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I never asked anything of him, yet he gave me everything. he did not run...
Alfa H
It was no mere accident you were sent to me, perfect synchronicity. Familiar souls wrapped in skin, brought together through time again.
Melody Lee
She wasn't chaos. She was more of a slow burn that caught in your heart... and then you had no choice but to engulf her all at once. She was home.
Alfa H
When the world is too much, create your own. I do it every day.
Melody Lee
I want your naked soul or nothing at all.
Melody Lee
Off the Santorini cliff on a dark, starless night, I tossed a message in a bottle and love found me washed up on the black lava sand of the Aegean shore. As with my previous loves, volcanic in nature. Almost destructive before it started.
Melody Lee
All he did was breathe life into my soul. I was a conquest. An easy one, and you don't know how badly it hurts to know that I was used and tried for a time. Then thrown back.
Alfa H
Our spirits are connected honey. Wrapped in firsts of gnarled heartache. But I promise not to let go if you don't.
Alfa H
I always wanted you close. Never more than a heartbeat away. I used to think I wanted you most when I was at my weakest, and relying on your strength. But the truth is, even on the days I raged like a lion, and had no need of a 'pat on the back' - I still found myself wanting to lean on you.
Alfa H
Tell me about the love you've lost. Maybe my story won't seem so horrifying.
Alfa H
It may happen once or perhaps several times during your lifetime, but you'll meet a 'soulmate'. The bond will be instantaneous. They'll be a perfect fit for the empty indention your heart has for rent, and you'll almost think you 'wished' them into existence. One touch... and every pent-up emotion you have buried, will flood your aching heart. The magic is never more apparent that when you realize each of your souls are a perfect template of each other.
Alfa H
I don't expect you to fight over me... But I do expect you to fight for me... for us.
Alfa H
I'm tired again this morning. Was I sleepwalking in your nightmares again last night?
Alfa H
She's fire. But she won't burn you... she knows all too well, how it feel to live with ashes.
Alfa H
He said he'd never opened up to anyone... But that confiding in me, was like learning to breathe all over again. I don't know about you, but how do you turn away from that?
Alfa H
I wouldn't go back in time to erase you... No. I'd go back just to feel you twice. Then I'd press replay - again and again.
Alfa H
I wanted it to be you. I wanted your eyes to be locked with mine during every fear and tear experienced throughout my lifetime.
Alfa H
If you find yourself still clinging to every feeling you thought was lost forever... Maybe, just maybe, it's the only place you can be found.
Alfa H
I'm not simple. Loving me will never be easy. I bring every travesty that's rocked me- with me, to the table. I won't pretend to be something I'm not, and I don't expect you to be blemish free either. That's much too boring of an existence. A past means you've lived, you've prevailed. My ears are open. My heart is accepting. I want to know how you are. I want to know what made you... and I want to feel free to share the 'not so pretty' parts of me, with you.
Alfa H
The day she realized they were never meant to be, is the day she now calls her - Birthday.
Alfa H
I write about pain so you know you're not alone. I've felt it too. I'm releasing it... in hope that you will too.
Alfa H
I was feeling a bit overwhelmed earlier. Thinking - what if it doesn't work out this time... again. And then I remembered my rebound rate is pretty damn good. It's my super power.
Alfa H
All of the reasons we decided to part, elude me now.
Alfa H
You were nothing more than a daydream that a beautiful heart was bound to fall in love with, and daydreams aren't real and beautiful hearts trust easily, fall fast and crash hard.
Melody Lee
Always the wild child, conceived in flames, born of fire. Drawn to the forbidden, witch, warlock, burning stones. Her blood is made of moonlight; part dark, part light. Her heart, it's a sword; fiercely loyal and will fight to the death for those whom she loves. You can throw her in the fire, she always returns as a flame: the fervor is her anchor, her safe-haven... her blood.
Melody Lee
If you see her staring into space, probably her mind is in a deep poetic embrace or a story is brewing in her clever little head. This girl is in a trance, it will pass, just let her be until she has completed her beautiful internal dance.
Melody Lee
Lionhearted woman carrying silver swords beneath your skin. Your heart is huge, copious courage you hold within. You fight and never give in when the cause is worthy, brave valiant woman.
Melody Lee
And I find myself asking again and again.... What was it about such a beautiful man, who was able to leave such ugly scars?
Alfa H
I have an attraction to strangeand unusual things.I find them interesting,spellbinding,utterly fascinating.
Melody Lee
She adored fairy tales,yet derived great rewardrewriting them to the melody of her own warrior soul.Her fairytales weren’t made of desperate girlsbeing rescued by handsomespoiled princes.Her stories were made of badass womenteasing monstersand running wild with dragons.
Melody Lee
The moon glistens in her dreamy eyes as she frolics in the dark forest. She’s got wild overgrowing in her bones, and tangles upon tangles of midnight weaving through her long silky hair, this belle of the night.
Melody Lee
Don’t rule out magic in ordinary things.Simply open your heartExpand your mindand believe. Magic is all aroundit can be felt in raindrops touching your cheeksand seen in rainbows after a storm.Falling in love is also a magical thing.
Melody Lee
She’s over the top rebellious,but damn her heart overflowing with insane love.She shakes thing up.Doesn’t play by rules and certainly fitsin nobody’s pretty perfect box.
Melody Lee
You broke meI’m trying to put allthe piecesback togetherThe processis takinglonger than expected.
Melody Lee
Intoxicate me with the beauty and breath of your soul.Leave such imprints on my heart that you come to me in dreams,and I will leave you with eternal light,cherishing you until the end of time through synchronicity, through poetry, through mystery and undeniable energy.
Melody Lee
My hair smells of oceanic windMy eyes are two starfishThe charming, turquoise seais seducing meThe rhythms of the calmingCrashing waves are my guide Omnipotent, almost holy,They seek to cleanse my polluted soulHere, by the seductive sea,I am unshackled. I am free.I am me.
Melody Lee
Don’t bring confusion to my table. Bring flowers. Bring books. Bring cakes.But leave your indecisiveness behind.My heart is not up for breaking (again) and my time is precious.Don’t waste either on murky thoughts and cloudy thinking.
Melody Lee
He thought she was like all the rest... that she'd be swayed by his attention and charm. But she got tired of watching him chase his own ass and dealing with his funny farm.
Alfa H
Every word on every page, represents a love that captured this heart... fully, and never set it free.
Alfa H
Show me a little bit of your soul under all those pretty words you spill, and I promise you I will drink every last drop.
Alfa H
You're asking yourself if you will ever get over it. - I don't believe we ever do. Getting over something implies you floated on past the pain, blew kisses, and waved goodbye while leaping to freedom. I've never been able to jump after having the contents of my heart scattered and sewn over fields that will produce memory-laden blooms. The thing is... you get through it. But the seeds have been planted. Those memories grow. And every morning I still hear: 'He loved me. He loved me not.
Alfa H
In this storyI am the poetYou're the poetry.
Arzum Uzun
For you she learned to wear a short black slipand red lipstick,how to order a glass of red wineand finish it. She learned to reach outas if to touch your arm and then nottouch it, changing the su
Deborah Garrison
There is a throne up there and someone is sitting on it. It is not you, the economy or your government. My God is still on the throne and I shall not worry.
Patience Johnson
My faith gives me the ability to say, whatever is next, I'm ready. If it is Hillary or Trump I am ready because they might sit on the desk but they do not sit on the throne.
Patience Johnson
You don't have to feel grateful in order to be grateful.
Patience Johnson
The closer the relationship, the greater the opportunities for intimacy. However the greater the opportunity the closer to offence. (A bit deep). Nobody can really make you mad more than someone that you really love. Nobody can hurt you like the somebody you have given your heart to.
Patience Johnson
You can't love me if you don't love you, you can't think of nothing to do with me if you can't think of nothing to do with yourself, stop feeling sorry for yourself and tidy up, clean up the apartment until you get a house, do that job until you build your own company. Look at what you have and think on how to make it better.
Patience Johnson
When I call on God, I am not trying to get his attention and I am not trying to get Him to notice me. In all this my journey with Him two questions usually comes to my mind, they are; am I paying attention to him or am I trying to get his attention?
Patience Johnson
Sometimes we are asking God to reveal his presence, provisions and purpose in our lives and we pray like we are trying to get God's attention but I think prayer has less with getting God's attention but He getting mine.
Patience Johnson
Evil is real but God is greater.
Patience Johnson
God always have a perfect way for every imperfect situations.
Patience Johnson
Could it be that while you are waiting for God to come down and help you, God is also waiting for you to get up? Maybe your breakthrough never happen when your situation changes but when you make a determination within yourself without excuses or blaming anybody and not waiting for anyone and stop praying that your situation change but let God change you. Let your prayer be God change me, God work in me, spring out the rivers of living water within me and I bet you, this is where the breakthrough begins.☺just a thought and something to ponder on....
Patience Johnson
The size of a plane does not change the weather but it will get you above it. The size of your faith may not change your situation but it will get you over it.
Patience Johnson
For those of you who are begging God for a breakthrough, this is not the way of getting something from your heavenly father, you don't have to beg him for what He already bought for you, you don't have to beg Him for what He died to give you. You don't have to convince people, you don't have to convince anybody if God likes to do a work in your life, it is done.
Patience Johnson
The more desperate the situation, the more opportunity for miracle. If you need something from God, you need to be at the right place, the right position and at the right time
Patience Johnson
Do you want to feel better or do you want to get well are two different things. Some people go to church to feel better but never get well. Some come to church for comfort and leave unchanged. And that is what sin represents. ..it is a place to be comfortable thereby feeling normal in your own disfunction.
Patience Johnson
Stop praying to God to change your marriage or your finances because you might end up seeing that you are the one that need the change not your marriage or finances.
Patience Johnson
What you see and what you listen to will determine how high you will go.
Patience Johnson
Love, inspirational, life, humor, philosophy, truth, wisdom, happiness, god, hope, romance, death, inspirational-quotes, quotes, faith, poetry,writing, inspiration, knowledge Religion, education, success, relationships, funny, science, life-lessons, books, motivational, spirituality, dreams, fear, freedom, intelligence, friendship, humour, war, motivation, time, women, beauty, reading, art, politics, Christianity, soul, leadership, pain, change, history, people, marriage, nature, peace, music, heart, self-help, spiritual
Patience Johnson
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