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Maybe I didn't march to the same drummer as most people, but I could do things on my own and do them well. That was what I'd learned, little by little, in the year I turned sixteen. I was complete by myself.
Diane Schwemm
We all change, and we all feel rudderless at times. there is nothing wrong in allowing yourself to drift.~Zeke
Stephanie Stamm
Every problem has one immediate cause, many remote causes, long term and short term effects
Ikechukwu Joseph
The difference between the ordinary and extraordinary is the extra. Go the extra mile and enter your extraordinary success
Ikechukwu Joseph
Well, I am something, Ma, you hissed, I am not nothing, I am somebody and I know what I want from life and I know what to do to get it. I will provide for myself.
Marlene Van Niekerk
But, astonishingly, I'm not broken. I'm not destroyed. Terrified witless, shaking, retching with fear, yes. But no longer insecure. Because during my search for how you died, I somehow found myself to be a different person. ... Living my life. And it wouldn't be my grief for you that toppled the mountain, but love.
Rosamund Lupton
I have rubbed, knocked and brushed up against a thousand windows, trying to get an image.
Anthony Liccione
What no one really talks about, though, is the main reason many of us fail with our weight loss efforts: our minds won't let us.
Helen M. Ryan
And most importantly, the next time someone asks you "Who are you?" you must answer in this simple way, with sincerity and conviction: "I am an Earth Citizen
Ilchi Lee
Lift your eyes and look on the FIELDS (Jon 4:35),there are viable opportunities
Ikechukwu Joseph
People are your responsibility and character is the hidden powers that cause the miracle people
Ikechukwu Joseph
The city had seemed like a great place to discover who you are. It just seemed that there was a lot to experience here, as if all you had to do was show up and the city would take care of the rest, making sure you got the education, the maturing, the wising-up you needed. Its crowds, the noise, the endlessness of it all, the perpetual motion, felt exciting then—revealing—just the deep end I needed to jump into. There is something unique about New York, some quality, some matchless, pertinent combination of promise and despair, wizardry and counterfeit, abundance and depletion, that stimulates and allows for a reckoning to occur—maybe even forces it. The city pulls back the curtain on who you are; it tests you and shows you what you are made of in a way that has become iconic in our popular culture, and with good reason.
Sari Botton
Every new self-discovery leads you to more wholeness, opens your heart, makes you humble, and a better person to serve and love others.
Assegid Habtewold
I never understood that everyone feels lost temporarily when they want to change their world and the state of their life
Priya Kumar
Every new self-discovery leads you to more wholeness, opens your heart, makes you humble, and a better person to serve and love others." Page 8
Assegid Habtewold
Perhaps she just needed to remind herself more often how that gold was still floating above her head, it's minuscule particles visible only when pierced by a certain light.
Francesca Marciano
Imagine your body becoming that of a stranger. Imagine the sensation of it being not yours, as you discover what it feels like to do this, or to have this happen to you, for the very first time. Imagine it happening with sickening slowness, or with shocking speed, that discovery. And then imagine knowing it has come too late.
Neil Bartlett
Stay with and pursue your dreams, and history will tell your stories in golden, glossy and embossed shining foils
Ikechukwu Joseph
You need to understand your potentials to transform it. look in to Yourself, upwards to God then outwards to your environ
Ikechukwu Joseph
Sometimes our emotions rule us. How we handle the consequences . . . defines us.
Kat Bastion
God is funny. He had a funny day when he made me. A funny, thoughtful, crazy day. He gave me a physique by which I would be so easily and so quickly judged, then gave me a mind by which I would so deeply magnetize, He put within me a heart with small, fast wings that I can hardly, barely handle, and then gave me a voice that hides behind everything in whispers. Oh, and also put a pen in my hand which writes me into madness! How can anyone possibly understand me? But I don't think God cared about that thought, when He made me! How ridiculously unfair!
C. JoyBell C.
All my life I had been looking for something, and everywhere I turned someone tried to tell me what it was.
Ralph Ellison
Oh, don't pull your hand away from me, I've promised myself that maybe by the end of this impossible narrative I shall understand, oh maybe it will be on Hell's road that I shall be able to find what we need—but don't pull your hand away, even though I now know that the finding has to come on the road of what we are, if I can succeed in not sinking completely into what we are.
Clarice Lispector
Still, as much as I had experienced, there was more waiting to be found. I had started out with a feeling of burning dullness and desperation. Now I was filled with a thrill and expectation of new discovery.
Peter Jenkins
Do not fear emptiness. It is the dwelling place of possibility. Nothing can be added to a vessel that is already full.~Malachi
Stephanie Stamm
The purported insight achieved by the patient is not the product of a process of veridical self-discovery, but rather reflects the patient’s conversion to the therapist’s interpretation.
Adolf Grünbaum
And because she did not shove this down my throat, this dawned on me.
Anne Lamott
It is quite interesting to discover who we really are. It might take some time, but eventually we do.
Alexandra Kinias
While women have come far in their ability to speak on their own behalf, there are many women who compromise what they want to say and what they actually say. Almost all women experience a dissonance between inner and outer. As a matter of emotional and sometimes physical survival, women have found it necessary to split their speech into two parts. One kind of speech is suppressed, occurring only in safe settings with intimates or within the ultimate safety of a woman's own mind.The second kind of speech is the publicly acceptable type that conforms to social expectations. The injunction to suppress certain feelings or thoughts can be so powerful that a woman may not be aware of it and may honestly believe that publicly acceptable speech is all she has in her. Carol Gilligan's work describes the destructive effects of this splitting of voice, especially in young girls who, as they embark on adolescence, have trouble speaking with clarity and strength. An emphasis on listening cultivates a stronger expression of voice. Listening is a crucial component in Imago Theory, where couples are taught to mirror, or repeat back, each other's thoughts, feelings, and needs as a way of building not only their partner's sense of self, but their own. Our core self becomes stronger when it is mirrored back. Voice that is not mirrored dies. When the process of mirroring is followed by validating and empathizing, a deep listening is done with feeling. All of us need validation -- that who we are, what we think, and how we feel does make sense. And the deepest form of listening is empathy, by which we are able to resonate on a soul level with the feelings and needs of one another.A wise proverb states that "Speech is silver, Silence is gold," reminding us of the forgotten value of silence. Feminist theorist Patrocinio Schweickart chose those words as the title of her article on talking and listening that parallels the inward and outward rhythm of Imago dialogue. She points our attention to the value of quiet as a tool that helps us notice the complex interplay of inner and outer that characterizes any creative process. For something new to happen, we need silence and receptivity as well as action and productivity. While some theorists see speaking as active and listening as passive, Schweickart and Imago Theory both point to the reality that both speaking and listening are active. Listening is a way of meaning-making. Theologian Nelle Morten refers to this dynamic as "hearing each other into speech."Ultimately, the development of authentic voice is a process that involves that involves a flow between speaking and listening. In listening, one becomes attuned to the surroundings so that speech becomes relevant and meaningful. This undulating rhythm of speaking and listening is the bedrock for dialogue in Imago Theory and for all of us who care about relationship.
Helen LaKelly Hunt
It's like you're a mirror and you show me who I want to be, instead of who I am.
Michelle Hodkin
If I had married, there is much I would not have learned of myself. This has been hard and painful and horrible. But I've learned that I'm stronger than hard, better than pain, and that with enough luck, horrible can go away.
Courtney Milan
It’s natural that self-discovery is a lifelong, ever-shifting process, and that what you are drawn to will likely change at various points in your life.
Dave Shepp
You don't just read a book to find adventure. You read a book to find yourself.
C.E. Dimond
Experiment to discover how little you need.
Alan Cohen
Who hasn't asked himself, am I a monster or is this what it means to be human?
Clarice Lispector
After a few months she left off speculating about the villagers. She admitted that there was something about them which she could not fathom, but she was content to remain outside the secret, whatever it was. She had not come to Great Mop to concern herself with the hearts of men. Let her stray up the valleys, and rest in the leafless woods that looked so warm with their core of fallen red leaves, and find out her own secret, if she had one; with autumn it might come back to question her. She wondered. She thought not. She felt that nothing could ever again disturb her peace. Wherever she strayed the hills folded themselves round her like the fingers of a hand.
Sylvia Townsend Warner
Satnav will get us quickly and all-too-predictably from A to B, but the path of life is more interesting when we’re allowed to explore the side streets.
Fennel Hudson
A motorcycle is a vehicle of change, after all. It puts the wheels beneath a midlife crisis, or a coming-of-age saga, or even just the discovery of something new, something you didn't realize was there. It provides the means to cross over, to transition, or to revitalize; motorcycles are self-discovery's favorite vehicle.
Lily Brooks-Dalton
I am a wanderer and mountain-climber, said he to his heart, I love not the plains, and it seemeth I cannot long sit still.And whatever may still overtake me as fate and experience—a wandering will be therein, and a mountain-climbing: in the end one experienceth only oneself.
Friedrich Nietzsche
You carry the message you've been seeking, but realization of it is found in healthy retrospection, not among the wilderness of chaotic noise.
T.F. Hodge
The price one pays when choosing exile is the loss of all that defines you as an individual. The only thing that makes this immense loss tolerable is the discovery of a self you did not know existed - of a true independence. That is the real gift of America, not its fabled wealth and prosperity.
Azar Nafisi
Do something,get something. Do nothing,get nothing. Doing is the beginning of being. Being is the beginning of achieving. Achieving is the essence of living and living is the spices of life
Ikechukwu Joseph
You cannot win your future if you cannot forgive your past
Ikechukwu Joseph
You can create viable ventures out of turbulent adventure.
Ikechukwu Joseph
Is it bad to like the way the scars look on my skin? Oh, the way they feel under my hands. My body’s protecting itself, saying, “No, this barrier of scar tissue is to keep you out.
Taylor Rhodes
Life is a deep and contemplative story stuck on repeat. love, loss, self-destruction, self-discovery
Pete Wentz
I am astounded at how long it takes to discover... for the first time,the things I have learned... over and over again all my life.
Portia Nelson
If four of you are playing hide and seek you'll only ever find the other three. For you are already right here. So what on earth is it that you're looking for? You are the very thing that you seek.
Rasheed Ogunlaru
single people without children have a "childish sensitivity and are unwilling or unable to compromise or fit in
Ninni Holmqvist
Gratification comes when you help someone else.
Trenice Carter
A journey of self-discovery is never pointless, Prince Zuko. However dim your path may seem, and however far you may wander from it...the important thing is that you learn from all of your mistakes along the way and never forget for one moment who you are, or what you are struggling to be.
Dave Roman
One desire, my friends, one: to kill yourself. You must desire this. You must feel that a voyage of discovery is more important than all the little trips which the normal consumer self wants to buy.
Luke Rhinehart
But what I want to know is, is there a you independent of circumstances? Is there a way-down-deep me who is an actual, real person, the same person if she has money or not, the same if she goes to this school or that school? Or am I only a set of circumstances?-Aza
John Green
This was what was wrong with me. All this time I had been trying to figure out the secrets of the universe, the secrets of my own body, of my own heart. All of the answers had always been so close and yet I had always fought them without even knowing it. From the minute I'd met Dante, I had fallen in love with him. I just didn't let myself know it, think it, feel it. My father was right. And it was true what my mother said. We all fight our own private wars.
Benjamin Alire Sáenz
I didn't just wake up one morning and think, "I'm a boy!" It sort of crept up on me and tapped me on the shoulder a few times before I started to pay attention I began to think that the word "girl" didn't quite fit me. It was like a shoe that was too small -- it pinched me.
Cat Clarke
He lies there listening to it, absorbing this sense of his own quiet drone transmuted into something of certain substance, something large, magnificent and grand—no longer him, no, but something bursting from him, leaving his split carcass behind as a monument to its source, its host, its feeding ground.
Patrick Bryant
feed ur destiny and not ur history. stop dwelling on your disappoinments but prepare for your Appointments
Ikechukwu Joseph
You can't find "it" out there
Akosua Dardaine Edwards
We are all like the clay Buddha covered with a shell of hardness created out of fear, and yet underneath each of us is a 'golden Buddha' a 'golden Christ' or a 'golden essence,' which is our real self....Much like the monk with the hammer and the chisel, our task now is to discover our true essence once again.
Jack Canfield
visionaries lives between 2 extremes
Ikechukwu Joseph
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