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Either, you are in love with someone or you're not. Fear is complicated, not love.
Shannon L. Alder
People meant to be together will always take detours through pain, misunderstanding and pride, but some how they always drift back to the one thing that makes them feel alive.
Shannon L. Alder
If God had a wife He would be in just as much trouble as any man.
Matshona Dhliwayo
If you have to be told how you should feel then those feelings are not strong enough to make you feel alive; they become rules that don’t fit your life script. Not every person will place the same importance as you do on one of the six human needs: certainty, variety, significance, connection/love, growth or contributions. When you know what is most important for yourself and learn to recognize what need is the most important to others, then you can begin to unlock the real reason behind conflict.
Shannon L. Alder
Any woman has the power to be truly happy, with or without a man.
Linda Alfiori
Choosing a mate is not a matter of can they do the job, rather will they. A partner of "potential" doesn't make for a happy marriage. Their actions have to be in line with your needs.
Shannon L. Alder
Quiet love is better than loud hate.
Matshona Dhliwayo
Love is the only tyrant whose reign is sweet.
Matshona Dhliwayo
Religious guilt will never grow the kind of love you want in someone.
Shannon L. Alder
At first the brain weighs a potential partner, and if the partner fits our ancestral wish list, we get a spike in the release of sex chemicals that makes us dizzy with a rush of unavoidable infatuation. It's the first step down the primeval path of pair-bonding.
Abhijit Naskar
You will know you are in love when it doesn't matter if you sit in heaven or hell with that special someone just as long as they can make you laugh, while you put out the fires.
Shannon L. Alder
If you stand in the way of two people who were meant to be together, destiny's train will run you over.
Matshona Dhliwayo
The bitterest fruit tastes sweet when you share it with someone you love.
Matshona Dhliwayo
There are many fish in the sea, but never let a good one swim away.
Matshona Dhliwayo
You can spend the rest of your life fighting to be respected, accepted and understood by the people you have created a life with or you can start living a life where that isn't a daily goal and ambition in your relationship.
Shannon L. Alder
Great sex and awesome food is what conquered the beast, not beauty. The key to happiness is to fuck like a porn star and cook like a five star chef.
Travis Luedke
If you are hurting because they hurt then they are the ONE.
Shannon L. Alder
The purpose of any healthy relationship is to find someone that will magnify your life's experiences, not tolerate it or become a spectator of it.
Shannon L. Alder
For, what is the purpose of true love, other than to rescue another from one's self? Why is that not the first thing we look for?
Shannon L. Alder
Inside of you is your love, not beside you. She is just there to remind you of where you placed her heart.
Shannon L. Alder
Timing is only lack of enough emotions.
Shannon L. Alder
Some women don't care what you can do for them. They care about what you could make of them in the inside.
Shannon L. Alder
Don’t ever feel bad that someone couldn’t give you all of their heart. Be grateful that you can take the least complicated part of their soul with you, wherever you go. This is more than some people will ever have.
Shannon L. Alder
Humility is the only thing that can restore a relationship, when respect has been lost.
Shannon L. Alder
Never allow yourself to become a choice in any relationship. The moment you do is when you have reduced your loved one's affections to a daily biological question: Should I take a dump here or wait till I get home?
Shannon L. Alder
Empowered Women 101: Confident women know the difference between being a meal ticket and being the meal.
Shannon L. Alder
The only love you have to prove in life is your love of God and helping others. Anyone that can't see that has proven themselves to be unworthy of your time because why would you spend your life with someone that can't tell the difference between a diamond and dirt?
Shannon L. Alder
A person that doesn't know their worth will never know yours. Therefore, the longer you hang onto hope that they will finally see your worth is the moment you start to depreciate in value.
Shannon L. Alder
When you love yourself you will never need closure from any man. That doesn't mean you didn't love him, it simply means you love yourself enough to realize God has a better plan for you that doesn't involve one more conversation that will remind you of that person's lack of respect for you.
Shannon L. Alder
Unrequited love is the only emotion that allows sane people to taste the “life sentence” of someone with bipolar disorder. The longer they hang onto a lost cause the more unstable they look to everyone else. They contradict their own belief systems and statements, by circling the drain with two competing emotions—love and hate.
Shannon L. Alder
Some people need significance more than they need another person. Change will only happen in a relationship when you realize it is not the person, but the "emotion" you desire.
Shannon L. Alder
Fearlessness is not what you do to win, but what you don't do. When you love yourself as much as your God, you won't see other people as the source of your pain. Rather, you will see who you have become because you honestly believed that your chains would be broken through hatred, instead of kindness.
Shannon L. Alder
A man worth loving is a man that never makes you feel like an option.
Shannon L. Alder
The words, I love you, are empty without clarification. Women prefer to be told what they can expect. It is measurable like a Weight Watcher’s diet, with extra points at the end of the week if you don’t cheat.
Shannon L. Alder
The only man worth having in your life is one that would never let you walk away.
Shannon L. Alder
The reason a lot of women can't move on from a relationship or people they love is because they need to know why. Why did this happen? Why did you do this? Why don't you care? Why did you hurt me? Why do you believe this about me? Why did you send me mixed signals? Why are these other people in your life acting like you care? Men have it all wrong. Insecurity is not why a lot of women don't let go. Women have a difficult time letting go because men don't communicate why at the level that women require. They don't back up their words with actions that are not confusing or could be misinterrupted as something else. Until, men learn that their actions and their friends and families reactions can create a questionable doubt about how they feel, they will forever have to deal with the drama they create for themselves.
Shannon L. Alder
Love is like breathing. You can't live without it.
Imania Margria
Many people think less of a man if he cries because it supposedly shows a sign of weakness, but I beg to differ. A man that’s in touch with his feelings is absolutely beautiful! I admire, respect, and appreciate their braveness to be vulnerable. Crying is NOT a weakness. We cannot expect our men to be strong all of the time. That’s SO unfair! They have feelings, too. Don’t ever make a man feel less than just because he cries. Comfort, love, and support him. Show him that you genuinely care.
Stephanie Lahart
People that hold onto hate for so long do so because they want to avoid dealing with their pain. They falsely believe if they forgive they are letting their enemy believe they are a doormat. What they don’t understand is hatred can’t be isolated or turned off. It manifests in their health, choices and belief systems. Their values and religious beliefs make adjustments to justify their negative emotions. Not unlike malware infesting a hard drive, their spirit slowly becomes corrupted and they make choices that don’t make logical sense to others. Hatred left unaddressed will crash a person’s spirit. The only thing he or she can do is to reboot, by fixing him or herself, not others. This might require installing a firewall of boundaries or parental controls on their emotions. Regardless of the approach, we are all connected on this "network of life" and each of us is responsible for cleaning up our spiritual registry.
Shannon L. Alder
Bitter love is better than sweet hate.
Matshona Dhliwayo
I waited for the seasons of love to pass from this cold winter to the summer heat I dreamed of.
Shannon L. Alder
Love is so many things, but it is not safe.
Shannon L. Alder
Don't talk yourself into falling in love with someone. Either, you are in love or you are not. True love is not a choice. It is something you know in your heart when all guilt, doubt and fear are removed.
Shannon L. Alder
Blame doesn't empower you. It keeps you stuck in a place you don't want to be because you don't want to make the temporary, but painful decision, to be responsible for the outcome of your own life's happiness.
Shannon L. Alder
Having dignity doesn't require you to fall out of love with someone. You can love someone your entire life and not been in their life. It simply means you won't allow their actions or inactions to guide your future. The moment you feel derailed from your life purpose, in limbo or have to sell your worth, you have crossed over from love to desperation.
Shannon L. Alder
Walking towards love is wiser than falling into it.
Matshona Dhliwayo
Don't burn your bridges until you build better ones.
Matshona Dhliwayo
Love that causes you pain is better than hate that brings you pleasure.
Matshona Dhliwayo
If you truly loved someone and they couldn't be in your life you won't hurt them. You will pray for them. You will hope that they find their happiness and place in this world. You will want them to have the best life because love isn't about possession, fear or desperation. When you have a grasp on eternity you don't need to feel time is running out. Time is all you have. Love isn’t a game of musical chairs--grab a partner and sit down. It is a search for the right fit for your soul and life purpose. In a life that never ends you will either find the one that sees you as much as you see them, 0r who knows? Maybe, if there are such things as soulmates, God will introduce you, but keep you far enough apart, until each of you fulfill something more important for your growth or God’s plan. Regardless, when you can face eternity alone you will know what true love is and that letting go is not an insult to your soul. You can smile because the person you loved has your blessings of protection with them and God has your best interest also in mind. You will find that person to complete you because God wants you to, as much as you do.
Shannon L. Alder
Good sex is about knowing each other's deepest and kinkiest desires.
Abhijit Naskar
There is no such thing as “vaginal orgasm” vs. “clitoral orgasm”. The entire ring of tissues that surrounds the vaginal opening is connected to the clitoris by nerves and blood vessels. Ultimately all these tissues together are responsible for the female orgasm. This entire erogenous zone is often referred to as the “ring of fire”.
Abhijit Naskar
A relationship is not just about sex – it is much more than that. Sex is only a tool in love, not love itself.
Abhijit Naskar
Relationships are the flavors of life.
Pawan Mishra
Life is a constant battle of fighting your own fears and not absorbing others. Don’t fill the empty spaces of your heart with the fears of others in your life. It is the highly anxious person that will tell you that certain people and experiences need to be labeled and kept either close or at a distance. They go to great lengths to categorize things, in order to feel balance in their life because they are out of balance. Life to them is about control and making you believe that their perfect world is normal when there is nothing normal about it. Highly anxious people live through manipulating their world into what is easy and palatable to them and they can easily pull you into an unrealistic view of the world around them. You constantly have to reassess what is reasonable and what is over exaggerated because fear drives their every action.
Shannon L. Alder
Expectations are nothing more than the rules we set, in order to maintain our ego and self esteem. What we seek from others is often that fulfillment of what we believe we require for happiness. However, many of us will raise the requirements so high that we can't even reach them or better yet, realize that we could find that expectation met by our own introspection and action.
Shannon L. Alder
The people that truly love us in life don't fight for us to remain a doormat for others.
Shannon L. Alder
Settling is not a destination, rather a vacation rental staring at an endless sea that dares you to cross its waves.
Shannon L. Alder
When you can't escape your mind then God is telling your heart to catch up. Fight for the balance you need.
Shannon L. Alder
If your children know who God is they will know who they are, regardless of where you or they call home.
Shannon L. Alder
Your true power is not in your difference, but in your consistency of being different. The world will always adjust to consistency, yet struggle with change.
Shannon L. Alder
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