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Since your habits and hygiene will all help you feel great, look great, and improve the quality of your life, isn’t it worth your effort to make them a part of your reality?
Susan C.Young
Punctuality has been called a “homely, but solid virtue.” Although it is not fancy, it is a strong reflection of a person’s character.
Susan C.Young
Arriving on time for your engagements demonstrates preparation, respect, integrity, and enthusiasm, all of which serve to make a positive impression on the people whom you are meeting, especially when they are depending on you—or paying you!
Susan C.Young
When you have scheduled an appointment, or have made a commitment, you have essentially made a promise. Keep your promises. Being punctual demonstrates your consideration for others and that you can be depended upon.
Susan C.Young
Be on time! If you have a 15-minute appointment—keep it at fifteen minutes unless there is mutual agreement to continue.
Susan C.Young
When beginning a conversation, ask the other person, “Do you have time to speak right now?” If they say no, you can say, “I have some valuable information to share with you. What time would work best for you?
Susan C.Young
Poor habits can invalidate your credibility and undermine your success in all areas.
Susan C.Young
Your habits and hygiene demonstrate how you feel about yourself. Without saying a word, they speak for you.
Susan C.Young
Developing your EI will allow you to explore new depths of understanding in yourself and others. It will give you insight as to why people behave as they do and assist you in areas you may wish to improve.
Susan C.Young
Prepare for Success. Feel the satisfaction and power of having your act together! Get organized beforehand to get better results. Prior Planning Prevents Poor Performance.
Susan C.Young
Make the personal choice to instill healthy habits and hygiene into your life. When you resolve to live a healthier life, you will feel better, look better, enjoy improved well-being and make a better impression.
Susan C.Young
Your professional experience can strengthen your resume, increase your earning potential, prove dependability, instill trust, and open new doors of opportunity which would remain closed otherwise.
Susan C.Young
Simply by living life you will gain new experiences that are uniquely your own. Your vantage points along your journey will help you form your perceptions, grow your influence, and ground you in a wisdom which can only be gained from having been there and having done it.
Susan C.Young
Punctuality Plus. When you have scheduled an appointment, or have made a commitment, you have essentially made a promise. Being punctual demonstrates your consideration for others and that you can be depended upon.
Susan C.Young
Be and Do what it takes to Have superb results. Nurture a mindset that works for you, rather than against you. Your inner thoughts determine your outer world.
Susan C.Young
Your expertise elevates your impressions to an entirely new realm. When you have paid the price, earned the right, and done the homework to be called an expert, people will be impressed.
Susan C.Young
Your education can be the ‘make or break’ difference when a hiring manager reads your resume or invites you in for an interview. In our competitive world, today a Master’s Degree has become the new differentiator that a Bachelor’s Degree once was.
Susan C.Young
Rather than allowing your failures to define you, learn from your experience to do better next time.
Susan C.Young
Rather than staying stuck in stress, unhappiness, or grief, use your experience to find gifts in the pain and grow.
Susan C.Young
How can you build credibility without grandstanding as you strive to stand apart from the crowd?
Susan C.Young
Your level of education speaks on your behalf. It demonstrates your ability to establish a clear vision, prioritize your goals, and honor your commitments. Oh yeah, did I mention it also makes you smarter?
Susan C.Young
Your education is one of the greatest treasures you can ever acquire and something no one can ever take away from you.
Susan C.Young
Create your own personal brand to stand apart from the crowd. Package your unique talents, style, personality, and products. Show and tell who you are and what you do—to the world.
Susan C.Young
Experts agree that color can stimulate emotions which evoke different responses. Simply by changing colors, you can change moods, communication, perceptions, energy, and expectations.
Susan C.Young
Research has shown that different colors represent different character qualities and have a powerful psychological effect. Color portrays different meanings in life and in business. Choose the colors that not only make you look and feel great, but inspire the emotions you hope to evoke.
Susan C.Young
The importance of healthy habits and hygiene for making a positive first impression should go without saying; however, I would be remiss if I did not include this topic in the book, because surprisingly, many people just don’t get it.
Susan C.Young
Are your habits and hygiene hindering your success or making a great first impression on your behalf?
Susan C.Young
Without a second look, your habits and hygiene reflect a lot about you—your thoughts, values, beliefs, priorities, self-esteem, self-respect, confidence, and every other category covered in this book that influence how people perceive you.
Susan C.Young
When you resolve to live a healthier life, you will feel better, look better, and make a better impression on everyone you meet. Only you have the power, ability, and personal choice to instill healthy habits and hygiene into your life.
Susan C.Young
I know that trying to begin a new habit may be uncomfortable, inconvenient, or challenging. However, when the goal is to feel terrific, isn’t it worth your consideration?
Susan C.Young
Companies that do not have a succession plan in place in which their seasoned professionals are teaching the younger, less experienced generations risk losing far more than talent. The depth of their experience is a valuable commodity and resource.
Susan C.Young
Take your place among experienced professionals by focusing on ways to learn, grow, and succeed.
Susan C.Young
If you were to spend your own time and money to hire a consultant, coach, or trainer, wouldn’t it give you more confidence knowing that they have "walked the talk" and have vast experience with what they are teaching?
Susan C.Young
Becoming an expert not only establishes you as a leader in your field, it will make you a trusted resource that people can rely on for new and innovative ideas. In addition to raising the stakes and helping you increase your income, your expertise will serve to make a powerful first impression, which will truly help you shine and stand apart from the crowd. Having fun and meeting interesting, incredible people along the way is an added bonus!
Susan C.Young
By establishing a strategic online presence through your website, social media, keywords, meta tags, and Google AdWords, the world may discover your expertise and "beat a path to your door.
Susan C.Young
Become a thought leader by taking an idea, belief, or process and turning it inside-out and upside-down. Bust beyond the box and shatter a few ceilings to go where no one has gone before. Make your mark by becoming a pioneer in your pursuits.
Susan C.Young
To position yourself as an expert, create content, write a book, build a blog, post on social media, and write articles for professional publications and news sites to build your intellectual portfolio of expertise. Repurpose content in a variety of ways.
Susan C.Young
Put in the time. To position yourself as an expert, practice, apply, experiment, volunteer, and work within your area of knowledge to deepen your own understanding as you build real-life experience.
Susan C.Young
To position yourself as an expert, learn everything you can about a subject. Develop your knowledge: read books, attend classes, listen to your market, get training, attend seminars, find a mentor, join a mastermind group of like-minded individuals, watch videos, and study.
Susan C.Young
To position yourself as an expert, share your knowledge with others. Deliver presentations and teach others on your topic. Look what TED Talks have done for normal people who simply presented their passion and thereby launched careers, fame, and fortune. Interact with your target market. Maximize use of the Internet and SEO.
Susan C.Young
When you have paid the price, earned the right, and done the homework to be called an expert, people perceive you differently.
Susan C.Young
Your expertise can elevate your impressions to bring you to an entirely new realm.
Susan C.Young
How can you showcase your unique expertise, valuable experience, and strong education without sounding egotistical?
Susan C.Young
A quality education prepares you to make a living, make better choices, and have more doors open as you build a solid life.
Susan C.Young
The importance of reviewing is apparent and proven. However, the majority of people do not do it in their own lives. Do you want to live your best life now? Take deliberate action and begin to REVIEW where you have been, where you are now, and where you would like to be.
Susan C.Young
When we don’t qualify, it may be the perfect time to ask, “Do I really want it?” If you’re dedicated to making it happen, the only way you can fail is to stop trying. Be creative. Be constructive. Re-qualify. Never give up if it is for something you deeply, passionately, and enthusiastically desire
Susan C.Young
Affirmative words and actions confirm you are on the right path and help you attract what you desire. Whether you are reaffirming a dream, a goal, a previous commitment, or a person, reaffirmations will strengthen your area of focus. Begin reaffirming yourself and others through encouragement, paying attention, listening, and being grateful.
Susan C.Young
Think of a time when you felt happy, healthy, powerful, energetic, strong, confident, or serene. Step back into that memory and remember what it felt like. Breathe it, feel it, and recreate it. If you are ever in a place where change has disrupted your flow or shifted your foundation, you can use your memories to reground you. Bring these positive emotions forward to change your state and get yourself unstuck.
Susan C.Young
When you reassess where you are and what you’ve done, new factors may come to light to help you make more informed choices moving forward. Whether your assessment encourages you to rest happily on your laurels or change directions, reassessment is incredibly valuable.
Susan C.Young
Simply through the process of living life and adapting to change, you may have lost something which you once enjoyed or took for granted. Reclaim your power by speaking up, standing up, standing out, and taking action. Reclaim your positivity by surrounding yourself with happy and proactive people.
Susan C.Young
Have you made a choice in your past which was right at the time, but once you had a chance to think about it, you wished you could reverse your decision or amend it? Rethinking gives you permission to use your thoughts to change your mind. Take what is and spin it around to give you a new review and fresh perspective.
Susan C.Young
In the overwhelming demands of daily life, you get bombarded with continuous distractions, expectations and responsibilities. Is it no wonder that you may lose touch with simple pleasures and life lessons which you once knew, but have since forgotten? What do you need to be reminded of to live your life with purpose and passion?
Susan C.Young
If you are ever feeling lost or unsure of what to do, you can simply retrace the path that brought you there to begin with. Have you ever misplaced something only to find it in short order when you “retraced your steps?” Whether it is an idea, a conversation, or an object, retracing may help you get back on point to re-fortify your position.
Susan C.Young
It’s one thing to set a goal. It’s another, however, when you get so caught up in the details that you neglect to review your progress. Reevaluation enables you to improve your aim to ensure you hit your target.
Susan C.Young
What crucial conversations need to be readdressed in your personal and professional relationships in order for you to gain peace, clarity, and resolution? Create the space in your life to readdress what needs to be given hope for healing.
Susan C.Young
Whether it is through products or services, being a problem solver builds loyalty and confidence. What can you resolve for yourself and others? Do you have a challenge that seems impossible or unsolvable? With the root word being “solve,” resolve is one of your best friends for overcoming obstacles and being a solution specialist.
Susan C.Young
Are the people around you adding value or depleting your reserves? Is your career de-valuing your talents by not utilizing your strengths? Are you investing in yourself to improve your sense of value and self-worth? By thoughtfully reappraising areas of your life you will gain insight as to what needs to change to increase its value.
Susan C.Young
Changing your perception will alter your interpretations and therefore, your reality. If you feel like you’re hitting a wall because you simply don’t understand something, or another person has a different approach, keep your mind open and willing to reinterpret it with fresh eyes, more information, a change in position, or a new perspective
Susan C.Young
Recovery is the affirmative outcome you’ll enjoy once you have moved through a setback and arrived on the other side. The sooner you find ways to achieve solutions for recovery, the faster you will regain vitality, hope and well-being.
Susan C.Young
Reframing encourages you to say, ‘Let’s look at this another way.’ By changing the frame around a situation, you not only change your perception of it, but its meaning for you as well. If you were to take one painting and view it in three different frames, each combination would offer a completely different presentation. Your perceptions work the same way.
Susan C.Young
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