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In today's world simple kindness is a revolutionary act.
Bryant McGill
What I want is so simple I almost can’t say it: elementary kindness.
Barbara Kingsolver
The measure of wisdom is in simplicity, humility, and in friendliness.
Debasish Mridha M.D.
True wisdom is found in simplicity and in humility.
Debasish Mridha M.D.
Society judges people by their successes. I get attracted by their dedication, simplicity, and humility.
Debasish Mridha
Kindness is the best wisdom. Simplicity is the best achievement.
Debasish Mridha
The best treasure of life is not wealth, but it is simplicity with confidence.
Debasish Mridha
Most often simplicity defines the true beauty of a great life.
Debasish Mridha
To feel the joy of life, sell your pride and get lost in the simplicity and humility.
Debasish Mridha
Silence frees us from the need to control others. One reason we can hardly bear to remain silent is that it makes us feel so helpless. We are accustomed to relying upon words to manage and control others. A frantic stream of words flows from us in an attempt to straighten others out. We want so desperately for them to agree with us, to see things our way. We evaluate people, judge people, condemn people. We devour people with our words. Silence is one of the deepest Disciplines of the Spirit simply because it puts the stopper on that. When we become quiet enough to let go of people, we learn compassion for them.
Richard J. Foster
I am not posing these questions only to the world at large. I query us who own Christ as our life. Can God be pleased by the vast and increasing inequities among us? Is he not grieved by our arrogant accumulation, while Christian brothers and sisters elsewhere languish and die? Is it not obligatory upon us to see beyond the nose of our own national interest, so that justice may roll down like waters and righteousness like an ever flowing stream? Is there not an obligation upon us to do justice, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with God is we want to live in his wonderful peace?
Richard J. Foster
Because we lack a divine Center our need for security has led us into an insane attachment to things. We really must understand that the lust for affluence in contemporary society is psychotic. It is psychotic because it has completely lost touch with reality. We crave things we neither need nor enjoy. 'We buy things we do not want to impress people we do not like'. Where planned obsolescence leaves off, psychological obsolescence takes over. We are made to feel ashamed to wear clothes or drive cars until they are worn out. The mass media have convinced us that to be out of step with fashion is to be out of step with reality. It is time we awaken to the fact that conformity to a sick society is to be sick. Until we see how unbalanced our culture has become at this point, we will not be able to deal with the mammon spirit within ourselves nor will we desire Christian simplicity.
Richard J. Foster
Jesus was a man for simple people. He didn't make his messages incredibly complex. If you were a person that had the eyes to see and the ears to hear... then his message was easily understood.
Brandon Andress
God wants the simplicity and accessibility of Jesus Christ to be your main quality
Sunday Adelaja
In this world in which we live simplicity and kindness are the only magic wands that work wonders
L. Frank Baum
I am not a women that takes anything for granted, I'll lay endlessly With you and talk about meaningful and logical, I'll watch the stars at midnight and the way they twinkle back; to let me know they see me too, I'll wind the window down just to feel the breeze, I'll turn the music up when I love a song, I'll sit with the ocean when I feel lost, I'll cry when my heart hurts & I'll listen to you when yours is hurting too, I know the kind of women I am, and im not shy in showing her to the world.
Nikki Rowe
Live on no complex dreams... When the meaning of what you want to do isn't clear, it means there is absolutely no meaning! Simplicity with curiosity is the lap on which success rests!
Israelmore Ayivor
Not until we are faced with a crisis or sadness do we begin to remember that if we only laughed a bit more, loved a lot more, and felt the simplicity of loving ourselves-just a little more…this day would be the greatest day ever!
Lee Pryke
I know it sounds so simple but Love Is All There Is.
Kate McGahan
ROSEMARY Beauty and Beauty’s son and rosemary— Venus and Love, her son, to speak plainly— born of the sea supposedly, at Christmas each, in company, braids a garland of festivity. Not always rosemary— since the flight to Egypt, blooming differently. With lancelike leaf, green but silver underneath, its flowers—white originally— turned blue. The herb of memory, imitating the blue robe of Mary, is not too legendary to flower both as symbol and as pungency. Springing from stones beside the sea, the height of Christ when thirty-three— it feeds on dew and to the bee “hath a dumb language”; is in reality a kind of Christmas-tree.
Marianne Moore
In the days of Prismatic Colornot in the days of Adam and Eve, but when Adam was alone; when there was no smoke and color was fine, not with the refinement of early civilization art, but because of its originality; with nothing to modify it but the mist that went up, obliqueness was a variation of the perpendicular, plain to see and to account for: it is no longer that; nor did the blue-red-yellow band of incandescence that was color keep its stripe
Marianne Moore
TO VICTOR HUGO OF MY CROW PLUTO “Even when the bird is walking we know that it has wings.”—VICTOR HUGO Of: my crow Pluto, the true Plato, azzurronegro green-blue rainbow— Victor Hugo, it is true we know that the crow “has wings,” however pigeon-toe- inturned on grass. We do. (adagio) Vivorosso “corvo,” although con dizionario io parlo Italiano— this pseudo Esperanto which, savio ucello you speak too— my vow and motto (botto e totto) io giuro è questo credo: lucro è peso morto. And so dear crow— gioièllo mio— I have to let you go; a bel bosco generoso, tuttuto vagabondo, serafino uvaceo Sunto, oltremarino verecondo Plato, a
Marianne Moore
TO A GIRAFFE If it is unpermissible, in fact fatal to be personal and undesirable to be literal—detrimental as well if the eye is not innocent-does it mean that one can live only on top leaves that are small reachable only by a beast that is tall?— of which the giraffe is the best example— the unconversational animal. When plagued by the psychological, a creature can be unbearable that could have been irresistible; or to be exact, exceptional since less conversational than some emotionally-tied-in-knots animal. After all consolations of the metaphysical can be profound. In Homer, existence is flawed; transcendence, conditional; “the journey from sin to redemption, perpetual.
Marianne Moore
To say more while saying less is the secret of being simple.
Dejan Stojanovic
My mathematics is simple: one plus one = one.
Dejan Stojanovic
In literature, too, we admire prose in which a small and astutely arranged set of words has been constructed to carry a large consignment of ideas. 'We all have strength enough to bear the misfortunes of others,' writes La Rochefoucauld in an aphorism which transports us with an energy and exactitude comparable to that of Maillard bridge. The Swiss engineer reduces the number of supports just as the French writer compacts into a single line what lesser minds might have taken pages to express. We delight in complexity to which genius has lent an appearance of simplicity. (p 207)
Alain de Botton
The truth is rarely pure and never simple. Modern life would be very tedious if it were either, and modern literature a complete impossibility.
Oscar Wilde
The core – and perhaps unexpected – thing that books do for us is simplify. It sounds odd, because we think of literature as sophisticated. But there are powerful ways in which books organise, and clarify our concerns – and in this sense simplify.
Alain de Botton
I strongly believe that success is directly proprotional to one's ability to be simple and comfortable. In fact, simplicity and comfort have a multiplication effect, thus increasing the chances of expedited and sustained success.
Vishwas Chavan
The most creative approach is often the simple approach.
Phil Cooke
Creativity isn't meant to introduce complexity it is expected to add simplicity.
Amit Kalantri
If your looking to write a book, your creativity, originality and simplicity is what will distinguish you.
Onyi Anyado
Here's to the moments when you realize the simple things are wonderful and enough.
Jill Badonsky
I try to forget you more often than not but somehow my mind wanders to places my heart feels are oh so very true.
Nikki Rowe
Simplicity comes at a cost; the rich can't stand for, forget affording.
Aniruddha Sastikar
I am a complicated person with a simple life.
Charlotte Eriksson
Simplicity make no mans great, but makes life easier and not complicated.
Bradley B. Dalina
What have I to prove, and to whom, and why? I'm keen enough to want nothing more than to live a simple, humble, unfettered life.
Donna Lynn Hope
Before researchers become researchers they should become philosophers. They should consider what the human goal is, what it is that humanity should create.Doctors should first determine at the fundamental level what it is that human beings depend on for life...Modern scientific agriculture, on the other hand, has no such vision. Research wanders about aimlessly, each researcher seeing just one part of the infinite array of natural factors which affect harvest yields.Even though it is the same quarter acre, the farmer must grow his crops differently each year in accordance with variations in weather, insect populations, the condition of the soil, and many other natural factors. Nature is everywhere in perpetual motion; conditions are never exactly the same in any two years.Modern research divides nature into tiny pieces and conducts tests that conform neither with natural law nor with practical experiences. The results are arranged for the convenience of research, not according to the needs of the farmer.
Masanobu Fukuoka
We need to simplify life. Do you think grass thinks about who trod on it yesterday? No... It just continues to grow. And so should you. You cannot control who treads on you, but you do control your own growth. Don't ever let others inhibit you!
Tony Curl
They thought more before nine a.m. than most people thought all month. I remember once declining cherry pie at dinner, and Rand cocked his head and said, 'Ahh! Iconoclast. Disdains the easy, symbolic patriotism.' And when I tried to laugh it off and said, well, I didn't like cherry cobbler either, Marybeth touched Rand's arm: 'Because of the divorce. All those comfort foods, the desserts a family eats together, those are just bad memories for Nick.' It was silly but incredibly sweet, these people spending so much energy trying to figure me out. The answer: I don't like cherries.
Gillian Flynn
The easiest thing for a person is to accept everything as it is and adjust with everyone in the surroundings by sacrificing or compromising originality, but it's also the worst thing if he proclaims that he has changed himself.
Testy McTesterson
Conformity rules society not wisdom or simplicity.
Debasish Mridha
The world was beautiful when looked at in this way—without any seeking, so simple, so childlike.
Hermann Hesse
The true creator-self is a light-at-heart and care-free child, who accesses destiny as a simple act of joyful play.
Bryant McGill
Joy is found in simple things.
Todd Stocker
As a poet there is something about joy I find hard to express, whereas every other emotion is rather simple. For instance, you never feel so bad that you can't describe how bad you feel, but joy on the other hand is far too divine for human language.
Criss Jami
When my late father died — now I'm in mourning for my late mother — that sense of grief and bereavement suddenly taught me that so many things that I thought were important, externals, etc., all of that is irrelevant. You lose a parent, you suddenly realize what a slender thing life is, how easily you can lose those you love. Then out of that comes a new simplicity and that is why sometimes all the pain and the tears lift you to a much higher and deeper joy when you say to the bad times, "I will not let you go until you bless me.
Jonathan Sacks
We all shuffle our own deck in life ... The deck is our brain, the cards are our thoughts, the results we get will determine if we are giving ourselves a fair deal. Do you have an authentic dealer?
Michael Levy
Fast rather than slow, more rather than less--this flashy "development" is linked directly to society's impending collapse. It has only served to separate man from nature. Humanity must stop indulging the desire for material possessions and personal gain and move instead toward spiritual awareness.Agriculture must change from large mechanical operations to small farms attached only to life itself. Material life and diet should be given a simple place. If this is done, work becomes pleasant, and spiritual breathing space becomes plentiful.
Masanobu Fukuoka
Live a simple life, doing what you love.
Lailah Gifty Akita
When you have enough, there is no need for excessiveness.
Lailah Gifty Akita
Contentment is joy of life.
Lailah Gifty Akita
To be happy without your wants is greatest contentment.
Lailah Gifty Akita
Let us be the joy to find the joyLet us be the love to find the loveLet us be kind to find kindnessLet us be happy to find happiness.Let us be simple to find simplicityLet us be modest to find modestyLet us feel to comprehend Let us listen to understand Let us live our life to beLet us close our eyes to see.
Debasish Mridha
Take a walk outside - it will serve you far more than pacing around in your mind.
Rasheed Ogunlaru
Thankfulness is the life of contentment.
Lailah Gifty Akita
A Writer is Actor, Creator, Director & Producer Of HIS Life. Ask ME anything.
Nirav Sanchaniya
A movie that gets closer to the life's reality of the society finds always more words of mouth publicity in entirety.
Testy McTesterson
No one is as simple as they may seem to be.
Lik Hock Yap
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