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Stop giving the best part of you to those unworthy of that gift.
Carlos Wallace
It was strange, because she always felt that she hid herself from Erika, that she was more 'herself' with her 'true' friends, where the friendship flowed in an ordinary, uncomplicated, grown-up fashion (emails, phone calls, drinks, dinners, banter and jokes that everyone got), but right now it felt like none of those friends knew her the raw, ugly, childish, basic way that Erika did.
Liane Moriarty
I wish not to tell you how I feel,I choose silence so that you leave,Kiss me goodbye and set me free...
Sanhita Baruah
There’s a universalunderstanding betweenmen of the silent sorrowa man endures whenhe loses a woman heloves
Phil Volatile
and tonight we held each other, one last time,like a dance to aslow songon an empty floor, underneath a singledisco ballin front of no oneat all
Phil Volatile
Quit trying to change others. You haven’t done such a great job on yourself – yet.
Mensah Oteh
Two kinds ofpeople will love you:those who confessit, and those whoshow you, likecards on a table,because love isa gamble
Phil Volatile
It is still because of our self-image that we tend to forget answers that may jeopardize our future at crucial moments, or to communicate words that offend who we love the most when we believe we don’t deserve the love of another person.
Robin Sacredfire
AdiosHer pretty picturelying on theground was likethe topplingof somefascistregimeAnd burningthe photograph,was thecelebration
Phil Volatile
When relationships lose their pitch through lack of interest and become stale or unbearable through enduring stealthy backbiting, the emotional house of cards is under attack. A painstaking reshuffle, however, may brand a new choice of life and create energy for positive thinking, whereas remaining bogged down in dispiriting situations and staying clogged up with immaterial hassle may only spawn forlorn deadlocks.. ("Mes cliques et mes claques")
Erik Pevernagie
Ultimately, a woman’s nature loves the desire to be desired, a passionate and uncontrollable desire. Sometimes it comes with a sacrifice or greater investment than usual.
John Shelton Jones
be waryof the boys whoonly ever tellhalf-thruthsbecause theywill only ever be half in lovewith you-slay those dragons
Amanda Lovelace
You taste like the last drop of whiskeyat 3 amafter a lousy daylike the first gulp of coffee on a Monday sipped behind a deskhot and bitterlike the burning at the back of the throatafter the first cigaretteYou taste, boy oh boy, like my next mistake.
Malak El Halabi
Closure /klōZHər/ Noun1. The thing women tell you what they want, but secretly they really want you to tell them why you don’t want them again, so they can try one last time to convince you that you were wrong. 2. The warped mentality that having someone tell you honestly why they don’t want you is going to somehow make you feel peace, so you can move on.3. The neat packaging of finishing conversations because you have been stewing over it insecurely about the length of what a stalker does. 4. The one thing women don’t give themselves because if they didn’t care about the jerk they wouldn’t still be hanging onto another conversation that tells them what they already know: He just isn’t that interested in you.5. The anal retentive art of perfecting every ending with meaning, rather than just excepting you went through something rather sucky and he doesn’t care.6. The act of closing something with someone, when in reality you should slam the door.
Shannon L. Alder
So while I was busy saving you from Hell,you were pushing me further to it; the poison murdering me well.
Shannon Perry
I still smell your absence on my skin. It smells of insomnia and rusted key locks...
Malak El Halabi
Something must bevery wrong,' it said,and I agreed,although it turned outthe author meant that 'no theoryof physics should produceinfinities with impunity.'I’d point out that every theoryof the heartproduces infinitieswith impunityif I were the kind of jerkwho uses the heartto mean the humantendency to makeothers sufferjust because wehate to sufferalone. I’m sorryI brought a fitted sheetto the beach. I’m sorry I’m selfish and determinedto make the worstof everything. I’msorry language is a ship that goes downwhile you’re building it.The Hesychasts of Byzantiumstripped their prayersof words. It’s been triedwith poems too. But insofaras I am a disappointment to myself and others, it seems fittingto set up shop in almost and not quite and that’s not what I meant. I draw the line at the heart,though, with itsinfinities.
Michael Robbins
When someone says you've changed, it's because you are no longer willing to live your life their way
Karon Waddell
Take caution when declaring war because you may believe it will be easy, but war will always end in despair.
If you ever want to know how a man truly feels about you, do absolutely nothing. Then you'll have your answer.
Miya Yamanouchi
Love. It’s the complex chemistry of a blind heart and a distracted mind. Love is a shapeshifter. Love walks along the same path as hate. Love makes us whole. Love makes us weak. Love drives us to insanity. Love can be a curse. Love is a miracle.
Julie Anderson
And suddenly in the middle of the day a strange feeling grips you. The feeling of missing someone. The warm embrace and the tight hug and the tenderness...
Avijeet Das
The best relationship is not one that brings together perfect partners, but rather one in which the partners learn to live with the differences, imperfections and objections of one another, and seek to appreciate the good qualities that make this relationship worth building on in order to survive better together.
Nabil N. Jamal
Or perhaps it's the wickedness in him that she can't resist. There are such women.
Madeleine Brent
Love is Future End that you live in you in present to forgot something opposite of your expectations.
Yaganesh Derasari
Relation is when each have Same words to speak, Conversation will be Awesome.
Yaganesh Derasari
It reveals how well you value someone - the way you handle their belongings.
Joyce Rachelle
I want to wake Chrissie and tell her this as if it's a warning: Don't push too hard; your last chance to see a person the way you wanted them to be may come at any moment. One minute you have a parent, or a friend, or a lover, something solid, and physics tells you their resistance will always be there to meet you as you press yourself into relief against them. Then all of a sudden your mother is a fading outline in a thunderstorm, wet and weak and so far out of reach; or your lover who may also be your best and only friend is pulled so quickly into someone else's life that you don't even realize he's left yours until you're getting a save-the-date card; or your father is somewhere at the end of the world and even if you had a number for him, you'd feel wrong calling to tell him to quit collecting stuff when it's painfully clear you have nothing to offer to replace it. But I don't wake Chrissie because she's sleeping like a baby, and anyway, she isn't a baby and she doesn't need me to tell her what it is to watch somebody let you down by being human in the saddest and neediest ways, what it is to push at something that has long since given way.
Danielle Evans
You're either living on purpose or living accidentally, so live ON purpose WITH purpose!
Ken Donaldson
Everyone endeavours to eliminate through the other individual his own weaknesses, defects, and deviations from the type, lest they be perpetuated or even grow into complete abnormalities in the child which will be produced.
Alain de Botton
we would not reliably assent to reproduce unless we first had lost our minds.
Alain de Botton
The bait we set, never truly entraps the love, but lust.
Sameer Khan
When she bites my lips,I see stars dancing right next to the sun.
Do you see how the sky holds the sun?In a powerful but effortless way that shows off her beauty and strength?That's how a King holds his Queen.
I think that many people will intentionally overlook all of the lifeless facts about their relationship with their significant other, just because they do not want to go through the trouble of breaking up, because it's safe, because other people expect it of them, because there is a fear of being alone... and in the process of doing this, they miss out on the life that is meant for them. Our lives must not be lived to be safe, to be out of trouble, to meet the expectations of others, and to avoid fear. On the contrary, our lives must be lived with courage, which can only be present if there is fear; our lives must be lived for what we know in our hearts is for us, not for what other people believe is for us; our lives must be lived even when it is not safe and even when things are troublesome. To die in full knowledge that you have pleased everyone safely, or to die in full knowledge that you seized what you knew was meant for you -- which way do you choose to die? Because that is the way you must choose to live!
C. JoyBell C.
You gave me a soul touch. A touch beyond physical. The most powerful of touch. I thought it was about you but I was wrong it was about me. In me. It took me a lifetime to realize it was me, not you. Thank you for showing me my soul.
Renae A.Sauter
Relationships are at the heart of your wellbeing and happiness. Nurture them and they will nurture you.
Mensah Oteh
When people talk about destiny, they tend to forget that it isn’t deprived from free will, free will to both accept it or destroy it. If you were meant to find love and then hurt the person that loves you back, you’ve just exercised your free will against destiny, and that destiny, that brought that person to you, will now use the exact same force to pull such person away from you. You cannot violate the spiritual laws of the universe. You will always pay a heavy price for being ignorant about this fact. You have the free will to do whatever you wish in the paradise of life, but only as long as you don’t violate the sacred rules, when eating the fruit of selfishness, the tree of good and evil. That need to explore discernment will cost you your happiness, and expel you from the paradise destined to you.
Robin Sacredfire
Your relationship with others is your relationship to yourself mirrored back to you.
Renae A.Sauter
Your heart will always open again if you let it.
Renae A.Sauter
Loneliness doesn't come from missing someone it comes from being disconnected with yourself.
Renae A.Sauter
Women think they can act like evil monsters from hell and be loved like a princess. It's as if the dragon and the witch was in them and not in the world.
Robin Sacredfire
The relationship was perfect, but I hated everything about the person I became.
Darnell Lamont Walker
Throughout the empire, it was whispered that although the husband waded through mud, the wife walked upon water. She, it was said, was graced with a gentle touch which tamed the most vicious of men.
A.H. Septimius
When we constantly hear that we should be smarter, better connected, more productive, wealthier—it takes real courage to claim the time and space to follow the currents of our talents, our aspirations, and our hearts, which may lead in a very different direction.
Sharon Salzberg
The sun still lives his silent vows to the moon, by bowing to kiss her feet whenever she walks in the room.
Curtis Tyrone Jones
You don't have to live happily ever after with every single person in your life in order to live happily ever after. Some unfortunate endings are necessary.
Joyce Rachelle
If it comes, let it come. If it goes, it's ok, let it go. Let things come and go. Don't let anything disturb your peace. Stay calm and carry on.
Germany Kent
If it comes, let it come. If it goes, it's ok, let it go. Let things come and go. Stay calm, don't let anything disturb your peace, and carry on.
Germany Kent
You play me with your jazz & leave me with the blues.
Curtis Tyrone Jones
Love is not the answer, peace is. Throughout my whole life I have experienced and seen others use love as a reason to treat people with unkindness by being controlling, jealous, shouting in anger, and projecting guilt and shame. If you love someone but there is not peace in your heart when you think of that person then your work is not done. Do not stop at love, continue all the way towards the freedom of inner peace. Love starts when peace begins. Without peace love is simply a mask for our insecurity, judgment, and egoic attachments.
Alaric Hutchinson
Listen, Google,’ I will say, ‘both John and Paul are courting me. I like both of them, but in a different way, and it’s so hard to make up my mind. Given everything you know, what do you advise me to do?’And Google will answer: ‘Well, I know you from the day you were born. I have read all your emails, recorded all your phone calls, and know your favourite films, your DNA and the entire history of your heart. I have exact data about each date you went on, and if you want, I can show you second-by-second graphs of your heart rate, blood pressure and sugar levels whenever you went on a date with John or Paul. If necessary, I can even provide you with accurate mathematical ranking of every sexual encounter you had with either of them. And naturally enough, I know them as well as I know you. Based on all this information, on my superb algorithms, and on decades’ worth of statistics about millions of relationships – I advise you to go with John, with an 87 per cent probability of being more satisfied with him in the long run.Indeed, I know you so well that I also know you don’t like this answer. Paul is much more handsome than John, and because you give external appearances too much weight, you secretly wanted me to say “Paul”. Looks matter, of course; but not as much as you think. Your biochemical algorithms – which evolved tens of thousands of years ago in the African savannah – give looks a weight of 35 per cent in their overall rating of potential mates. My algorithms – which are based on the most up-to-date studies and statistics – say that looks have only a 14 per cent impact on the long-term success of romantic relationships. So, even though I took Paul’s looks into account, I still tell you that you would be better off with John.
Yuval Noah Harari
Sometimes we find the sweetest solidarity in the midst of solitude.
Curtis Tyrone Jones
She was the kind of person who never gave you enough time to miss her.
Zadie Smith
... you might go to great lengths to avoid disappointing the people in your life, as I did for many years in relationships. The problem with this approach, however, is that it sets an impossible standard. Disappointment is inevitable in all relationships. It is impossible for two people to have the exact same feelings and desires all of the time. Inevitably, someone will want something, and the other person will not. A natural response to not getting something that we want is disappointment.As long as we avoid disappointing others at any cost to our ourselves, we will never feel truly safe and connected in our relationships. We will always have that nagging fear that if we were to disappoint them, they would be gone. This is a fine razor's edge to walk along. It can be incredibly freeing and relaxing to acknowledge that you will disappoint people in your life, and that they will disappoint you.
Aziz Gazipura
Love starts when peace begins.
Alaric Hutchinson
I, the infirm, find myself caring for the sorrows and fears of the well.
Russ Ramsey
Walking through suffering is a work that is bound by limitation. Often it isn't that the afflicted are unwilling to let others in. It is just that there comes a certain point in a person's suffering where there is no apparent port of entry.
Russ Ramsey
All women are lifelong members of the Secret Service...So, if you must lie, better make sure you cover your tracks because there is no such thing as a 'dumb blonde'...
Virginia Alison
Discover a deep, healthy love for yourself....Relationships are meant to complement your life not complete it. If you're unable to bring a healthy sense of self-love into them you will always be seeking validation and end up disappointed by your expectations of others.
Nanette Mathews
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