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Learn to be brave and adventurous because you’ll never discover your place in the world, if you’re too afraid to leave your own backyard.
Nina Guilbeau
Tom Giaquinto
Our mind takes an inventory of past events and uses them to project the probability of success in the future. Depending on the information it gathers, we either move forward—or thefear response is triggered and forward progress is circumvented. Page 48
Nick Ortner
There are times in every person’s life when they feel lonely, isolated, like maybe they don’t belong. For adoptees, this is often exacerbated by the circumstances. Because you were given up, you have a built-in scapegoat; you can blame everything that you feel on the fact that you were adopted. But, I want you to know that this is a fallacy. Finding your biological parents will not fill in the void that you feel. You will get answers to your questions, but no one can fill in the missing pieces except for you. Before you go on a search, take the time to get to know yourself very well. Heal the hurts you’ve experienced. Acknowledge the past and how it has affected you. Become a whole person who is seeking roots, not a damaged person who is seeking fulfillment.
Janet Louise Stephenson
Under chronic stress, your body is more apt to enter a state of dis-ease. Unable to achieve its natural balance, it can’t function the way it should. The ripple effects can be profound. And yet Western medicine has trained us to focus on symptomsrather than root causes like stress. Page 71
Nick Ortner
Confidence is a life ingredient that is essential to success and wholeness. It is perhaps the single most important trait that enables seemingly average people to do and become all that they can. And the good news is – it can be learned. No one has to suffer a lifetime of low confidence.
Steve Goodier
I have discovered there are only a handful of good ideas in the whole world. You already know them. You have heard them your entire life. Here are some of the main keys to being more successful:Take personal responsibility.Things change, so be flexible.Work smart and work hard.Serve others well.Be nice to others.Be optimistic. Have goals; want something big for yourself.Stay focused.Keep learning.Become excellent at what you do.Trust your gut.When in doubt, take action.Earn all you can. Save all you can. Give all you can.Enjoy all you've got.Above all keep it simple.
Larry Winget
When you assess your own life, consider it with the eye of a gardener. Underneath the surface lies rich, fertile soil waiting to nurture the seeds you sow. Even more than you can imagine will grow there if given a chance.
Steve Goodier
IF - and this is the greatest of them all - I had the courage to see myself as I reallyam, I would find out what is wrong with me, and correct it, then I might have a chance to profit by my mistakes and learn something from the experience of others,for I know that there is something WRONG with me, or I would now be where I WOULD HAVE BEEN IF I had spent more time analyzing my weaknesses, and less time building alibis to cover them.
Napoleon Hill
If you talked to your friends the way you talk to your body, you’d have no friends left at all.
Marcia Hutchinson
Not every minor inconvenience leads to a major catastrophe.
Lynn C. Tolson
Every conscious thought you have, every moment you spend on an idea, is a commitment to be stuck with that idea and with aspects of that level of thinking, for the rest of your life. Spending just 10 seconds focusing on a topic that does not serve your interests is to invest your energy along a path that will continue to draw from you and define you.
Kevin Michel
It’s up to you to make the conscious choices that bring about a better future. Find new methods to deal with old routines. You have to take charge of your life, to be accountable to yourself and responsible toward others.
Lynn C. Tolson
Nurture youroriginality, don’t ever bury itaway.
Alison G. Bailey
Engineer possibility into greatness
Julian Pencilliah
We need to see our collective mind as the vehicle that will take us to the destiny of our dreams
Julian Pencilliah
Intelligence is knowing what’s required of you
Julian Pencilliah
It’s only when we are able to exceed our rigid interpretations, and we start defining love in it’s totality, that we realize that love is everywhere
Julian Pencilliah
We mine our greatest value through the process of proactive thinking
Julian Pencilliah
Immense self-made wealth is the evidence of a grandly rich mind
Julian Pencilliah
Intellectual talent will give us the upper-hand in the game of life. Fortunately, we all can develop it
Julian Pencilliah
If you change your way of thinking about failure, you can transform your weaknesses into strengths & realize opportunities for growth.
Tanya Masse
The magic of you is in your capacity to shape change.
Julian Pencilliah
No matter what we do, each instant contains infinite choices. What we choose to think, to say or to hear creates what we feel in the present moment, it conditions the quality of our communication and in the end the quality of our everyday life. Beliefs and attitudes are made of thoughts. Negative thoughts can be changed and by doing so we create for ourselves more pleasant inner states and have a different impact on the people around us
Dorotea Brandin
Just one person. It really honestly just takes one positive person. One positive person can help you. And that can go a long, long way. - Alexis
Robert Uttaro
Folks fall down all the time.. The key is to get back up ASAP
Sereda Aleta Dailey
It is a full-time job to cope with alien elements from both interpersonal sources and societal influences.
Lisa Firestone
Do you think we find Jesus, or does He find us?
J.I. Willett
The night! When the outside world is hiding in darkness, you have to turn on the light within in order to see where you put your steps.
Irina Serban
When you cannot find a pill for it, try taking a full dosage of responsibility
Johnnie Dent Jr.
You dive deeper, you strip away the cleverness and the words become more important than your ego and that's when you know it's real, when it's good.
Kamal Ravikant
The only doors that open are the ones you knock on.
Scott Marquart
Nothing you are choosing to do for yourself is worth the tears and feelings of dread every single morning. NOTHING.
Mary Mihalic
Only when we are truly lost are we free to choose our own path.
Hugo Embleton-Black
Authority to dream is not given, it is taken. Take it. Do not let the judgment of others be the final word. Without a doubt, if there is a one-word, one-step cure for bad peg moments, that word is perseverance. Let that be your final word.
J. Loren Norris
What we call coincidences, accidental and remarkable events occurring at the same time, are actually circumstances and events that have come into your life to serve a purpose is to benefit you.
Chris Prentiss
Your faith is designed to operate outside of your emotions. When you operate in faith, how you feel has no bearing on how you respond. Faith does not need your emotions to confirm what you are believing God to do in your life. We should understand what we are feeling and why we are feeling it but we should not be distracted or controlled by how we feel. Have faith.
Dawn M. Harvey
Believe that is cure is possible for you. Discover and heal the underlying causes with a holistic recovery program. Adopt a philosophy based on what is true in the Universe.
Chris Prentiss
How you respond to what is happening in your life can make a difference. Your conduct in the confusion, your resolve while enduring pain and your positive thought process during the tribulation can help you handle what is happening in your life. Those are the proskairos moments that make the difference as you are maneuvering the waves of life. Those moments are filled with the presence of God and how you respond and behave in those moments makes all of the difference.
Dr. Glen A. Staples
Use wisdom when developing relationships and establishing new alliances. There are people who do not have pure motives as it pertains to developing relationships. They only want to be seen with you because they want to establish association. These people want the recognition affiliated with your success but they are not willing to go through what you did to achieve it.
Dr. Glen A. Staples
You don't feel like your best self when you fall apart, but you have to fall apart to become your best self.
Richie Norton
You gotta make it a priority to make your priorities a priority.
Richie Norton
If you’ve always been poor, does that mean you can’t be rich?If you’ve always been sad, does that mean you can never be happy?If you’ve always been alone, does that mean you’ll never find true love?If you’ve always had bad grades, does that mean you’re not smart?If you’ve failed time and time again, does that mean you’ll never be successful?The answer to these questions…? YES! But only if you see yourself as a poor, sad, lonely, stupid failure.
Justin Young
Choosing to Let Go crashes the pity party thrown by all the “What ifs” and “If onlys.
Justin Young
In life, you have two choices: Do you control your life… or not? Are you the driver or the passenger? Do you make stuff happen, or let stuff to happen?
Justin Young
If you have experienced recurring situations in your life that are unpleasant, know that there is something you are supposed to be getting from those situations that you have not been getting and that the moment you get it, those situations will pass out of your life, not to return.
Chris Prentiss
The moment you make the internal changes necessary to obtain your goal, the outside world changes instantly.
Chris Prentiss
Learning to sit with ambiguity can be a very important start at a life liberated from anxiety—and the way to do it is to resist the urge to chase answers to questions that may actually be unanswerable.
Kelly G. Wilson
The world actually is a mirror, and as you change, you will see everything around you changing as well as mirroring your changes.
Chris Prentiss
All men are created equal.' That doesn’t mean we are born into equal circumstances, or have the same skills. What we do have in common, though, is the ability to apply ourselves to achieving that which we desire. Each of us has the capacity to dream big, to assess and accept the aspects of our reality that are standing in our way, learn from them, overcome them and succeed.
Justin Young
Take a few minutes now and see your current circumstances- your physical condition, your emotional condition, your possessions, your financial condition, where and how you live, your relationships, the situations surrounding your life, and the way you believe other people see you- as mirrors showing you "Who You Are.
Chris Prentiss
Self-disruption is akin to undergoing major surgery, but you are the one holding the scalpel.
Jay Samit
Disruption causes vast sums of money to flow from existing businesses and business models to new entrants.
Jay Samit
All Disruption starts with introspection.
Jay Samit
Would you rather work forty hours a week at a job you hate or eighty hours a week doing work you love?
Jay Samit
Disruption isn't about what happens to you, it's about how you respond to what happens to you.
Jay Samit
There is a difference between failing and failure. Failing is trying something that you learn doesn't work. Failure is throwing in the towel and giving up.
Jay Samit
There are riches to be found simply by capturing the value released through others' disruptive breakthroughs.
Jay Samit
The majority of people are not willing to risk what they have built for the opportunity to have something better.
Jay Samit
All businesses -- no matter if they make dog food or software -- don't sell products, they sell solutions.
Jay Samit
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