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I only hope I may not be ruined,” she was saying miserably. “I should be obliged to marry you after all, and then I’d likely murder you before the wedding breakfast was over.
Christina Brooke
Keep your hands off me.” She spoke viciously, through her teeth, and he caught a glimpse of her deVere ancestry. She was a virago in tiny, fragile, fairy form.
Christina Brooke
I know not by what power I am drawn to you, but it is as a moth is drawn to the flame, and I cannot fight it, I must be consumed.
Andrea Zuvich
I was shy,” said six-foot-one of bashful male. He grunted as a sharp, feminine elbow thudded inconspicuously into his side.
Anne Gracie
Do you think ladies’ eyebrows can communicate as well?” she asked.“No, they don’t have sufficient thicketry,” he said with authority.“Thicketry?”“Yes, that is the official term.
Anne Gracie
Lord Carradice managed to look wicked, smug, and saintly, all at the same time.
Anne Gracie
Aye, we are. Ye told me that ye loved me, and that this is where ye wished to be. I told ye that I wished for ye to remain here with me. I offered a betrothal, if ye’ll recall, when ye were ready. But I neglected to tell ye the most important thing before our passions overtook us yesterday. I love ye, too, Aileana. I never want to lose ye again. I want ye beside me, always.
Willa Blair
I suppose when you say you slept with him, it was more than just a nap?"Lillian shot her a withering glance. "Daisy, don’t be a pea wit.
Lisa Kleypas
Miranda shook her head slowly. 'Good heavens. That's quite an act you put on.'He drew himself up haughtily. 'I beg your pardon.''An act,' Miranda repeated. 'Stand as tall as you like, and frown at me all you wish. I saw you just now. You were feeding cats.''So I was. And do you make something of that?''You,' Miranda said daringly, 'have a kind heart.'He turned away from her, the tails of his greatcoat swirling about him. 'Don't enlarge too much upon the matter. The cats were hungry. I had food. This seemed to be a problem with a ready solution. It's not kindness to solve problems; it's efficiency.''I stand corrected. You have an efficient heart.
Courtney Milan
Beatrix wished she were a swooning sort of female. It seemed the only appropriate response to the situation.Unfortunately, no matter how she tried to summon a swoon, her mind remained intractably conscious.
Lisa Kleypas
Just look at the fellow, standing there like a bloody Greek god. Do you think she chose him because of his intellect?”“I graduated from Cambridge,” Christopher said acidly. “Should I have brought my diploma?
Lisa Kleypas
I'm not broken,' he repeated. 'Although at the moment . . . ' This was what came of violating the sentimentality quota. Everything he kept bottled inside him came out. He shut his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose. 'At the moment,' he muttered numbly, 'I may be coming a bit unraveled.
Courtney Milan
Good night, my lord.” The words were pronounced in her most withering tone.By contrast, he remained quite alarmingly unwithered long after she left.
Christina Brooke
Thinking back on the outing to the theatre, she added, ‘I want a man, not a preening peacock!
Katherine Givens
A gentleman can’t let a lady sleep in an armchair while he takes his ease in a bed.”“But you are not a gentleman,” she pointed out. “You are the greatest scoundrel in all the land.”He tilted his head to consider that. “All right. You take the chair.
Christina Brooke
She narrowed her gaze. “I don’t trust you to keep your eyes closed.”“Smart woman,” he said. “I wouldn’t trust me, either, if I were you.
Christina Brooke
Ciara, there are certain things a man does not ask of a lady.""You are not asking.""Aye.
Shelly Thacker
His tongue tapped his top lip as he cupper her breast in his hand. "Tis boidhche --beautiful.
Amy Jarecki
I said kiss me again.” A sultry smile curved her lips. “Would that be such a difficult task to perform?”Christ almighty, she wanted him to kiss her again. And she was ordering him to do so.
Monica Burns
Alyssa tried to lift her chin. She was going to do the one thing she loved again- something that reminded her of her mother; something dear to her. So what if she felt this undeniable attraction toward the dark-haired man. Correction. Earl.So what, indeed.
Nicole Castro
I would have asked you to let down your hair" turning to regard her with a grin, his teeth a slash of white in his blackened face."But it is not quite long enough anymore.
Shelly Thacker
If one plays with fire, one should be prepared to burn, Jane.”“You say that as if I’m in danger from you.”“Maybe you are,” Tobias growled as the scent of her invaded his nostrils...
Monica Burns
Gideon could not imagine any other young unmarried woman of his acquaintance passing up the opportunity to snare, if not himself, then the Carradice fortune. In any case, the number of women who’d rejected him in any way was gratifyingly small. Yet Miss Prudence Merridew had most unmistakably rejected him. Several times. Wielding that damned lethal reticule like a little Amazon, to emphasize her point.
Anne Gracie
Now you also know what it is to be wanted and loved.
Julianne Donaldson
The arrogant man probably thought his path to heaven was already assured, and that he acted in accordance to God’s will just by breathing.
Maya Banks
And there are no words left, try as men may, to describe that little death, that incandescent instant when, transacted with mutual love, there is no difference between sweet submission and exquisite conquest.
Isolde Martyn
She gently bit his bottom lip, his ear. Worked her way down his body until she reached the inside of his thigh, then bit hard, breaking the skin, drawing blood. "My mark," she said, looking up at him. "Now you'll go back to your wife with my mark.
Dominique Wilson
You make me burn with life, and yearn to set aside my cold and distant, solitary ways.
Stacy Reid
You have not known very many men.""I have no wish to know any others. I love this one.
Shelly Thacker
I would be anyone if only I could be with you.
Shelly Thacker
As he looked at her, she felt that flood of restlessness that she now knew was called desire.
Shelly Thacker
The softness of her touch, the emerald eyes gazing into his when they held hands and circled, attacked his defenses and flung them aside as if he were a helpless lad. If she'd come at him with a dagger, he might have let her stab him in the heart.
Amy Jarecki
Have you ever seen Russian nesting dolls?”Thrown by the questions, she opened her eyes. Why would he suddenly speak about a child’s toy? “I own a few of them.”“Then you must understand that undressing you is like playing with one of those dolls. I open one to find another beneath it. I took away your gown to find you are still as clothed as you were a moment ago and I wonder how many more layers I will have to work through to get down to you—the doll I’m searching for.
Dominique Eastwick
Hetty shivered. Goodness, he had no business looking at her like that. Physician my eye! Physicians definitely didn't look like him; they were short, round and adorned with wigs and spectacles.
Susan Lodge
There is not a man alive who would not want you.
Shelly Thacker
Now that you made me a knight again", he said lightly, "I'll have to keep my mind on certain knightly virtues like chastity."Ciara could not remember that ever being a knightly virtue.
Shelly Thacker
Enya assessed him like a woman would a piece of fine cloth. "Rugged land for a rugged man.
Amy Jarecki
I've tried to deny it even to myself...My heart and soul are filled with you.
Shelly Thacker
I’ve told you before, ma chérie, love is not about submission. It is the willingness to give of yourself. That is a great power and gift, if you allow yourself to wield it.
Monica Burns
... not within my memory.""All 300 years of it?"That comment earned her a frown."My apologies," she amended lightly. "I supposed I should not tease you about being so old.""Nay, feel free."His slow smile flashed in the moonlight."I would be happy to prove to you that I possess all the prowess and stamina of a man of 30. Mayhap I should demonstrate.
Shelly Thacker
He kept pushing her, expecting for her to break. Fearing it. But he was the one who splintered apart. He was the one who broke.
Amber Lin
What have I done?" he asked, his voice raw. "You used to be such a sane, sensible lady.""You took me on a journey into my own heart.
Shelly Thacker
And then you realize one day that you can't remember her scent and nothing smells like her anymore. You can't remember how she feels or the sound of her voice. You haven't thought of her every second of every day. Then--then you feel more alone than on the day you lost her.
Desiree Banks
The earl narrowed his eyes as he hopped off his bay gelding and surveyed the deep green expanse of lawn surrounding the ancestral home. The graceful house, built atop and around an ancient abbey, wore its centuries of accretion with aplomb, as if it had always perched atop thisgentle slope. In the slanting late afternoon sun, the fading red-brick walls glowed. “My God, I hate the country,” he said.
Jenny Holiday
I've never met anyone as kind as you are, except me Mum, o' course." --Benjamin Trimmel to Lady Alexandra.
Lisa M. Prysock
The Earl of Blackstone didn’t seem particularly mysterious to Emily. In fact, as he stood there silently—except for that sneering laugh he’d tried to cover up—she could think of several other adjectives to add to the list next time Sarah was searching for one: rude, self-important, boorish. And, if one could judge by the slightly slack-jawed way he stared at her, perhaps even “simple.
Jenny Holiday
I won’t pretend that I deserve you. I am faithless. I have done unforgivable things. And I am broken.” He gestured to his face and body with trembling hands. “I know you see past these things when you look at me . . . but I hope I can be enough for you.”“What? Enough for me? Gabriel, you are everything.
Rachel L. Demeter
Now, tomorrow, and always.
Rachel L. Demeter
Whether David believed in her affliction or not didn’t change the fact that it existed, and some day it would catch up with her.
Tamara Hughes
Let this moment whisper through eternity. Let it fill my every dream and visit me each night.
Rachel L. Demeter
You are a soldier. A fighter. And now you must fight. Not for the emperor, not for France . . . but for yourself.
Rachel L. Demeter
I've seen enough cowboys in my life to know I don't want one for a husband."...Victoria"Every good man I know is a cowboy."...ColtPromises Kept
Scarlett Dunn
What’s bosoms?” Cade asked.“You’ll find out when you get older,” Jake said."A lot older," Colt said.
Scarlett Dunn
Do you plan on marrying Charles?”She shook her head.“Good. I wouldn’t want to shoot him, but I would."... Finding Promise
Scarlett Dunn
There is always a danger that those who are less obviously and traditionally important, prominent, or powerful will be left out of the history of human experience.
Chloe Schama
She would do whatever she had to, even make this man’s life a living hell if it were required, and judging by the arrogance of Thomas Glanville, that possibility was quite likely.
Tamara Hughes
Those green eyes mocked her, and the ass leaned into her blade as if daring her to slice him
Tamara Hughes
Catherine bristled at the amusement in his voice. He could laugh all he wanted when he stood tied to a wall utterly naked. A little humiliation might do him good.
Tamara Hughes
She cocked her head. The ribbon tied beneath her chin glinted dully in the light. “Have I said something wrong?”“No."“I have.” She stepped closer. “You are the most inscrutable man I have ever met.” He laughed. No mirth at all. “I’m quite serious.” She studied him. “No.” Her quiet voice lanced through him. “Don’t look away. Not when I am about to understand you.” “Are you certain you wish to?” He held her gaze, and the silence of his hunting box became unendurable. He fixed in his head an image of her in his bed. Nude. And of him, there to touch, and taste, experiencing that moment when his prick slid into her body. Her. Not any woman, but her. Specifically. The woman who made him see beauty where he’d once seen only duty.
Carolyn Jewel
Miss Edith Clay brightened the room with her presence. Just from walking through the door, she’d made the room a happier place. This was true despite his having spent the last several months assuring himself his recollection of her had to be incorrect. His recollection was not incorrect. It was appallingly accurate.
Carolyn Jewel
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