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Samantha imagined that in another life, she and Alison could have, indeed, been friends.tHad she not been about to rob the train.
Kerrigan Byrne
Letting her head hang, all she could do was think what a freaking mess she had gotten herself into.And not even Ben & Jerry's could get her out of this.
Toni Aleo
But I didn't even make you work for it. I just jumped you like a cat in heat.
Toni Aleo
Is she worth it though?" he asked and she shrugged."That's up to you to decide. Either way, I support you, love you, and will stand beside you," she whispered against his lips. "And when you're ready, I'll Spartan kick her in the face.
Toni Aleo
Morgan closed her eyes and took a deep breath. “Maybe you’re right,” she sighed, “We should probably wait.”tOwen drew back, and she could feel him studying her. She waited as long as she could stand it before she opened her eyes and grinned. He chuckled, low in his throat, a predatory gleam in his eye.
Kristen Casey
Jordie and I tried to have sex in the kitchen and almost caught it on fir. I was cleaning smoke and burned shit off my brand-new stove all afternoon."Lacey's face twisted in confusion and she sputtered with laughter. "Do I even want to know how this happened?"Kacey grinned. "He threw my shirt on the stove, and I had forgotten to shut it off. Boom! Flames, fire
Toni Aleo
Ah, the trainer with the hands," one of them said. She was very pretty, thick dark hair and even darker eyes. She had a nice body, but it was easy to see she had been having babies. "Lucas talks about you fondly."Kacey smiled. "Yeah, his shoulder's been giving him shit lately," she said, figuring this must be Fallon, Lucas's wife."Yeah, and if you didn't keep him from birching about it, I might have to try and kick your ass. But seeing that he is happy, and you are also a good six inches taller than me and have abs and arms that could squash small children, I'm gonna just say, hey! It's nice to meet you!" she said and everyone laughed as they shook hands.
Toni Aleo
I have salt and sugar at home, but I'm paying eighty bucks to have ya'll rub it on my feet. If I want to yell at my sister-in-law about that fact that I just found out I am pregnant, and how my boyfriend, the recovering alcoholic, is still fragile and I don't know if he'll make it, whether I'm going to miscarry like I did before, and a whole other list of shit, like, hell, I don't know, what I'm going to be when I grow up, then I will! And maybe, just maybe, for the eighty bucks you're charging me, I can yell a bit."The woman only blinked as Lacey snickered beside her. "Keep it down and congratulations.""Thanks, and I'll try," Kacey said as the woman walked away. She then turned to Lacey, who was fully laughing at this point. "Really> This is not funny.""Oh, I'm cracking up because if you're already this emotional and bitchy, God help us all once you reach the third Trimester.
Toni Aleo
But remember, Kacey has a temper and she's crazy protective of you so if you need bail money, let me know.
Toni Aleo
I love everything about you Kacey, because the best thing in life is finding someone who knows your flaws, mistakes, difficulties, and still think you are bad-ass and loves you.
Toni Aleo
When it's sunny, why not spend some time dressing up and go out to have a walk!
Tachibana Higuchi
But because of you, I learned to love and not fear. Because of you, I can be loved and not be tormented. Because of you, I feel like a woman and not a victim.
Terri E. Laine
Owen folded his arms around Morgan to steady her when she crashed into him, and was enveloped by her scent, her warm softness. When she gave a scared little scream, he tightened his arms in a protective reflex. She fit him perfectly, he noted distractedly. And she was soaked: he'd seen her come in from the rain, her expression frantic, just as he had rushed in the front door. His shirt was plastered to his chest between them.
Kristen Casey
How I admired people who talked about their vices as though they were distant relatives they'd learn to put up with because they couldn't quite disown them.
André Aciman
I wish I knew how to calibrate my kiss the way he did but passion allows us to hide more.
André Aciman
(…) Esos silencios de complicidad crean lazos, conexiones tan fuertes que ni las palabras podrían. Y en realidad no quería lazos con nadie, nada, él solamente era el hijo de mis vecinos, los amigos de mis padres, amigo de mi hermano…
Isa Quintin
¿Por qué poner tanto empeño en que yo le perdonara? ¿Realmente le gustaba tanto? Es decir, ¿yo era su es para tanto?Que no era falta de autoestima, era la antesala a reconocer que yo no podría ser lo que él quería que fuera o, pensaba que era.
Isa Quintin
Grace me dijo eso de que los abogados no saben de amor, menos uno de divorcios.
Isa Quintin
Pues eso es querer a alguien, no podemos evitar sufrimientos, solo esperar, desear lo mejor a futuro, pero si no resulta; estar ahí, callar y brindar un abrazo.
Isa Quintin
Tangled Moon ~ Sometimes you have to break the rules. Sometimes you have to let go of the past. And sometimes you have to accept the impossible.
Olivia Stocum
I get it. Traveling halfway across the world to run into the boy you grew up with, getting back together after years apart—that’s an epic fucking fairytale. I don’t blame you for being seduced by it. I guess I just thought what we had was better. You know, because it was real.
Paula Stokes
When he put his arms around me, and held me to his chest, everything in me settled. When he spoke into my ear, it all came loose again, as if his words evaporated the gravity of my mind.
Cybill Cain
I shifted in my seat, curious about the tension that idea caused in my body. Every time I thought of a blindfolded restrained man exploring my body I pressed my thighs together seeking relief. I felt I should have been more concerned about losing my ability to speak from the ball gag, but instead it was a relief. I was terrible at talking to people, this eliminated awkward small talk, and shifted the dynamic of the meeting in a way I didn’t quite understand.
Cybill Cain
Be my shield, baby. Be my world
Cybill Cain
Have you come to return my pussy?” I shook my head, sure the reception must be bad.t“Huh?”tt“My cat. You stole my cat yesterday. Have you come to return him?
Cybill Cain
You’re off the bed again,” he growled at me, in a deep sexy tone that went right to the ache between my thighs that had been growing since he’d knocked on my door.t“It’s your fault,” I told him, leaning back to look in his eyes. “I can’t keep my hands off of you. I don’t want to. I’ve waited forever to touch you like this.
Cybill Cain
—¿Qué quería? —dije tan fresca como pude. Pero sin mirarla, sin girarme.—Supongo que hablar contigo, justificarse el muy gilipollas —Grace lo odiaba y de su odio hay que cuidarse. Si quería vengarme de Marc solo debía asentir y ella lo entendería. En dos días los medios hablarían de cualquier cosa que lo desprestigiara y estaría acabado. No era la periodista de más peso, el periódico del que era editora era muy respetable. Pero ella no iba a exponerse, la chica tiene enchufe. Que lo diga yo que gracias a sus contactos trabajaba donde trabajaba.—Ya. ¿Qué le dijiste?—Que se largara si no quería que clavara el tacón de mis zapatos en sus elitistas y traicioneros huevos.Tragué saliva, casi me reí.Era capaz, de Grace me esperaba todo.—¿Qué zapatos tenías?—Unos Louboutin muy puntiagudos.Imaginar la escena me hizo gracia. Seguro que Marc le miró los zapatos primero.—Los únicos que tienes e ibas a perderlos así…—Nunca podrían haber sido mejor usados, te lo aseguro.—Imagino que tu amenaza lo mantendrá a raya —soné muy borde, no era mi intención. Tampoco la de retractarme.—No lo sé, pero Salo se encargó de darle un par de dolorosas razones para no volver. Aunque ya sabemos que el cabrón tiene más cara que espalda.
Isa Quintin
She wrote love with her smile and magic with her eyes.
Giovannie de Sadeleer
Read this first volume and you'll want to finish the next two--300,000 words in total--with the first 90,000 setting the stage for a life-affirming masterpiece, and characters you will never forget!
Frank Audrain
She's my sun and I'm her moon connected by an invisible thread, bound but free.
Helena Hunting
I will come back for you as soon as I can." He stared at her, running a hand over his short beard. "I was about to promise you that I will get back, but the truth is, I could get captured by my uncle and his men. Many other things could happen, and I don't want to leave you.
Melanie Dickerson
Live a life worth living.
R.L. Dunn
Bitch you.
Colleen Hoover
Guess our sex is hot, we start fires.
Toni Aleo
Edward chuckled into her mouth.
Kristen Casey
When George spotted the pinup girl of his fondest fantasies across that cheesy bar, he had no idea what his pickup line was going to be. All he knew was that he had to get to her, right that second, and stake his claim. He didn’t give two shits if she was meeting someone, or was there with friends. That bird was going to be his.
Kristen Casey
Ma couce... mon incomparable! T'aimer? Mais je t'ai adorée toute ma vie et je ne cesserai jamais de t'aimer? Jamais! Tant qu'il me restera une pensée, un souffle, je t'aimerais...
Juliette Benzoni
Ma douce... mon incomparable! T'aimer? Mais je t'ai adorée toute ma vie et je ne cesserai jamais de t'aimer? Jamais! Tant qu'il me restera une pensée, un souffle, je t'aimerais...
Juliette Benzoni
I won't sugarcoat shit. You're tiptoeing on the line between batshit crazy and sane.
Toni Aleo
Payback's a bitch, but thankfully those tissues are only full of snot and tears instead of dead little sperms.
Toni Aleo
We are Nasvillians now. We have to be classy Southern bitches."Kacey glared as she swigged her tea. "Classy girls don't say classy bitches.""This one does," Lacey said as she took a sip of her tea with her pinky up just to show she meant what she said.
Toni Aleo
Old Woman Nora of Loch LomondTo her three wee Grandaughters one cold night.
Karen Hawkins
When all the kids answered "fireman", "dentist", "mother", "want to marry a rich guy" and "astronaut", mine was "rockstar" when we grow up. Half of that was met. I knew I wouldn't be happy with any other occupation that was not in the entertainment business.
Nona Sebastian
Oh, I've no patience with these romances. They're the ruin of all order. It's a thousand pities they ever happened
D.H. Lawrence
you roll me out flat
D.H. Lawrence
I will never forget the magic I felt the moment I kissed your lips.
Giovannie de Sadeleer
You make me crazy in all the best ways, woman. You always have. I’m only me when I’m with you.
Cybill Cain
El amor es un camino que se recorre a ciegas, ese es el truco. Cuando abres los ojos, cae el velo y desaparece la magia.
Isa Quintin
De los extraños que no lo parecen, líbrame Dios. Que de los conocidos me libro yo.
Isa Quintin
Le golpeé el abdomen mientras me reía.—¿Por qué eres tan cruel?—Porque si te digo que todo estará bien, te estaría mintiendo. Es lo lógico que extrañes a alguien que quisiste tanto, con quien compartiste parte de tu vida y frente a quien te desnudaste y no me refiero solamente al cuerpo. Pero es la forma en la que tu cerebro procesa la ausencia, vas a estar triste, tendrás recuerdos, añoranzas, maldecirás y te mentirás para sentirte mejor. Debes vivirlo, dejarlo salir, gritar, llorar… sacarlo de ti. Pero, lo peor que puedes hacer es darle más importancia de la necesaria. No te encierres ni te aísles. Habla, con tus amigos, conmigo o con los gatos. —¿Quién eres? —Le puyé el brazo.—La respuesta a tu S.O.S. Tu rescatista. Vamos.
Isa Quintin
—Soy tu héroe, ya lo comprobarás. Y eso que es algo que no buscaba.—No te creas tan indispensable. —Di un paso atrás al retomar la postura y me encaminé a la salida. El paseo había terminado.—¿Sabes lo que dicen del destino?—No.—Que no puedes huir de él.
Isa Quintin
—No te disculpes por besarme —me ruboricé enseguida—. Hay un millón de cosas malas que requieren una disculpa, pero un beso no es una de ellas. Nunca un beso puede ser una herida, un beso dice más que un montón de palabras. Y parece que lo que querías decirme no encajaba en ninguna frase, no te preocupes, entendí todo lo que tus labios le dijeron a los míos.
Isa Quintin
—Te traje algo que te va a hacer alucinar.—No le entro a las drogas. —Fingí enfado y junté las cejas.—Nunca dejas de estar a la defensiva.—Culpa a tu amigo que me enseñó a estar siempre “en guardia”.—Prueba esto y terminarás amándome.—Ten cuidado con lo que deseas, chato. Porque soy de las que lleva el amor a los extremos.—Una chica intensa y peligrosa.—Ya ves que me paso la vida entre el nunca y el siempre.
Isa Quintin
No me podía engañar, no cuando apenas si lo nombraba con Marcelo porque necesitaba decir su nombre, volver a acariciarlo en mis labios. Sentir que aún me quedaba algún derecho a sentir mío lo nuestro solo con hablar de lo que fue nuestra relación. Algún día dejaría de hacerlo, algún día dejaría de hablar de él cuando nadie me escuchaba. Solo era un ítem más a mi lista de tareas. Todos estamos llenos de olvidos pendientes.
Isa Quintin
Did she know, could she know what it meant to him when she turned to him, when she opened herself to him like this? In absolute trust. Her strength, her valor remained a constant wonder to him, as did her unrelenting determination to defend those who could no longer defend themselves. These moments, when she allowed her vulnerabilities, her doubts, her fears to tremble to the surface compelled him to take care. In these moments he could show her it wasn’t just the warrior he loved, he treasured, but the woman, the whole of her. The dark and the light.
When you enter a relationship, ask yourself: Will I be prisoner to an idol by seeing the body, or free in relationship by seeing the soul?
Dragos Bratasanu
Love is what remains after the falling in love is gone.
Dragos Bratasanu
He was so big he made my sofa seem more like a loveseat. He was so at ease with himself and his body that I found it hard to reconcile him with the awkward teenager that had stolen my heart. He was so fucking beautiful, it took my breath away.
Cybill Cain
Solamente esperaba a que mi piel fuera otra, una nueva. Otra para volver escribir sin ecos del pasado.
Isa Quintin
What do you recommend?” he asked me, leaning down to speak softly in my ear. I shivered all over. I recommend we go home and spend the afternoon with you whispering in my ear while you make me scream your name, I thought, and bit my tongue to hold it in.
Cybill Cain
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