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The war going on within you is a reflection of every war that has ever taken place… past, present, and future. Each individual is a Spiritual Warrior and there is only one demon you must conquer…your SELF. You are the devil and you are the savior. You are a human with free will, and every morning you wake up and you make a choice.
Alaric Hutchinson
Each stage of your lifeis like petals of a flower... unfolding and opening until it comes to full bloom...You will blossom and then you die...But know that this is not your ending.
Summerlyn Guthrie
A balanced inner calmness radiates from a peaceful centre. It neither craves others' approval nor rejects others' presence. It neither pulls towards nor pushes away. It has a reverent attitude towards life and all its inhabitants.
Donna Goddard
I might live a life of struggle but I will not live a life of defeat!
Jonathan Anthony Burkett
The expensive car you bought doesn’t matter, but the way you treated the sales man did.
Sheila Burke
In many ways a child has actually re-educated the parents upon arrival into their lives - when else do adults take the time to appreciate acorns or clouds?
Ian-Anthony Finnimore
When the ego is in the driver’s seat, we judge. When our spirit, our authentic self, is in control, we practice listening (without judging), compassion, and love.
Sheila Burke
When I think of Tao, I think of the artist Bob Ross and his famous painting techniques. I can hear him say, “It’s your tree, you can make it look any way you want to.
Sheila Burke
Life is an all-encompassing art gallery. From the seasons ushering in change to the way a body moves during dance from the way one smile paints another to the waddle of a street rat – every facet of life is art in motion. Every time a bird takes flight from a branch the scene changes each time the winds shift brings new perspective.
Sheila Burke
When the ego is in the driver’s seat, we judge. When our spirit, our authentic self, is in control, we practice listening (without judging), compassion, and love
Sheila M. Burke
It’s about letting yourself feel, but not wallow; it’s about leaning into love, not fear, as the preferred force in your life.
Sheila M. Burke
When you change the way you feel, it changes the way you think. When you change the way you think, you change the way you deal with everything in life.
Sheila M. Burke
Everything is in the root. If you pick the weed without getting the root out of the soil, be assured, it is going to grow back.
Sheila M. Burke
Sometimes you’re going to shine like the sun; sometimes you’re going to crumble to pieces. Either way, it’s okay.
Sheila M. Burke
You know that you won’t remain Centered all the time, and it is a normal part of human life to drift left or right of Center sometimes.
Sheila M. Burke
Sometimes the purpose of the rose is simply to draw attention to the rose.
Cristen Rodgers
The expensive car you bought doesn’t matter, but the way you treated the salesman did.
Sheila M. Burke
Dwelling on the past is like dragging a boat over dry land.
Sheila M. Burke
Taoism is simply the complete acceptance of yourself as you are right in this moment. It's about rolling with the changes, whether they are perceived as good or bad. Tao reminds us to live life through good actions (important for past karma and karma you are presently creating); through practicing things that engage our mind, body, and spirit.
Sheila M. Burke
You have the power to change the happiness level in someone’s life and in the process you change your mind-set and the level of your own happiness. Practicing kindness and compassion will change your life, your environment, your outlook on your future, and how you view what has happened in your past.
Sheila M. Burke
Harvey wanted to dive into his ugliness; he intentionally reached for those long hours of soul desolation. He waited. He paced, ready to face down whatever was to come.Paulette’s, though, busted loose uninvited, catching her completely off guard when she was already hurting, feeling crumbled, and vulnerable. When all she really wanted was some quiet gentle feelings for a change. A few flowers. Some sunshine. A way out of all that inner torment for even just a moment.Had she had brought only nastiness out of her childhood? Hadn’t there been anything sweet she could remember instead?As she wandered back to her cabin, searching for even a single fond memory, light faded everywhere around her.Aw, c’mon, she thought. Everyone had some happy childhood memories. She had to have at least a couple.How about the coloring? Children enjoy coloring; how about that? She’d spent hours and days on her art. It was as close as she could remember to having her Mamma stand over her with anything even remotely resembling approval. Her books and comics could be tales of Jesus, but coloring books had to be Old Testament because “No child’s impure hand could touch a crayon to the sweet beautiful face of our beloved Lord and savior Christ Jesus.”So the little girl had scrunched down over Daniel in the lion’s den. Samson screaming in rage, pain, and terror as they blinded him with daggers and torches. The redder she made the flowing wounds of a man of God shot full of arrows, the richer the flames around those three men being burned in an iron box, the longer Mamma let her stay out of that closet.- From “The Gardens of Ailana
Edward Fahey
Paulette awoke with an ache in her heart, a grinding in her gut. If there really was a God, why would He have let anyone put a child through that? …She had survived, but at what cost? She was an itinerant professor, living in her head, not her heart. She had broken away, but abandoned her sister; hadn’t contacted her family in years.Paulette wondered what she was looking for in these weekend workshops. Absolution wasn’t on the curriculum. What could she possibly hope to accomplish? To be a healer you need to connect with people. You need to touch, and let yourself be touched. And not just with your hands.Watching these nurses, she envied them their friendships. Here were real buddies truly caring about each other, taking jabs, sharing private jokes and fears. She’d never had that. Even witnessing it from across a room, or a yard, only made her feel that much more lonely.She got along with people well enough. Agreed with whatever they said, watched their pets, helped them move from one apartment to another. But no one really knew her.Paulette had never been flush with self-confidence. People took that as humility, but humility isn’t painful and crippling. She hadn’t yet learned that humble and self-destructive aren’t the same thing at all. They’re not even on the same team.And now here she was at a workshop for healers. Had she come here to heal; or to be healed?It was one of those warm, charming days that write poems about themselves, and then settle these very softly into your mind. Paulette sensed what felt like a rain-laced breeze stirring her soul; sodden, and yet beautiful; laden with both the dismal, and the promising.- From “The Gardens of Ailana”, a fiction largely based around adults still traumatized by having been abused as children, in the name of their parents’ religion.
Edward Fahey
For each new morning let there be flow of love. Let there be light of happiness in every direction.
Amit Ray
Spiritual grace adds to a life and it is crucial ingredient in any person’s quest to attain self-realization.
Kilroy J. Oldster
Receptive prayer is one of the most powerful weapons against spiritual u-turns.
Glenn C. Stewart
Knowing what's ETERNAL will sustain you through the EPHEMERAL.
Tehya Sky
World needs positive energy. Put your happy energy into the universe.
Amit Ray
Do you have an anchor? I have found that a solid anchor is indispensable to one who intends to live life fully. To have an anchor is to be centered and well grounded. It is to have a vital spiritual base.
Steve Goodier
If you don't keep challenging your mind and your self, you're going to loose the ability to grow as a human being both physically and spiritually.
Lateef Abader
If knowing something got you where you needed to go, you'd be there already. Put your hand to your heart, take a deep breath in...listen to your heart. It knows.
Eileen Anglin
I love to help children's souls shine.
Bracha Goetz
We cannot suppress our defining humanity and innate spirituality. The quivering pulsation of life force buried within the scarlet corpus of our blood waits like a winged angel adamant to erupt from a cocoon of unholy encapsulation whenever we return to ligature of our primitive essence.
Kilroy J. Oldster
It is not possible to be seduced by the lure of ego-gratification or intimidated by the tyranny of imposters when we know that we are as the angels. We are loved beyond comprehension. So, we must claim our rightful inheritance and live with the confidence of protection.
Donna Goddard
We do not engage in idle or intentional gossip which undermines someone else's integrity or which spreads the seeds of fear by talking unthinkingly about illness, disasters, and all the other fears which run rampant in the world.
Donna Goddard
The path is paved with consistent, conscious mental and spiritual alertness and the gradual growth of goodness in our heart and clarity in our mind. We are awake. If we keep trying to understand, we will understand. If we keep telling ourselves that we are loved by Life and if we keep looking for evidence of that love, we will find it.
Donna Goddard
It could be said that we become so much a stranger that we disappear and find ourselves reborn in the midst of humanity which is quite a paradox.
Donna Goddard
Spirituality is keeping the spirit up against all odds and obstacles of life.
Amit Ray
Prayer or worship does not therefore grant a free pass to selfishness ...
Ian-Anthony Finnimore
Vibrate higher daily.
Lalah Delia
Though there are many barriers to expressing unreserved love, no such impediments to a developing a loving and generous heart deter a spiritual warrior. He who is without love is bereft of richness of life. Compassion, empathy, kindness, tenderness, and patience are essential for love. Anger, frustration, jealously, greed, and hatred are the antonym to love. When we love other people with all our ferocity, we transcend the misuse, waste, pain, tragedy, death, anguish, erotic obsessions, unaccountable confusion, and self-absorbed personal ambitions that, if left unchecked, numb our earthly existence.
Kilroy J. Oldster
Living in a spiritual manner, exhibiting a joyous and mindful embrace of the manifold wonders of an earthy existence, enhances life. A person develops spirituality by spending solitary time thinking about the larger issues in life. Scripting a personal philosophy for conducting a person’s life is a spiritual testament. A spiritual person seeks a system of general truths that encoded statement transforms their character.
Kilroy J. Oldster
As Joab now reflected, however, much time had passed since David lived in that natural God-state and treated his devoted people with that kind of tender loving care. Nowadays, with his ego having taken over his life, David was a different machine. He had become callused, manipulative, and greedy. It was all about money, power, and control. He was now easily threatened, even by what seemed like small insignificant things. Disagreement with him in any form was dangerous. It didn’t take much to set him off, and when it did, anything might happen.
Marco Raye
Humans recognize the duality, autonomy, and latitude range of the mind and the body, and all humans comprehend their impending mortality. Unlike other animals, humankind knows despair brought about by understanding the inevitability of death of all living creatures. The radius of human thought touching upon the longitude of our transient existence causes infinite pain. Seeking to ameliorate existential anguish incites us to ponder spiritual matters, and this sphere of mental activity spurs us to contemplate the perimeter of unknown frontiers. Our ability to understand the compass of life and death allows us to view the circumference of the world as consisting of a past, a present, and a future in relation to our own lives. How a person views the range of their earthly life and how a person rationalizes their march towards a deathly outback creates a system of beliefs that separate people into classes, and the variations amongst class members’ belief systems supplements who we think we are.
Kilroy J. Oldster
A strong soul reaches anyplace, anytime; body fails to restrain it. And thus, perhaps soulmates are formed
Munia Khan
You do not control everything, nor does everything control you. You are not entirely at the hands of your environment, nor is it entirely at the hands of you.
Grace Sara
The ego is the self that is unaware of itself so unless you seek first who you are not, the ego will use every technique, practice and experience for its own ‘spiritual growth’.The more ‘spiritual’ it becomes, the more into delusion it takes you.
Maria Erving
This lasting change can essentially be achieved in two ways: through suffering or through wisdom. Either we painfully push forward through any obstacle or disappointment, learning our lessons the hard way and emerging from the experience more mature, or we choose a path of love, consciousness, and wisdom, which also makes us mature, but in a far more enjoyable and effective manner.
Nebo D. Lukovich
In the Reintegration System, a problem or unwanted state of mind is viewed as a distinct part of the personality and reintegrated as such into the unity of one’s being.Every seemingly challenging part of our personality was initially part of the highest intention for our being. It is over time that it degraded and became a lower state of delusion. Our aim is to target such parts and work them back into the wholeness of our being.
Nebo D. Lukovich
And you can't know it, because to know it is to be it, and to be it is to not be you.
Patrick Bryant
Many people achieved important goals in their lives, but hardly any of them seemed any happier for it. Even worse, some complained that other areas of their lives had suffered along the way. The reason is simple: they didn’t change the framework components of their personality—beliefs, decisions, and other subconscious structures that are typically negatively-oriented. Those basic structures had been triggered by the fulfillment of the goal and were subsequently creating a mess in people’s lives.
Nebo D. Lukovich
Focus! (said a voice within me). We are here to craft emotions. To become a better person. Not to waste our serenity on someone who had a poor upbringing and are not taught manners.
Efrat Cytbulkiewicz
We are all children of one God and the only thing that separates us is our ego
Kapil Kumar Bhaskar
The unceasing flow of thought in all its various forms is an inescapable and defining aspect of the human condition.
Paul O'Brien
Nowadays, the concept of love is greatly trampled because there is too much permissibility.
Efrat Cybulkiewicz
Original sin is a self-initiating act because it evidences human free will. If humanity were devoid of free will, it would relegate humankind to living by instinct. A person who lives by instinct might survive for an enviable period, but they will never live a heroic existence. Every hero’s story commences with an unsatisfied and optimistic person venturing out from the comfortable confines of their common day world, facing forces of fabulous power, and fighting a magnificent personal battle. The greatest traditional heroes were warriors whom survived on the battlefield and learned valuable lessons of honor, love, loyalty, and courage. Heroic warriors and spiritual seekers undertook a rigorous quest, an enduring ordeal that enabled them to transcend their own personhood’s shallow desire merely to survive. By enduring hardships, experiencing breathtaking encounters with the physical world, and undergoing a spiritual renaissance, the hero gains a hard-won sense self-discovery, comprehends his or her place in society, and accepts their role as a teacher. A hero is a bearer of light, wisdom, and charity. The hero reenters society and shares their culmination of knowledge by devoting their life to teaching other people.
Kilroy J. Oldster
Starting to believe Life is just a sigh of Death.
Efrat Cybulkiewicz
A true encounter with the living God will break the spirit of religiosity, empty man of his pride and conform even the most vile and wicked into a living vessel for His glory.
Robin Bertram
A spiritual reinterpretation of events gives us miraculous authority to command the winds, to part the waters, and to break all chains that bind us.
Marianne Williamson
Don’t let the enemy try to keep you bound with fear. The devil is a liar. Stay in faith and trust the process. Be still, God has a plan!
Germany Kent
The term spirit might have evolved in a mystical fashion, but in today’s civilized and thinking society, it refers to simply your inner self. Spirit is the self, and the self is the soul. Hence, a spiritual person is a person who is more interested in realizing his or her inner self, than giving in to any conformity of the society.
Abhijit Naskar
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