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Walking into Nova Hollywood, I remembered why I didn’t come here more often. I like a good slice of cheese as much as the next guy, but this place would be too cheesy for a giant mutant rat who had been starving for a week.
John Zakour
My number one fear is heights. Well, not so much the heights but the falling from heights. Actually the falling isn’t that bad (I have a strong heart), it’s the sudden stops that are painful. Believe me — I experienced it once.
John Zakour
Thing is, I am not a big fan of hovers. I firmly believe that if man was meant to fly we’d have feathers, rubber bones, or better insurance coverage.
John Zakour
So, what you’re basically telling me is death is boring but no worse than hanging out with family.
John Zakour
Twoa said, obviously still in my brain. "It was my pheromones," she said defensively. I looked up at her; she was sniffing herself. She looked down at me. "Okay, maybe it wasn’t ALL the pheromones," she admitted. "Nobody makes a good deodorant for superheroes.
John Zakour
Could we possible manage the next phase of human history without first dealing with this penchant for dehumanizing the adversary?
Carl Sagan
I told you stupid sons of bitches that this was going to happen!
John A. Autero
I write from the heart and do not edit and edit ... my works (music or writing). Although most writers do, and as I read their works its impossible for me to believe that they either talk or even think like that.
Alexzander Beck
If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, you're probably in the wrong bathroom.
Robert Leland Taylor
A tale may have exactly three beginnings: one for the audience, one for the artist, and one for the poor bastard who has to live in it.
Catherynne M. Valente
Only through sacrifice can Genesis survive.
Claudia Gray
All of it—for this. Leading us to a door we can't open, a password we don't have.
Meagan Spooner
Air traffic control is going to have a steamy old fit on your dime, boy.They can get in line behind the police, the people whose cars we trashed, the Empire of Ob'enn, the Partnership Collective, and the Wormgate Corporation. Oh, and I think maybe some dark matter beasties from Andromeda.You "think maybe"?-General Tagon & Captain Andreyasn
Howard Tayler
Maxim 10: Sometimes the only way out is through... through the hull.-The Seventy Maxims of Maximally Effective Mercenaries
Howard Tayler
We have a hostage to pay ransom for in the morning so we can use him as ransom when we meet other kidnappers in the afternoon.
Michael Prelee
These guys we're meeting? They're dead. Saji has had things done to people who crossed him or whom he has perceived as crossing him. Ugly things. These guys we're meeting? They think they're tough. They run book, own strip clubs, dabble in petty theft and probably sell dope for all I know and they're comfortable in that world, thinking they own it. That arrogance? That feeling that they can just push people around and do anything they want? It has left them with one foot in the grave and they don't even know it.
Michael Prelee
Did he seem crazy?"Captain Geechy seemed perplexed. "No. He was quite calm and businesslike, actually. Why do you ask?""I ask because his plan to get rich involves hijacking a starship full of dead people," she said. "That seems like the act of someone who isn't in their right mind. It concerns me that someone not in their right mind is holding me hostage.
Michael Prelee
I’ll miss you as well.” He glanced at her breasts. “So much.”She laughed. “Hurry back to me then.
Laurann Dohner
Love. Yes. That’s what I feel for you. Your smile makes me happy and your pain makes me hurt with you. Your unhappiness makes me unhappy. Your body makes me ache and you make me hard with need to be inside you. You are always on my mind and when I am not with you, I want you with me.
Laurann Dohner
This much I know already: When Tommy and the Big Brains, in whispered, wry asides, talk about Project 88715, they call it something else. They call it the "Adam Project.
Michael Grant
Out here we speak Malspeak, a mangle of English and old languages like Spanish, Mandarin, and Russian. Dialects from a time when the land was defined by many borders. Now there’s only one that matters. And I am on the wrong side of it.
Georgia Clark
There comes a time when a man must forgo familiarity and venture into uncertainty; risking obscurity, but also quite possibly… finding meaning.
Jerry J.C. Veit
The city is a plague… and I am the penicillin.
Jerry J.C. Veit
He’s a lovely guy, but there’s no spark between us whatsoever. It just goes to show, that even with all their fancy assessment tools, the government can’t legislate for chemistry.
Siobhan Davis
Two Dutch, two Americans, one German and one Australian. And yet, as the rocket began to quake beneath us, my mind focused on a man in Antarctica. I thought about Sam "Snowbow" Archambeau waiting for the September sunrise to reach the South Pole. I smiled recalling him getting a haircut in a lawn chair next to the frozen barbershop pole." -- Nikki in the upcoming novel, "Nikki White: Polar Extremes" (Nikki, #3)
Jack Chaucer
Sofi had no idea how long she sat like that. Tucked up beside this boy she despised more than anyone other than her mother while his music overwhelmed her senses and set them all right again. This man who'd used her and hurt her and probably would again, and yet who stayed, soothing her hair and not saying a word.
Mary Weber
If I could create something that is even minutely close to a small percentile of a genius as Cloud Atlas, I shall deem my life worthy!
K Hari Kumar
I smile broadly, feeling as warm and full as the sun.
Georgia Clark
What you must remember is that the magic itself is neither good nor bad, no more so than this ship might be used for right or wrong. It might be used by a fisherman to feed a village, for example. Or, the same vessel might be sailed by pirates to murder and pillage...the lumber, rope, nails, cotton, and everything that goes into it-is created by the True One. Humans decide how it is to be put together and how it is used.
Derek Donais
Memories and emotions could be the greatest form of torture.
A. Petrov
We are gathered here to send our gratitude to Pinnacle Officer Wilcoxand FERTS, for our daily provision and protection from those who would seek to strike against our Vassals, our Fighters and our Internees.
Grace Hudson
The day I die, I’ll be too busy thinking to notice” he waved his hand as he left the ship. - Nelson Moon, shipwright and designer of the Altered Moon. Current location: Cantankerous Base, Planet Tarris, Arzian Alliance
A.Z. Kelvin
May the scribes record it.
Wayne Gerard Trotman
The eternal sea of politics is best left to politicians.
Wayne Gerard Trotman
May it be written. May it be done.
Wayne Gerard Trotman
Fear sees, even when eyes are closed.
Wayne Gerard Trotman
Death whispers your name to me.
Wayne Gerard Trotman
I’m not sure sex qualifies as R and R, but it’s a compromise I can live with.
Shelby Morgen
Fleshers used to spin fantasies about aliens arriving to ‘conquer’ Earth, to steal their ‘precious’ physical resources, to wipe them out for fear of ‘competition’…as if a species capable of making the journey wouldn’t have had the power, or the wit, or the imagination, to rid itself of obsolete biological imperatives. Conquering the Galaxy is what bacteria with spaceships would do – knowing no better, having no choice.
Greg Egan
I see you have returned, my love; and your mood is as dark as ever. Did your soldiers not adore you to your complete satisfaction?
Wayne Gerard Trotman
Verily, a man without fear is either dead or happy to die.
Wayne Gerard Trotman
Burying your head in the sand does not make you invisible it only leads to suffocation.
Wayne Gerard Trotman
Asleep you can experience many hours whilst only a few waking moments have passed. This is why dreams are an ideal platform for training.
Wayne Gerard Trotman
It would not do to be Lord of a universe inhabited solely by serfs.
Wayne Gerard Trotman
I maintain that cultural sensitivity should be replaced by cultural awareness. Awareness implies research, consideration, thought, and judiciousness....Sensitivity denies equal access to language. It segregates and censors based on the background of the writer rather than the content of the story. No society can embrace cultural sensitivity and retain full capacity for freedom of speech.
Scott M. Roberts
The obsession with correct political belief and expression in art is stultifying the genre as it is necessarily exclusive. We are losing our voice in artificial, forced homogeny posing as tolerance. Propaganda-disguised-as-story drives readers away as agenda takes the place of wonder, excitement, character. and conflict.
Scott M. Roberts
Twice the size of a full grown man, with four muscular arms, it was his worst nightmare on steroids. -The Hyperscape Project
Donald Swan
I felt sure that [Oyarsa] was what we call "good," but I wasn't sure whether I liked "goodness" so much as I had supposed.
C.S. Lewis
Brother, when you've been here as long as I have, you'll come to discover there are only one or two essential things worth living for. Unique to you and you alone. My honor is one of them for me. I keep my honor by keeping the relic out of their hands.
Brodi Ashton
The mistakes we make when we are young are just as important to us as food or air. Without learning how to do things the wrong way, we can never learn how to do them the right way.
J.A. Brimingham
I’ve never liked urban myths. I’ve never liked pretending to believe in them; never understood why everyone else doesn’t see straight through them. Why is it they’ve always happened to a friend of a friend - someone you’ve never met? Why does everyone smile and nod and pull the right faces, when they must know they’re not true? Pointless. A waste of breath. So I sneered at the myths about Scaderstone Pit. It was just an old quarry – nothing more. I never believed in the rumours of discarded dynamite. It had decayed, they said. It exploded at the slightest touch, had even blown someone’s hand off. I shrugged off the talk of the toxic waste. It was dumped in the dead of night, they said. The canisters rusting away, leaking deadly poisons that could blind you, burn your lungs. I laughed at the ghost stories. You could hear the moans, they said, of quarrymen buried alive and never found. You could see their nightwalking souls, searching for their poor crushed bodies.I didn’t believe any of it – not one word. Now, after everything that’s happened, I wonder whether I should’ve listened to those stories. Maybe then, these things would’ve happened to someone else, and I could’ve smiled and said they were impossible.But this is not an urban myth. And it did not happen to someone else, but to me. I’ve set it down as best I can remember. Whether you believe it or not, is up to you.
Mikey Campling
The main reception foyer was almost empty but Ford nevertheless weaved his way through it.
Douglas Adams
A mix of revenge, sadness and anger funnels into a decision that’s so simple and neat, it could fit in my pocket. I will help Kudzu destroy Aevum. Just like Magnus destroyed my mother.
Georgia Clark
My fingers find his. They are warm, pulsing with genetically altered blue blood, powered by mirror matter.
Georgia Clark
I focus all my energy into become a faster, stronger, and better version of myself.
Georgia Clark
We’re a nonviolent collective working to undermine the Trust and free the Badlands. Once the Trust is exposed as lying and corrupt, we believe Edenites will do the right thing. Open the borders. Save the Badlands.” Ling lowers her voice with deliberate control. “Kudzu is going to destroy something called Aevum.
Georgia Clark
Help!" he yelled and he lifted one leg, trying to run. But you can't outrun the membrane — he was soon gone.
Carol Moreira
A twisted, pale figure writhing in agony, chest bare and hideous. Tight, rigid cords of sickly green veins webbed across the boy’s body and limbs, like ropes under his skin. Purplish bruises covered the kid, red hives, bloody scratches. His bloodshot eyes bulged, darting back and forth.
James Dashner
The best sci-fi stories use the fantastical to remind us of the reality of who we are today, the hope of who we may become tomorrow, and the shame of who we were yesterday.
Julio Alexi Genao
For some the label sci-fi is just a shortand for science fiction, an alternative to sf gesturing at ... you know, that stuff we like.
Hal Duncan
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