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Everyone has that moment I think, the moment when something so momentous happens that it rips your very being into small pieces. And then you have to stop. For a long time, you gather your pieces. And it takes such a very long time, not to fit them back together, but to assemble them in a new way, not necessarily a better way. More, a way you can live with until you know for certain that this piece should go there, and that one there.
Kathleen Glasgow
He placed a pinch of snow on his tongue and thought of making snow ice cream with Frank and their mother when they were small boys - 'First you stir in the vanilla' - Frank standing on a stool on his wondrously functional pre-Libya legs, the bullet that would sever his spinal cord still twenty-five years away but already approaching: a woman giving birth to a child who will someday pull the trigger on a gun, a designer sketching the weapon or its precursor, a dictator making a decision that will spark in the fullness of time into the conflagration that Frank will go overseas to cover for Reuters, the pieces of a pattern drifting closer together.
Emily St. John Mandel
What I would be quite wise to remember is that ‘pieces’ are not the end of what was, but the beginning of what is to be.
Craig D. Lounsbrough
Pieces"Isn't that what all of life is anyway?Shards. Bits. Moments.Am I less because I have fewer, or do the few I have mean more?Am I just as full as anyone else? Enough?Pieces.Allys saying "I like you"Gabriel snorting out bread freeing me to laugh.And Ethan reminding me how much I do know.Pieces.I hold them likethey are life itself.They nearly are.
Mary E. Pearson
When one's life has been shattered into a million pieces, most set out to pick up the pieces & rebuild. Others look at those broken pieces & decide this is their opportunity to start anew, the bigger picture comes into view. They see more, & want better so they leave those pieces scattered as a memorial to who they used to be!
Sanjo Jendayi
One part of Judaism called tikkum olam. It says that the world has been broken into pieces. All this chaos, all this discord. And our job – everyone’s job – is to try to put the pieces back together. To make things whole again ... Maybe we’re the pieces. Maybe what we’re supposed to do is come together. That’s how we stop the breaking.
Rachel Cohn
Tell them about how you're never really a whole person if you remain silent, because there's always that one little piece inside you that wants to be spoken out, and if you keep ignoring it, it gets madder and madder and hotter and hotter, and if you don't speak it out one day it will just up and punch you in the mouth from the inside.
Audre Lorde
I think there's a secret part of me that would like to drop my entire life off a cliff and watch it break into a million pieces
Suzanne Morrison
Divide the big task into small pieces which can be done every day
Sunday Adelaja
The medals of the dead heroes are the coins for the future. (Les médailles des héros morts - Sont les pièces pour l'avenir.)
Charles de Leusse
I use bits and pieces of others personalities to form my own.
Kurt Cobain
Sometimes the hardest pieces of a puzzle to assemble, are the ones missing from the box.
Dixie Waters
Without you everything falls apart. Without you it's not as much fun to pick up the pieces.
Nine Inch Nails
But never forget: When everything feels like it's falling to pieces, the pieces might actually just be falling into place.
Katie Kiesler
She was sitting in a dark room, curled up and her head buried on her knees. His name echoing in her mind, like a thunder over a seashore. She was torn between the happiness brought by the waves, that touched her feet and fear of losing herself in the chaos. created by the sound that shattered her whole world into pieces.
Akshay Vasu
The Raven's author_ _ _Walked down the road, abbreviated so we're told. _ _ The bus came by and one departed,That is to say, he got this. _ _ _Come on now, it's time to play. When water's cold it is that way. _ _ _Put the pieces together, then roll you die. Natural 20! Flying higt!Find the boxes, nearly there:Level up to 7, here is there.
Megan Frazer Blakemore
They weren't smiling and were looking in opposite directions, but it was as if their bodies flowed smoothly into each other's, through their arms and fingers. . . . There was a shared space between their bodies, the confines of which were not well delineated, from which nothing seemed to be missing and in which the air seemed motionless, undisturbed.
Paolo Giordano
Pieces of jigsaw puzzle might all be different but when fit in, completes the story. Expecting all pieces to be the same is craziness, completing the puzzle is what you are born for!!!!
Harrish Sairaman
I wonder at the starry pattern in the skyAre they little pieces of moon which want to fly..?
Munia Khan
Your glass seems like it will always be half full even it falls down and shatters to pieces
Kevin Jared Hosein
Civilization transformed man from a food gatherer to a gatherer of pieces of paper: diplomas, employment contracts, money, etc.
Mokokoma Mokhonoana
I am wishing of a memory, where you gave me everything you hadand where I offered you the pieces that were leftof me.
Richard Pérez
The day you left, it felt like I lost a diary in which I had been writing for so long. Now all that memories flashes in bits and pieces inside my head always and makes me wish that I could sit back and read it all over again.
Akshay Vasu
Specific parts of you personality may be angry and are usually easily evoked. because these parts are dissociated, anger remains an emotion that is not integrated for you as a whole person. Even though individuals with dissociative disorder are responsible for their behavior, just like everyone else, regardless of which part may be acting, they may feel little control of these raging parts of themselves.Some dissociative parts may avoid or even be phobic of anger. They may influence you as a whole person to avoid conflict with others at any cost or to avoid setting healthy boundaries out of fear of someone else’s anger; or they may urge you to withdraw from others almost completely.
Suzette Boon
It may be expedient to take stock of all the affecting pieces that might shatter in the wake of an emotional earthquake, once red flags come up in a committed relationship and an overarching scene has to be fashioned for a recast life experience. ("Waiting for the pieces to fall into place")
Erik Pevernagie
Recollection builds up our personality. Our individuality is based on all the little pieces we assembled in the past. ("The past was her best friend")
Erik Pevernagie
I can be somebody's and still be my own.
Shel Silverstein
The shape of your dreams will not hold if you believe that disbelief is the mending glue. You will only turn back to see the pieces of your dreams if you have the impossibility mindset.
Israelmore Ayivor
Take the broken pieces of your life, bake a master cake out of it. Don't stand still like a lake; keep flowing like a stream!
Israelmore Ayivor
Why have all the pieces joined together to create such a cruel fate?
The greatest legacy a father can leave for his children before he departs is PEACE, otherwise his properties will go in PIECES sooner that he dies.
Israelmore Ayivor
People spend their entire lives searching the world for the pieces that will make them whole, yet those pieces are only found within them.
Ken Poirot
At cocktail parties, I played the part of a successful businessman's wife to perfection. I smiled, I made polite chit-chat, and I dressed the part. Denial and rationalization were two of my most effective tools in working my way through our social obligations. I believed that playing the roles of wife and mother were the least I could do to help support Tom's career.During the day, I was a puzzle with innumerable pieces. One piece made my family a nourishing breakfast. Another piece ferried the kids to school and to soccer practice. A third piece managed to trip to the grocery store. There was also a piece that wanted to sleep for eighteen hours a day and the piece that woke up shaking from yet another nightmare. And there was the piece that attended business functions and actually fooled people into thinking I might have something constructive to offer.I was a circus performer traversing the tightwire, and I could fall off into a vortex devoid of reality at any moment. There was, and had been for a very long time, an intense sense of despair. A self-deprecating voice inside told me I had no chance of getting better. I lived in an emotional black hole.p20-21, talking about dissociative identity disorder (formerly multiple personality disorder).
Suzie Burke
And I pray that the pieces of her broken world will come back together.
James C. Dobson
We've taken the world apart but we have no idea what to do with the pieces.
Chuck Palahniuk
I felt a Cleaving in my Mind—As if my Brain had split—I tried to match it—Seam by Seam—But could not make it fit.The thought behind, I strove to joinUnto the thought before—But Sequence ravelled out of SoundLike Balls—upon a Floor.
Emily Dickinson
The information. Every bit that of information that was ever in your brain. But the information is not the mind Jenna. That we've never accomplished before. What we've done with you is groundbreaking. We cracked the code. The mind is an energy that the brain produces. Think of a glass ball twirling on your fingertip. If it falls, it shatters into a million pieces. All the parts of a ball are still there, but it will never twirl with that force on your fingertip again. The brain is the same way.
Mary E. Pearson
There is no indication that God explained to Joseph what He was doing through those many years of heartache or how the pieces would eventually fit together. He had no ways of knowing that he would eventually enjoy a triumphal reunion with his family. He was expected, as you and I are, to live out his life one day at a time in something less than complete understanding. What pleased God was Joseph’s faithfulness when nothing made sense.
James C. Dobson
I tried to gather all the pieces… I picked each one and fixed them so perfectly. No one could say that I was broken once, unless they see my hands, lacerated by the splinters of my heart.
Jasmine Kiyani
It’s amazing how someone can break your heart, but you still love them with all the little pieces.
Ella Harper
I thought to myself, 'No matter what happens from now on, even if my heart ends up in pieces, this makes it all worth it, this moment.
Sophie Hannah
Everytime, he breaks your heart. And everytime, he expects me to pick up the pieces.
Rainbow Rowell
A fine glass vase goes from treasure to trash, the moment it is broken. Fortunately, something else happens to you and me. Pick up your pieces. Then, help me gather mine.
Vera Nazarian
The doors of the darkest room one had ever seen were openedand everyone was asked to collect the pieces of themselves that they have lost with time all these years. Everyone rushed in and started searching for the pieces that would complete them but all of a sudden they saw the light in the room fading away, they turned around and saw the doors closing back again. They screamed and tried to run back but all of a sudden there were fences all around them, they lost their voice and helplessly stuck in there saw the doors closing. They lost themselves completely in the quest of searching the pieces they had lost before.
Akshay Vasu
Sometimes It feels like time is an evil clown that we always imagine. It gives you everything you ask for, and when you are about to happily embrace every gift that you have received it snatches away everything laughing and clapping at you, watching you fall on your knees and break into pieces.
Akshay Vasu
I have seen people starting the fire with water, turning every breeze into a storm, create chaos out of peace. Few people are meant to destroy everything and themselves no matter what, and if you hold on to them long they will take you into their abyss and tear you into pieces.
Akshay Vasu
I will continue to exist in all these little moments. where we took the first dip of love and my heart skipped a beat. Our first walk, the first touch which burnt my soul, that first rain, the first kiss, the first comfortable silence between us. How many years may pass, Whenever I am sitting near the window and its raining or whenever I am sitting by a fireside and its cold, There will always be a piece of me which reminds me of you. It will stay in this moment forever.
Akshay Vasu
Even after you leave someone, or they leave you and you start your life all over again, pretending that you have moved on. There is always a piece of you that you have left behind with them. You can never get that back, even years together after you said you moved on. The moment you see them you are going to remember the first time you spoke, the first time you walked together. The way each other's fingers touched accidentally for the first time and the way you felt inside their arms. Each and every moment that made you weak. That is what the piece you had left behind of them is capable of doing to you.
Akshay Vasu
How does it feel, to break a part of you each day and feed to the demons inside the other person in the name of love? How many days will you do that? Have your ever thought, about what happens after those demons had enough of you and decide to leave you for the taste of new soul? Look at yourself once. How much of you is remaining for yourself? Will ever get that part of you back?
Akshay Vasu
Sometimes I wonder if we ever truly let anyone completely in. The desire for another human being to know you, all of you, all the pieces, even the ones you’re ashamed of — is huge. But too often, we sit down and sort through the pieces only picking out the pretty ones, leaving the ugly ones behind, not realizing that choosing not to share with someone else is like committing a crime against our very soul
Rachel Van Dyken
Whenever you are angry, take a beautiful object in your house and smash it to pieces. The pity you feel for what you have done is silly compared to what you are doing to your mind: taking a sacred moment to be alive and desecrating it by being angry.
Kamand Kojouri
They burnt down the whole palace and they laughed menacingly. The shadows of the dreams and memories they burnt alive walked all over the ruins, trying to hold on to the charred pieces of their body.
Akshay Vasu
Do you know something about the broken people? They are exactly like a mirror that is been punched and dropped on the floor into pieces and been joined back together. When you stand in front of them they create hundreds of your reflections, but still none of them complete and the moment you try to touch them they will try to hurt you, not because they don't like your reflection in them, it is just because they are afraid of falling again and breaking into more pieces. If you could only see how it feels to be that broken mirror you would never do something that would break a mirror again.
Akshay Vasu
We were just two broken souls trying to fix one another...Somehow I ended up with a piece of you and you me
Evy Michaels
Dividing the goal into pieces must be brought down to the smallest measurable element, a day, to know exactly what to do every day
Sunday Adelaja
You need to think about the month, you need to plan the day, you need to take your elephant and divide into pieces and eat a slice a day
Sunday Adelaja
You need to break a problem into pieces and do what is scheduled for each time slot
Sunday Adelaja
I have always wanted to give you the world, so I started giving you pieces of the oceans that kept us apart.
Karen Quan
Are we biology or God or something higher? I know my heart beats and I listen to it. The beat is biology, but what is the song?
James Frey
You know, life fractures us all into little pieces. It harms us, but it's how we glue those fractures back together that make us stronger.
Carrie Jones
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