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Fear not, brothers and sisters, God, who is full of grace and abounding in steadfast love, meets us in our sin and transforms us for God's glory and the healing of God's world. In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, your sins are forgiven, be now at peace.
Nadia Bolz-Weber
The way to conquer sin is not by working hard to change our deeds, but by trusting Jesus to change our desires. Follow Me, pg. 111.
David Platt
When thou art at thy worst and lowest, yet 'underneath' thee 'are everlasting arms'. Sin may drag thee ever so low, but Christ's great atonement is still under all.
Charles Haddon Spurgeon
If God spares us as a father does his son, let us imitate God. It is natural for children to imitate their parents. Let us imitate God in this one thing: As God spares us, and passes by many failures, so let us be sparing in our censures of others; let us look upon the weaknesses and indiscretions of our brethren with...a more tender, compassionate eye. How much God bears with us!
Thomas Watson
When you call someone a sinner, make sure you have no sin in you, and if you say you are without sin, you are a righteous liar.
Michael Bassey Johnson
The deepness and consistency of your repenting will have a direct impact on the liveliness of your faith and the brightness of your confidence. This is not because you repent so well, but because in repenting you know the darkness and trouble of your own sin, and the great work of grace in Jesus that overcomes it all.
Joe Thorn
Sin is the transgression of the law, the death of Christ is the satisfaction of the law, justification is the verdict of the law, and sanctification is the believer's fulfillment of the law.
Ernest F. Kevan
If Christ be a fraud, he was among the most peculiar yet brilliant of frauds in saying that only he was the way, the truth, and the life. This is the importance of grace - some people think that simply being nice and not harming others is morality; others think that following rules and tithing are morality. But without Christ, all moral beliefs ultimately boil down to the one sin which perpetually rails against the concept of grace: man's lawful, religious, and futile attempt at establishing his own righteousness.
Criss Jami
The conscious attempt to be a good person without Christ is as legalistic as an attempt to make it into Heaven through empty religiosity.
Criss Jami
It is neither just the religious, the spiritual, the power-hungry, the evil, the ignorant, the corrupt, the Christian, the Muslim, the Hindu, the Buddhist, the Jew, nor the atheist that makes a hypocrite, but being a human being. Any man who thinks himself to be free of hypocrisy while committed to cherry-picking others for such, I am confident, the Almighty can prove to him a great deal of his own hypocrisy even beyond his earthly comprehension.
Criss Jami
What we fail to realize is we often become like Pharisees in our ruthless attempts to identify Pharisees (and impostors). While indeed some people use the old laws of religious pride to tear down men of God, others use the new laws of anti-religious anger to tear down men of God.
Criss Jami
The great heroes of other ancient cultures were strong and clever and virtuous, but the great Jewish heroes copulated with slaves (Abraham), showed they were willing to allow others to have sex with their wives (also Abraham), cheated their brothers, seduced their in-laws, murdered, started civil wars through terrible family decisions, yet somehow-through a mixture of humility, near-insanity, and good fortune-served as conduits of God's action in the world.
William McDavid
Not only have we not done the good things that God really wants us to do, but in fact, we’ve done just the opposite. We’ve all done a lot of sinful things that we’re not very proud of. The good news is that, before we even ask to be forgiven– before we even know we’ve done wrong, sometimes– God has this miraculous, saving love for us.
Erin O'Riordan
The Bible never speaks of God's grace as simply making up our deficiencies--as if salvation consists in so much good works (even a variable amount) plus so much of God's grace. Rather the Bible speaks of "a God who justifies the wicked" (Romans 4:5) who is found by those who do not seek Him, who reveals Himself to those who do not ask for Him (see Romans 10:20).
Jerry Bridges
God's government is perfect and just. His moral law is "holy, righteous and good" (Romans 7:12). No one ever has a valid reason to rebel against the government of God. We rebel for only one reason: We were born rebellious. We were born with a perverse inclination to go our own way, to set up our own internal government rather than submit to God.
Jerry Bridges
Grace doesn't grease the wheels of the law. Grace isn't God's way of jury rigging a broken law. It's the other way around. The law is just one small cog in a world animated entirely--from top to bottom, from beginning to end--by grace.
Adam S. Miller
Sin acts as if God's original plan was for us to bootstrap ourselves into holiness by way of the law and then, when this didn't quite pan out, God offered his grace--but only the bare minimum--to make good the difference. This is exactly backwards. God's boundless grace comes first and sin is what follows.
Adam S. Miller
Grace is the promise that your heavenly Father remembers your sins no more.
R.J. Grunewald
Your life is a witness to the world of a loving savior and His redemptive plan for man.
John Paul Warren
I sometimes wonder if God calls us into the church because it represents not the people of God at their best but us at our worst. I wonder if he calls us to become embedded in this wretched institution precisely because it is wretched. And calls us to be a part of it not to reform it or save it or control it in any way, but to simply love it.
Mark Galli
There is an obsession in the Church with sin management. People think more about their sins than about their redemption through Jesus
John Paul Warren
So far from being able to answer for my sins, I cannot even answer for my righteousness!
Bernard of Clairvaux
The law tells me how crooked I am. Grace comes along and straightens me out.
Billy Sunday
Thunderously, inarguably, the Sermon on the Mount proves that before God we all stand on level ground: murderers and temper-throwers, adulterers and lusters, thieves and coveters. We are all desperate, and that is in fact the only state appropriate to a human being who wants to know God. Having fallen from the absolute Ideal, we have nowhere to land but in the safety net of absolute grace.
Philip Yancey
Only those who are truly aware of their sin can truly cherish grace.
C.J. Mahaney
You and I, God’s ambassadors, are called to sound the warning, to call sinners to repentance, to point the way to peace with God and the hope that is in Christ.
Billy Graham
To find the right path, we first need to remember why we are on the wrong path. The reason can be put in one word: sin.
Billy Graham
It is entirely possible to be deeply sorry because of the devastation which sin has wrought in our lives—and yet not repent.
Billy Graham
Sin is the great clogger, and the blood of Christ is the great cleanser.
Billy Graham
The Bible says there is a certain pleasure in sin.However, it is short-lived and fatal.
Billy Graham
True repentance is a turning from sin . . . Humanly speaking, it is our small part in the plan of salvation. Our part is repenting. God will do the converting, the transforming, and the forgiving.
Billy Graham
The cause of all trouble, the root of all sorrow, the dread of every man lies in this one small word—sin. It has crippled the nature of man . . .It has caused man to be caught in the devil’s trap.
Billy Graham
Galatians 5:21 constitutes the most serious warning to those who may think they can sin that grace may abound.
Billy Graham
Sin—plain, old-fashioned sin, the self-same sin which caused Adam’s downfall—is what we are all suffering from today, and it will do us far more harm than good to try to dress it up with a fancy, more attractive label.
Billy Graham
Sin is a revolt against God.
Billy Graham
True freedom consists not in the freedom to sin, but the freedom not to sin.
Billy Graham
Be assured that there is no sin you have ever committed that the blood of Jesus Christ cannot cleanse.
Billy Graham
Only the Holy Spirit can open our eyes. Only He can convict us of the depth of our sin, and only He can convince us of the truth of the Gospel.
Billy Graham
The Gospel of Jesus Christ is not anti-intellectual. It demands the use of [the] mind, but the mind is affected by sin.
Billy Graham
The essence of sin is self-will—placing ourselves at the center of our lives instead of Christ.
Billy Graham
In all of these centuries there has not been the slightest shadow of change in the nature of God or in His attitude toward sin.The Bible teaches from the beginning to the end that adultery and fornication are sin, and the attitude of churchmen does not alter its character.
Billy Graham
The influence of sin touches the innocent as well as the guilty.
Billy Graham
Gratitude is one of the greatest Christian virtues; ingratitude, one of the most vicious sins.
Billy Graham
We can be convicted of sin—we can pray and confess our sin—we can repent—but the real test is our willingness to obey.
Billy Graham
A transformed life is the greatest of all miracles. Every time a person is “born again” by repentance of sin and faith in Jesus Christ, the miracle of regeneration is performed.
Billy Graham
I believe a Christian can sin, but he does not have to. God never would have told us to reject evil acts if in point of fact we could not help but do them.
Billy Graham
The Bible teaches that whosoever is born of God does not practice sin.
Billy Graham
Sinful pleasure can ruin our appetite for the things of God.
Billy Graham
Sin is often, if not always, the perversion of something good. In the midst of all our sinning, though, God is willing to forgive us, change us,and give us a new power to overcome that sin.
Billy Graham
Our magazine covers frequently feature the immoral, the perverted, the psychologically sick. Sin is “in.” People don’t like to be told they are sinners.
Billy Graham
Sooner or later we must leave our dream world and face up to the facts of God, sin, and judgment. The Bible says, “All have sinned and come short of the glory of God” [Romans 3:23 NIV].
Billy Graham
We have largely lost sight of the holiness and purity of God today. This is one reason why we tolerate sin so easily.
Billy Graham
Neither the devil nor the world, nor even our own evil heart can compel us to sin. It must be by our own consent and will.
Billy Graham
We don’t need to be crippled any longer by the disease of sin—because God has provided the cure.
Billy Graham
We all have a terminal disease far worse than cancer that will kill us morally and spiritually.It’s called sin.
Billy Graham
Superficial views of God and His holiness will produce superficial views of sin and atonement. God hates sin. It is His uncompromising foe. Sin is vile and detestable in the sight of God . . .The sinner and God are at opposite poles of the moral universe.
Billy Graham
Sin is serious—so serious it sent Jesus Christ to the cross. Flee from [sin] and stay close to Christ.
Billy Graham
cannot come to Christ unless the Holy Spirit convicts us of our sin.
Billy Graham
Sin pierced the very heart of God. God felt every piercing nail and spear thrust. God felt the burning sun. God felt the mocking derision and the body blows.
Billy Graham
As much as we hate to admit it, we are sinners by birth. We are also sinners by choice. We are also sinners by practice.
Billy Graham
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