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Did you know that in 2009, more chemicals caused by chemicals than motor vehicle accidents? Are you surprised? This is the real fact according to the Center for Disease Control and Preventon (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention). This is the reality we face today
Brett West
Degree of conformance to our other beliefs. One of our criteria for the assessment of explanations is coherence with our existing beliefs.
Michael E Emmering
We are what we build
Lois Farfel Stark
Besides the Self [Soul], what is everything else? It is all worldly interactions (vyavahar). And worldly interaction is dependent on the non-Self (parashrit). Because people believe the non-Self dependent state (parashrit) to be Self-dependent (swashrit); you too believe it to be so. How can a disease leave once it has set in? This worldly disease has increased into a chronic disease! How can one become free from it? If one attains the ‘science’, he can be free!
Dada Bhagwan
Religion [Dharma] means to do good for others and non-religion [Adharma] means to hurt others. This is referred to as religion-nonreligion [Dharma-Adharma]. Science is to transcend religion and non-religion.
Dada Bhagwan
Puzzles’ are bound to arise for everyone, but how does the puzzle get solved, that much science if people get to know, it is more than enough.
Dada Bhagwan
Criticizing anyone is tantamount to criticizing their worship or devotion (aradhana). It is a grave mistake. It is fine if you cannot support someone, but do not criticize them at all. If there is any criticism, then there is no science of the Vitarag Lords [the enlightened ones]; there is no religion there at all, there is no oneness at all.
Dada Bhagwan
This ‘Akram science’ does not scorn worldly interaction in the slightest. While living absolutely within it's reality, It does not scorn the worldly interaction. Not scorning worldly interaction is itself a thing of principle.
Dada Bhagwan
The whole world has constantly wandered around in ‘negativity’ and died. This ‘Akram’ [science] is a fine ‘positive’ path.
Dada Bhagwan
I am supposed to be helping her prepare for the GRE. Instead, we spend most of the time talking about color. The color of my clothes and shoes. The color of other people's clothes and shoes. The color of the sky when the sun has dipped just low enough to cause red light to bend the most and then, voilà, a sunset.
Weike Wang
The most important rule when assessing abductive arguments is to consider alternative explanations. When we are presented with an explanation that sounds plausible, too often we simply accept it without noticing that there are other possible explanations that are equally plausible or more plausible.
Michael E Emmering
Biochemists assume that the three cellular kingdoms evolved from a single common ancestor, because the alternative of supposing an independent origin of life two or more times presents still greater difficulties. The common ancestor is merely hypothetical, as are the numerous transitional intermediate forms that would have to connect such enormously different groups to the ancestor. From a Darwinist viewpoint all these hypothetical creatures are a logical necessity, but there is no empirical confirmation that they existed.
Phillip E. Johnson
I approach the creation-evolution dispute not as a scientist but as a problem of law, which means among other things that I know something about the ways that words are used in arguments. What first drew my attention to the question was the way the rules of argument seemed to be structured to make it impossible to question whether what we are being told about evolution is really true. For example, the Academy's rule against negative argument automatically eliminates the possibility that science has not discovered how complex organisms could have developed. However wrong the current answer may be, it stands until a better answer arrives. It is as if a criminal defendant were not allowed to present an alibi unless he could also show who did commit the crime.
Phillip E. Johnson
But, I tell myself, Weight is just an artifact of gravity. If this were a jazz club on the moon, I would weigh less.
Weike Wang
It is now almost possible to assign color combinations, based on the colors of clouds and sky, to every planet in the Solar System—from the sulfur-stained skies of Venus and the rusty skies of Mars to the aquamarine of Uranus and the hypnotic and unearthly blue of Neptune. Sacre-jaunt, sacre-rouge, sacre-vert. Perhaps they will one day adorn the flags of distant human outposts in the Solar System, in that time when the new frontiers are sweeping out from the Sun to the stars, and the explorers are surrounded by the endless black of space. Sacre-noir.
Carl Sagan
The worldly [spiritual] science is methodic (kramic) in nature; one progresses “step by step”; one has to ascent one step at a time. Whereas this here, is Akram Vignan, a path of step-less spiritual science; it is a science that has arisen after 10 Lac (a million) years. In this path, one travels in only an ‘elevator’. There is no effort to climb stairs here. Thereafter, one is constantly in the uninterrupted bliss of the Self (samadhi). There is constant bliss amidst mental affliction (aadhi), internal suffering (vyadhi) and externally induced affliction (oopadhi).
Dada Bhagwan
Dr. Harrison,” Said Dr. Miller. “To claim the right to operate genetic changes in living creatures supposes the possession of the wisdom and the global science behind the creation of this universe. Do you have them?“You doubt my competency?” Said Dr. Harrison.“No, but you're bewildering me, Doctor! You're a genius but I'm afraid you would create monsters like your pup!” Said Dr. Miller.“Monsters?!” Said Dr. Harrison. “May God preserve me! The world is already full of them without my humble intervention!”Abdelouahab Hammoudi in STONY I
Abdelouahab Hammoudi
Nature in her creative dreaming, dreamt the same thing both here and there, and if one spoke of imitation, then certainly it had to be reciprocal. Should one take the children of the soil as models because they possessed the depth of organic reality, whereas the ice flowers were mere external phenomena? But as phenomena, they were the result of an interplay of matter no less complex than that found in plants. If I understood our friendly host correctly, what concerned him was the unity of animate and so-called inanimate nature, the idea that we sin against the latter if the boundary we draw between the two spheres is too rigid, when in reality it is porous, since there is no elementary capability that is reserved exclusively for living creatures or that the biologist could not likewise study on inanimate models.
Thomas Mann
CONSIDER THIS When things do go wrong, ask yourself whether you could have prevented it by being unhappy.
Loretta Graziano Breuning
If a reasoned creator set the stars in their place then we must be capable of understanding them - we must also be creatures of reason, of order!
Sarah Perry
We are nature's unique experiment to make the rational intelligence prove itself sounder than the reflex. Knowledge is our destiny
Jacob Bronowski
The only cure for science is more science, not less. We are suffering from the effects of a little science badly applied. The remedy is a lot of science, well applied.
Aldous Huxley
You create reality by looking at it, is what Quantum Mechanics suggests. This may sound outrageously magical. Quantum Mechanics or QM, is the physics of the microscopic world. It is a strange theory that took birth in the early 20th century and continues to dazzle scientists and philosophers today. So much so, that QM is regarded as the gateway to the world of consciousness, bringing science and spiritualty together. Science has entered domain of philosophy and consciousness/spirituality through Quantum Mechanics, making it a hot topic for debate among intellectuals from both scientific and philosophical domains. Some physicists even insist on making philosophy of physics!
Sharad Nalawade
For the man on the street, science and math sound too and soulless. It is hard to appreciate their significance Most of us are just aware of Newton's apple trivia and Einstein's famous e mc2. Science, like philosophy, remains obscure and detached, playing role in our daily lives. There is a general perception that science is hard to grasp and has direct relevance to what we do. After all, how often do we discuss Dante or Descartes over dinner anyway? Some feel it to be too academic and leave it to the intellectuals or scientists to sort out while others feel that such topics are good only for academic debate. The great physicist, Rutherford, once quipped that, "i you can't explain a complex theory to a bartender, the theory not worth it" Well, it could be easier said than done (applications of tools
Sharad Nalawade
When you drop a hammer and a feather together, which one hits the ground first? If you pose this question to the general public, the most expected answer is based on common sense, that the heavier objects fall faster to the ground. David Scott, the seventh man to set foot on the moon during the Apollo 15 mission, carried out this simple experiment. dropped a hammer and a feather together He onto the moon's surface and expectedly they fell on the ground together. This demonstrated Galileo's genius and corrected the general misconception that heavier objects fall faster than lighter ones because they have more affinity towards the Earth Even Aristotle was proved wrong. It becomes obvious that with bit of curiosity and application of mind and intuitiveness, one can understand the laws of nature better.
Sharad Nalawade
That nature does not care, one way or the other, is the true abyss. That only man cares, in his finitude facing nothing but death, alone with his contingency and the objective meaninglessness of his projecting meanings, is a truly unprecedented situation... Will replaces vision; temporality of the act outsts the eternity of the "good-in-itself"As the product of the indifferent, his being, too, must be indifferent. Then the facing of his morality would simply warrant the reaction "let us eat and drink for tomorrow we die." There is no point in caring for what has no sanction behind it in any creative intention.
Hans Jonas
If your wish is to become really a man of science and not merely a petty experimentalist, I should advise you to apply to every branch of natural philosophy, including mathematics.
Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley
An atom is mostly made up of empty space. If you remove the empty space from every atom, the entire world's human population could fit inside a sugar cube.
Weike Wang
For most people, the central questions of existence ultimately come down to transcendental ones: Why is there a universe at all? Why are we here?Whatever presumptions one might bring to the question "Why?," if we understand the "how" better, "why" will come into sharper focus.
Lawrence M. Krauss
We are surrounded by evil forces in our daily lives. We must be wise enough to recognize them. Strong enough to resist them and resolute enough to destroy them.
...[P]hysics... [is] the philosophy of nature, so far as it is based on empirical laws.
Immanuel Kant
Here then we see philosophy brought to a critical position, since it has to be firmly fixed, notwithstanding that it has nothing to support it in heaven or earth. Here it must show its purity as absolute director of its own laws, not the herald of those which are whispered to it by an implanted sense or who knows what tutelary nature. Although these may be better than nothing, yet they can never afford principles dictated by reason, which must have their source wholly a priori and thence their commanding authority, expecting everything from the supremacy of the the law and due respect for it, nothing from inclination, or else condemning the man to self-contempt and inward abhorrence.
Immanuel Kant
Breakthroughs arise when someone can combine many ideas together. Think broadly, not deeply.
Joshua Krook
Yoga is an exact science in the form of poetry when we measure the flow of neurotransmitters in the brain.
Amit Ray
When I look at the night sky, I'm overwhelmed by the enormity of the universe. But this doesn't make me question my significance in God's eyes, no. Instead, it makes me drop to my knees in awe of God. If God created all of this, how powerful must He be to be able to manage and sustain all of it? God has to have enormous power to manage the entire cosmos. How mighty must He be to hold this massive universe in the palm of His hand?
Evan Minton
The Kalam Cosmological Argument, The Fine-Tuning Argument, and The Local Fine-Tuning Argument all do an end-run around the issue of special creation verses evolution. These evidences establish the existence of a Creator of the universe. Thanks to The Kalam Cosmological Argument and the two Fine-Tuning Arguments, the atheist’s goose is cooked before we even get to the issue of the origin of life much less the adequacy of random mutations and natural selection to produce new species of animals! .... I can give the atheist evolution for free. He still has to deal with all of the arguments in this book.
Evan Minton
Religion enjoys astonishing privileges in our societies, privileges denied to almost any other special interest group one can think of-and certainly denied to individuals
Richard Dawkins
... the reason why we find some things intuitively easy to grasp and others hard, is that our brains are themselves evolved organs: on-board computers, evolved to help us survive in a world (...) where the objects that mattered to our survival were neither very large nor very small; a world where things either stood still or moved slowly compared with the speed of light; and where the very improbable could safely be treated as impossible. Our mental burka window is narrow because it didn't need to be any wider in order to assist our ancestors to survive.
Richard Dawkins
The Universe was opaque until 380.000 years after the Big Bang.
Neil deGrasse Tyson
Just because you deny facts and science doesn't mean they aren't true
Johnny Corn
Time is not made of atoms to manipulate it back.
Rodel Dosado
Can you imagine a scenario, given our present circumstances, in which human life will actually survive and be here in a thousand years?
Daniel J. Rice
The world,” he said, “grows hourly more and more sceptical of all that lies beyond its own narrow radius; and our men of science foster the fatal tendency."The Phantom Coach
Amelia B. Edwards
Science is a long history of learning how not to fool ourselves.
Richard Feynman
Another ship. It’s the best news I could ever have imagined. Who are they going to send? Who’s coming?I stare out of the helm window, straining my eyes against the infinite blackness, pressing my fingernails into my palms so hard they sting. I can’t see anything except the silver pinprick stars.How long until I’ll be able to see The Eternity?How long until it will be able to see me?
Lauren James
Today it was commerce that Europe valued and it was the businessmen who, having exploited what the scientists and thechnologits had done for the world, now reaped the rewards.
Stephen Fry
At some point we have to give up and say that's just the way it is. Or, not give up and push on.
Leonard Susskind
Inthe scientific community, the adjective ‘theological’ is some-times used pejoratively to refer to a vague or ill-formulatedbelief. I believe this usage to be very far from the truth. It sad-dens me that some of my colleagues remain unaware of thetruth-seeking intent and rational scrupulosity that character-ise theological discourse at its best.
John Polkinghorne
As a consequence, scientists who are carefully reflectiveabout their activity do not instinctively ask the question ‘Is itreasonable?’ as if they were confident beforehand what shaperationality had to take. We have noted how ‘unreasonable’, inclassical Newtonian terms, the nature of light turned out tobe. Instead, for the scientist the proper phrasing of the truth-seeking question takes the form, ‘What makes you think thatmight be the case?
John Polkinghorne
People will tell you that you have to know math to be a scientist, or physics or chemistry. They're wrong. ... What comes first is a question, and you're already there. It's not nearly as involved as people make it out to be.
Hope Jahren
The good thing about the laws of physics is that they require no law enforcement agencies to maintain them
Neil deGrasse Tyson
The doctrine of creation of the kind that the Abrahamic faiths profess is such that it encourages the expectation that there will be a deep order in the world, expressive of the Mind and Purpose of that world’s Creator. It also asserts that the character of this order has been freely chosen by God, since it was not determined beforehand by some kind of pre-existing blueprint (as, for example, Platonic thinking had supposed to be the case). As a consequence, the nature of cosmic order cannot be discovered just by taking thought, as if humans could themselves explore a noetic realm of rational constraint to whichthe Creator had had to submit, but the pattern of the world has to be discerned through the observations and experiments that are necessary in order to determine what form the divine choice has actually taken. What is needed, therefore, for successful science is the union of the mathematical expression of order with the empirical investigation of the actual properties of nature, a methodological synthesis of a kind that was pioneered with great skill and fruitfulness by Galileo.
John Polkinghorne
A second point that caught my attention was that the very persons who insist upon keeping religion and science separate are eager to use their science as a basis for pronouncements about religion. The literature of Darwinism is full of anti-theistic conclusions, such as that the universe was not designed and has no purpose, and that we humans are the product of blind natural processes that care nothing about us. What is more, these statements are not presented as personal opinions but as the logical implications of evolutionary sc
Phillip E. Johnson
This ‘science’ is prem swaroop (embodiment of love). There is nothing else in love; nothing like anger-pride-deceit-greed are to be found in love. If they are present, till then, love will not be there.
Dada Bhagwan
Aggression in bears can be and often is a stepping stone to friendship. Friendship and alliances frequently develop by repeated interactions, with initial aggression that lessens over time.
Benjamin Kilham
Once upon a time, people identified the god Neptune as the source of storms at sea. Today we call these storms hurricanes.... The only people who still call hurricanes acts of God are the people who write insurance forms.
Neil deGrasse Tyson
If the spirit of your imagination is limited, your journey of discovery will be very short.
Alastair Agutter
The human condition to ignore or dispel ideas is an admission of fear by oneself and refusing to seek out the phenomena of the unknown, to complete the cycle of understanding through greater knowledge and enlightenment.
Alastair Agutter
An informed world is not only for today, but a legacy to shape a better world and future for tomorrow.
Alastair Agutter
In these days, when there is a tendency to specialize so closely, it is well for us to be reminded that the possibilities of being at once broad and deep did not pass with Leonardo da Vinci or even Benjamin Franklin.
Jimmy Soni
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