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A lesson for all of us is that for every loss, there is victory, for every sadness, there is joy, and when you think you’ve lost everything, there is hope.
Geraldine Solon
I wear a necklace of hope with pearly beads. When I met you, it broke, and the beads spilled all over the floor, into the gutters.
Karen Quan
[A] person whose head is bowed and whose eyes are heavy cannot look at the light.
Christine de Pizan
When by my solitary hearth I sit,When no fair dreams before my “mind’s eye” flit,And the bare heath of life presents no bloom;Sweet Hope, ethereal balm upon me shed,And wave thy silver pinions o’er my head.
John Keats
Sadness is but a wall between two gardens.
Kahlil Gibran
Ma è commovente, Severus» osservò Silente, serio.«Ti sei affezionato al ragazzo, dopotutto?»«A lui?» Urlò Piton «Expecto Patronum!»Dalla punta della sua bacchetta affiorò la cerva d'argento: atterrò sul pavimento dell'ufficio, fece un balzo e si tuffò fuori dalla finestra. Silente la guardò volar via e quando il suo bagliore argenteo svanì si rivolse a Piton, con gli occhi pieni di lacrime.«Dopo tutto questo tempo?»«Sempre» rispose Piton.
J.K. Rowling
I often wish I'd got on better with your father,' he said.But he never liked anyone who--our friends,' said Clarissa; and could have bitten her tongue for thus reminding Peter that he had wanted to marry her.Of course I did, thought Peter; it almost broke my heart too, he thought; and was overcome with his own grief, which rose like a moon looked at from a terrace, ghastly beautiful with light from the sunken day. I was more unhappy than I've ever been since, he thought. And as if in truth he were sitting there on the terrace he edged a little towards Clarissa; put his hand out; raised it; let it fall. There above them it hung, that moon. She too seemed to be sitting with him on the terrace, in the moonlight.
Virginia Woolf
Gradually, we have become each other's weather.
Paul Zweig
Love can cause problem and love can heal humanly problems based on our virtue.
Santosh Kalwar
The unhappiest people I know, romantically speaking, are the ones who like pop music the most; and I don't know whether pop music has caused this unhappiness, but I do know that they've been listening to the sad songs longer than they've been living the unhappy lives.
Nick Hornby
Your memory feels like home to me.So whenever my mind wanders, it always finds it’s way back to you.
Ranata Suzuki
It slowly began to dawn on me that I had been staring at her for an impossible amount of time. Lost in my thoughts, lost in the sight of her. But her face didn't look offended or amused. It almost looked as if she were studying the lines of my face, almost as if she were waiting. I wanted to take her hand. I wanted to brush her cheek with my fingertips. I wanted to tell her that she was the first beautiful thing that I had seen in three years. The sight of her yawning to the back of her hand was enough to drive the breath from me. How I sometimes lost the sense of her words in the sweet fluting of her voice. I wanted to say that if she were with me then somehow nothing could ever be wrong for me again. In that breathless second I almost asked her. I felt the question boiling up from my chest. I remember drawing a breath then hesitating--what could I say? Come away with me? Stay with me? Come to the University? No. Sudden certainty tightened in my chest like a cold fist. What could I ask her? What could I offer? Nothing. Anything I said would sound foolish, a child's fantasy. I closed my mouth and looked across the water. Inches away, Denna did the same. I could feel the heat of her. She smelled like road dust, and honey, and the smell the air holds seconds before a heavy summer rain. Neither of us spoke. I closed my eyes. The closeness of her was the sweetest, sharpest thing I had ever known.
Patrick Rothfuss
- Chodź, Słoniczko, mam Ci coś ważnego do powiedzenia - powiedziała Mama-słoń pewnego razu, gdy pod wieczór pomarańczowe słońce wtapiało się w pomarańczową pustynię, a stado szarych słoni w szarym zmierzchu wyglądało jak stado cieni. - Jeżeli będziesz sama, moja Słoniczko, to w chwili uniesienia i serdecznej radości pamiętaj zawsze owinąć trąbę wokół czegoś, co jest bardzo ciężkie: wokół rosłej palmy albo ogromnego głazu, tak abyś nie odfrunęła do gwiazd. Kiedy natomiast, słuchaj, Kochanie, uważnie, poczujesz, że jest Ci bardzo ciężko i bardzo jesteś nieszczęśliwa, to rozłóż cztery łapki na boki - wtedy piaski pustyni nie pochłoną Cię tak łatwo - i staraj się sobie przypomnieć, jak to było kiedyś, gdy jak balonik unosiłaś się nad światem.
Joanna Klara Teske
you don't have to be happy to spread happiness.
Naresh Soni
Just because your life isn't as awful as someone else's that doesn't mean it doesn't suck. You can't compare how you feel to the way other people feel. It just doesn't work.What might look like the perfect life - or even an okay life - to you might not be so okay for the person living it.
Michael Thomas Ford
Frustration... when our happiness or sadness looses control. The blissful intensity of sensations, the disappointing realisation that dissatisfaction is not enough.
Every time I tried kissing happiness, it came very close to me and then pushed me away.
Yesterday it was sun outside. The sky was blue and people were lying under blooming cherry trees in the park. It was Friday, so records were released, that people have been working on for years. Friends around me find success and level up, do fancy photo shoots and get featured on big, white, movie screens. There were parties and lovers, hand in hand, laughing perfectly loud,but I walked numbly through the park, round and round, 40 times for 4 hoursjust wanting to make it through the day.There's a weight that inhabits my chest some times. Like a lock in my throat, making it hard to breathe. A little less air got throughand the sky was so blue I couldn’t look at it because it made me sad, swelling tears in my eyes and they dripped quietly on the floor as I got on with my day. I tried to keep my focus, ticked off the to-do list, did my chores. Packed orders, wrote emails, paid bills and rewrote stories,but the panic kept growing, exploding in my chest. Tears falling on the desktick tick tickme not making a soundand some days I just don't know what to do. Where to go or who to see and I try to be gentle, soft and kind,but anxiety eats you up and I just want to be fine.This is not beautiful. This is not useful. You can not do anything with it and it tries to control you, throw you off your balance and lovely waysbut you can not let it.I cleaned up. Took myself for a walk. Tried to keep my eyes on the sky. Stayed away from the alcohol, stayed away from the destructive tools we learn to use. the smoking and the starving, the running, the madness,thinking it will help but it only feeds the fireand I don't want to hurt myself anymore.I made it through and today I woke up, lighter and proud because I'm still here. There are flowers growing outside my window. The coffee is warm, the air is pure. In a few hours I'll be on a train on my way to sing for people who invited me to come, to sing, for them. My own songs, that I created. Me—little me. From nowhere at all. And I have people around that I like and can laugh with, and it's spring again. It will always be spring again.And there will always be a new day.
Charlotte Eriksson
Because no one can make another person happy", said George. "He was happy when he was with me, but otherwise he wasn't. That's not enough. I mean, in a relationship, you have your ups and downs, sure, and you help each other through, but if a person is genuinely unhappy, it won't work. No amount of love or laughter from the other person can fix that. Each person has to love and laugh on their own They need to feel it for real, deep down, in here.
Cindy L. Rodriguez
My secret to happiness? Keep sadness to yourself
Cesar Nikko Caharian III
If I can draw the slightest smile across a single face obliterated by pain, in that act I will have begun to understand the power of an ordinary human being to perform the seemingly impossible in the life of another human being. And how can that experience do anything less than drive me to try and make the world smile.
Craig D. Lounsbrough
I value individuals and societies. I care about those who are not born yet. That is the reason for my joys and blues.
Petek Kabakci
When we open ourselves up to feeling, we can't only open ourselves up to feeling certain things. The same is true when we shut ourselves down. The walls that guard against sadness also guard against happiness.
Scott Stabile
SUICIDE... Is to have the freedom to choose, when, where and how to die.
John Zea
Love is like a drug that can either kill you, weaken you or make you stronger. Like a poison that finds it way through you body with each kiss, each touch and each look.It makes you feel euphoric. Makes you feel like you can take on anything that comes on your path. Whether it walks behind, in front or beside you. No mountain is high enough, no ocean deep enough and the sky had no limit.It can make you feel weak. Make you question everything around except the person who the love is for. But it can also destroy you in a way you never would have imagined was even possible. It hurts like a thousand knives twisting against your spine, paralyzing you. It can make you feel like the world just caved in around you, beneath you.You ask yourself if this is all worth it. Worth the euphoric feeling of someone loving you. Worth everything.I can tell you that in the end, it is. Because now you may feel destroyed, but keep in mind that a feeling is something that can be changed. There is someone who will build you up. Who will climb the highest mountain or cross the deepest oceans. Who makes you feel alive all for the right reasons. Someone who will not sugar coat his intentions. Who will not say he's someone he actually is not. Someone who wants you in his life. Who shows you off like a show pony to show everyone how proud he/she is to have you in his/her life.The feeling of destruction will fade when you meet someone who is willing to build you up. Who doesn't care how deep your roots have rooted itself into the earth to keep yourself grounded. Who will find every last stone to make sure your as strong as ever when everything else came crumbling down.
Kim Pape
The heart knows what it feels.
Lailah Gifty Akita
Before we can bring happiness to others, we first must be happy ourselves; nor will happiness abide within us unless we confer it on others. If there be a smile upon our lips, those around us will soon smile too; and our happiness will become the truer and deeper as we see that these others are happy. "It is not seemly that I, who, willingly, have brought sorrow to none, should permit myself to be sad," said Marcus Aurelius, in one of his noblest passages.
Maurice Maeterlinck
In the dark, there is silence but in the light there is warmth.
Sonya Watson
Nobody's happy. What's happy? Happiness is over when the lights come on
Armistead Maupin
No child should ever be too sad to play.
Andrew Galasetti
The amusements of life, he argued, should be accepted with the same philosophy as its ills. ("The Striding Place")
Gertrude Atherton
There were happy days, with watermelon, and sad days of whiskey.
Lewis Nordan
Then he thought himself unhappy, but happiness was all in the future; now he felt that the best happiness was already in the past.
Leo Tolstoy
Sometimes you have to get sad before you get happy 'cause otherwise how would you know the difference?
Maureen Child
Sadness is not the beginning or end of a process, but the lag between pleasure and happiness.
You know what Marshall needs to do. He needs to stop being sad. When I get sad, I stop being sad, and be awesome instead. True story.
Barney Stinson
He who has felt the deepest grief is best able to experience supreme happiness.
Alexandre Dumas
It is sad that people need alcohol to make them happy.
Habeeb Akande
The more death, the more birth. People are entering, others are exiting. The cry of a baby, the mourning of others. When others cry, the other are laughing and making merry. The world is mingled with sadness, joy, happiness, anger, wealth, poverty, etc.
Michael Bassey Johnson
She had known happiness, exquisite happiness, intense happiness, and it silvered the rough waves a little more brightly, as daylight faded, and the blue went out of the sea and it rolled in waves of pure lemon which curved and swelled and broke upon the beach and the ecstasy burst in her eyes and waves of pure delight raced over the floor of her mind and she felt, It is enough! It is enough!
Virginia Woolf
Come here, let me share a bit of wisdom with you.Have you given much thought to our mortal condition?Probably not. Why would you? Well, listen.There's no one alivewho can say if he will be tomorrow.Our fate moves invisibly! A mystery.No one can teach it, no one can grasp it.Accept this! Cheer up! Have a drink!You can let the rest go. Am I making sense?I think so. How about a drink.Put on a garland. I'm surethe happy splash of wine will cure your mood.We're all mortal you know. Think mortal.Because my theory is, there's no such thing as life,
Anne Carson
Our own front door can be a wonderful thing, or a sight we dread; rarely is it only a door.
Jeanette Winterson
I have been poisoned in your love and now I need antidote Jacqueline.L.J! <3
Omaid olovejlj Zazai
Expect more get less and feel sadness Or expect less get more and feel happiness
Vijay Dhameliya
Sometimes I think if we didn’t have these problems the whole world would stop spinning on her axis, we’d all stop spinning on our axises, axes, or whatever you want to call them, and then we’d have to settle into the nasty business of finding a way to be happy.
Daniel Clausen
I enjoy melancholic music and art. They take me to places I don't normally get to go.
Criss Jami
Sadness is never bad," said Amparo. "Sadness is the mirror of being happy
Tim Willocks
too much happiness always overflowed into tears of sorrow.
Amy Tan
if it makes you happy, then why the hell are you so sad?
Sheryl Crow
I want that. I want that awful intense and serious unhappiness, cos then I might feel better, and then I might be happy.
David Thewlis
We try to fix the outside so much, but our control of the outer world is limited, temporary, and often, illusory.
Matthieu Ricard
Sometimes I wish life was written pencil so we could erase it and write it all over again.
Thisuri Wanniarachchi
You know what my father told me when I was little, one day, when he found me crying? He told me that God gave people a fixed number of tears and are of two kinds: tears of sadness and tears of happiness. And that I should not waste my tears elsewhere, but keep them for the moments of happiness. Would be a shame to not have tears to cry then ...
Irina Binder
Insecurities have the ability to shape and mold our minds to live with everything that’s bad; like crying on the inside, while smiling on the outside…thus creating pain…but, alas, I have the answer; forget about what you thought and enjoy (embrace) what you feel
Jeremy Aldana
IN THE HANDS OF MANHe who creates a poison, also has the cure.He who creates a virus, also has the antidote.He who creates chaos, also has the ability to create peace.He who sparks hate, also has the ability to transform it to love.He who creates misery, also has the ability to destroy it with kindness.He who creates sadness, also has the ability to to covert it to happiness.He who creates darkness, can also be awakened to produce illumination.He who spreads fear, can also be shaken to spread comfort.Any problems created by the left hand of man,Can also be solved with the right,For he who manifests anything,Also has the ability toDestroy it.
Suzy Kassem
At the end of the day your ability to connect with your readers comes down to how you make them feel.
Benjamin J. Carey
There's little of the melancholy element in her, my lord: she is never sad but when she sleeps; and not ever sad then; for I have heard my daughter say, she hath often dreamt of unhappiness, and waked herself with laughing.
William Shakespeare
I'll never wake up in a good mood again.I'm tired of these stinky boots
Jim Morrison
I think most people are just trying to be happy, and that most of their actions, however misguided, are in line with that goal. Most people just want to feel they belong somewhere, want to be loved, and want to feel they're important to someone. If you really examine all the wrongheaded and messed-up things they do, they can most often be traced back to that basic desire. The abusers, the addicted, the cruel and unpleasant, the manipulators --these are just people who started this quest for happiness in the basement of their lives. Someone communicated to them through word or deed that they were undeserving, so they think they have to claw their way there over the backs of others, leaving scars and creating damage. Of course, they only create more misery for themselves and others.
Lisa Unger
Joy came always after pain.
Guillaume Apollinaire
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