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Sometimes I wonder if other people think about death - frequently, or just in general. I wonder if they think about it casually, like they’re thinking of the weather, or if they think of it lying awake at night, haunted by their own thoughts. I wonder… if they do think about it, do they ever think about their own death - the when, the how?
Courtney Carola
A GOOD man values his INTEGRITY and CHARACTER. NEVER deal with one that has no SELF RESPECT!
L. Michelle
He wanted to break me, the me I'd made, the me I'd needed to make, my need, mine, my whole life since I could remember. I didn't want to hear him that night. When I was ready to change I'd change. When life opens up before you, when you don't really know death ... it's easy to promise yourself change. Keeping the lines hard, the parts of me separate, was what I knew, how I lived.
Adam Berlin
For the first time, I´m not just nervous about what´s to come; I´m scared.
Pittacus Lore
When do you manipulate others for your own advantage? When I notice myself doing it, usually it is when I am feeling insecure.
Charles Eisenstein
The fraud part of me was always there, just as a puzzle piece, objectively speaking, is a true piece of the puzzle even before you see how it fits.
David Foster Wallace
Seek within, for the answer cannot be found without.
Sara Stark
I realized that with everything I did from that point onward, I would have to ask myself this question: "How would I feel if what I'm doing right now is written up on the front page of the Wall Street Journal or the New York Times or if it is on television? Would I still do it?" That is a very useful exercise for leaders to engage in, because we shouldn't do anything we might be embarrassed by or ashamed of.
John E. Mackey
Self awareness is only powerful when knowledge is understood and applied, only then can it manifest into true wisdom!
Martin R. Lemieux
The pursuit of historical relevance is an under appreciated endeavor.
Michael Dwinnell
To really know who you are, your core self, you need to know who you are pretending to be and who you are not, and the way to heal is the same way to grow in awareness.
Aleta Edwards
Going to see plays isn't what you people should do. Try looking at yourselves a little more often and see what gray lives you all lead. How much of what you say is unnecessary.
Anton Chekhov
If you asked me whether I was the type of person who liked trying new things or preferred sticking with what was familiar, I would have told you I was the second girl. The if –it-aint-broke-don’t-fix-it girl. I also would have told you plays were lame. It suddenly occurs to me that I don’t seem to know very much about…me. It’s a weird feeling, like maybe a stranger is inhabiting my body. Or maybe a stranger was, and I kicked her out.
Paula Stokes
My own sense is that the acquisition of self knowledge has been made difficult by the modern world. More and more human beings live in vast urban environments, surrounded by other human beings and the creations of human beings. The natural world, the traditional source of self-awareness, is increasingly absent.
Michael Crichton
The only people we want to blame are ourselves, because it will be ourselves that we rely upon.
Markus Zusak
It's like there was a fellow in every man that's done a-past the sanity or the insanity, that watches the sane and the insane doings of that man with the same horror and the same astonishment.
William Faulkner
Being impeccable is not going against yourself. When you are impeccable, you take responsibility for your actions but you do not judge or blame yourself.
Miguel Ruiz
Self-awareness happens when we become aware of other people, things and places around us and how we are all connected.
Toni Sorenson
Perhaps they didn't know they were at sea. Was there a certain percentage of people at sea who lacked the knowledge that they were at sea?
Ben Marcus
Japhy was considered an eccentric around the campus, which is the usual thing for campuses and college people to think whenever a real man appears on the scene - colleges being nothing but grooming schools for the middleclass non-identity which usually finds its perfect expression on the outskirts of the campus in rows of well-to-do houses with lawns and television sets in each living room with everybody looking at the same thing at the same time while the Japhies of the world go prowling in the wilderness to hear the voice crying in the wilderness, to find the ecstasy of the stars, to find the dark mysterious secret of the origin of faceless wonderless crapulous civilization.
Jack Kerouac
Fear is an excellent motivator.
Jeekeshen Chinnappen
What was the payoff? It obviously kept me in my cozy zone of being in control, being a good mother, with a good daughter. Most of all, I realize, is that it allowed me to maintain the lie that she was healed, that Nick hadn't permanently damaged her, that I'd truly saved her. Because if I did, if there was no lasting residue of him, it meant that the denial that kept me in the marriage long enough for him to hurt her didn't help create the situation she's in now. The person who I worked hardest to keep safe seems to have been me.
Claire Fontaine
It is not until you learn to look at yourself, through the truth of who you are, that you can look at someone else.
Vironika Tugaleva
Toadstool mandarins are a form of toxic jellyfish whose tentacles are loaded with entheogenic venom. The effects of a mandarin sting are threefold. The first is a sharp stinging sensation; the second a nasty red welt, which may fester if not treated with a salve of toadstool mandarin doodoo. And the third is a bold of self-awareness, thanks to the entheogens in the venom. Having been stung, a victim's typical reaction will be something like:Owww. Zark, that hurts.Then:Oh no. Look at this nasty red welt. I'm in the swimsuit competition later.And finally:What? I'm a latent misogynist with father issues!If a person is allergic to mandarin venom, one sting will prompt total self-awareness, leading to either immediate catatonia or a career as a talk show pundit.
Eoin Colfer
Then, learn from me not to judge by appearances: I am, as Miss Scatcherd said, slatternly; I seldom put, and never keep, things in order; I am careless; I forget rules; I read when I should learn my lessons; I have no method: and sometimes I say, like you cannot bear to be subjected to systematic arrangements. This is all very provoking to Miss Scatcherd, who is naturally neat, puncutal, and particular.
Charlotte Brontë
I fail enough and I beat myself up enough. I don't need anybody else to do it for me.
Jared Leto
I’ve never been bothered with my conduct. I’ve only been bothered by people that don’t get it correct when they gossip about me.
Shannon L. Alder
Anyone can plot a course with a map or compass; but without a sense of who you are, you will never know if you're already home.
Shannon L. Alder
I'm going to stay a little uptight and anxious.
Katie Heaney
I don't like and even resist, being broken wide-open. But, when the contents of my unconscious self spill out of me and i sift through all the disowned parts of who i am... it's an uncomfortably enlightening and eye-opening experience. It feels a bit like emotional bloodletting. I guess every now and then, i need that release valve to open all the way...
Jaeda DeWalt
As we have likely recognized by now, no two snowflakes, trees, or animals are alike. No two people are the same, either. Everything has its own Inner Nature. Unlike other forms of life, though, people are easily led away from what's right for them, because people have Brain, and Brain can be fooled. Inner Nature, when relied on, cannot be fooled. But many people do not look at it or listen to it, and consequently do not understand themselves very much. Having little understanding of themselves, they have little respect for themselves, and are therefore easily influenced by others. But rather than be carried along by circumstances and manipulated by those who can see the weaknesses and behavior tendencies that we ignore, we can work with our own characteristics and be in control of our own lives. The Way of Self-Reliance starts with recognizing who we are, what we've got to work with, and what works best for us.
Benjamin Hoff
I am obviously not a patient person.
Katie Heaney
Modern Education may make one intelligent but not wise. Wisdom comes from character, social consciousness, self awareness, human values, conscience that helps us know what is right and wrong and independent will that helps us to choose right over wrong.
Jeroninio Almeida
Humans: such a brilliant model of emotional self-awareness.
Charles Stross
Be your own self. Love what YOU love.
Ray Bradbury
You can live a lifetime and, at the end of it, know more about other people than you know about yourself.
Beryl Markham
It was in the work that she came closest to finding herself, by which we don’t mean gaining “self-knowledge” or understanding one’s “true nature” but rather how at some point you can see most plainly that this is what you do, this is how you fit in the wider ecology
Chang-rae Lee
Life becomes much more easier when we do what we say and when we say what we do. Having courage to be ourselves is a gateway to freedom and happiness.
Raphael Zernoff
wealth is one of the keys to open paradise
Faiz Triumph
Some days I tell myself that my mission is to say something about the art and sometimes the bliss of limitation. And the legibility of landscape. Other days are more dismal. As if I were queueing in the rain outside confessional literature’s nudist colony, mirrors everywhere, blue with cold.
Fredrik Sjöberg
As much as love is the source of power for those who are centred in their hearts, as much fear is the source of illusionary power for those who insist on being led by their heads alone.
Raphael Zernoff
I just have one of those faces. People come up to me and say, 'What's wrong?' Nothing. 'Well, it takes more energy to frown than it does to smile.' Yeah, you know it takes more energy to point that out than it does to leave me alone?
Bill Hicks
The most important precept is to be aware of WHO WE ARE!“Who we are,” he said, underlining each word as he said it. “Who we are! Us! Right? What kind of people are we? What kind of person are you? Isn’t that the most important thing of all? Isn’t that the kind of question we should be asking ourselves all the time? “What kind of person am I?Learning who you are is what your are here to do.
R.J. Palacio
Every man is worth just so much as the things about which he busies himself.
Marcus Aurelius
Everything we encounter can have a positive influence in shaping our life when we adopt a lens of Gratitude.
Rob Martin
It is imperative for our mental health that we surround ourselves with like minded people.
Rob Martin
Respect the past, and prepare for the future by taking action in the present.
Rob Martin
I am fortunate to be a resemblance, rather than a replication of who I was yesterday.
Rob Martin
Happiness and achieving our dreams is a matter of believing it is possible and having a positive frame of mind.
Rob Martin
Our state of mind, our state of being, and our outlook on life is contagious.
Rob Martin
We have to change the world to fit us, not the other way around.
Halt and Catch Fire
Peacefully and lovingly accepting who we are today requires honestly looking at our past.
Rob Martin
The journey of growth, search for the secret has always been within, the simpler we make it, the better it gets.
Rob Martin
Don't look shy if you wear rag and people gag, many are in the grave wearing skeleton, and you should even be happier for wearing a skin without clothes.
Michael Bassey Johnson
We can't control on how each day will fall, but we can control how we fall into each day. Learn to make adjustments to match the circumstances.
Anthony Liccione
....it struck her that that perhaps everyone had the ability to see themselves in others. Even in the rocks. Even in the roses.
Holly Lynn Payne
Each conflict is self conflict.
Raphael Zernoff
Increase your self-awareness up to the point where you shouldn't depend on the opinions of others about who you truly are...
Assegid Habtewold
We truly help others working on ourselves. When it comes from the knowledge that the only power we have is over our own choices, we do not struggle taking responsibility for what is not ours to be responsible for. When we choose to be happy our joy works like a lighthouse. The lighthouse does never guide ships to its own light. It always leads them to the safe harbour. Yet it is their choice, whether they want to follow the light or something else.- Raphael Zernoff
Raphael Zernoff
When we let the energy of our existence flow freely, without being obstructed by fear, happiness finds its way into our daily lives.
Raphael Zernoff
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