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The sinner is saved to be a saint by the Saviour.
Lailah Gifty Akita
There are different kinds of fear. One of the most terrible is the sensation that you are likely to become, at any moment, the protagonist in a Graham Greene novel: the man who tries to be virtuous and who is, in a certain sense, holy, and yet who is overwhelmed by sin as if there were a kind of fatality about it.
Thomas Merton
The souls that call on Saviour will be saved.
Lailah Gifty Akita
It is mere human for man to sin. But it is divine to be saved.
Lailah Gifty Akita
In the scriptures there is no such thing as righteous pride—it is always considered a sin. Therefore, no matter how the world uses the term, we must understand how God uses the term so we can understand the language of holy writ and profit thereby.
Ezra Taft Benson
Hornig put the block of wood down on the desk, and placed the knife he’d just recently planted into his long time best friend and colleague’s throat beside it. “God hates sin, and sinners, but he made us in his image. So He must be a sinner, too, yes? That means He’s self loathing and nothing is as dangerous as a man who hates himself. Because if He hates Himself, how could He possibly give a shit about you?
T.W. Grim
He has a wide gait and I struggle to appear casual as I attempt to match his stride. His shirt’s back on, which is a sin. He could definitely give Echo’s guy a run for his money in the abs department.
Katie McGarry
We are equal by fault, but never equal in acceptance.
Anthony Liccione
Could a vow be not all the way broken? Could a sin be not all the way committed?
Sierra Simone
Satan’s inquisitiveness would eventually be inherited by the offspring of Adam and Eve. The inquisitiveness was the original sin.
Tomichan Matheikal
Dr. Bob Jones, Sr. observed, "The Devil did not tempt Adam and Eve to steal, to lie, to kill, to commit adultery; he tempted them to live independently of God.
Jim Berg
Sages tell us that the Torah tells us that until the age of thirteen, all of boy's sins are ascribed to his father.
Shalom Auslander
The sum is this, —As thou makest conscience of praying daily, so do thou of the acting of thy graces in meditation; and more especially in meditating on the joys of heaven, To this end, set apart one hour or half hour every day, wherein thou mayst lay aside all worldly thoughts, and with all possible seriousness and reverence, as if thou wert going to speak with God himself, or to have a sight of Christ, or of that blessed place so do thou withdraw thyself into some secret place, and set thyself wholly to the following work: if thou canst, take Isaac's time and place, who went forth into the field in the evening to meditate; but if thou be a servant, or poor man, that cannot have that leisure, take the fittest time and place that thou canst, though it be when thou are private about thy labours.Were there left one spark of wit or reason, they would never sell their rest for toil, or sell their glory for worldly vanities, nor venture heaven for the pleasure of a sin (627).
Richard Baxter
She was his angel, he couldn’t let her know his sins.
Mark Benjamin
Maybe because the Dark can only reach people at extremes; blinded by their own shining ideas, or locked up in the darkness of their own heads.
Susan Cooper
Greed, corruption, violence, sin, deception all come from a lack of understanding that we’re all connected.
Brownell Landrum
We do some of our best work in evangelism when we make sure people understand the wrath of God against them, that their plight is desperate because God is angry. The problem of unreached and unengaged peoples is not that they don't have the gospel - that's the solution. Their plight is that they face a God who is rightly angry with them because of their sin. ("Cross", p. 35)
Thabiti M. Anyabwile
One is not necessarily made self-centered because he is foolish, but one is very often made foolish because he is self-centered.
Criss Jami
Hope to sin only in the service of waking up.
Alice Walker
May God deliver us from self-righteous judging and make us, instead, merciful carriers of Christ's salvation and freedom everywhere we go. Jesus 'came into the world to save sinners,' the apostle Paul wrote, even considering himself to be the 'worst' of the lot (1 Timothy 1:15). But rejoice in why he was so candid about his condition, for it applies to us also: 'For that very reason I was shown mercy so that in me, the worst of sinners, Christ Jesus might display his unlimited patience as an example for those who would believe on him and receive eternal life.' (v 16).
Jim Cymbala
All sinners would be miserable in heaven.
Emily Brontë
As all our senses are the inlets of sin, so they are become the inlets of sorrow (99).
Richard Baxter
[T]here is no greater strengthener of sin, and destroyer of the soul, than Scripture misapplied (317).
Richard Baxter
To Roland's relief, Jean de Joinville came to his aid. "Sire, this good knight wants only to preserve your life. Let us all ride together against the Egyptians.""If I ride against them alone, God will protect me," said Louis.A new figure pushed into the circle. He wore the white surcoat and red cross of a Templar over his mail. With a leap of his heart, Roland recognized Guido Bruchesi. Guido looked at him but did not acknowledge him. He went directly to the King.He spoke quietly but firmly. "Sire, what you have just said is presumption.""I do not see how that could be, brother Templar." But Louis took his foot out of the stirrup as Roland watched with growing hope. You can always catch Louis's attention with a religious argument, Roland thought, even on the battlefield."Sire," said Guido, "Satan tempted our Seigneur Jesus, telling Him that if He cast Himself down from the mountaintop, angels would lift him up." Guido cast a sidelong look at Amalric. "You, Sire, are being tempted to ride alone against the whole Egyptian army, expecting God's protection. You are demanding a miracle. That is presumption."Louis was silent for a moment. "Perhaps you are right." Roland let out a long breath.
Robert Shea
Got a lot of sinful idears--but they seem kinda sensible.
John Steinbeck
But in these modern times it may be decidedly asserted as a fact, that vice, in accomplishing the vast majority of its seductions, uses no disguise at all; appears impudently in its naked deformity; and, instead of horrifying all beholders, in accordance with the prediction of the classical satirist, absolutely attracts a much more numerous congregation of worshippers than has ever yet been brought together by the divinest beauties that virtue can display for the allurement of mankind.
Wilkie Collins
She was a blameless sinless woman, yet she understood who how it was with people who sinned. Inflexibly rigid in her own moral conduct, she condoned weaknesses in others. She revered God and loved Jesus, but she understood why people often turned away from these Two.
Betty Smith
Sin is not merely wrong doing; sin is essentially wrong adoring. Sin is the fastening of our hearts on any good, treasure, or security in life that replaces the good, treasure, and security of God.
Tony Reinke
Humanizing war?! You may as well talk of humanizing Hell. Sir John Fisher
Barbara W. Tuchman
The snake pulled back the curtain to the throne room and invited Eve to take a seat. Put on the crown. Pick up the scepter. Put on the cape. See how it feels to have power. See how feels to have a name. See how it feels to be in control! Eve swallowed the hook. The temptation to be like God eclipsed her view of God.
Max Lucado
Hate the sin, not the sinner, isn't that what good people say? Or are you asking yourself at what point does the sin overtake the sinner?
Katie McGarry
We all have to feed the greed of other people until we find people to feed our greed and life goes on.
Neymat Khan
It's the small sins that save you. That's how you survive when all around you are getting their heads sawed off.
Robert Ferrigno
AS for jerk-off... I just done it...... as for now it has happen something... Dexter will marry his sister... wtf... wtf... wtf- Secrets- Mysteries- Nonsense.... looking there and there and there and soona and kiss comes,..... wtf it's really fucked up.... oh it was a dream.... god safe me from that sin.- I am not a sinister!
Deyth Banger
You cannot give up. We are Gargoyle, and we are strong.
Faith Gibson
- Murder is a sin. It's a sin in Judaism, it's a sin in Christianity, it's a sin in Islam and every other…- I'll decide what's a sin.
Robert Ferrigno
If all people were to be judged by 'right and wrong', nobody would be wholly right or wholly wrong - for have not all people 'sinned and fallen from the glory of God'? It seems more than a little unfair that some folks with at least as much 'sin' themselves as any gay or trans person, like to jump up and down and point fingers at other people.
Christina Engela
Ambition strives. At first for goals, until it reaches them. Then for more, because it's insatiable.
Renzo Dante (Saligiare)
The very word, “sin,” which seems to have disappeared, was once a proud word. It was once a strong word, an ominous and serious word. … But the word went away. It has almost disappeared — the word, along with the notion. Why? Doesn’t anyone sin anymore? Doesn’t anyone believe in sin?
Karl Menninger
For in that perfect garden when one day entered sin,An animal was murdered for garments made of skin.When figs of human effort produced religious strife,The Father tailored clothing for Adam and his wife.
Joyce Rachelle
The real 'have' and 'have nots' are between the people who were caught sinning verses the ones who got away with committing sin.
E. Leo Foster
No one could preach if he seriously looked at his own sins.
Bangambiki Habyarimana
I'm thirty-five and remember all that I've done wrong.
Ada Limon
The most dangerous mistake that our souls are capable of, is, to take the creature for God, and earth for heaven (374).
Richard Baxter
O sirs, how many souls, then, have every one of us been guilty of damning! What a number of our neighbours and acquaintance are dead, in whom we discerned no signs of sanctification, and never did once plainly tell them of it, or how to be recovered! If you had been the cause but of burning a man's house through your negligence, or of undoing him in the world, or of destroying his body, how would it trouble you as long as you lived! If you had but killed a man unadvisedly, it would much disquiet you. We have known those that have been guilty of murder, that could never sleep quietly after, nor have one comfortable day, their own consciences did so vex and torment them. O, then, what a heart mayst thou have, that hast been builty of murdering such a multitude of precious souls! Remember this when thou lookest thy friend or carnal neighbour in the face, and think with thyself, Can I find in my heart, through my silence and negligence, to be guilty of his everlasting burning in hell? Methinks such a thought should even untie the tongue of the dumb. . . . [H]e that is guilty of a man's continuing unregenerate, is also guilty of the sins of his unregeneracy. . . . Eli did not commit the sin himself, and yet he speaketh so coldly against it that he also must bear the punishment . Guns and cannons spake against sin in England, because the inhabitants would not speak. God pleadeth with us with fire and sword, because we would not plead with sinners with our tongues (410-11).
Richard Baxter
Sanity for anyone is pretty much out of the question, as both the saint and the sinner appear only equally insane: the saint appears it for actually believing in a place of eternal torment; the sinner, for deciding to risk going to that place of eternal torment.
Criss Jami
There is a very interesting debate raging at the moment on the nature of sin, for example.""And what do they think? Against it, are they?""It is not as simple as that. It's not a black and white issue. There are so many shades of gray.""Nope.""Pardon?"There's no grays, only white that's got grubby. I'm surprised you don't know that. And sin, young man, is when you treat people as things. Including yourself. That's what sin is.""It's a lot more complicated than that--""No it ain't. When people say things are a lot more complicated than that, they means they're getting worried that they won't like the truth. People as things, that's where it starts.""Oh, I'm sure there are worse crimes-""But they Starts with thinking about people as things…
Terry Pratchett
Why did you tell me all this?""So if I die, you'd know not to come looking for me when you get to heaven.
Lorraine Heath
I know what that does to a man, to walk the earth with the burden of his sin on his back. It poisons all he touches.
Lori Benton
We are not ordered by God to judge each other. We are not even ordered by him to consider another person's sin. We are ordered by God to let Him consider it, to let Him be judge.
Philippa Gregory
Without someone speaking into your life and keeping you on track with the things you believe, you have a tendency to drift into habitual sin- and you recognize this about yourself.
Craig Groeschel
God hardening Pharaoh’s heart causes the world to fear God and not think they can sin to the point at which they want to repent.
Rabbi Hillel
God is so omnipotent yet man so impotent, the Divine masterpiece was not even in creating the universe, but in making sin boring to sinners.
Criss Jami
Why do we act as though our sin disqualifies us from the grace of God? That is the only thing that qualifies us! Anything else is a self-righteous attempt to earn God's grace. You cannot trust God's grace 99 percent. It's all or nothing. The problem, as I pointed out earlier, is that we want partial credit for our salvation. We want to be 1 percent of the equation. But if we try to save ourselves, we forfeit the salvation that comes from Jesus Christ alone, by grace through faith.
Mark Batterson
We live in a culture that celebrates talent more than integrity, but we've got it backward. Talent depreciates over time. So do intellect and appearance. You will eventually lose your strength and lose your looks. You may even lose your mind. But you don't have to lose your integrity. Integrity is the only thing that doesn't depreciate over time. Nothing takes longer to build than a godly reputation. And nothing is destroyed more quickly by one stroke of sin. That's why it must be celebrated and protected above all else.
Mark Batterson
Sin always overpromises and underdelivers, while righteousness pays dividends for eternity...Nothing is more illogical than sin. It's the epitome of poor judgment. It's temporary insanity with eternal consequences. And we have no alibi, save the cross of Jesus Christ.
Mark Batterson
The entire idea of sin, is based on books of the dead people. It is a sociological invention founded on textual fanaticism.
Abhijit Naskar
To become free from sinful life, there is only simple method: if you surrender to Kṛṣṇa. That is the beginning of bhakti.
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupāda
You can't build a foundation of sin now for a life of purity later.
Craig Groeschel
The more we connect with our Spiritual self, the uglier sin looks. From the book: Removing Your Shame Label.
Eddie Capparucci
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