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The confidence felt, when dealing with genuine reputation, often outweighs the simplicity of price.
Chris Murray
You listen like an amateur and fool yourself into believing it is enough when it is not.
Chris Murray
Sceptics are persuaded by a good reputation, for it is an unspoken statement of proof.
Chris Murray
Reputation is the panacea for those who lack confidence in their own decisions.
Chris Murray
It saddens me to note that there will always be con artists and charlatans in the world. Men who aim to fool the public by clothing themselves in the robes of experts.
Chris Murray
Listening is a discipline. It’s all about being present at that moment in time.
Chris Murray
I want you to start realising how far away you are from being able to listen professionally.
Chris Murray
Like the evangelist, I will shine with the light I have been shown, recognise that I have the ultimate solution for all my prospects, nurture that feeling deep within, and repeat the words to myself every day, until there is no doubt in my mind that keeping such good news hidden would be the very worst type of sin.
Chris Murray
I will design myself a reputation, in which prospects can place their trust, and customers return to and recommend.
Chris Murray
I will design my reputation and my resolve shall be absolute. I shall not give in when I know I can help.
Chris Murray
Like an ant, I will find my way round any obstacle. Like a child, I will persevere with pinpoint focus.
Chris Murray
I will not let those, who cannot recognise how I can be of service, dissuade me from showing them how I can help.
Chris Murray
I will look the part. I will act the part. I will deliver that which I have promised to deliver.
Chris Murray
You’ve got to be driven to become successful.
Chris Murray
What is the true cost of a purchasing decision that goes wrong?
Chris Murray
In the past, I have all too often listened without hearing, asking questions when I had no intention of hearing the answer or understand my customer’s requirements.
Chris Murray
I should become happier at what I do and leave others happier than before they’d met me.
Chris Murray
Speaking from the heart is simple. Listening wholeheartedly, however, is much, much more difficult and most rare.
Chris Murray
You must have realised by now that when one really cares, really tries to help, the other party recognises the fact and, therefore, easily sees the logic in working together for the greater good, for the mutual benefit of both.
Chris Murray
I have discovered fallen trees across my path and have possessed neither the strength to move them nor the patience or tenacity to find an alternative way round. I have simply returned to where I came from, and told myself there had been no other choice.
Chris Murray
Finding happiness by delivering it.
Chris Murray
Everything would have been for nothing just because I simply didn’t listen.
Chris Murray
Whilst people have answered questions, I have only heard my own voice thinking of the next question.
Chris Murray
I was so sure that I knew what they needed and what I wanted to sell them that I never stopped long enough to find out what it was they wanted to buy.
Chris Murray
In this world of half-jobs and liars, I will prevail.
Chris Murray
Embrace the fundamentals like the closest of friends, for they will be the foundation of your future success.
Chris Murray
Tell your good news as an evangelist would. Do so with a passion driven by a need to help and solve problems that some people didn’t even know they had.
Chris Murray
My intention was, only, ever to help you see the light shining brightly in front, and inside, of you.
Chris Murray
That which is currently beyond your capabilities now, does not have to be so forever
Chris Murray
Make sure everyone, who works with you or for you, feels the need to tell others about the incredible experience.
Chris Murray
Adopt the positive in everything you do, for there will always be positivity there to find, if that is what you seek.
Chris Murray
What you deserve will be down to you, and you alone.
Chris Murray
Destiny and fate are of one’s own making, and riches and happiness are rarely found at the end of an easily-traversed path.
Chris Murray
Listen to people from your heart, as if your life depended on it, and you will find that in turn people will listen to you with all of theirs.
Chris Murray
The choices you make from this day forward will lead you, step by step, to the future you deserve.
Chris Murray
Spend your time designing the greatest reputation a man could possess.
Chris Murray
If the African stars do not rise, are not known, remain obscure, their stories are not told – who and where is the African story teller? Your challenge if you are in the media is to continually ask if you are doing enough, using the appropriate strategies and at the right platforms. Let’s create and promote international and global stars with the talent and skills in our people, no one will do it for us.
Archibald Marwizi
Work is simply, “force x distance” or the product of a force applied to an object and the displacement of the object in the direction of the applied force…holding an object in the air does not involve any work, no matter how painful your hand will be after a few minutes… reflect on your daily activities and the results from them. Are you really working or just increasing your potential without progress or desired results? Your work must produce some movement, progress and change, by effectively using all your energies whether intellectual or physical.
Archibald Marwizi
No matter how great you are at what you do, as long as you remain known only within your own family circles, then you and your talent will die in obscurity and irrelevance. Position yourself to influence the masses by having a media, marketing and communication strategy.
Archibald Marwizi
Tactical use of the media can be equated to power behind your skill or special ability. It is in the power of the media to help market your brand. You just need to look at Hollywood, European football, Bollywood, Nollywood, Global fashion & modeling, showbiz and even humanitarian efforts, to appreciate that the making and destroying of stars, initiatives and legends is to a greater extent influenced by the role played by the media.
Archibald Marwizi
The key questions and challenges that we must all continue to pose and remind this key sector (the media) should be, 'Do you realize the power you have, to build and to destroy; to promote success or failure; to bring life or death to a cause or talent; to give a platform or take it away?
Archibald Marwizi
There is need to focus on selling an emotional experience instead of a mere product or service - the impression you make on others must be lasting and permanent. These experiences have to be positive and worth remembering. This will increase the chances of repeat business and referrals, guaranteeing customer loyalty. And that is what sustains businesses, brands and careers for generations! The principle remains the same for comedians, actors, footballers, musicians, sales executives or any other area of specialty.
Archibald Marwizi
You cannot offer quality experiences as an isolated island. Learn to work well with others on the success train. Respect those you work with and appreciate their contribution in making you the best at what you do.
Archibald Marwizi
Your life is connected to other key support structures that you must never neglect, including family, fans, supporters, affiliations, professional associations, religious membership and others. Your membership to such groupings must add value to others whilst you equally get the benefit they are supposed to provide their members.
Archibald Marwizi
One thing you'll learn when you're in the business of selling utter shite to the Great British Public is that there's really no bottom to where they'll go. Shit food, shit TV, shit bands, shit films, shit houses. There is absolutely no fucking bottom with this stuff. The shittier you can make it - a bad photocopy of a bad photocopy of what was a shit idea in the first place - the more they'll eat it up with a big fucking spoon, from dawn till dusk, from now until the end of time. It's too good.
John Niven
Early in 1967 Highsmith's agent told her why her books did not sell in paperback in America. It was, said Patricia Schartle Myrer, because they were 'too subtle', combined with the fact that none of her characters were likeable. 'Perhaps it is because I don't like anyone,' Highsmith replied. 'My last books may be about animals'.
Andrew Wilson
Sell your materials but save your morals.
Amit Kalantri
Don't burn your bridges until you build better ones.
Matshona Dhliwayo
Success would be a fairly boring and uninspiring dish if anybody could create it with a single ingredient, however difficult that ingredient was to find. No, success has several layers to its pallet. This is just the beginning
Chris Murray
If I can make you feel the same way that I feel about my product or service we'll have a meaningful conversation about it and how it can help. The trouble is that most sales people don't feel anything. Nothing at all.
Chris Murray
Trust me. If you do not decide where you are heading, and refuse to take the appropriate action, you will end up being shaped into what others would have you become. Then any change will not be made for your benefit but for theirs.
Chris Murray
People submit too easily to change from others. And yet, for some reason, whenever they consider changing themselves, the focus is always on what they are giving up, never what they are about to gain
Chris Murray
Everything you desire is always just outside your comfort zone, dear boy. If it wasn't you would already possess it, would you not?
Chris Murray
You truly help people with the things that you sell. Once you are aware of that vital piece of information every demonstration, every presentation, every transaction will be delivered with a light shining from your heart. From your heart will shine a beacon that tells all prospects you can truly help and that that is your sole purpose for being there.
Chris Murray
Allowing yourself to be a conduit for opportunity requires a brand new outlook on life. Lady fortune cannot enter a locked door, you know. And contrary to that well known saying, she has rarely been known to knock
Chris Murray
The fact that you wish to become extremely successful must mean that you currently do not see yourself as such. Therefore, you need to change. The question you should be asking is what do you need to become?
Chris Murray
Sales can never be done with 'good' skills or 'good' communication or 'thorough' product knowledge.. It can only be done with PASSION and U gotta be a people loving person, to be alive in sales...
Selling is serving, helping others find solutions, impacting lives positively with passion and integrity.
Farshad Asl
If I send all the books that I faithfully wrote overseas, would that, for any chance, be considered work-shipping??
Ana Claudia Antunes
A $3 Cup of Coffee is Worth a Book.
Daniel Marques
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