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Bibliotherapy is an inexpensive treatment not bound by time or place.
Tinnitus Today
Qwana Reynolds-Frasier
The greatest thing about our times is that you don't need permission to express yourself the way you wish. Sometimes people tell themselves they can't do it, because they're missing this or that, but historically, specialization is a recent convention. Most of us are born natural polymaths.
Nuno Roque
Qwana Reynolds-Frasier
Qwana Reynolds-Frasier
If we lack either self-awareness or confidence in who we are, we run the risk of allowing others to define who we are or who we should be.
Lisa Locke
When it comes to our most precious commodity, our own health, many of us are like sheep following whatever our doctors and insurance companies and other medical care providers tell us to do and not to do.about our health.
Archelle Georgiou
You do what you love, what you need.
Sarah J Maas
The truth is - no matter how “self-made” you think you are, you are really made by many who have invested in your life.Be known as a thankful and grateful person… and be known as the person that is investing in others to build them up, as well. It’s your way of paying back the debt that others have invested in you.
Josh Hatcher
The key to happiness is a regular dose of unhappiness.
Paul Van Der Merwe
For me, recovery and self-care are inextricably connected. My recovery from abuse, addiction, and a suicide attempt required dumptruck loads of self-care.
Steve Austin
What we need to do is treat some of our thoughts like door to door salesmen. If someone comes to your door and asks if he can come inside and throw some dirt on your floor to demonstrate his vaccuum cleaner - you would probably tell him “No thanks! See you later!” And yet - if a friend stopped by with a meatloaf and wanted to visit - we’d say “Come on in!” We need to stop being PASSIVE about what thoughts can take residence in our head.
Josh Hatcher
I have gained wisdom from leaning into my pain, in not allowing the hounds of hell to snap at my heels anymore. Now I turn around, call them by name, and let them know I am prepared to fight.
Steve Austin
If you have ever felt hopeless, if you have ever believed that all the bad things in your life were beyond redemption, if you have ever felt unworthy of being loved or accepted, if you have ever feared what would happen if people found out whatever it is that haunts you - I get it. I have been there, too.
Steve Austin
BELINDA: People say you shouldn’t speak ill of the dead. I say tell the truth. The dead will know what God will tell them. So start talking.
Billy London
You work so hard to fix yourself, but maybe what you need isn't another tactic, another book, another expert, another five-step plan. Maybe, you don't need to be fixed. Maybe, what's really holding you back is the idea that you need to be fixed. Maybe you just need to let yourself play instead of always making yourself do homework.
Vironika Tugaleva
MASSIMO: "After all I have done, to have you love me is nothing less than a miracle."BELINDA: He was wrong. Loving him was the easiest thing in the world. That they’d found each other after their respective histories was the miracle.
Billy London
Improve your being, and the understanding of life will come to you; and then with the understanding, do, be or achieve whatever you want out of your life.
Roshan Sharma
when one's avenue of retreat is cut off there is only one way to go - forward.
Og Mandino
It is the confession, not the Priest, that gives us absolution
Christine Iliadis
It is not the one that falls first that matters, but the one that gets up to help the other
Christine Iliadis
Happiness is a mental habit, a mental attitude, and if it is not learned and practiced in the present it is never experienced. It cannot be made contingent upon solving some external problem. When one problem is solved, another appears to take its place. Life is a series of problems. If you are to be happy at all, you must be happy - period! Not happy "because of".
Maxwell Maltz
Our errors, mistakes, failures, and sometimes even our humiliations, were necessary steps in the learning process. However, they were meant to be means to an end - and not an end in themselves. When they have served their purpose, they should be forgotten. If we consciously dwell on the error, or consciously feel guilty about the error and keep berating ourselves because of it, then - unwittingly - the error or failure itself becomes the "goal" that is consciously held in imagination and memory.
Maxwell Maltz
I have found that one of the commonest causes of unhappiness among my patients is that they are attempting to live their lives on the deferred payment plan. They do not live, or enjoy life now, but wait for some future event or occurrence. They will be happy when they get married, when they get a better job, when they get the house paid for, when they get the children through college, when they have completed some task or won some victory. Invariably, they are disappointed.
Maxwell Maltz
Being your authentic self exudes a quiet confidence.
Sam Owen
Being willing to feel my pain isn't another strategy I can use to avoid my pain. It is genuinely accepting that sometimes stuff really sucks. Sometimes life can really hurt. Sometimes this world isn't what I signed up for. Sometimes I still feel like I would do anything not to have these feelings and these thoughts... Willingness to allow suffering to be there is hard. Damn hard. And often frightening too. And the only thing harder is not being willing to allow suffering to be there.
Ben Sedley
Turn on the light within, expand your horizons and reach your full potential.
Amit Ray
You may have read or heard about the so-called positive thinkers of the West. They sayjust the opposite -- they don't know what they are saying. They say, "When you breatheout, throw out all your misery and negativity; and when you breathe in, breathe in joy,positivity, happiness, cheerfulness."Atisha's method is just the opposite: when you breathe in, breathe in all the misery andsuffering of all the beings of the world -- past, present and future. And when you breatheout, breathe out all the joy that you have, all the blissfulness that you have, all thebenediction that you have. Breathe out, pour yourself into existence. This is the methodof compassion: drink in all the suffering and pour out all the blessings.And you will be surprised if you do it. The moment you take all the sufferings of theworld inside you, they are no longer sufferings. The heart immediately transforms theenergy. The heart is a transforming force: drink in misery, and it is transformed intoblissfulness... then pour it out.Once you have learned that your heart can do this magic, this miracle, you would like todo it again and again. Try it. It is one of the most practical methods -- simple, and itbrings immediate results. Do it today, and see.That is one of the approaches of Buddha and all his disciples. Atisha is one of hisdisciples, in the same tradition, in the same line. Buddha says again and again to hisdisciples, "IHI PASSIKO: come and see!" They are very scientific people. Buddhism isthe most scientific religion on the earth; hence, Buddhism is gaining more and moreground in the world every day. As the world becomes more intelligent, Buddha willbecome more and more important. It is bound to be so. As more and more people come toknow about science, Buddha will have great appeal, because he will convince thescientific mind -- because he says, "Whatsoever I am saying can be practiced." And Idon't say to you, "Believe it," I say, "Experiment with it, experience it, and only then ifyou feel it yourself, trust it. Otherwise there is no need to believe.
Hold onto who loves and honor you.Not everyone will know how to.Some souls don't even know how to love and honor themselves, let alone you.
Lalah Delia
Men treat you, the way you make them treat you.
Kate McAfee
You are an artist, I am an artist, all the people around you and me are artists. Don't try to hide your scars, highlight them with the brush and you'll become an attractive piece of art
Hilal Hamdaan
Anger is fleeting, whereas hostility is enduring.
Deborah Sandella
While it is easy to blame the hand of the abuser, when that hand no longer is raised against you, why do you continue to feel the burn of its touch?
Deborah Brodie
When we ponder the vastness of the universe and eternity, we are closer to understanding the role of death in the mysterious life we are all experiencing. Through these realizations, greater acceptance of the inevitability of death positions us to be happier in our lives. After my journey through these ideas I feel strongly that happiness and a deeper understanding of death are linked phenomena that offer a fuller existence.
Loren Mayshark
You are the energy you attract. Whether you are aware of that or not, everything you come up against is teaching you about that part within yourself. Listen carefully, it's a hint to a better you.
Nikki Rowe
You'll never cross an emotional bridge, if you keep rushing back to the other side.
T.F. Hodge
Don't be afraid of who you're not.. Be afraid of never knowing who you are. Defend your authentic self.
Karen Laffey
It is in the deconstruction of ourselves that we begin to build our lives.
Delora Argiro O'Brien
Gods strength is manifestly perfected in your weakest weakness
Ikechukwu Joseph
Be the best of yourself.
Lailah Gifty Akita
You can't be much good to others, if you're no good to yourself.
Carlos Wallace
If you truly love who you are other's opinions won’t even matter.
Carlos Wallace
So although there is no phoenix here, there is, nonetheless, a fierce, stubborn, wildly insightful, arrogantly honest, crazily committed, and caring human, who will take the heat, the brunt of whatever silver spoon joke you may have, so I can help you have everything you want in your life. And I mean everything.
Lauren Handel Zander
Inside each of us is our ideal life: our true north.
Lauren Handel Zander
If we’re not the one driving our dreams forward, who is? If we don’t figure out how to change jobs, eat healthily, date, fall and stay in love, who will come save us? No one. But, then again, no one should, right? The are, after all, our dreams.
Lauren Handel Zander
Most people do not see their words as power.
Kent Alan Robinson
A single employee, with one message, can succinctly capture the essence of a corporation the same way an iconic photograph captures a moment. Unfortunately, it is usually the negative massages that are published or used in lawsuits.
Kent Alan Robinson
An email cannot be ignored. You may wish an email was not sent to you, because you learned what you did not want to know, but it must be acted upon because there is now a permanent record linking you to that information.
Kent Alan Robinson
Emails are viewed as an essential historical record of an organization. A record that cannot be expunged must be created with care or not created at all.
Kent Alan Robinson
History was once rewritten by the victors. Now we write our own immutable histories with every email, text, and post.
Kent Alan Robinson
...with electronic communication, what one writes in a moment, eternity will not erase.
Kent Alan Robinson
We live in a society in which unnecessary conformities are the very essence of necessity
Christine Iliadis
Electronic communication has transmuted conversations into durable and accessible records. Revisionist history has gone the way of the phone booth.
Kent Alan Robinson
Confident people tend to evaluate their opinions alongside those of others and then follow their intuition.
Sam Owen
Seek renewal of mind.
Lailah Gifty Akita
If you want to do something healthy for yourself - focus on your internal relationship. A diet, external, or materialistic fix WON'T work.
Brittany Burgunder
Be kind to your future self, and your future will be kind to you.
Liliana Kohann
It is better to be small in flesh but large in spirit.
Lailah Gifty Akita
I know nothing, so I study.
Lailah Gifty Akita
Once you realize that your relationship is more important than your individual point of view. That’s where the true definition of “union” lives.
Lauren Handel Zander
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