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I am against all kinds of oppression. Poverty, Sexism, racism, terrorism, classicism, imperialism, heterosexism, Cisgenderism, colorism, Ableism, and Nativism. Because it hinder human progression.
Henry Johnson Jr
HATRED is generally a product of fear, love is a unique product of creation. Communication and clearer thinking breaks down in fear. The attraction of "WISDOM"create the understanding and love of HUMANITY.
Henry Johnson Jr
Entrepreneur, if your're going to start up, make sure you start up with excellence in mind.
Onyi Anyado
Really think about what you want your eulogy to say about you, then live THAT.
Tanya Masse
No one will help you when you are left with problems. so plan how to face the crucial situations alone. God doesn't give a problem which you cant solve.
Mohd Riyaz Ali
Liberia got Petroleum (Oil): The problem of development lies in good leadership and great communication. Some of our leaders want to turn the country's oil company into the Gaddafi regime of Libya that they could rule Liberia and their sons and grand kids can also rule as well. It's a form of oppression. The Liberian people want a leader, not an oppressor or an installed puppet. Someone who will put the country and its peoples' interest first. Not a corrupt politician who's out to rip the country apart, in the name of enriching their families.
Henry Johnson Jr
Moments are best when everyone can take a moment to remember to be grateful for their life and those who cherish theirs. It ought not to take a tragedy to awaken someone to truly value what he/she has and the people who have always been there to bring comfort every day.
Steven Cuoco
Nothing in the world matters if you don't matter.
Steven Cuoco
Crafting something unique and logical requires trust and mutual collaboration.
Steven Cuoco
you'll never see my books on Vanity Fair I'm not the type of author they would want there
Stanley Victor Paskavich
Sometimes it took death for me to see life, don't live with regrets keep your head high. In a world filled with beauty I don't want to blink twice; soak up every moment because you can't stop time.
Puerto Rican Princess
When your defenses are down, it's alarming and beautiful - all that strength contained in a glass jar of innocence." He swallowed. "I've loved you since the moment you realized the astronomical odds of us meeting like that, because in that brief second, I watched you suddenly open your heart to the possibility of something magical happening - something unexpected.
Lynda Meyers
Be who your are, do not be what people want you to be
Kamaran Ihsan Salih
Life consists on lightness and darkness, when you reached to lightness, prepare your tools for darkness
Kamaran Ihsan Salih
Life is like Mother Nature - unpredictable. Friends /relatives who promise to help, will avoid you when you need them. Then, you struggle to get through and suddenly, some stranger walks in offering you the help you needed. The hope, the betrayal and the miracle...all are just part of our life...
Sandhya Jane
In a world of insanity, nothing is sacred. It's an insane world, nothing is sacred.
Deb Caletti
Ther is nothing called a great quote, rather the one which makes your heart to take a dip in river Ganges.
Srikanth Kosuru
Something ought to be said for those who see beyond what most cannot, and this most precious opportunity happens the moment when ones personal value begins blossoming its perfect absolute.
Steven Cuoco
The bible is so simple you have to have someone else help you misunderstand it..
Harmon Okinyo
Without courageous action, Hope is a Universal liar.
Sahithi Setikam
They came and they went; they ached and pained. They laughed privately and cried to themselves as if heeding a way- off silent call. They were forever childish, sweet and convulsive. They heard sound the way dog heard sound. They were like the moon- they changed every eight days.
Robert Olmstead
Different people become different people when they meet different people.
Timothy Joshua
Our heads are full of comparisons, needs for approval and attention, a desire to be at other places, imagining things could be better there and thus hating our reality.We are the only ones to blame for our own suffering.We hurt ourselves every time we think of how other people should behave according to our standards and then suffer when they appear to be individuals; every time we open a book with so many expectations about it from what we’ve heard and hoped it to be, and then close it in disappointment, realizing it’s something totally different (maybe beautiful, inspiring and challenging, but nothing that met our expectations).
Lidiya K.
Even in the broken state, my mind find waysto connect with you.
Anjum Choudhary
You can’t be beaten by something you laugh at.
Jonathan Harnisch
it is important to reignite our compassion for others because without it we will be lost in the sea of suffering
Radhe Maa
Respect those elder to you in years, in knowledge and spiritual attainment and act with love and compassion with those who are younger or less fortunate than you.
Radhe Maa
The secret of true happiness lies within unwavering devotion to God
Radhe Maa
By practicing compassion and forgiveness, one can control hatred.
Radhe Maa
Money comes to those who act intelligently, and God to those who hunger for his grace
Radhe Maa
Spiritual knowledge is fruitful only when it is applied
Radhe Maa
Saints love all beings. They love even those who attempt to harm them.
Radhe Maa
Do not desire a long life or an early death
Radhe Maa
Hatred can be cured by love.
Radhe Maa
We exist to serve the Lord
Radhe Maa
If you wish to enjoy a position, find ways of being useful, hard working and cooperative with the people whose favour has given you the position
Radhe Maa
Live a virtuous life, help everyone and spread joy wherever you go.
Radhe Maa
Spiritual growth is the only real growth
Radhe Maa
Love is God, and the one that believes in love, believes in God.
Radhe Maa
If you won't improve yourself, who will?
Radhe Maa
Don't wait for the right conditions. All you need for your growth is available to you in this moment
Radhe Maa
Plough your fields, cast your seeds, the rains will come when they please.
Radhe Maa
Love is the process of melting into the other
Radhe Maa
Sometime excess pain that we experience may be best reason for birth of our talent and sometime our excess talent may be best reason for our pain. Think about it.
Rajendra Ojha
He was her reason for existence,She was his ultimate risk.
Anjum Choudhary
There were plenty of fishes in the pond,yet i fell in love with a crocodile.
Anjum Choudhary
Love left us long back,we just got better.You at pretending,Me at hiding.
Anjum Choudhary
My mind gets stronger everyday,my heart gets weaker with time.
Anjum Choudhary
I think i should get love inked on my skin.Maybe that's the only way i am destined to keep it.
Anjum Choudhary
Don't focus on the words i write,pay attention to the ones i don't.These lines won't tell you much about me,try to read in between these lines.
Anjum Choudhary
Words fail to describewhat i feel anymore.Let me be numb for a while,let me be sore.
Anjum Choudhary
The taste of death cannot comes from the recipy of cowerdness.
What might be considered loyalty in onesociety might not necessarily be the same for another.
Gloria D. Gonsalves
You will experience a lot of imaginings as usually is for humans although we tend to pretend that all our thoughts are septic and moral. Feelcomfortable with your thoughts. Trust me dear child, no human is spared from wild thoughts and you too will have them. Nothing should limit you my child. But the minute you decide to speak out your thinking or live them, you should be ready for the consequences too.
Gloria D. Gonsalves
The best thing about this journey is I know I have it in me to keep going. Battle-tested, you know? Now, my heart laughs at the word 'quit'.
Ace Antonio Hall
That man who is without religion and mercy should be rejected. A guru without spiritual knowledge should be rejected. The wife with an offensive face should be given up and so should relatives who are without affection.
Be the greatest of who you were meant to be. Life goes on ferociously-with or without you. It is your choice. Truly and magnificently your choice.
Carew Papritz
We spend the first half of our lives making ourselves sick, and the second half of our lives trying to make ourselves un-sick.” – Kevin W. Reese
Kevin W. Reese
Believing is seeing" is much more effective for me than the old notion that seeing is believing.
Harmon Okinyo
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