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It’s just a party, right? What could possibly go wrong?
Mari Mancusi
Linda Heavner Gerald received a silver medal for Fiction from FAPA (Florida Authors and Publishers Association)
Linda Heavner Gerald
His every movement was laced with a lethal combination of grace and strength, a lord among mere mortals. He was confident, arrogant, composed and unfazed by her best efforts to beguile him.
Paula Quinn ~ Ember
If I had known how good cooked meat tastes, I would have breathed my fire on all those pigs before I ate them.
Paula Quinn
It waited for her. Standing resolute in the moonlight, it had stood for a hundred years. Yet it waited just for her. Shadows passed across the moon, a cool breeze ruffled the leaves around it. Yet still it waited for her. Ancient tombs glowed in shimmery moonlight,row upon row of cold silent witnesses.
Grace Willows
Darkness lingered in those blue eyes, like ghosts haunted him despite only the two of them standing in this cabin.
Katherine McIntyre
A lazy smile reached his lips. “The mere sight of me shirtless takes your mind there? Good to know. I’d rather a solid fuck than getting my kumbayas out.
Katherine McIntyre
Having somebody help you doesn't mean that you have failed. It just means that you're not in it alone
Messer (Life as we know it)
Not every story is about a girl who dreams of romance, waiting impatiently and dramatically for a tall, handsome, strong man to fall hopelessly in love with, in the foolish hope that he will protect her from all harm and give her the happily ever after she has always wanted.
Anuja Chandramouli
Curiouser and curiouser, as Alice in Wonderland would say…
Mari Mancusi
I would want forever with you.
Penny Reid
If your neighbor's lawn looks better than yours, don't let jealousy consume you ..... start working on yours. With love and dedication, your side will look better than their.
Maria Hernandez
What happens when you pray for an angel and get a vampire instead? R E Mullins
R E Mullins
He was both her hero and enemy. She was his best student and biggest regret.
R E Mullins
Zendagi Migzara
Khaled Hosseini
In starlit nights I saw you,So cruelly you kissed me.Your lips a magic world,Your sky all hung with jewels.The killing moonWill come too soon.
Echo and the Bunnymen
Jamie gawked at the JLM T-shirt peeking out of Theo's leather jacket and his face glowed. "Yes I-L-Y?
Anyta Sunday
Once a generation there is a girl born who is destined to slay the vampires.
Mari Mancusi
So not only do I have to go out and fight evil villains, I have to take up woodworking, too?
Mari Mancusi
I never said becoming the slayer would be a field trip to a Justin Bieber concert.
Mari Mancusi
Once bitten, totally smitten.
Mari Mancusi
When I came in and you were sleeping, I thought: There’s my soldier, exhausted from her wars.” He lifted her hand, kissed her fingers. “Now, I look, and I think: There’s my woman, soft and lovely.” Her lips curved as he undressed her. “Where do you get this stuff?” “It just comes to me. I’ve only to look at you, and the world comes to me. You’re my life.
I never was the type of noblewoman to stay by the hearth while the men rode into battle anyway. As my father always used to say with the shake of his head, the blood of the Old Tribes runs strong in me.
Mark Noce
For the record, I would have made a very lousy romance heroine.
Mari Mancusi
Rose looked down to the sheet of paper, saw a number and where to sign. Butch was holding out a pen for her to take. When she reached for the pen her fingers grazed lightly against his. She felt it. She saw it. The tiniest arc of electricity. It was as if flint and steel met, just waiting for the right moment to spark the dry tinder into a burning inferno.
Grace Willows
I do not fear the darkness. It fears me.
Grace Willows
He was built like a mountain. Tall, dark haired ,silver eyed , muscular and rugged. Nathaniel Hawkins was a man that most men wouldn’t want to tangle with and most women fantasized about.
Grace Willows
Her words echoed in his mind. I love you, she’d said. She loved him. Hope dawned in his face. Someone loved him, not for what he once was, but loved him as he was now. He bent to kiss her but she raised her head to look with desperation into his eyes. She had to make him understand why she couldn’t stay. “I love you.” She repeated. “I won’t let him hurt you or any of my new friends.” Enrico had never known fear. He knew it now. She would leave him. He knew she would, her sense of loyalty was matched only by his own. If she thought she could protect him by leaving, she would run rather than put his or anyone else’s life in danger. She loved him. The words made his heart sing and at the same time brought him the greatest despair he had known since Katrina had betrayed him.
Grace Willows
She dreamed of autumn. Of chilly autumn winds and soft fall rains. She could even feel the cool moisture as the rain drops touched her face and ran down her cheeks.
Grace Willows
Do not think of this as the end. Think of this as the beginning of eternity together . I have always loved you, I will always love you. Heaven will not stand between us and Hell hath no fury that can burn bright enough to keep me from you.
Grace Willows
Know this, sivamet-this child will be mine. I will take Vadim's blood from you and exchange it for mine. Eventually, over time, she will be ours. My child and yours. My blood will change her cells. her organs, reshaping and repairing any damage. 'The healer-"- Dragomir to Emeline
Christine Feehan
He saw trust. Complete trust. It was a gift, a precious one, and it humbled him. I've got you, Emeline. I will always be with you.Dragomire to Emeline, Dark Legacy, Dark #27
Christine Feehan
What’s it like to live forever?Nicholas almost dropped the glass he had been holding. “What?”“What’s it like to know you will never die?”He should have known, he thought. She was a smart woman. “Lonely.” He said answering truthfully.He sighed. “It’s not romantic, or fun, or even exciting., It’s just lonely. I have watched everyone that I have ever loved, die. My family, my friends, my lovers and neighbors. It is not a fate I would ever wish on my worst enemy.
Grace Willows
Imitations are not flattering. Nobody likes feeling like an option,
Mark Sherman Smeester
Whatever befalls us, we will endure it together. I clutch my longbow and dagger close to my side. My last thoughts linger on my husband and my boy. I will not let harm come to either of them.
Mark Noce
Seth shrugged. "He's already had his funeral pyre" He glanced towards "I reckon the Devil himself was there to welcome Daniel home. " He shuddered, "Course he may prove to be too mean for the devil himself.
Grace Willows
No. He’s like me at the moment. We’re both nomadic. He’s still in the military. Currently training SEALs in Coronado, California.” “I’m sorry, training seals? To do what?” Boomer grinned. He didn’t understand why, but she so delighted him. “Navy SEALs, honey. He trains them to be smarter, faster, and stronger than the bad guy.” “Do they leap tall buildings in a single bound,” she asked without missing a beat. Boomer would not have been able to hold back the laugh if his life depended on it.
Grace Willows
Even as she began to slip into the gloaming of her life, the primal need to live…to survive...clawed at her soul.
R. W. Patterson
If a soul could drown in its own tears, then hers was already dead.
R. W. Patterson
We all change, when you think about it. We are all different people, all through our lives.And that's ok, that's good, you gotta keep moving so long as you remember all the people that you used to be.-- Doctor Who! ( 11- Doctor)
Doctor who
El sabor metálico de su propia sangre le invadió la boca sin previo aviso. Sus colmillos habían crecido y le lastimaban el labio inferior. No sentía dolor, sino sed. Una sed que ella no comprendía, que no llegaría a entender nunca. Le quemaba la garganta. Le secaba la boca. A pesar de no ser un vampiro, Grimm tenía sed de ella desde que había probado su sangre. Unas gotas habían sido suficientes para condenarlo de por vida. Para atarlo a un deseo de exquisita y prohibida destrucción.
Karen Delorbe
Love, doesn't need any stamp of society to prove itself, it just happens
There is nothing more amazing than being with the one you love.
There is only one happiness in life. To love, and to be loved
I didn’t even know a piece of me was missing until I had her for the first time.
Jiffy Kate
I'm not naive......I grew up in a white supremacist compound with a daddy who wanted to murder innocent people and blow up the government for funzies. They beat up and possibly killed anyone who didn't agree with their ideals, and married their daughters off to perverts to hide sex crimes. I am not one of those females who see the world through rose-coloured glasses, or if I do, the roses are blood-red and thorny as hell. - Tess
Toni Anderson
But it turned out you couldn't run from your past. It always found a way to track you down.
Toni Anderson
If I choose to take the time and make you breakfast in bed, a simple thank you is all we need -- not all of this 'Why are you in my house?' nonsense.
Glenn Hefley
Falling in love with you was not happenstance
Nicole Deese
I took care of the next guy in line while I checked out the girl who was boxing up a pecan pie and decorating it with some sort of fancy ribbon. Watching her wouldn’t be a hardship. She made the retro waitress uniform look good. If she looked as good from the front as she did from the back, maybe I would ask her out.She turned around and handed the box to the customer at the counter and my world turned sideways. It was Delia. My little sister’s annoying best friend. The girl who was practically a member of my family. When had she become hot? I blinked, hoping maybe I’d seen wrong. Nope. Same blonde hair with hot pink stripes, which I’d always thought was stupid. Now, wearing the Pie Princess tiara and some sort of glittery lip gloss she looked wild and kind of sexy. And that was just wrong.
Chris Cannon
He pointed at my tiara. “Why are you wearing a crown?”I adjusted my freshly bedazzled head gear. “It’s a tiara and it’s part of the uniform when you’re the Pie Princess.”“And it doesn’t bother you to wear it?” He pushed his glasses up on his nose, framing his coffee-colored eyes.“Are you kidding? It feels like the accessory that’s been missing from my wardrobe all my life.” I struck a pose. “Admit it. You think I look awesome.” He chuckled and shoved his hands in the front pockets of his jeans. “You always look good, but that tiara is ridiculous.
Chris Cannon
Where’s the pizza?” Something warm and furry came and leaned against my right leg. I reached down to pet Rocky, a black lab who was going gray around his eyes and muzzle. “Rocky wants to know where the pizza is, too.”“He’s the reason the food is in the kitchen. Last time we kept it out here on the picnic table, he helped himself to half of a large bacon pepperoni pizza and then he threw up in my mom’s closet. She was cleaning dog barf out of her shoes for days.”I squatted down and rubbed Rocky’s ears. “I bet you were framed, huh, buddy?” He leaned into the ear rub and sighed. “I bet it was the cat, wasn’t it?” He sighed again like he was agreeing with me.“Nice try, but there isn’t that much barf in a cat,” Trevor said.
Chris Cannon
A little later, Sherri went to get the laundry. She had to go down to the wash house and sought it. She needed to get clean bed clothes for the beds. When she came ‘round the corner, she ran into Master Lee. “Master Lee, I thought you was gone.” “I’m back Sherri.”He looked down at her. Still holding her arms. Sensing not exactly her discomfort, but an uncomfortable nature, he let her go, carefully.
Cindy Burrows
The only thing I know about me is that it is you.
Gwen Calvo
Don't fear me, Jenna."Amusement lit her features. "It's kind of hard to be afraid of a vampire who apologizes for using harsh language in front of a lady.""I'm not a vampire.""And I'm not a lady.
Dianne Duvall
I had no time for romance. I turned away from the window, from the wintry sun, crossed through the room, went to the stove and made and poured myself a cup of hot chocolate and then clicked on the radio
Bob Dylan
A calm person knows their business, their words are few, but they tell and looks like it is well planned.
Rashid Jorvee
I also have a list of favorite noises. It has one item on it: Kit's laugh.
Julie Buxbaum
I can't believe I have you here with me," she whispered and turned her face into his throat, nuzzling him. Inhaling. Tasting his skin with her tongue. "My life was pain and terror. You took away his voice. You gave me hope that my daughter would survive and others wouldn't shun her. I was terrified and alone, and you changed all that. You brought beauty and hope back into my life. Thank you for that, Dragomire. I swear I will spend every minute making you happy."Emeline to Dragomire, Dark Legacy, Dark #27
Christine Feehan
وكيف تنساني يا كل ناسي
Azza Bondok
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