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How many times did we pass each other before we met? If only I’d known…. I would have searched for you endlessly.If only I’d found you before it was already too late.
Ranata Suzuki
When I was with him suddenly I wasn’t this broken person anymore.I was just me.I was whole again.I was just a person – like everyone else.
Ranata Suzuki
With you in my life I felt like I could conquer anything.It was as if I was on top of the world and even the stars themselves were just within my grasp.But without you …. even getting through the day is hard.
Ranata Suzuki
Banyak orang berkata jika rindu itu pahit, aku curiga mereka menyimpan rindu di empedu bukan dihati.
nom de plume
Advising gives a great illusion of superiority
Harrish Sairaman
I need to stop running back to you in my mind all the time.
Ranata Suzuki
I’m an Exquisite Black Queen! I like, love, and celebrate myself. I don’t fit society’s beauty standards, but I’m beautiful to me. I know my worth and I respect who I am as a woman. I’ve got beauty on the inside and that makes me empowered and powerful. I’m fearless and comfortable in my own skin. I’ve got flaws, but I’m still confident! This Queen right here is flawed yet phenomenal, valuable and unique!
Stephanie Lahart
Creativity and intelligence, rather than violence, are the best problem solvers.
Don Roff
Riuscirò anch'io a realizzare i miei sogni? C'è un piccolo burrone tra la realtà e i sogni, il problema è riuscire a oltrepassarlo senza caderci dentro, a volte diventa difficile e si viene risucchiati dal mondo.
Sara Dardikh
I raised you so high that every other man on earth is now doomed to live in your shadow.
Ranata Suzuki
Every quote, every book, every film seemed to suggest that ‘one day’ someone would come into my life and love me with an intensity and a passion I had never experienced before. And to their credit they were right; It all came and went so fast it really did feel as if it were just ‘one day’....
Ranata Suzuki
The reader leaves his mark on the book, as the book leaves its mark on the reader.
Gabrielle Dubois
He looked at me like I was the stars when all I’d ever felt like was the dark nothingness between them.
Ranata Suzuki
It’s the intricate details you miss the most. For me, it’s the soft lines around the eyes when he smiles… Or that look he gave me sometimes that I cannot begin to describe - but I would know it if I saw it again.It was the look that gave him away.I’d know that look anywhere…It used to be my everything.
Ranata Suzuki
Like so many others my story begins with that same old line…. ‘So anyway, there was this guy….’ Until one day…. there wasn’t.And nothing was ever the same after that….
Ranata Suzuki
It suddenly dawns on me that there is a big difference between feeling tired and being weak.
Bonnie-Sue Hitchcock
Though life has fated that we never cross paths again, don’t ever feel alone. For we are parallel …. and I will always be by your side.
Ranata Suzuki
Though it’s reasons to burn may vary... you are always the fuel of my fire.
Ranata Suzuki
It’s difficult for me to imagine the rest of my life without you. But I suppose I don’t have to imagine it... I just have to live it
Ranata Suzuki
I believe in love at first sight…But it’s not the first moment you lay eyes on a person, it’s the moment you first see the person they truly are.
Ranata Suzuki
It’s times like this…. when it’s over a year later and I’m still crying over you that I want to turn to you and say: See…. This is why I asked you never to kiss me.
Ranata Suzuki
My heart’s been empty since you left - but still I refuse to put up a vacancy sign.I’m just not ready for anybody else to move in yet.
Ranata Suzuki
I write what I love.I will not stop – even when my hand hurts….…. because I cannot stop – even though my heart hurts….
Ranata Suzuki
I’d never dreamed anybody could love me the way he did. And even when he proved it to me time and again – I still could hardly believe it was true.
Ranata Suzuki
It’s funny how we say a person ‘made’ us when they actually broke us.Sort of like how I say ‘funny’... but I actually mean sad.
Ranata Suzuki
How I wish I could undo it all … take it all back…All those years I spent unhappy with him …. when I should have been looking for you.
Ranata Suzuki
In a way, it was the same as any normal break up. You took what was yours …. and I kept what I’d had from before we were together…You took my heart …. and I had nothing…
Ranata Suzuki
I still remember that feeling of walking somewhere confidently, seeing him mid stride and putting my foot down just fine… but feeling like I stumbled.
Ranata Suzuki
El ser humano ha sido siempre un asesino muy superior al resto de criaturas".
Dmitry Glukhovsky
The world is a better place when you smile.
Nicholas Sparks
Work hard but work smart.
Chris Mentillo
Leadership is not always about your power, it's all about your ability to empower, encourage, and elevate others
Farshad Asl
Non so per quale motivo, ma con lui mi escono dalla bocca tutti i pensieri che tengo rinchiusi nel mio cervello.
Sara Dardikh
Ha dato tutto per scontato, ha dato per scontato che fossero solo parole dette a caso senza fare lo sforzo di ascoltare e capire. Le parole non sono solo lettere, le parole fanno male e rendono felici allo stesso tempo.
Sara Dardikh
Sono dovuta annegare migliaia di volte prima di risalire in superficie.
Sara Dardikh
Dite all’Angelo che veglierà sulla vostra vita, Morrel, di pregare qualche volta per un uomo che, simile a Satana, per un momento si è creduto simile a Dio e ha riconosciuto, con tutta l’umiltà di un cristiano, che nelle mani di Dio soltanto sta il supremo potere e la infinita sapienza
Alexandre Dumas
Amo stare da sola : io, i miei libri e i miei pennelli, lontana dal resto della gente che trovo sempre inutile.
Sara Dardikh
L'essere notata non mi va a genio, questo mi pare chiaro.
Sara Dardikh
Parfois, écrire se rapproche de la chute libre : vos doigts s'agitent sur le clavier comme vos jambes dans le vide.
Rainbow Rowell
Love is not blind, lovers can see what others cannot see.
He knows her like man knows earth, touching the surface but unaware of her depth.
Piper Payne
Lui continua a scusarsi e a elencarmi la sua lista di problemi, senza rendersi conto che il vero problema non sono la scuola o gli amici o chissà. Il problema sono i ricordi. Nessuno di noi due parla di lei da anni ormai, perché fa sempre male ricordare. Ma io mi domando : fa più male ricordare o fingere di non ricordare?
Sara Dardikh
Avete mai amato così intensamente, spontaneamente, meravigliosamente da non poter conoscere altro amore? Da trasformare quell'amore in un amletico tormento? Da restare avvinghiati a una promessa per l'eternità?
Vanessa Vescera
La promessa diventa un dolce pensiero che allevia la distanza e supera il tempo, poi un ricordo che si perde lento ma conserva il sogno, poi la rinuncia per paura che non sia altro che un sogno. Ma quando ami, quando ami davvero, basta un momento, uno sguardo, fosse pure solo un'immagine sbiadita tra la pioggia, e si riaccende tutto.
Vanessa Vescera
Come potremmo vivere senza un amore e che importanza ha se questo amore sfugge la realtà, sembra solo un'idea impossibile alla quale ci aggrappiamo con le unghie e con i denti e teniamo viva con la forza del pensiero?
Vanessa Vescera
Io mi sono sempre lasciata attraversare dalle emozioni, investire con rabbiosa furia, ferirmi nella tormentosa lotta alla sopravvivenza.
Vanessa Vescera
Nel profondo avrei tanto voluto tagliare il filo che mi teneva avvinta ai miei tredici anni, reciderlo dalla radice, ma questa quercia millenaria aveva affondato le sue innumerevoli ramificazioni intorno all'anima e stringeva così forte, da inchiodarmi al terreno dei ricordi.
Vanessa Vescera
After earning a degree in Marketing at Auburn University, I spent the next five years in the business world, which is a polite way of saying that I had eleven jobs in a five-year period, including door to door sales, skip tracing people who didn’t want to be found, repossessing cars and collecting on defaulted student loans. During this five-year period, I did an in-depth study of abnormal psychology and sociopathic behavior – and then I divorced him.
C Mack Lewis
Lui mi dava e mi toglieva e volevo supplicarlo di smetterla.
Vanessa Vescera
Non c'era bisogno di parole, c'era bisogno di abbracci sinceri.
Vanessa Vescera
I sentimenti si imprimono nei luoghi dove li abbiamo vissuti.
Vanessa Vescera
Aveva l'animo della scrittrice pazza con tutti i suoi sbalzi d'umore, le sue insicurezze.
Vanessa Vescera
Non sapevo controllare i sentimenti, li sentivo sempre troppo prepotenti e forti e mi ferivano.
Vanessa Vescera
Go to bed! Someone is anxious to come into your dream.
Ljupka Cvetanova
We all live in suspense, from day to day, from hour to hour; in other words, we are the hero of our own story.
Mary McCarthy
We may not stay quick, If we are weak or sage, but a lot can squeak As we start to age.
Ana Claudia Antunes
Avrei voluto entrargli nei pensieri, scivolare lenta sotto i suoi silenzi e perdermi nel suo mondo.
Vanessa Vescera
When once a certain class of people has been placed by the temporal and spiritual authorities outside the ranks of those whose life has value, then nothing comes more naturally to men than murder.—SIMONE WEIL
Ann McElhinney
The truth will set you free.
Gary L. Stewart
The prosecutors squarely confronted the grisly results of abortion. And they discovered that nobody really wanted to talk about it. In fact, they learned first hand how blinkered the medical profession could be when it came to abortion. Among the unpleasant surprises they encountered early on in the investigation was the nearly universal unwillingness of doctors to help them. Hardly anyone wanted to talk. A few were sympathetic but balked at testifying. Many more weren’t so kind. Medical professionals didn’t want to contribute to any official proceeding that might shine a negative light on abortion. The prosecutors were encountering the same reluctance to speak up and do the morally and ethically right thing that had allowed Gosnell to continue killing for years.
Ann McElhinney
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