to realise that they know nothing.
Religion is the record of spiritual events. Through the repetition of past occurrences religion can give us a close approximation of the event itself, but it is not the same thing as a spiritual experience.
The Lord is much like the air around us. The air is all around us, it is everywhere. Even though we can't see it, it is there, we know it is there, because we are breathing. The Lord is everywhere too, you can't see Him, but He is there, we know He is there, because we are breathing. (Page 183)
Raymond D. Reifinger III
As long as we were living in the spirit we would continue to be blessed
Crystal Flanagan
Verily I say unto you all: Arise and shine forth, that thy light may be a standard for the nations.
Doctrine and covenants 115:5
Spirituality is not adopting more beliefs and assumptions but uncovering the best in you.
Amit Ray
Compassion is the religion of the heart.
Ma Jaya Sati Bhagavati
the man and his wife were both naked, and were not ashamed.
To be honest, one can only feel glad that so many modern iconoclasts consider Christianity to be full of exceptionally hypocritical, religious zealots - it's biblically accurate and a prophecy fulfilled. The old smoke screen is one of Satan's favorite tricks. He conceals the authentic. He has a persistent strategy of targeting those who remind him of Christianity because he fears those who remind him of Christ.
Criss Jami
We are not human beings on a spiritual journey. We are spiritual beings on a human journey.
Stephen R. Covey
To live by grace means to acknowledge my whole life story, the light side and the dark. In admitting my shadow side I learn who I am and what God's grace means.
Brennan Manning
Meditators dream of attaining the single-pointed focus that young children experience naturally when they play. Spiritual aspirants long for the rapture that defines moments of pure delight.
Victor Shamas
The source and essence of all creation can be found everywhere. It resides equally in you, in me, and in all things. True wisdom is the fullest understanding of this essence--an understanding that can happen only when there is no separation between the knower and the known.
Victor Shamas
A regular meditation practice is one of the highest forms of self-love.
Renae A.Sauter
Muse, We are servants of the Mystery. We were put here on earth to act as agents of the Infinite, to bring into existence that which is not yet, but which will be, through us. Every breath we take, every heartbeat, every evolution of every cell comes from God and is sustained by God every second, just as every creation, invention, every bar of music or line of verse, every thought, vision, fantasy, every dumb-ass flop and stroke of genius comes from that infinite intelligence that created us and the universe in all its dimensions, out of the Void, the field of infinite potential, primal chaos, the Muse. To acknowledge that reality, to efface all ego, to let the work come through us and give it back freely to its source, that, in my opinion, is as true to reality as it gets.
Steven Pressfield
We’re moving faster with our science and technology than our morals are evolving, we’re going to have to live in the future we create so it is up to us to become responsible for what we’re creating. It is the only way to avoid the probable catastrophes that will face us and our children on the way. We all have to get on the same page if we’re to unify and a species and survive. I hope ‘The Vision Quest’ will help people set positive intentions for their lives and the world we live in, as well as give them some tools to manifest them
Deborah M. Pratt
Only you can change your own world. No one else.
Nina Hrusa
We suddenly arrived in this very lost and strange city. Somewhere in the middle of the mountains. We didn't know where we are. We were just heading back to the sea. When we walked trough the forgotten city in silence, something inside us changed. We lost a bit of ourselves too and gained space for something new.
Nina Hrusa
Religions are metaphorical systems that give us bigger containers in which to hold our lives. A spiritual life allows us to move beyond the ego into something more universal. Religious experience carries us outside of clock time into eternal time. We open ourselves into something more complete and beautiful. This bigger vista is perhaps the most magnificent aspect of a religious experience.There is a sense in which Karl Marx was correct when he said that religion is the opiate of the people. However, he was wrong to scoff at this. Religion can give us skills for climbing up on onto a ledge above our suffering and looking down at it with a kind and open mind. This helps us calm down and connect to all of the world's sufferers. Since the beginning of human time, we have yearned for peace in the face of death, loss, anger and fear. In fact, it is often trauma that turns us toward the sacred, and it is the sacred that saves us.
Mary Pipher
The problem is not that you have problems the problem is that you see having problems as a problem.
Maurice Makalu
The ultimate source of comfort and peace is within ourselves.
Dalai Lama XIV
Loving oneselfIs the most primalOf all survival mechanisms
Karen Hackel
Compassion crowns the soul with its truest victory.
Writing was a spiritual exercise for my father, the only thing he really believed in.
Mark Vonnegut
When you are here, God is near.
Kamand Kojouri
Your love brought me closer to God.
Kamand Kojouri
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