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Faith is believing beyond the power of reason, when they're all against you. To one who has faith, no explanation is possible. To one without faith, evidence is necessary.
Esteban Urayoán
I don’t know449that much about the Bible, other than it waswritten thousands of years ago, which dilutesits relevance. However, I know its faithfulfollowers tend to cherry-pick verses to suittheir needs, the same way they cherry-pickwords or scenes from other books to labelobscene.
Ellen Hopkins
Quran, Bible, BhagwadGita are your (as an follower's) way of life and not every-ones way of life, so don't force people to change. These Holy books teach you to change yourself (for good) and not others.
I blamed the Bible,when its words were not at fault,only the way they’re interpretedby those too willingto wield them like chain saws,cutting others off at the knees.
Ellen Hopkins
Layer upon layer it comes, dense and rich within the texts, echo upon echo, allusion and resonance tumbling over one another, so that for those with ears to hear it becomes un-missable, a crescendo of questions to which in the end there can be only one answer. Why are you speaking like this? Are you the one who is to come? Can anything good come out of Nazareth? What sign can you show us? Why does he eat with tax-collectors and sinners? Where did this man get all this wisdom? How can this man give us his flesh to eat? Who are you? Why do you not follow the traditions? Do the authorities think he’s the Messiah? Can the Messiah come from Galilee? Why are you behaving unlawfully? Who then is this? Aren’t we right to say that you’re a Samaritan and have a demon? What do you say about him? By what right are you doing these things? Who is this Son of Man? Should we pay tribute to Caesar? And climactically: Are you the king of the Jews? What is truth? Where are you from? Are you the Messiah, the son of the Blessed One? Then finally, too late for answers, but not too late for irony: Aren’t you the Messiah? Save yourself and us! If you’re the Messiah, why don’t you come down from that cross?…And Jesus had his own questions. Who do you say I am? Do you believe in the Son of Man? Can you drink the cup I’m going to drink? How do the scribes say that the Messiah is David’s son? Couldn’t you keep watch with me for a single hour? And finally and horribly: My God, my God, why did you abandon me? …The reason there were so many questions, in both directions, was that–as historians have concluded for many years now–Jesus fitted no ready-made categories
N.T. Wright
Remember, sometimes you have to look beyond the weirdness. It's like the temple in ancient Jerusalem. If you went there, you'd see oxen being slaughtered and all sorts of things. But look beyond the weirdness, to what it means.
A.J. Jacobs
Men write Bibles. God doesn't. God writes in stars and worlds and seasons and Hudson Rivers and beautiful women. Creation is the good book.
Mark Siegel
You're insane.' The officer says, shaking his head, 'What about the Bible? What about the Good Word?''Oh, that's all made up, ain't it?' She tells him with a shrug, 'I ain't done most of the stuff that you says I done.
Emma Rose Kraus
But it was never actually that big a deal. Jenkins didn't really disbelieve in the Resurrection: he merely questioned the historical veracity of the New Testament narratives. It was mildly interesting: one side saying "I really believe that Jesus was the Son of God, and that the Bible gives a journalistically accurate account of the circumstances surrounding his birth," and the other saying "I also really believe that Jesus was the Son of God, but I think that the story of Mary and Gabriel may be a legend." A real disagreement, an important one, but not a fundamental fault line along which a church can split. The people who think that the stone really was rolled away, and the people who think that it was rolled away in a very real sense are clearly part of the same religion. But it is hard to see how people who think that it doesn't particularly matter whether or not the stone was rolled away, provided we live in the way that Jesus would have wanted us to, are part of the same religion; or, indeed, of any religion at all. I think that this is what some evangelicals think some liberals think. I think they may be right.
Andrew Rilstone
I think they'd barely recognize us as brothers and sisters. If we told them, church is on Sundays, and we have an awesome band...if the found out 1/6th of the earth's population claimed to be Christians, I'm not sure they could reconcile the suffering happening on our watch while we're living in excess...But listen, early church, we have a monthly event called 'Mocha chicks', we have choir practice every Wednesday, we organize retreats with door prizes, we're raising $3 million for an outdoor amphitheater, we have catchy t-shirts, we don't smoke or say the f-word, we go to bible study every semester...the local church would be the heartbeat of the city.
Jen Hatmaker
Now, evolution is the substance of fossils hoped for, the evidence of links not seen.
Duane T. Gish
Read this book ... but understand it’s fiction. And let life be ... your most important addiction.
John Zelazny
The bible is so simple you have to have someone else help you misunderstand it..
Harmon Okinyo
I have heard many times that atheists know more about religion than religious people. Atheism is an effect of that knowledge, not a lack of knowledge. I gave a Bible to my daughter. That's how you make atheists.
David Silverman
The big news of the Bible is not that you fight for God but that God fights for you.
Max Lucado
In general, it should be noted, biblical law is evolutionary, not revolutionary...
Joseph Telushkin
Meaningless! Meaningless!”says the Teacher.“Utterly meaningless!Everything is meaningless.”What do people gain from all their laborsat which they toil under the sun?Generations come and generations go,but the earth remains forever.The sun rises and the sun sets,and hurries back to where it rises.The wind blows to the southand turns to the north;round and round it goes,ever returning on its course.All streams flow into the sea,yet the sea is never full.To the place the streams come from,there they return again.All things are wearisome,more than one can say.The eye never has enough of seeing,nor the ear its fill of hearing.What has been will be again,what has been done will be done again;there is nothing new under the sun.Is there anything of which one can say,“Look! This is something new”?It was here already, long ago;it was here before our time.No one remembers the former generations,and even those yet to comewill not be rememberedby those who follow them.
When you go through deep waters, I will be with you.
Isaiah 43:2
Is it too bold to point out that there is nothing in the ten commandmentsabout protecting children against cruelty?Nothing against rape and nothing against slavery,and nothing agains genocide.Could this be because these crimesare positively recommendedin the rest of the bible?
A.J. Beirens
The first hands he heard banging at the outside walls felt like nails pushing into his temples. Then there were more hands. Pounding. Punching. Scratching. Then kicks and shrieking that even drowned out the sound of the rain.The worst was when Ham could make out individual voices. He could hear their neighbor Zebeleh and her little daughter Ariel
Jonathan Goldstein
Believe and trust in God. He is forever faithful.
Lailah Gifty Akita
The Lord is glorious.The Lord is majestic.
Lailah Gifty Akita
Holy God, Holy words.
Lailah Gifty Akita
When our spirit departs, we will transit into the next world.
Lailah Gifty Akita
We are the chosen, called and blessed people
Lailah Gifty Akita
Prayer, speaking to the Creator.
Lailah Gifty Akita
I thank God for providing my every need.
Lailah Gifty Akita
The higher power, mighty God!
Lailah Gifty Akita
Delight in the Lord and He will deliver you
Lailah Gifty Akita
God gives great treasures.
Lailah Gifty Akita
God predetermines plan and path of life for every sacred-soul.
Lailah Gifty Akita
The truth shall your soul free.
Lailah Gifty Akita
We were made to be mirrors perfectly reflecting God's goodness, but with sin that mirror fractured and the reflection is distorted.
Trip Lee
I'm very depressed how in this country you can be told "That's offensive" as though those two words constitute an argument.
Christopher Hitchens
Om is the signature sound of this Universe. It is the soundless sound of existence.
Banani Ray
She had witnessed in nauseating detail how the human world worked: its rituals of comfort (television, food, religion); its appetite for poison (television, food, religion); and for the monstrous edifices of desire (television, food, religion): she understood them all.
Clive Barker
You priests. You're all the same. You think fasting helps you think about God, when anyone who can cook would tell you that fasting just makes you think about food.
Joanne Harris
In the absence of organized religion, faith abounds, in the form of song and art and food and strong arms.
Elizabeth Alexander
The most common sort of lie is that by which a man deceives himself: the deception of others is a relatively rare offense.
Friedrich Nietzsche
And all our gods are not lies. They existed. All our gods, from the beginning of time, have been men with psychiatric conditions. And their delusions were so deep, they passed them on.
Manu Joseph
My parents were nonmaterialistic. They believed that money without knowledge was worthless, that education tempered with religion was the way to climb out of poverty in America, and over the years they were proven right.
James McBride
Her mother was Jewish, but her father had insisted that she and Anne be raised Catholic. So she went to mass every Sunday as a child, received communion, went to confession, and was confirmed, but because her mother never participated in any of this, Alice began questioning the validity of these beliefs at a young age. And without a satisfying answer from either her father or the Catholic Church, she never developed a true faith.
Lisa Genova
If we go back to the beginning we shall find that ignorance and fear created the gods; that fancy, enthusiasm, or deceit adorned or disfigured them; that weakness worships them; that credulity preserves them, and that custom, respect and tyranny support them in order to make the blindness of man serve its own interests.
Baron D. Holbach
...But that is a method for cowards; the brave man goes out into the hall, comes back with a stick, and says firmly, "You have just deliberately and cruelly exposed my ignorance before this company; I shall, therefore, beat you soundly with this stick in the presence of them all."This you then do to him or he to you, mutatis mutandis, ceteris paribus; and that is all I have to say on Ignorance.
Hilaire Belloc
If a faithful account was rendered of man's ideas upon the Divinity, he would be obliged to acknowledge, that for the most part the word Gods has been used to express the concealed, remote, unknown causes of the effects he witnessed; that he applies this term when the spring of natural, the source of known causes ceases to be visible: as soon as he loses the thread of these causes, or as soon as his mind can no longer follow the chain, he solves the difficulty, terminates his research, by ascribing it to his gods; thus giving a vague definition to an unknown cause, at which either his idleness, or his limited knowledge, obliges him to stop. When, therefore, he ascribes to his gods the production of some phenomenon, the novelty or the extent of which strikes him with wonder, but of which his ignorance precludes him from unravelling the true cause, or which he believes the natural powers with which he is acquainted are inadequate to bring forth; does he, in fact, do any thing more than substitute for the darkness of his own mind, a sound to which he has been accustomed to listen with reverential awe?
Paul Henri Thiry d'Holbach
And just like that, as if I hadn't said anything at all, the ladies sprang into a conversation about the sinful nature the Jews possessed when killing their Lord Jesus. I didn't know if I was hearing this right because I had become so intoxicated, but I couldn't believe that anyone would talk about religion while on vacation. How could Miss Nebraska think this was a proper environment to discuss something so controversial? One woman went on to say that if she had her way not only would President Bush serve a second four-year term, but she hoped they would overturn Roe v. Wade. This woman was obviously a menace to society and needed to be stopped.
Chelsea Handler
Thus identified with astronomy, in proclaiming truths supposed to be hostile to Scripture, Geology has been denounced as the enemy of religion. The twin sisters of terrestrial and celestial physics have thus been joint-heirs of intolerance and persecution—unresisting victims in the crusade which ignorance and fanaticism are ever waging against science. When great truths are driven to make an appeal to reason, knowledge becomes criminal, and philosophers martyrs. Truth, however, like all moral powers, can neither be checked nor extinguished. When compressed, it but reacts the more. It crushes where it cannot expand—it burns where it is not allowed to shine. Human when originally divulged, it becomes divine when finally established. At first, the breath of a rage—at last it is the edict of a god. Endowed with such vital energy, astronomical truth has cut its way through the thick darkness of superstitious times, and, cheered by its conquests, Geology will find the same open path when it has triumphed over the less formidable obstacles of a civilized age.
David Brewster
Christian missions to India imply that India is a land of heathens, and, therefore, stands on the same level with the Andaman or the Fiji Islands. That a country which has been recognised in all ages the world over as the mother of all religions and the cradle of civilisation should be considered as pagan, shows how much ignorance prevails in Christendom. Since the Parliament of Religions, I have been studying Christian institutions, and I have also studied the way in which the Christian ministers and the missionaries are manufactured in this country, and have learned to pity them. We must not blame them too severely, because their education is too narrow to make them broad-minded. I grant that they are good-hearted, that they are good husbands and often fathers of large families, but generally they are very ignorant, especially of the history of civilisation and of the philosophy of religion of India. Most of them do not even know the history of ancient India.We know that in this age of competition, centralisation, and monopoly, very many people are forced out of business. The English say, 'The fool of the family goes into the Church'; so that when a youth is unable to make a living, he takes to missionary work, goes to India, and helps to introduce among the Hindus the doctrines of his church, which have long since been exploded by science.
Virchand Gandhi
Ignorance is the mother of all the evil and all the misery we see. Let men have light, let them be pure and spiritually strong and educated, then alone will misery cease in the world, not before. We may convert every house in the country into a charity asylum, we may fill the land with hospitals, but the misery of man will still continue to exist until man's character changes.
Swami Vivekananda
Ourhunters come from a diversified set of beliefs, but work together toward one goal. And we’re the bestat what we do.”“But you guys were at the church.”Jayden shrugged. “Father Bancroft is an area leader, so the church is our base, but elsewhere itcould be a synagogue, mosque, Buddhist temple. Any holy place will do. We fight demons, not eachother.
A.E. Kirk
Fanatics are like debris following the course of the wind, they are swept around like sand, and convinced to believe in what they do not understand.
Michael Bassey Johnson
The disruption of science is one which abandons the method and seeks to conquer grounds outside its territory. It is not at all religion but this pseudo-science that is the enemy of science.
Criss Jami
Faith, that's another word for ignorance, isn't it? I never understood how people could be so proud of believing in something with no proof at all. Like that's an achievement.
House M.D.
God holds the key to every door.
Lailah Gifty Akita
Great men of old and of today never considered themselves only human, they also considered themselves gods. And god! See what hat great achievement have they realized!
Bangambiki Habyarimana
Religion is more beautiful when it brings out the goodness in a person.
Gugu Mona
Man has been evolved and created the gods. Evolved more and decided to destroy all of them.
Emil A. Zafirov
The more man realises his humanity, the lonelier he feels.
Ali Shariati
What is the meaning of Religion? The revelation of the hidden and unknown power of this human body, and to know that infinite power of this human body is the religion.
Sri Jibankrishna or Diamond
Current research in any field of Science has not yet reached the point where we could start exploring the existential question regarding God as a Supreme Entity driving causality in the universe. However, as modern Neuroscience progresses further and gets more advanced, we shall get to dive deeper into the physiological processes underneath the Qualia of God in human mind. What we have seen so far through our studies in Neurotheology, is that it is not God himself/herself/itself, rather it is people’s perception of God that influences the human life. The Qualia of God impact all aspects of human life by altering the body chemistry at a cellular level.
Abhijit Naskar
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