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He wanted to tell her that if it were simply a matter of crossing the river Styx and trading places with Beau, he'd be gone in a heartbeat.
Pamela Clare
I know from experience that females need a certain amount of chocolate. We have two of them in the house. I don't want them growing restless.
Pamela Clare
Look!" She pointed, a smile on her face. "Wild pigs!""They have razor-sharp tusks, so don't try to hug one.
Pamela Clare
I've got no tolerance for a man who hurts women. Every man on this planet owes his life to a woman. I hope they catch the bastard and hang him by his nuts.
Pamela Clare
If I told you your bare ass looks fantastic in the moonlight, would you hold that against me?
Pamela Clare
Some part of him had hoped that a woman might one day see beyond his scars to the man he was inside. But Megan was doing more than just ignoring his ugliness. She was _accepting_ it with a woman's gentleness, her touch soothing memories of savage pain, grief, loneliness.
Pamela Clare
I suspected you were tired of looking for things you should have found a long time ago. ~ Jared
Julie Leto
Awakened by the oppressive midday heat, Zach opened his eyes to see a small blue and tan lizard doing what looked like push-ups about a foot away from his face.
Pamela Clare
Live life to the fullest and never forget the people that supported you along the way.
Dorothy W. Cosey
It's going to be okay. Donny doesn't know it yet, but he just picked a fight with the wrong bunch of guys." -- Julian Darcangelo
Pamela Clare
Liza took her time sipping her tea. “That’s what I hear Janet. Of course, living it up can take years off your life and add them to your face.
Gwenn Wright
All that guides me is fear,And all that finds me is lossDeath defines which paths I crossIt is within the shadows that I stumbleAnd I am desperate without a voiceHere I am threatened by the resolve that you are my soulBut if my lies are the path that I have to wander because there is no choiceWill you love me still?In the darkness of the night when I wish to do nothing more than take flight?Will you hold me to this plane and ease the suffering and pain?When all you know is the truthAnd all they see is the liesWill I be the one you find, or the one you leave behind?Alone may be the only home I shall find
Cassandra Giovanni
Sunny - If you can explain yourself before someone kicks your ass, count your blessings and give some thought to going back to the priesthood.Nick - I would, but now-a-days that vow of chastity might be a problem.
J.A. Dennam
They wanted so desperately to love each other more, to remove their clothes and submit their naked bodies to each other, but it was almost as if they were cursed since the first day that they met, and it was pure torture knowing that they could only get so close, but was unable to go the height that the both of them wanted so intimately to climb.
Keira D. Skye
Ah, and then her beautiful face…actually, the level and angle that she was holding the umbrella, the whole time as she passed within Suresh’s view, only allowed him to see the bottom of her chin at most. Still, with a body as beautiful as hers, Suresh was quite certain that her face would be nothing less than positively stunning!
Andrew James Pritchard
Nathan whispered close to her face, “Just a kiss my ass.
R.T. Wolfe
If you think your scars bother me, you're wrong. In my eyes, you're a hero. Your scars are just proof of that.
Pamela Clare
You broke the Man Code, dude. 'No man shall knowingly and with malice aforethought kick another man in the nuts.'""Okay, so I kicked him in the nuts. The little fucker was fleeing the scene of a crime where he'd pointed a weapon at my buddies."[from short story "Beer Run" at the end of Skin Deep]
Pamela Clare
This is what I love to see--different branches of law enforcement at each other's throats. It gives the bad guys the head start they need, which in turn gives us all job security.
Pamela Clare
I wish Darcangelo were here. He'd fucking hate this.
Pamela Clare
Got enough leg room there, Rossiter?" Marc asked."You bet. If not I'll just make use of the overhead bin.
Pamela Clare
All he'd done was lose her underwear and practically get her blown up.Hell. This had to be the absolute worst first date of her life.
Tara Janzen
Romantic Suspense, we love you so. You make us cringe, and give us hope. Sometimes we lust, sometimes we cry, But in the end, you make us sigh.
Maureen A. Miller
Nick looked to the sky again, searching for a last glimpse of the shiny jet. ‘For us, maybe, but courtesy of Nina and her reckless ambition Ellie Wilding will remember this day for the rest of her life.
Helene Young
Sophie clutched Grant tighter. 'I don’t know what screwed-up messages from your family are floating around in your head right now, but you’re staying right here.
Jennifer Lane
I’m glad I went to prison," Grant rasped in Sophie’s ear, so quietly only she could hear. "Because then I found you.
Jennifer Lane
I met Ana doing free weights,” Roger said. “This hard-body señorita was putting me to shame on squats, and I asked her how she got such a tight ass —”“And then she decked you.”“Nah, she loved it! She’s real proud of that butt — she should be. She took me to one of her classes, and I got hooked. She’s a Zumba instructor.”Grant absorbed that information for a moment. “You do...Zumba?”“It’s great! Much more fun than PT. You just get going...” He did a little two-step maneuver on the city street, dancing to an unknown Latin beat. “Cha cha cha. Heeuh? Ana does this a little better than me...”Grant tried to hold it in. He really did. But his body quivered, his shoulders shook, and soon a whooping laugh erupted — which lasted quite a few seconds.Roger abruptly stopped his dance. “You judge, Madsen. Not cool.
Jennifer Lane
I long for your embrace, your warmth, and your gentleness. I crave your touch. Your body, your mind, your words move me. I fear I am not capable of expressing the depth of my emotion, for I have never known such a feeling and never will again. As much as I have striven to remain detached, my heart and my soul belong to you, now and forever.
Chris Lange
I love you. We’re getting married, and that’s the way it is. Get used to it.
Julie Garwood
He walked hesitantly toward her and then wrapped his arms around her in a gentle hug.“You just looked like you needed one,” he said.
Maya Banks
Fully revealed, the green eyes pierced her heart. In them, she sensed pain, loneliness and despair. Yet they weren't seeing her. Focused on the movement of the blade, the mesmerizing gaze seemed a world away. Stroke after stroke, the unmasked face appeared in the mirror.
Chris Lange
Friendly fire was never friendly, and it was coming. Operation Stand-and-Watch was over. Did that mean Operation Bust-His-Balls was on deck?
Cristin Harber
I guess what they say is true. Anything the government wants to hide, they stick it in New Mexico
Maya Banks
Erik got to his feet, aware of her watching him, and tried not to preen at the frank admiration in her eyes. Preening was not manly.
Tiffany Snow
I thought you were more like GI Joe, but now that I know about the cape, you sound more like Superman." Mia Kensington to Colby Winters
Cristin Harber
(scene: Rock and Vanessa are in a tree house in the Costa Rican jungle) “Placing 9mms inside a pot and securing the lid–capuchin monkeys sometimes snuck in and messed with his stuff, and the last thing he wanted was to accidentally plugged by some light-fingered primate–he turned back around to find Vanessa’s head cocked, her lips pursed.
Julie Ann Walker
Here, you drive," Erik said."What? Why?""In case we do have to start shooting; I have a badge and you don't," he explained."Fine. But for the record, I'm a better shot than you are.""For your information, I was the youngest kid awarded the rifle shooting merit badge in my troop," Erik said, holding the wheel as she climbed across him."Is that supposed to impress me?""Just enough to get you back into my bed." She took over the gas pedal and Erik slid out from underneath her."It takes more than fancy shooting," she said loftily, making a sharp turn.Erik was thrown against the door. "Would you warn me before you do that?""It's a car chase!
Tiffany Snow
Thanks, Ms Wilding.’She raised one eyebrow. ‘Who?’t‘You must be Tom’s daughter, the photographer. You look like him. A prettier version, sexy, even.’ His laugh was a smoky rumble as he spun on his heel. ‘Don’t presume to know anything about me, Mr Lawson.’He hefted his pack and strode away, power in the length of stride.
Helene Young
Um, h-h-hi,” Sophie stammered, closing the door behind her. Meeting her gaze were crystal eyes like blue shards of glass.
Jennifer Lane
So what do you do for sex? Just one-night stands? Or do you play a lot of five-on-one?" -- Clarissa
Tiffany Snow
He was an FBI agent. She was a wanted fugitive. To think the would be together was like saying maybe a shark could go vegetarian. It just wasn't going to happen.
Tiffany Snow
You have a very attractive revenge streak in you. I like it. A lot.” ~Maggie Mae Castro to FBI Special Agent Clive Poole
Beth Yarnall
So he was handsome. That fact did nothing to soften her feelings toward the walking interference she studied across the room.
Eliza Lloyd
Courage,” he said, “is being absolutely terrified of something and doing it anyway.
K.T. Bryan
Then it was silent. Heavy now, not the sleepy silence of before. The kind of silence that meant horrifying things.
Natalie J. Damschroder
[Prince Stefan’s] family was of Eastern European descent, with some real royalty thrown in via a connection to Vlad the Impaler—who hung from a branch that Ian wouldn’t kept secret had the family tree been growing in his yard.
Suzanne Brockmann
[describing Aaron, hero's brother] His hair was shorter and lighter, and his eyes were more green than blue. And even though he was tall, he wasn’t quite super-sized. He was more sculpted, more … elegant. more slender and beautiful and less raw-boned. Less Stone Age and more Bronze Age—but till the kind of man who enjoyed living in a cave.
Suzanne Brockmann
From her vantage point, looking up at [Ian] through the water-spotted and slightly blurry lenses of her glasses, he was quite literally larger than life. Right at that moment, with his hands up on his head, his muscular chest bare, and his boxer shorts clinging to him in a most revealing way, water matting the hair on his chest and his legs and his eyelashes, he was ridiculously attractive. Even with his more conventionally handsome brother standing next to him.Of course the fact that Aaron was looking down at her with unconcealed dislike in his pretty hazel eyes might’ve had something to with it, as if she weren’t a person but instead a pile of excrement left on his pool deck by a wart-covered troll with an intestinal ailment.
Suzanne Brockmann
Was it really called dry humping, if they did it underwater? Probably not. Crying shame that they both had their jeans on, because this was definitely one of those adrenaline-fuelled moments of passion with a total loss of inhibition, where need and desire trumped all reason.
Suzanne Brockmann
Stay on my six, he said, nuzzling the hair at her ear and breathing deeply the sweet scent of her.You remember what that is, right?It's your ass.
Lynn Raye Harris
If you're worried I'll bite, I promise to tell you first.
Lisa Renee Jones
There are two ways of spreading light to be candle,or the mirror that reflects it.
Chetan Bhagat
He offered me a ride up from the abyss and I took it. But a ride with the devil is never free. And accepting that ride can only lead to hell.
S.D. Skye
But one look at Wildcard's face, and he knew there was trouble. Problem? he signaled.Wildcard responded with an obscene gesture that more than conveyed his opinion that not only was this a problem, but it was a big problem...."Okay". That was not anywhere near the complete reaming Muldoon imagined "We'll take a different route down.""We could", Wildcard agreed. "But they've got a prisoner.."Oh man, that hurt. Dream op to nightmare...Muldoon gritted his teeth and considered his options."Holy fuck", Wildcard said. "When I tell you that a stupid ass French photog is going to turn this perfect op into a total clusterfuck, what you say sir, is 'Oh, holy fuck'. If this isn't the time to use your full adult vocabulary, Lieutenant, I honestly don't know what is".
Suzanne Brockmann
Love was more than a choice, more than a feeling, it was a commitment.
K.T. Bryan
She was strength and power and so many things he’d pretended for twelve years he didn’t miss, didn’t need.
Natalie J. Damschroder
You’ve got to admit that you live at the center of a vortex that seems to funnel nothing but trouble your way.” ~FBI Special Agent Clive Poole to Maggie Mae Castro
Beth Yarnall
If I’m going down, I’m going down with lipstick on.” ~Maggie Mae Castro
Beth Yarnall
What exactly does the I in FBI stand for?” ~Maggie Mae Castro
Beth Yarnall
Great. This girl was going to seriously mess with my ability to stay on parole. ~Maggie Mae Castro
Beth Yarnall
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