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Prayer is the soul's sincere desire.
James Montgomery
Prayer is not eloquence but earnestness not the definition of helplessness but the feeling of it not figures of speech but earnestness of soul.
Hannah More
Prayer is something deeper than words. It is present in the soul before it has been formulated in words. And it abides in the soul after the last words of prayer have passed over our lips.
O. Hallesby
If we rely on the Holy Spirit we shall find that our prayers become more and more inarticulate and when they are inarticulate reverence grows deeper and deeper.
Oswald Chambers
God prefers bad verses recited with a pure heart to the finest verses chanted by the wicked.
We cannot all argue but we can all pray we cannot all be leaders but we can all be pleaders we cannot all be mighty in rhetoric but we can all be prevalent in prayer.
Charles Haddon Spurgeon
The best prayers have often more groans than words.
John Bunyan
In prayer it is better to have a heart without words than words without a heart.
John Bunyan
We ought to act with God in the greatest simplicity speak to Him frankly and plainly and implore His assistance in our affairs.
Brother Lawrence
Prayer is not artful monologue Of voice uplifted from the son It is Love's tender dialogue Between the soul and God.
John Richard Moreland
They tell about a fifteen-year-old boy in an orphans' home who had an incurable stutter. One Sunday the minister was detained and the boy volunteered to say the prayer in his stead. He did it perfectly too without a single stutter. Later he explained "I don't stutter when I talk to God. He loves me."
Bennett Cerf
Our groanings which cannot be uttered rise to Him and tell Him better than words how dependent we are upon Him.
O. Hallesby
When prayer is a struggle do not worry about the prayers that you cannot pray. You yourself are a prayer to God at that moment. All that is within you cries out to Him. And He hears all the pleas that your suffering soul and body are making to Him with groanings which cannot be uttered.
O. Hallesby
God can pick sense out of a confused prayer.
Richard Sibbes
Prayer requires more of the heart than of the tongue.
Adam Clarke
Prayer is a fine delicate instrument. To use it right is a great art a holy art. There is perhaps no greater art than the art of prayer. Yet the least gifted the uneducated and the poor can cultivate the holy art of prayer.
O. Hallesby
It is not well for a man to pray cream and live skim milk.
Henry Ward Beecher
He offered a prayer so deeply devout that he seemed kneeling and praying at the bottom of the sea.
Herman Melville
Prayer is a serious thing. We may be taken at our words.
Dwight L. Moody
Prayer at its best is the expression of the total life for all things else being equal our prayers are only as powerful as our lives
A.W. Tozer
And help us this and every day to live more nearly as we pray.
John Keble
My words fly up my thoughts remain below Words without thoughts never to heaven go.
William Shakespeare
She heard the snuffle of hypocrisy in her prayer. She had to cease to pray.
George Meredith
None can pray well but he that lives well.
Thomas Fuller
Straight praying is never born of crooked conduct.
A wicked man in prayer may lift up his hands but he cannot lift up his face.
Thomas Watson
He who prays as he ought will endeavor to live as he prays.
John Owen
It is good for us to keep some account of our prayers that we may not unsay them in our practice.
Matthew Henry
Praying which does not result in pure conduct is a delusion. We have missed the whole office and virtue of praying if it does not rectify conduct. It is in the very nature of things that we must quit praying or quit bad conduct.
Our praying to be strong must be buttressed by holy living. The life of faith perfects the prayer of faith.
Search me O God and know my heart: try me and know my thoughts: and see if there be any wicked way in me.
When our will wholeheartedly enters into the prayer of Christ then we pray correctly.
Dietrich Bonhoeffer
We cannot talk to God strongly when we have not lived for God strongly. The closet cannot be made holy to God when the life has not been holy to God.
If we would have God in the closet God must have us out of the closet. There is no way of praying to God but by living to God.
Men would pray better if they lived better. They would get more from God if they lived more obedient and well-pleasing to God.
Sincerity is the prime requisite in every approach to the God who ... hates all hypocrisy falsehood and deceit.
Geoffrey B. Wilson
The Lord's Prayer may be committed to memory quickly but it is slowly learnt by heart.
Frederick Denison Maurice
God hears no more than the heart speaks and if the heart be dumb God will certainly be dumb.
Thomas B. Brooks
Deep down in me I knowed it was a lie and He knowed it. You can't pray a lie-I found that out.
Mark Twain
Prayers not felt by us are seldom heard by God.
Philip Henry
Many pray with their lips for that for which their hearts have no desire.
Jonathan Edwards
God may turn his ears from prattling prayers or preaching prayers but never from penitent believing prayers.
William S. Plumer
Two went to pray? Better to say one went to brag the other to pray.
Richard Crashaw
I pray like a robber asking alms at the door of a farmhouse to which he is ready to set fire.
Léon Bloy
God's ear lies close to the believer's lip.
Heaven is never deaf but when man's heart is dumb.
Francis Quarles
Do not pray by heart but with the heart.
Our prayers must mean something to us if they are to mean anything to God.
Maltbie D. Babcock
Our prayers must spring from the indigenous soil of our own personal confrontation with the Spirit of God in our lives.
Malcolm Boyd
God eagerly awaits the chance to bless the person whose heart is turned toward Him.
We must lay before him what is in us not what ought to be in us.
C.S. Lewis
In prayer the lips ne'er act the winning part without the sweet concurrence of the heart.
Robert Herrick
The cry of a young raven is nothing but the natural cry of a creature but your cry if it be sincere is the result of a work of grace in your heart.
Charles Haddon Spurgeon
Every time you pray if your prayer is sincere there will be new feeling and new meaning in it which will give you fresh courage and you will understand that prayer is an education.
Fyodor Dostoyevsky
When you pray rather let your heart be without words than your words without heart.
John Bunyan
Trouble and perplexity drive me to prayer and prayer drives away perplexity and trouble.
Philipp Melanchthon
God listens to our weeping when the occasion itself is beyond our knowledge but still within His love and power.
Daniel A. Poling
Trouble and prayer are closely related. . . . Trouble often drives men to God in prayer while prayer is but the voice of men in trouble.
An agnostic found himself in trouble and a friend suggested he pray. "How can I pray when I do not know whether or not there is a God?" he asked. "If you are lost in the forest " his friend replied "you do not wait until you find someone before shouting for help."
Dan Plies
Many people pray as if God were a big aspirin pill they come only when they hurt.
B. Graham Dienert
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