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It's a nice feeling, Knowing, Someone lived easier Because I was alive.
Nikki Rowe
I have come to realize that truly rich people are rich not because they are frugal or they chose to be frugal, but because they are so grateful, contented and full of self-worth that they don't have to prove anything to anyone with material possessions. This way, they appear frugal.
Jan Mckingley Hilado
Find yourself, and once you do never let go
Coach Cassandra
With an all-or-nothing mind-set, you tend to judge yourself relentlessly…Eeyore becomes your best friend.
Mary E. DeMuth
My dear,In the midst of hate, I found there was, within me, an invincible love.In the midst of tears, I found there was, within me, an invincible smile.In the midst of chaos, I found there was, within me, an invincible calm.I realized, through it all, that…In the midst of winter, I found there was, within me, an invincible summer.And that makes me happy. For it says that no matter how hard the world pushes against me, within me, there’s something stronger – something better, pushing right back.Truly yours,Albert Camus”I like this because only one part is usually quoted but the full quote has such symmetry.
Albert Camus
You must love yourself first to the soul of your aura...
Jennifer Pierre
When we change and grow into new versions of ourselves, we have to tolerate a lot of uncertainty.
Nancy Levin
I don’t mean good like going to church or not breaking laws. If, in your heart, you try to get through the daywithout hurting other people, then you are a good person...
Kaje Harper
If you don't see your own value, don't expect others to as well.
Robert Tew
There is a difference between being able to love and believing your love is valuable, worth giving away.
Jesikah Sundin
What a lot of humans fail to see is that they don't need to do anything to be valuable--they already are.
C.M. Rayne
Forgiveness is not an invitation to become a doormat for other people's hypocrisy.
Shannon L. Alder
Someone out there is looking for exactly what you've got…and will never try and undercut your value or question your worth. Some things in life just can’t be bartered over or placed on the sale rack – and your self-worth is at the top of the list.
Mandy Hale
Your body is a temple, not a daily dumping ground for another person’s pain, anger, betrayal, judgment, hypocrisy, denial, games, jealousy or blame. When you are being psychologically, spiritually or emotionally abused by a person, and they don’t care how it hurts you, then it is time to leave what is polluting your relationship with God.
Shannon L. Alder
Learn from all, but copy none and just be yourself.
Innocent Mwatsikesimbe
Stand firm. Stand tall.You are a tower of God.
Lailah Gifty Akita
Never get your sense of worth from outside yourself. Never fall into the trap of thinking that who you are is not enough and that you need other people’s approval, love and validation in order to feel that you’re of value. Never allow external things, places, people and circumstances to determine or tell you how much you’re worth. It’s called self-worth, not others’ worth.
Luminita D. Saviuc
Just be yourself. An original is worth more than a copy.
Suzy Kassem
I've reached a point, where I no longer believe I am unworthy of greatness, If the people I'm surrounded by; aren't Intune with my growth, I'm happy to let go, If the job I'm working, isn't bringing out the best in me, I'm happy to find something that will. If I complain about one thing, I must be grateful for 2 more. if I can't always have everything I want, I'll make damn sure I have everything I need. If life's Thunder hands me tears, I'll be sure to laugh through it. If I lose some, I trust it's because i am about to win more. If there is darkness, the light is almost in reach. Every obstacle, is the gateway to concious living and every heartache is the gateway to the most empowered love you could feel.
Nikki Rowe
To do what you want is not a privilege. It is a curse. It is the curse of ordinary men. Men with no responsibilities do whatever they want. Common men with no value and self worth do whatever they want. Men whose lives have no worthy purpose are free to do whatever they want. Not you. You are a prince for whom a heavy crown and a powerful throne await. You do not do whatever you want; you do what must be done."- King Chuka
Ray Anyasi
I can sit here and say I've survived heart break and all those nights I thought I couldn't bare to live without you, yeah I just want to thank them, because I did & now I couldn't imagine a life with you.
Nikki Rowe
It's ok to not like yourself sometimes, it just means there's something in you that needs "fixing". Love yourself to recognize these parts of you and watch yourself grow beautifully into the person you were meant to be.
Karen A. Baquiran
Will any man despise me? Let him see to it. But I will see to it that I may not be found doing or saying anything that deserves to be despised.
Marcus Aurelius
If we get our very identity, our sense of worth, from our political position, then politics is not really about, it is about US. Through our cause we are getting a self, our worth. That means we MUST despise and demonize the opposition. If we get our identity from our ethnicity or socioeconomic status, then we HAVE to feel superior to those of other classes and races. If you are profoundly proud of being an open-minded, tolerant soul, you will be extremely indignant toward people you think are bigots. If you are a very moral person, you will feel superior to people you think are licentious. And so on.
Timothy J. Keller
There was a time when his father had looked like gold to him. Many of his seniors had looked like gold. Anybody who had attained a certain high level of education had looked like gold. Therefore, his own gold plating had been all the more painful, and he had been impatient to become solid gold himself. But once his keen eye penetrated directly to the inner layers of these other people, his efforts suddenly came to seem foolish.
Sōseki Natsume
You want to be good. All right, I can understand that. But you have to be careful who you let define your good.
Lois McMaster Bujold
Anger is triggered by insult, then, and so is connected to worth (aretê) and to honour (timê). A person is insulted when the treatment he receives is worse than the treatment his worth entitles him to receive. He is honoured when he is given treatment proportional to his worth, and his worth is above or well-above average. When we speak of honour, therefore, we are in a way speaking of worth, since honour measures worth. Honour and insult are thus close to being polar opposites, and an insult is a harm to worth or honour.
C. D. C. Reeve
Doing something nice for myself is not selfish.
Christine Morgan
I am more than less, but less than worthy. Worthy to be heard, but heard in silence
Paul Morabito
Why do we want other people to like us, even if we don't really care about them all that much?
Margaret Atwood
I don't know why I resented it so intensely to have them think of me as something newly minted in their private treasury, but it was-I am certain-echoes of that idea that had been sounding in the chambers of my mind from the time we had arrived in Chicago. I wanted to get up and show everyone what a fool he was, to shout at him: I'm a human being, a person - with parents and memories and a history - and I was before you ever wheeled me into that operating room!
Daniel Keyes
If a picture is worth a thousand words, how much for a poem?
Shannon Lynette
[Present over perfect is] about rejecting the myth that every day is a new opportunity to prove our worth, and about the truth that our worth is inherent, given by God, not earned by our hustling.
Shauna Niequist
There was no correcting past mistakes, especially since he could see no real 'mistakes' he had made. He had done the best he could, and that had proven insufficient.
Brandon Sanderson
Life's greatest challenge are the manifestations of our dreams.
What you do doesn’t define you. You can’t let your failures, or your success for that matter, dictate how you view yourself. You are loved.
Taylor York
An amazing thing happens when you stop seeking approval and validation: You find it. People are naturally drawn like magnets to those who know who they are and cannot be shaken!
Mandy Hale
People always, always talk about confidence, it’s supposed to be such an attractive thing. I wonder why though, why is it supposed to be such an attractive thing? When confidence hides so many other things that are so much more beautiful! When you think of being confident, you think of tucking away all those other things that you consider to be nuisances; but those nuisances make up whom you are! And those nuisances are beautiful. They are beautiful and they are you and they’re always going to be there, even when you try to cover them up! So what happens when they all come out one day? Are you going to feel like less of a person? Are the people who are supposed to love you, going to see you as less of a person? I say that it’s not about going out into the world and putting on a certain face— it’s just about going out into the world. I’ve gone out into the world! And I don’t put on that face! Or any other face, as a matter of fact! I don’t want to hide the way I play with my hair to feel more secure or the way I laugh at all the wrong times. I don’t want to hide those things because those things are a part of me. And I can still go out into the world— and all alone, too! I know so, because I’ve actually done it! So more important than confidence— is serenity and acceptance. The serenity comes from having a deep acceptance of all those little things about you that add up like the trillions of molecules and atoms you are made up of! And that’s just beautiful. Being beautiful is something rooted and strong; being confident is just a matter of putting on something that isn’t even a real part of you. Falling in love with the molecules that make up your essence is so much more attractive. And maybe that’s what confidence really means— the acceptance and belief in every single atom that you are.
C. JoyBell C.
If you think you are powerless, then you are
Monica Ali
Confidence is not about being self-centered. It's about being emotionally centered, so you can better see other people.
Karen C. Eddington
BeastlyIt's okay to be differentIt's up to you to be magnificentYou are the one that mattersDon't allow yourself to be shatteredDo allow yourself to silence the noiseFeel everything including the joysBeastly doesn't have to be uglyIt's up to you to make it lovely
Stace Lee
Many people can't sing their praise or feel proud of themselves in front of others because they are scared to be labelled as 'arrogant' or 'big-headed'. Social acceptance is more important than self-esteem in the 21st century - and that’s not good.
Maddy Malhotra
You cannot become good enough for your own approval just like you can't become good enough to have hair. You cannot earn your own self-acceptance just like you can't earn your own ears. You can't become what you are. Stop looking out there. Look in the mirror. You're already everything you've ever wanted to be.
Vironika Tugaleva
Be selfish enough to have self love, self worth and self respect.
Robin Dabhi
Be honest with who you are, what you want and how you want to be treated. Boundaries only scare off the people that were not meant to be in your life.
Shannon L. Alder
We're all a beautiful, wonderful work in progress....Embrace the process!
Nanette Mathews
Are you what others say and think you are? Or are you who you are regardless of what others say and think?
Richelle E. Goodrich
Style comes from knowing who you are and who you want to be in the world; it does not come from wanting to be somebody else, or wanting to be thinner, shorter, taller, prettier.
Nina García
When you do talk to people, share what you are. Stop focusing on all the things that you aren’t. Stop focusing on all of the physical features that you think people won’t like about you. Stop focusing on your inabilities or lack of talent. Instead, focus on those physical features that you know people already love about you. Focus on your abilities and the talents that you do have. You have been blessed with all of the above, and that makes you worth getting to know in my book.
Dan Pearce
Smile at people everywhere you go. Don’t just give them one of those half-smirk/head nod things. Raise your eyebrows, show those teeth, and chuckle while you smile. Next time you’re at the store, give a full-hearted smile to at least three complete strangers. You’ll be amazed at what this does for them and for you.
Dan Pearce
You'll have less heartaches and disappointments if you stop seeking from others the things ONLY God and you can give yourself!
Yvonne Pierre
you're Worth More Than Gold
Britt Nicole
It seemed so natural, receiving it, watching others receive it, assuming that the approval of others determined our worth. Then one day we found we couldn't feel any worth without it. We'd forgotten that we were gifted in ways unimaginable, created with a unique purpose like no other, that people are hurting, that we beat that same hurt and we can help them. There is no one as valuable as you. Unlearn that old lie.
Lee Goff
No one can discover you until you do. Exploit your talents, skills and strengths and make the world sit up and take notice.
Rob Liano
There is no other company in the world I've found more pleasurable than my own. For no one else has ever been as accepting of me or as thoroughly entertained by my quirkiness. It is a sweet thing to like yourself.
Richelle E. Goodrich
You are an irreplaceable, one-of-a-kind, amazing being. There will never be another you and this fact alone makes you infinitely and absolutely valuable. Having absolute value means you cannot be diminished by anything or anyone. You are bulletproof and nothing can change your value.
Kimberly Giles
Don't become a random photograph in the eyes of friends, and even your enemies, for each glance at your face will cause a declination of value and reputation. Create value, through scarcity.
Michael Bassey Johnson
The line between ego and healthy self-esteem is very delicate. We should know when we cross this line, switch side, and become egotistical.
Assegid Habtewold
Having low self-esteem and a shield of lard are not guarantees of safety. Having a warrior spirit, high self worth (most people are assaulted by someone they know, so if you think you're only worthy of hanging out with controlling low-life's, that's who you'll attract into your circle) and the ability to run, hit, kick and holler loudly are far more effective weapons against victimization.
Jane Olson
If you're stressing over happiness, you're doing it wrong!
Shannon L. Alder
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