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Good intentions are not good at all.
Fritz Chery
The moment of confession is not merely when one hears another pronounce the words: God forgives you, or 'in God's name I absolve you.' Rather it is that point at which the sinner unfeignedly experiences himself as truly judged and pardoned by God.
Thomas C. Oden
One trains the eye of confession most closely on what is hurting. If sin is present it will be aching. Confession begins where the raw anguish of conscience is rubbing against the primordial awareness of God's holiness.
Thomas C. Oden
The confessor can nullify the exquisitely seasonable moment of confession by talking instead of listening. When he sees pedagogy and advice as more important than simple listening, he diverts the stream of confession.
Thomas C. Oden
Theosophists for instance will preach an obviously attractive idea like re-incarnation; but if we wait for its logical results, they are spiritual superciliousness and the cruelty of caste. For if a man is a beggar by his own pre-natal sins, people will tend to despise the beggar. But Christianity preaches an obviously unattractive idea, such as original sin; but when we wait for its results, they are pathos and brotherhood, and a thunder of laughter and pity; for only with original sin we can at once pity the beggar and distrust the king.
G.K. Chesterton
Protestants at one time were confident that their free form of confession was a vast improvement upon Catholic private confession to a priest because it is voluntary, demystified, and not routinized. But amid the acids of modernity it has volunteered itself right out of existence. Demystification has dwindled into desacralization. The escape from routinization has become a convenient cover for the demise of repentance. The postmodern pastor is trying to learn anew to listen to the deeper range of feelings of others, without forgetfulness of the Word of God.
Thomas C. Oden
Malone had been raised by a lady both Irish and Catholic, in a good bourgeois home in which careless table manners were a sin, much less this storm in his heart.
Andrew Holleran
The deeper irony is that the evidence of sin that are always found in and around the body of Christ may become indirect intimations of its holiness. It could not be a holy church if it had clean hands, as if severed from its task of saving sinners and healing human hurt.
Thomas C. Oden
God lives in my soul, and I must spend my life scrubbing my soul clean of any trace of sin so that it derserves to host his presence. Repentance is a daily chore; at each morning prayer session we repent in advance for the sins we will commit that day. I look around at the others, who must sincerly believe in their inherent evil, as they are shamelessly crying and wailing to God to help them expunge the yetzer hara, or evil inclination, from their consciousness.
Deborah Feldman
After all, that’s all a man really needs: a big city full of sin and sleaze, and a chance.
Mark Lawrence
The heart of the difference between cheap-grace doctrines of guilt-free existence and the Christian gospel is this: Modern chauvinism desperately avoids the message of guilt by treating it as a regrettable symptom. Christianity listens to the message of guilt by conscientious self-examination. Hedonism winks at sin. Christianity earnestly confesses sin. Secularism assumes it can extricate itself from gross misdeeds. Christianity looks to grace for divine forgiveness. Modern consciousness is its own fumbling attorney before the bar of conscience. Christianity rejoices that God himself has become our attorney. Modernity sees no reason to atone for or make reparation for wrongs. Christianity knows that unatoned sin brings on misery of conscience. Modern naturalism sees no need for God. Christianity celebrates God's willingness to suffer for our sins and redeem us from guilt.
Thomas C. Oden
May we be enabled to say "No" to sin and "Yes" to the sinner.
Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Magic!' cried an old man. 'Tis sorcery, and we are undone!' 'Not so,' I told him, 'Sorcery cannot harm good Christians.' 'But I am a miserable sinner,' he wailed.
Poul Anderson
Her heart was revealed in a slip, as our hearts always are.
Rosaria Champagne Butterfield
Love can’t cover over the sins we cover up…If you want God and others to cover over your sin, stop covering it up.
Mark Buchanan
That is how sin works. Having nothing in itself by which to convince, on what other resources but good and truth can it draw to make itself attractive and plausible? We must use the natural law to recognize the abuse of the natural law; there is nothing else to use.
J. Budziszewski
It is not the importance of the thing, but the majesty of the Lawgiver, that is to be the standard of obedience.~Andrew Bonar~
Jerry Bridges
God does not require a perfect, sinless life to have fellowship with Him, but He does require that we be serious about holiness, that we grieve over sin in our lives instead of justifying it, and that we earnestly pursue holiness as a way of life.
Jerry Bridges
We are to count on this fact that we are dead to sin's rule, that we can stand up to it and say no. Therefore we are to guard our bodies so that sin does not reign in us. So we see that God has made provision for our holiness. Through Christ He has delivered us from sin's reign so that we can now resist sin. But the responsibility for resisting is ours.
Jerry Bridges
Indwelling sin remains in us even though it has been dethroned. And though it has been overthrown and weakened, its nature has not changed. Sin is still hostile to God and cannot submit to His law (Romans 8:7). Thus we have an implacable enemy of righteousness right in our own hearts. What diligence and watchfulness is required of us when this enemy in our souls is ready to oppose every effort to do good!
Jerry Bridges
Indifference is one of the seven deadly sins, actually the greatestof them all, because it is the only one that sins against life.
Karl Ove Knausgård
For Christians above all men are forbidden to correct the stumblings of sinners by force.
John Chrysostom
Every sexual sin begins with flattery.
Sunday Adelaja
It wasn't an epidemic yet because no one knew about it.
Tom Clancy
If sin becomes an abomination to you, you will have a hundred percent victory over it.
Sunday Adelaja
The greatest sin is doubting God’s truth
Sunday Adelaja
There is no sin that will be left unpunished.
Sunday Adelaja
The word “marriage” lingered in Guy’s ears, too. It was a solemn word to him. It had the primordial solemnity of holy, love, sin. It was Miriam’s round terra cotta-coloured mouth saying, “Why should I put myself out for you?” and it was Anne’s eyes as she pushed her hair back and looked up at him on the lawn of her house where she planted crocuses. It was Miriam turning from the tall thin window in the room in Chicago, lifting her freckled, shield-shaped face directly up to his as she always did before she told a lie, and Steve’s long dark head, insolently smiling.
Patricia Highsmith
Rejecting sin is not a burden; on the contrary, it brings freedom and relief.
Sunday Adelaja
Sooner or later sin makes its claim on a person.
Sunday Adelaja
The sin of fornication hinders a person from enjoying God's blessings
Sunday Adelaja
Everything is a sin. It all depends on which person you happen to offend with your free will.
Michelle Anderson Picarella
Could it be that God is so intensely personal that He would burn down your world in hopes of building it back?
Matt Chandler
I'm more haunted by how what I've said and the things I've done have caused harm to myself and others than I am worried that God will punish me for being bad. Because in the end, we aren't punished for our sins as much as we are punished by our sins.
Nadia Bolz-Weber
What Saint has ever won his crown without first contending for it?
I remember you from the woods. Where's your sister?""She's busy. Sinning.
Dia Reeves
Take his name. Because I love him.Because when I look into his eyes, nothing else exists but him. Because even when I don’t look into his eyes, nothing else exists but him.--rachels thought
Katy Evans
One very difficult aspect of sin is that my sin never feels like sin to me. My sin feels like life to me, plain and simple. My heart is an idol factory, and my mind is an excuse-making factory.
Rosaria Champagne Butterfield
Timshel - thou mayest
John Steinbeck
All your winning or losing of a good conscience, is in your first buying; for such is the deceitfulness of sin, and the cunning conveyance of that old serpent, that if his head be once entering in, his whole body will easily follow after; and if he make you handsomely to swallow gnats at first, he will make you swallow camels ere all be done. Oh, happy they who dash the little ones of Babylon against the stones (Ps. 137:9)!
George Gillespie
What's wrong with the world?It's easy to probe the ills of the nation, the Church, and the planet and come up with a grave diagnosis... But it takes all the strength we can muster to stand at Mass and honestly say, 'I have greatly sinned, in my thoughts and in my words, in what I have done and what I have failed to do..."Sin is not out there; it's deep inside you and me... What's wrong with the world? I am, because I sin, and my sins well up from the darkness in my own heart.
Scott Hahn
Sin is that God said something and i don't think so. Sin is to be conceived with my own ideas. Sin is that i see it my way and not God's way.Sin is my own Ideas. Sin is Unbelieve
Mary Tornyenyor
As human beings we are plagued with inordinate affections. We love green pieces of paper more than God. We love balls made out of pigskin more than God. We've shown we even love apples more than God. We, like Esau, have traded our birthright- the dignity of our shameless, joy-filled, glory-beholding, glory-reflecting existence- for a bowl of beans.
Matt Papa
Assassins: they got sass and live on sin.
Natalya Vorobyova
No sin is original, no matter what the bright young things may hope. We're all merely playing to a theme.
Lauren Willig
On what grounds would God be told that He can bring death to millions of people at the end of a normal life span, but that He may not do it in any other way?
Donald Grey Barnhouse
Remorse (I did it) is an easy, passive, human reaction, there is no value in it and it changes nothing. Repentance (I will not do it again) is the difficult call to action in a redeemed heart. It has an eternal impact and it can change everything.
William Branks
My only sin in this world has been that I have been truthful and honest and God has blessed me for this earthly sin.
Amit Abraham
Like a sneeze, sin feels good at first, but it leaves a huge mess.
Craig Groeschel
The idea of sin being able to deceive us, suppressing truth so that we believe a lie, should send shivers down our spines. It is one thing to deceive other people. That is scary enough. It is even more frightening when we realize that each lie we tell leaves us more self-deceived. All practiced sin teaches us to believe lies. WE don't often consider the boomerang effect of our deception. In the end it will get us.
Edward T. Welch
Do not use worldly methods or apply human force to prevent sin
Sunday Adelaja
Grace has as much to say about endings as it does about beginnings.
Jen Pollock Michel
Inevitably, Saul's faraway heart would turn to faraway actions.
Beth Moore
They loved scenes of righteous Godly vengeance on sinful mankind. They loved to show God’s chosen people safe from harm, watching with happy faces as they were proved right to the world. But they never showed the aftermath. They never showed weeping humans, crushed and dying in pools of their own fluids. Young men smashed into piles of red flesh. A young woman cut in half because she was passing through a hatchway when catastrophe hit. This was Armageddon. This is what it looked like. Blood and torn flesh and cries for help.
James S.A. Corey
[H]er retaliation only made the sin the greater because she could not find words to confess.
Thomm Quackenbush
I don’t much care for all this talk of God washing away all my dirt. I like a bit of grit around the edges. It gives me character and does a passable job of faking depth, from a distance.
Thomm Quackenbush
To be sure, Judas Iscariot was not exactly the sort of character that Christian Mjomba - or anyone else at St. Augustine’s Seminary for that matter - would have wanted to be nicknamed after. But the fact was that Mjomba had never made a secret of his views on the world. Everyone in the seminary brotherhood knew his stand on apartheid and things like that; and they were considered very liberal. In the conservative environment that prevailed at St. Augustine’s Seminary, they were also tantamount to betrayal! It was about the most unsavory that anyone could have wished to be associated with. But that was the label he had got stuck with.tEverybody knew, besides, that it wasn’t some uninformed gentile or misguided unbeliever who had betrayed the Deliverer and handed Him to His killers. And Judas Iscariot wasn’t just anybody either. Judas was one of the twelve who had been handpicked by the Deliverer to form the core of the convocation that would become the Sancta Ecclesia. In addition to being the Deliverer’s purse bearer, Judas Iscariot also drank wine from the same cup as his Master! The man who would betray the Deliverer with a kiss was a member of the inner circle of the burgeoning Christ Fellowship; and, before long, his name had become so repulsive even among Romans, it had replaced that of Brutus, the friend of Cæsar who had conspired with others and stabbed the emperor in the back, as a symbol of betrayal. A traitor par excellence!Whenever Mjomba thought about Judas’ betrayal of the Messiah of the world with a kiss, it was not the act of betrayal itself that came to mind. It was not even the chilling words “Would’st thou betray thy Master with a kiss, Judas?” that were addressed to the betrayer by the Deliverer in the moment when Judas, no doubt representing all humanity, embraced the Nazarene and kissed him on the cheek so the temple’s constabulary wouldn’t grab and take into custody the wrong person! It was the Deliverer’s address to Peter a little earlier on in the Upper House as the fisherman, who himself would swear that he did not know the Nazarene, not once but three times, in front of a shivering crowd not long afterward, balked at the notion of the miracle worker and Son of Man could stoop to wash his (the fisherman’s) dirty feet, namely “Not all are clean, Peter!” And that was, in all probability, after Judas’s feet had already been washed by the Nazarene.That, in any event, was the character after whom Christian Mjomba had been nicknamed by his buddies in what he initially regarded as something that was itself an act of betrayal. The traitors! He could not understand how people could be so insensitive about the feelings of others! And even though he had never said it, he had never liked it a bit - until he started work on his theological thesis."- Joseph M. Luguya, Humans: The Untold Story of Adam and Eve and their Descendants
Joseph M. Luguya
Describing his experience with the sting of an extremely toxic jellyfish, he did something you don't often see a scientist do: he shivered.
Bill Bryson
I am a firm believer that when a person makes mistakes or fails to see the bigger picture, God will remove opportunities from before them.
Lindsey Rietzsch
He trusted the cosmos – but not necessarily the powers that held sway on earth.
Philip Zaleski
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