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Broken boys are dangerous, but broken men are lovely.
Dominic Riccitello
I don’t want safety or guarantees—I want a life worth living.I want to jump off a skyscraperAnd fashion a parachute on the way downOut of my fears and trepidationsBecause sometimes survivalIsn’t the most important thingAnd survivingIsn’t the same as living.
Justin Wetch
With determination and hard work, you will grow to a position capable of advising others.
Mohith Agadi
Men can go to hell! I’ll meet them there.
Ljupka Cvetanova
You can't feel the essence of Happiness unless you overcome your Sadness.
Mohith Agadi
In politics no permanent friends, no permanent enemies but permanent interest.
Patience Johnson
She was crushed by society like a mosquito fending for its unborn young
Owen Jones
Mee and Ow sat in the shade of a mango tree and were doing their make-up. Both of them wore gloves that reached all the way up to their elbows, to keep the tropical sun off their skins. They looked briefly at Maier, with the curiosity usually reserved for a passing dog. It was too early for professional enthusiasm.
Tom Vater
He dusted off the shoulder tab and stared at it, so light in his hand, so inconsequential. It was hard to believe that a shred of cloth could have so much destructive power locked away in it.
Mark Mills
Sometimes you want to remember. And sometimes you need to forget.
Lisa Schroeder
Because I know what I feel in here. And I'm not the type of person to run from anything, no matter how hard it is. I'd rather face-plant against a brick wall than live for the rest of my life wondering what could've been. And you know what? I didn't think you were that type to run, either. Maybe I was wrong.
Jennifer L. Armentrout
Morning tide makes a great companion when you don't want to be around people. It soothes and comforts and doesn't ask for anything.
Anna Banks
You should holistically build yourself to be the best you. The evidence of your glorious life should be an inspiration to many . You create your world yourself in your own positive way. You are stronger than ever and bolder than you think. Brave the odds and initiate new imprints for all to aspire and follow your footprints.
Ifeanyi Enoch Onuoha
A life without memory is no life at all
Luis Buñuel
Time is a watchful adversary, who waits enduringly for that merciless hour, hurrying to work the hands of separation.
Kelly Vang
We both know dad was my parental trash can, the fatherly receptacle on whom I dumped my emotions.
Anna Banks
Fate's got a fucking sick sense of humor. Fate is a shape-shifter. It's the kindest and most generous entity imaginable, laying out more goodness than a person deserves, and then it shrinks and curls and forms into something grotesque. You think its one thing, but then its another.
Deb Caletti
An opportunity, no matter how small it is, is still worth a golden chance. So take it or have regrets for the rest of your life.
Francisca Olivia
We need space to be productive, we need places to go to be free.
Laure Lacornette
I felt awful as I drove away to live with Melody in Barnet. I stayed with her for six months before I moved in with Jane. Looking back now, I was a coward for allowing the situation to go on for so long, but I wanted to keep everybody happy. Strangely, after I left I started seeing more of the kids than I had before. My friends thought that Amy didn’t seem much affected by the divorce, and when I asked her if she wanted to talk about it, she said, ‘You’re still my dad and Mum’s still my mum. What’s to talk about?
Mitch Winehouse
To be a highflier and a name to conjure with, you must decide your dimension, plan your path, master the moment, focus on the future, determine your degree, push your persistence and leadyour life.
Ifeanyi Enoch Onuoha
If you want to know the truth,” he says, leaning forward like he’s getting ready to tell a really good story, “it has to do with Kelsey. And the biggest lie of all.”And that’s when I realize the thing about the truth. It always comes out, no matter what you do.
Lauren Barnholdt
Take the time to plant seeds even if you're unsure if they'll grow; who knows, maybe all it takes is for someone else to come along and water it.
Kai Mann
You don't know shits I through in my life. You don't know how many times I've fucked. You don't know me.
Francisca Olivia
Be careful what you tell me. You could end up in my next novel.
P.C. Zick
Being innovative is to allow yourself to expose your mind to something great that has potential to change lives and the world positively and you take action on it.
Ifeanyi Enoch Onuoha
Ah, yeah. Yeah, tis awful all right. Well, your Mam wanted me to talk to you about it, but…’He stopped; he didn’t know what else to say.‘Yeah? Ah, I know the score, Dad. She wants me to be careful, is it?’‘Ah, no. Well, yeah; there’s that, of course. No, she wanted… well, if you’d any questions, youknow?’ I wasn’t sure if he wanted me to say yes, or if he just wanted me to say no, and save himhaving to be awkward. He looked lost. I felt like I wanted to save him‘No, I’ve no questions, Dad. It’s all right, shur.’ He looked at me then. His eyes went wet, likehe was going to start bawling. If we were in a film, he might have hugged me. But we were inLimerick, so he just said:‘Well, so,’ and put his one glove back on.From The Boys of Summer
Ciarán West
The seasons are colliding together, storms are destroying lives, and love is a dangerous curse.-The Vangeretta Curse
Christina Mobley
This time he was underwater, running, feet sinking deeper and deeper into the seabed. The surface was within reach if he raised his arms, but he couldn’t get his head out of the water. He had to breathe. The compulsion to inhale was huge. But he couldn’t, musn’t. Still he ran, getting nowhere, each frantic step burying his feet in the wet sand until he was no longer able to lift them. Finally, with one great gulp, he opened his mouth, his lungs to the flood of seawater.
Martyn Bedford
You don't wait for your dreams to happen, you MAKE them happen.
Kendall Schmidt
No matter what it is that you want to do, you should dream as big as you can and go for it. Don't let anyone tell you that it can't be done because that's the worst advice. Do whatever you want to do and hard work will make it pay off.
Logan Henderson
We'd do anything our our fans
Logan Henderson
Without ambition, no goal can be met.
Kya Aliana
t was once famously said that it is as well that wars are so ruinously expensive, else we would never stop fighting them. However well said, it seems also to be endlessly forgotten that, while there may be just wars and unjust wars, there are never any cheap wars.
Paul Hoffman
I wish life were a fiction novel. Then everyone would have to do what I say.
Michelle M. Pillow
Preserve your own mystery. We live in an age of social media and what seems like extreme sharing of personal details. I would beg to differ that these revelations are not honest truths but more self-branding. Whatever the case, save a little bit, or a lot, for yourself. If you run around naked all the time, when the storm hits, you’ll have no raincoat.
Susan Kirschbaum
They want to control humankind through what they call selective breeding. The Nazis started it, but now the nwo are continuing it. See, the only way to control population is to first get it back down to manageable size. They're culling the herd, same way the game commission does when deer population gets out of control. That's why we've got diseases like cancer and aids. You telling me that we can put a little goddamn skateboard-looking robot on Mars and have it send pictures back, but we can't find a cure for cancer? There's a cure. You can bet on that, boys. There's a goddamn cure. They just won't release it because cancer helps cut down the population.
Brian Keene
I would make a HORRIBLE outlaw. I can plan the crime perfectly, but I'd also need to plan the outcomes to make it work.
Michelle M. Pillow
Confession: I don't want to be one of my characters. I'm mean to them sometimes. Really mean.
Michelle M. Pillow
Be careful what you wish for cause you just might get it.
Nicole Scherzinger
Any society that produces twice as many lawyers as it does poets and preachers is doomed.
John Fogarty
It is not against reason, said the Englishman, to prefer the destruction of the world to a scratch on your finger – how much easier to understand the same price for the gash in your soul.
Paul Hoffman
Sully's, on South Prospect, was the quintessential biker-bar, complete with hefty, leather-clad Harley worshippers, and stringy-haired heroin-addicted women who made the rounds among the bikers. Its décor was decidedly Medieval Garage Sale, with a dose of Americana thrown in. An old motorcycle carcass dangled from the vaulted section of the beamed ceiling, and the wood plank floors were littered with butts, scarred by bottle caps and splattered with homogenized bodily fluids. The only light to be had was from neon, dying sconces, and lit cigarettes. Various medieval swords perched on each wall, reminiscent of the times of Beowulf and Fire Dragons on the Barrow.
Kelli Jae Baeli
There was balance, harsh and violent like the noxious air in a swamp. But balance, nonetheless. Then somewhere in the fickle mists of creation came humanity, clawing and afraid, grasping and ambitious. Enveloped in a dangerous world, these creatures lived as scavengers; afraid of the greater things of the world. They were beset by disease, lack of claws or fangs, and the lack of habitat to call their own. Lefeyhdie had not provided any particular prey or plant for them to eat. These fleshy, naked beings were doomed to die of attrition. Curiously, these beings never stopped Doing, or Thinking. Breeding to strengthen their numbers. Sharpening rocks, shaping wood, gathering leaves and sticks for clothing and shelter. Eventually they had settlements of great number, crude but effective tools of war. Ancient forces began to pay attention to the growing incursion, plaguing them, slaying stragglers at night. But still the humans held on to the edge of the precipice, knuckles white with effort'.
T.P. Grish
Bah, he still saw the same stupidity. The image of the hanged man in the farming community of Yondern flashed through his mind. Now there was a war brewing between the Steelwielders and some foreign religion. More mindless loss over beliefs and mythology. But.. he could not deny the noble features in his companions. Although Perfidian was too blithe and Elaina too didactic, they had risked their life to do what was right. He did owe them his life. He could not deny the nobility he saw in many different people, bits and pieces of nobility that shined through under pressure. The guards who risked their lives to protect the villagers, Markham who flew at the dangerous dwarf, swords flashing; even an Eruthian merchant who stopped in his journey to share tales with complete strangers'.
T.P. Grish
Do what makes you happy, and don't care what others think.
Demi Lovato
You will find the way, daughter of the forest. Through grief and pain, through many trials, through betrayal and loss, your feet will walk a straight path.
Juliet Marillier
It isn't sacrifice if you love what you're doing.
Mia Hamm
Funny how a little sleep, a little makeup, and a lot of contemplating can make you feel like a different person - a stronger version of yourself.
Anna Banks
Create something. Create something ugly. Create something beautiful. I don't care what it is. Create it.
Jill Telford
Nothing is Impossible. The word "impossible" itself reads "I'm Possible"!
Mayowa Ajisafe
Hire new field systems maintainer" was near the top of my to-do list, right under "uncover massive political conspiracy," "avenge Buffy's death," and "don't die.
Mira Grant
When the Universe is taken into account, nothing is impossible.
Massimo Marino
So what do you think?’ He asked, holding up the book.‘I think Salinger is a closet paedophile,’ I replied placidly and was surprised and comforted by this minuscule, acidic, bitter Sylvia Plath like mocking, sniping tone that had crept into my voice. ‘The main character Seymour is a fully grown man and a pervert who befriends young girls with his storytelling and swimming, just to get close enough to groom them in preparation for the inevitable sexual assault he lusts after. You might have noticed for example in A Perfect Day For Bananafish he grabs the young girls-’‘Sybil.’‘He grabs Sybil’s ankles while lying on the beach and again when he pushes her in the water,’ I continued. ‘He goes too far when he kisses the bottom of her foot which makes even a four-year-old yell out in fear, knowing a line had been crossed. Frustrated Seymour walks away and goes back to his hotel where he kills himself in shame.
J.D. Gallagher
I know what ails you.
Tom Lucas
Daniel 12:3 "...and those who turn the many to righteousness will shine the stars forever.
Craig W. Dressler
Who will guard us against the guardians?
Susan Ee
I want to go to sleep and not wake up, but I don’t want to die.
Laurie Halse Anderson
People change. I mean you barely know who you are when you enter, and you spend that time figuring out what you want from life, and who you want in it. The next thing you know, the people you always thought would be there, aren't. A nd the person you thought you could trust with everything, isn't the person you ever knew at all.
Rebecca Donovan
Full many a flower is born to blush unseen and waste its sweetness on the desert air.
Paul Hoffman
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