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As we explore new ways of loving and being loved by others, we need to equip ourselves with open, pliant minds; we need to be willing to investigate, experiment, and evaluate as we approach a topic we thought we knew so much about.
Sharon Salzberg
Love simply, perpetually exists and that it’s a matter of psychic housekeeping to make room for it.
Sharon Salzberg
Forgiveness is a personal process that doesn’t depend on us having direct contact with the people who have hurt us.
Sharon Salzberg
When we forgive someone, we don’t pretend that the harm didn’t happen or cause us pain. We see it clearly for what it was, but we also come to see that fixating on the memory of harm generates anger and sadness.
Sharon Salzberg
Healing comes in many ways, and no one formula fits all.
Sharon Salzberg
Letting go is an inside job, something only we can do for ourselves.
Sharon Salzberg
Taking responsibility for oneself is by definition an act of kindness.
Sharon Salzberg
Equanimity can be hard to talk about.
Sharon Salzberg
Our can-do culture has made many of us believe that we should always be self-sufficient. Somewhere along the way, we also got the message that asking for help is a sign of weakness. We often forget that we’re interdependent creatures whose very existence depends on the kindness of others, including—with a bow to Tennessee Williams—strangers.
Sharon Salzberg
Wake up to realities! Real life is all about real things!
Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
There are an incalculable—even infinite—number of situations in which we can practice forgiveness. Expecting it to be a singular action—motivated by the sheer imperative to move on and forget—can be more damaging than the original feelings of anger. Accepting forgiveness as pluralistic and as an ongoing, individualized process opens us up to realize the role that our own needs play in conflict resolution.
Sharon Salzberg
When we pay attention to sensations in our bodies, we can feel that love is the energetic opposite of fear.
Sharon Salzberg
Love seems to open and expand us right down to the cellular level, while fear causes us to contract and withdraw into ourselves.
Sharon Salzberg
There is a sentiment common among most of us when it comes to love—letting go can feel scary.
Sharon Salzberg
Science tells us that love not only diminishes the experience of physical pain but can make us—and our beloveds—healthier.
Sharon Salzberg
Science tells us that love not only diminishes the experience of physical pain but can make us—and our beloveds—healthier.
Sharon Salzberg
Though it may seem counter intuitive to our inner perfectionist, recognizing our mistakes as valuable lessons (not failures) helps us lay the groundwork for later success.
Sharon Salzberg
What is chemistry in a relationship, Really? Chemistry can be spontaneous combustion that excites, incites, often harms. But not understood. Chemistry can also be that which is studied, intentional, and knows how to be repeated and improved upon. Do you have the right chemistry?
Lucille Anderson
If we were all looking for something 'easy come and easy go', then all of our lives would be easy. The problem is that we look for something real, don't we? And it is this longing for what is real, that makes finding the right person to be the most difficult task in the world. You can marry someone and promise the rest of your life to the person, only to find out later that this person makes you feel lonely. If we had no innate longing for true love and for true partnership, then none of us would have any problems! Therefore, the most frightening question to ponder upon, is, 'what if true love does not exist; what if the real stuff isn't real at all?' In such a case, life would be meaningless. I suppose I would rather believe in love relentlessly, than live in this world meaninglessly.
C. JoyBell C.
Love is a living capacity within us that is always present, even when we don’t sense it.
Sharon Salzberg
Sanskrit has different words to describe love for a brother or sister, love for a teacher, love for a partner, love for one’s friends, love of nature, and so on. English has only one word, which leads to never-ending confusion.
Sharon Salzberg
When our focus is on seeking, perfecting, or clinging to romance, the charge is often generated by instability, rather than by an authentic connection with another person.
Sharon Salzberg
Real Love may run on a lower voltage, but it’s also more grounded & sustainable.
Sharon Salzberg
From our first breath to our last, we’re presented again and again with the opportunity to experience deep, lasting, and trans-formative connection with other beings: to love them and be loved by them; to show them our true natures and to recognize theirs.
Sharon Salzberg
Buddhist teachings discourage us from clinging and grasping to those we hold dear, and from trying to control the people or the relationship. What’s more, we’re encouraged to accept the impermanence of all things: the flower that blooms today will be gone tomorrow, the objects we possess will break or fade or lose their utility, our relationships will change, life will end.
Sharon Salzberg
Whatever language we use use to describe healthy relationships, when we’re in them, we feel nourished by them, in body as well as mind.
Sharon Salzberg
With our close friends, family members, and lovers, we hope to create a special world, one in which we can expect to be treated fairly, with care, tenderness, and compassion.
Sharon Salzberg
Be open to the possibility that there are other paths available to you in relating to yourself and to another.
Sharon Salzberg
Without equanimity, we might give love to others only in an effort to bridge the inevitable and healthy space that always exists between two people.
Sharon Salzberg
Whether we fear the existence of boundaries with others or crave more of them, there’s no denying that individuation and separation are inevitable parts of loving relationships that become the site of tension.
Sharon Salzberg
We have to know ourselves to know where we end and another person begins, and we have to develop the skills to navigate the space between us. Or else we will seek wholeness through false means that honor neither us nor those we love.
Sharon Salzberg
How we traverse the space between us when conflict arises has a profound effect on the health and longevity of our relationships.
Sharon Salzberg
A particularly difficult line to navigate is the one between fear and love, especially for parents, who want more than anything to protect their children from suffering.
Sharon Salzberg
The paradigm for our relationships is formed from our earliest experiences and is actually hardwired into our neurological and emotional network.
Sharon Salzberg
Letting go of the belief that we’re powerless to help relieve our own suffering enhances our ability not only to heal but also to genuinely love and receive the love of others.
Sharon Salzberg
Mindfulness won’t ensure you’ll win an argument with your sister. Mindfulness won’t enable you to bypass your feelings of anger or hurt either. But it may help you see the conflict in a new way, one that allows you to break through old patterns.
Sharon Salzberg
We learn from conflicts only when we are willing to do so.
Sharon Salzberg
When we set an intention to explore our emotional hot spots, we create a pathway to real love.
Sharon Salzberg
Often in close relationships, the subject being discussed is not the subject at all.
Sharon Salzberg
You don't have to love yourself unconditionally before you can give or receive real love.
Sharon Salzberg
When we develop our ability to love in one realm, we simultaneously nourish our ability in others, as long as we remain open to the flow of insight and compassion.
Sharon Salzberg
So often we operate from ideas of love that don’t fit our reality.
Sharon Salzberg
Feelings of apathy as they relate to our relationships often stem from insufficiently paying attention to those around us.
Sharon Salzberg
Only when we start to distinguish reality from fantasy that we can humbly, with eyes wide open, forge loving and sustainable connections with others.
Sharon Salzberg
One foundation of loving relationships is curiosity, keeping open to the idea that we have much to learn even about those we have been close to for decades.
Sharon Salzberg
When we don’t tell those we love about what’s really going on or listen carefully to what they have to say, we tend to fill in the blanks with stories.
Sharon Salzberg
Forgiveness can be bittersweet. It contains the sweetness of the release of a story that has caused us pain, but also the poignant reminder that even our dearest relationships change over the course of a lifetime.
Sharon Salzberg
When we respond to our pain and suffering with love, understanding, and acceptance—for ourselves, as well as others— over time, we can let go of our anger, even when we’ve been hurt to the core. But that doesn’t mean we ever forget.
Sharon Salzberg
We cannot simply forgive and forget, nor should we.
Sharon Salzberg
Real forgiveness in close relationships is never easy. It can’t be rushed or engineered.
Sharon Salzberg
We nurture our sense of connection with the larger whole, noticing that the whole is only as healthy as its smallest part.
Sharon Salzberg
There are all these relationships that are like cookie cutter shapes; identical and repetitive. Then there are all these relationships that aren't even relationships! Just facades for show and tell. But every once and a while, you'll see this bird breaking out of this cage and it's so weird and it's so obscure and you've hardly ever seen it before so you don't even know at first if you should name it Ugly or Beautiful! Relationships, stories of love, that just shatter the walls around the mind. They made it. They broke through. Like Ugly-Beautiful birds bursting forth from rusty cages! And then suddenly you stop and you think to yourself, "Maybe love really is real.
C. JoyBell C.
True love will break you, it devotes to break your beat up, broken heart awaiting to repair and align you to your true purpose.
John Maiorana (oohGiovanni)
We've lost a lot of years, but you can't lose love. Not real love. It stays locked inside you, ready for whenever you are strong enough to find it again.
Martina Boone
The wholesome pursuit of excellence feels quite different from perfectionism.
Sharon Salzberg
The costs of keeping secrets include our growing isolation due to fear of detection and the ways we shut down inside to avoid feeling the effects of our behavior. We can never afford to be truly seen and known—even by ourselves.
Sharon Salzberg
A key barometer to help us weigh the rightness of our actions is self-respect.
Sharon Salzberg
Cultivation of positive emotions, including self-love and self-respect, strengthens our inner resources and opens us to a broader range of thoughts and actions.
Sharon Salzberg
Genuine awe connects us with the world in a new way.
Sharon Salzberg
When we can step back even briefly from our hurt, sorrow, and anger, when we put our faith in the possibility of change, we create the possibility for non-judgmental inquiry that aims for healing rather than victory.
Sharon Salzberg
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