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Flip a coin. Life or death. Heads or tails. You never know.
Laurie Nadel
If there’s a takeaway from working here, it’s an understand that, as bioorganisms, we are a walking time bomb programed for cellular self-destruction. Not if, when.
Laurie Nadel
Lucid dreams often feel like this—as if you are observing yourself from a point over your shoulders-arm flexed, hands curving around the boom, breathing, in three dimensional silence.
Laurie Nadel
There are two kinds of special events: planned and unplanned.
Laurie Nadel
Inside, my spirit is sparkling like foam on the crest of a wave at high tide under a full moon.
Laurie Nadel
Swirling around my ears, the wind and I whooping at the sea, picking up speed, breathing it all in. An act of loving life.
Laurie Nadel
Soul-to-soul contact sweeps through, like a tsunami, leaving in its wake just this: unconditional surrender and overwhelming gentleness.
Laurie Nadel
Of all the things I wish for her, above all, I want her to know and love the sea.
Laurie Nadel
The feeling of freedom and scent of sea air are intoxicating. As the wind picks up, I gain speed, holding on to life with a capital L
Laurie Nadel
A wide-angle view of sails sparkling white against a cobalt sky as light dances, silver on the water. Like art, it soothes the edge, allowing you to see something simple from a different perspective.
Laurie Nadel
I took up windsurfing to explore my own courage.
Laurie Nadel
If you didn’t fall down, you would never have learned how to pick yourself up.
Laurie Nadel
Every misfortune is a blessing in disguise.
Laurie Nadel
My former identity was lying around, somewhere, fragmented and buried, like shards from an earlier civilization.
Laurie Nadel
Unraveling life lessons from just the past few years would take many more years. Lessons unlearned would pass with me, when I went through that door, to be completed in some future lifetime.
Laurie Nadel
The human psyche is a self-correcting mechanism.
Laurie Nadel
Like Salvador Dali’s paintings of watches melting in the sand, time wanders at its own curious pace whenever you’re on vacation in a foreign country.
Laurie Nadel
Find a way to learn something from every disappointment.
Laurie Nadel
Barely halfway back, exhaustion sets in. What if I don’t make it? An edge of panic gets intercepted by a calmer inner voice: Look behind you.
Laurie Nadel
Sometimes the ultimate act of self-compassion is turning off your phone and looking someone in the eye.
Amy Leigh Mercree
Slowing down your thoughts on a regular basis is the path to consistent peace of mind.
Amy Leigh Mercree
Relax your heart and let go into the infinite ocean of love within you.
Amy Leigh Mercree
The love you share with yourself pays immediate and lifelong dividends of peace.
Amy Leigh Mercree
Speak to yourself with compassion on the inside and you will radiate peace on the outside.
Amy Leigh Mercree
Peak performance happens when we feel loved and supported from within.
Amy Leigh Mercree
Practice self-compassion and experience the priceless feeling of emotional safety.
Amy Leigh Mercree
Defeat the demons of self-doubt and self-loathing by being your own hero/heroine of self-compassion.
Amy Leigh Mercree
Talk to yourself like a cherished friend. Treat yourself with love and care. You are perfect, just as you are.
Amy Leigh Mercree
Your inner critic is simply a part of you that needs more self-love.
Amy Leigh Mercree
If you knew today was your last day here, how would you share your love with the world?
Amy Leigh Mercree
Seeking external validation brings disappointment. Validate yourself from within to find true happiness.
Amy Leigh Mercree
Find the light within you through meditation and introspection, and you will illuminate your life from within.
Amy Leigh Mercree
I allow the deities of compassion to fill me with light for the highest good.
Amy Leigh Mercree
Make every picture a #loveselfie and fill every moment with soul.
Amy Leigh Mercree
Let go of rejections and focus on self-reflection. For it is within that you will find the light you seek.
Amy Leigh Mercree
Forgiveness happens every time we surrender our attachment to pain.
Amy Leigh Mercree
You are a dynamo, and every day offers a choice to create a life you love.
Amy Leigh Mercree
Live to give and be rich of heart and laughter.
Amy Leigh Mercree
Compassion is given freely with no expectation of reward.
Amy Leigh Mercree
Start a compassion movement in your community by being a living example of kindness.
Amy Leigh Mercree
The beauty of compassion is free, and everyone is welcome to it.
Amy Leigh Mercree
Being compassionate can be an exciting exercise of embracing life if you let it be.
Amy Leigh Mercree
You have the power to choose compassion in each moment.
Amy Leigh Mercree
Find the soul and love in every situation you encounter and find true happiness.
Amy Leigh Mercree
Everything you do matters. Every time you share and care, the light multiplies.
Amy Leigh Mercree
Remember, that username is a real person. Choose to spread the love online.
Amy Leigh Mercree
Choosing to unconditionally love others is a path to deep joy.
Amy Leigh Mercree
Kindness alchemizes the soul, and a sweeter, richer life is the delicious result.
Amy Leigh Mercree
Compassion is the magic ingredient to an amazing life.
Amy Leigh Mercree
I let myself play in an unbounded world of creations on the glorious written page whenever I desire.
Amy Leigh Mercree
Imagination is the dynamic catalyst for every breakthrough.
Amy Leigh Mercree
I live love. I am made of infinite love. I choose love in each moment.
Amy Leigh Mercree
Life is a collection of experiences. Stockpile those wrought with love like the treasures they are.
Amy Leigh Mercree
I recognize my gifts and optimize them. I accept my total being and honor all parts of myself.
Amy Leigh Mercree
When you consciously choose to do what you love, life becomes a pleasure and ceases to be a chore.
Amy Leigh Mercree
I choose to love more and more every day.
Amy Leigh Mercree
Emotional safety is feeling internally secure and confident in your life.
Amy Leigh Mercree
My spirit is joyful, and I love my higher self. I am my higher self.
Amy Leigh Mercree
Your true self is a boundless spiritual being. You are spirit in body.
Amy Leigh Mercree
I connect with the world of flora and experience the bliss of that connection!
Amy Leigh Mercree
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